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relationship and marital troubles related to being a devotee.

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I'm sorry for your health troubles Vaishnavi,

and I don't know the particulars of your

marriage. But I do want to say to those

that may have similar relationship problems,

if you speak like this to your mate, in the

kind of talk of calling Amma Kali Ma and

the sword business (etc), you're literally asking

for your mate to get angry and vengeful,

abusive, whatever. I've seen it happen

not just amongst Amma devotees, but anyone

that talks in that poetic-spiritual-space cadet

language. It's a dead giveaway you're talking

to someone who chooses not to be in a respectful

state of mind when communicating (ie. la-la-land).


Put yourself in your husband's shoes. Did he

sign up for all this, cult or not? Usually the

spouse or mate of a devotee feels like the

relationship has been hi-jacked, that their mate

no longer makes decisions, but is controlled

by whims, feelings about Amma, etc. NO RELATIONSHIP

can work that way. Too often the devotee

has no sense of empathy for their spouse and

only sees themselves as a victim. The

devotee planted the seeds for all the troubles

by expecting their spouse to go along with

the sporatic emotional ups and downs of

an Amma-bot's mind.


I don't mean to jump on you, but most of the time

when I've seen huge negative reactions by non-devotees

(Amma or not) in a nasty breakup, it's because the

devotee can't be reasoned with over ANYTHING.



Ammachi , Vaishnavi Fantuzzi <vaishnavifantuzzi



> I offer the deepest respect and a gratitude that will never cease, thank you

and your wife for turning a gigantic fear into a managable belief; and helping

me to understand it's meaning.  You see I have asked Amma to lay her sword upon

my neck when I first met her, and she gently pounded my back while I was on her

lap and started talking really loud.  I am careful about asking Kali Ma these

days since I have been sliced open and had 4 feet of my stomach removed, and I

just had a full hysterictomi.  I start my interferon treatment next month, and I

know Amma will be with me; during the past 2 operations they pinned Amma's

picture to my heart!  Amma is also helping me through a 20 year marriage that is

the process of divorce.  So you see the stress is constantly chasing me.  I

breathe and do japa and know my Mother is with me, I justg could not take it if

I made Amma mad.  That's why I'm doing my treatment then going to San Jose to be

at the

> satsangs at the ashram.

> Blessings at her perfect Lotus Feet

> vaishnavi



> Whatever merit is acquired by one, through pilgrimmages and from bathing in

the Sacred Waters extending to the seven seas, cannot be equal to even one

thousandth part of the merit derived from partaking the water with the Guru's

Feet are washed.


> Guru Gita

> Verses 157, 87


> At Her Perfect Lotus Feet

> Vaishnavi






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