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I AM and Ma Om meditation

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Dear group ~ I have not been able to learn the I AM meditation yet. Does

anyone know if Amma still regards the Ma Om meditation as something good to

practice? I'm wondering if I can do that one until I am able to learn the



And by the way, where is everybody?


Blessings to all ~ Linda

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Namah Shivaya, Linda,


Amma and Swamiji continue to lead the Ma Om meditation during every program,

morning and evening, of the North America tour. It is likely so elsewhere too,

but that's all I can state from experience.


The IAM meditation is a different meditation that serves a slightly different

purpose. It would not be accurate to say that the two meditations are

interchangeable; yet, I think Amma's grace would certainly be there in whatever

meditation you do that focuses on Her and invites Her transformative presence.


That said, I have somewhat overstepped my authority in giving anyone advice on

sadhana while I am not particularly advanced in my own practice. I think it is

best to bring sadhana questions to one of Amma's swamis, either in person at the

programs or by contacting Dayamrita Swami, the monk in charge at M A Center in

San Ramon. (He's even on Facebook!) His email is dayamrita. I have

always found his answers to be very compassionate and helpful.


Jai Ma,




Ammachi , nierika wrote:


> Dear group ~ I have not been able to learn the I AM meditation yet. Does

> anyone know if Amma still regards the Ma Om meditation as something good to

> practice? I'm wondering if I can do that one until I am able to learn the

> other.


> And by the way, where is everybody?


> Blessings to all ~ Linda

> **************Recession-proof vacation ideas. Find free things to do in

> the U.S.







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Ammachi , nierika wrote:


> ...if Amma still regards the Ma Om meditation as something good to

> practice? ........


> And by the way, where is everybody?


> Blessings to all ~ Linda



Namaste Linda,


below, I'm reposting my " 108 names of Amma "

which includes many things that Amma teaches us

from which we can pick and choose to practice;

i do not feel that Amma would say that

one thing is better than another;

because Amma says, " one way for all is dangerous "

Amma also has said that,

" it's wrong to say 'in general' that one mantra is better than another "

although on the individual level, it certainly is true that one mantra( or some

mantras ) may be better for you than another


here's my offering to Amma:


Bowing Down with all Gratitude

to our Divine Mother of Love and Grace


Amma came to earth out of compassion

Amma wants us to awaken from this earth dream

Amma wants us to Self-realize " I am Love "

Amma dwells in our hearts

Amma bows down to us to awaken " I am Love " within us


Amma glances at us

Amma touches our forehead and heart

Amma gives us hugs

Amma can hug 30,000 in 22 hours

Amma forgoes food and sleep to serve Her children

Amma goes on world tour every year

Amma has blessed the world with over 20 million hugs


Amma gives chocolate kisses

Amma gives sacred ash for healing

Amma blesses water for healing

Amma showers us with flowers and affection

Amma showers us with Blessings and Grace

Amma wipes away our tears

Amma reads our letters

Amma answers our questions and prayers in many ways


Amma says life is not only for winners, it is also for losers

Amma teaches humility by example

Amma serves us food

Amma does all kinds of work

Amma sweeps, carries heavy rocks, cleans toilets


Amma reveals the true nature of ego~mind~body~world

Amma reveals that mind is a big lie

Amma says thoughts in the head are a big burden

Amma reveals that ego is selfishness and creates misery

Amma reveals that Love is in the heart

Amma says mind should fall from head to heart


Amma says one way for all is dangerous

Amma gives many spiritual practices for dissolving thoughts

Amma says selfless service is the best way to start a spiritual path

Amma says our duty to God is to serve the poor

Amma says perform every action without any selfishness and God will come to you


Amma teaches beautiful devotional songs( bhajans )

Amma encourages talking to God

Amma encourages praying and crying for God

Amma says five minutes of crying is equal to one hour of meditation

Amma encourages faith in God and path of devotion

Amma says God's Grace is the deciding factor in any endeavor


Amma whispers mantra in our ear

Amma plants a seed of Her Divine Essence inside us

Amma fills us with Love


Amma teaches meditation on Silence

Amma teaches Ma-Om meditation

Amma teaches Integrative Amrita Meditation( IAM )

Amma says " remembrance of God " is meditation

Amma encourages continuous repetition of mantra

Amma encourages a fruit fast with silence one day per week

Amma encourages breath awareness

Amma says alertness, awareness and witnessing are needed


Amma encourages Self-Inquiry

Amma encourages " Who am I? "

Amma says we are not the body

Amma says we are the Supreme Self

Amma encourages talking to our mind

Amma encourages mind to surrender to Self


Amma dances for us

Amma meditates with us

Amma tells us spiritual stories

Amma sings beautiful devotional songs

Amma's songs are great teachings

Amma smiles, laughs, cries with us


Amma teaches compassion and forgiveness

Amma says the past is like a canceled check

Amma's Love brings together lions and tigers

( warring factions in Sri Lanka )

Amma heals our deep wounds

Amma accepts everything as God's Will

Amma says live in the present saying `yes' to life

Amma says be careful


Amma is our Inner Teacher and Divine Cosmic Mother

Amma's Presence pulls our minds inward

Amma's Presence pulls our awareness from head to heart

Amma is Peace and Love within us

Amma is guiding and blessing us in life and at death


Amma encourages chanting 1,000 names of the Divine Mother

Amma says chanting will awaken the energy in every nerve of our body

Amma sings MahisasuraMardini to slay the demons of our minds


Amma comes to us in dreams and visions

Amma comes to us physically in disguise

Amma watches over Her children

Amma is aware of our thoughts, feelings, egos

Amma is silencing our minds and dissolving our egos

Amma is leading us to liberation


Amma builds thousands of homes for the homeless

Amma inspires many charities( hospitals, schools, etc )

Amma rebuilds earthquake villages

Amma rebuilds tsunami villages

Amma provides everything for Her children

Amma's brahmacharies lovingly work 16 hours per day to help others

Amma has many good children

Amma fulfills our innocent desires to help others


Amma's miracles are many

Amma healed a leper and many others

Amma treats everyone equally

Amma gives life, protection and refuge

Amma gives us strength

Amma gives us everything for free

Amma expects nothing in return

Amma is happy when Her children are growing spiritually

Amma wants to burn out like incense serving Her children


Amma embodies the highest spiritual qualities

Amma manifests supreme compassion

Amma's great Impersonal Love manifests personally to each one of us

Amma radiates a continuous stream of Love to all creation

Amma's life is Her message

Amma is our Divine Mother ~ Mother of Immortal Bliss ~


Bowing Down with all Gratitude

to our Divine Mother of Love and Grace

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