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relationship and the undkindness of strangers

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Ammachi , " bluepearllight " <bluepearllight wrote:


> I'm sorry for your health troubles Vaishnavi,

> and I don't know the particulars of your

> marriage. But I do want to say to those

> that may have similar relationship problems,

> if you speak like this to your mate, in the

> kind of talk of calling Amma Kali Ma and

> the sword business (etc), you're literally asking

> for your mate to get angry and vengeful,

> abusive, whatever.....................


Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!




tom, you are being unnecessarily unkind to an already suffering soul, and are

merely adding MORE suffering to her already large load....blame is not an

appropriate response to what she said (whether there is any truth or

not!)...considering that as you yourself said, you know nothing of their

marriage, it is both premature and unnecessary to speculate that the marriage

breakup is her fault just because she is a devotee....


it can be hard on relationships if one is a devotee and the other not...but both

people should be able to be " mature " enough to be able to work around this...or

make changes appropriate for them. it is probably a lot better if both partners

are either devotees, or not....


it is true that some devotees are unable to be related with in a logical or

practical way, but this does not apply to all of them...and for all you know

vaishnavi only speaks in that mystico-poetical way on the Amma list, or at

retreats, or satsangs....you have no idea whether she ever spoke in this manner

to her husband, whether she even felt safe enough to speak like that....and then

when she feels like she is among her brothers and sisters, all Amma's

children...when she feels safe to write that way, she gets jumped on by

you....the original iconoclast!!! thanks a lot...but please have a bit more

respect for people's feelings and vulnerabilities...don't take advantage of them

when they're down!!


and vaishnavi...don't let tom get under your skin....don't let him get you

down...that's just how he is.....can't resist poking in the most painful

spots...hasn't grown up enough yet to have a little compassion for his fellow

sufferers on this earth plane...but we're hopeful that one day....


in Amma's Divine Love,

and in Her Service,

as ever,

your own Self,




OM Amrtesvaryai Namah!~

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Sharing truths is not being unnecessarily unkind. If I wanted to

be unkind, I'd remind her how many people pass away from illnesses,

even those close to Amma physically. The latest SatsangNuggets

video-talk gives an example of this. But what will be shared

later is Sw.Paramatmananda's more scathing (ie honest) account

of what occurred around Br.Nirmalamrita's illness and death.


She gave a satsang talk, and yet later had no real understanding

of what Amma's here to teach. She didn't want to die because

she didn't want to be away from Amma (@#$%$#%^ & !!!). I archived

that talk from the old streaming satsangs from ammachi.org,

along with Br.Nirmalamrita's talk (ie, spiritual poetry). They

won't be posted until I'm done with both Sw. P's talks and

Sw. A's cassettes.


What are people to think when someone posts cryptic

messages like Vaishnavi does? Besides, pointing out one

cause is not necessarily blame. And if it were blame,

then at least there can be accountability instead of

no-ones-to-blame, it-just-happens, or rhetoric-of

I-take-responsibility-for-my-part. What-part?

Whatever-I-did. And-thats-what? What-I-take

responsibility-for. rinse-and-repeat.


Ammachi , " visvanathan s " <kasi_visvanath wrote:


> Namaste!


> tom, you are being unnecessarily unkind to an already suffering soul, and are

merely adding MORE suffering to her already large load....blame is not an

appropriate response to what she said (whether there is any truth or

not!)...considering that as you yourself said, you know nothing of their

marriage, it is both premature and unnecessary to speculate that the marriage

breakup is her fault just because she is a devotee....


> it can be hard on relationships if one is a devotee and the other not...but

both people should be able to be " mature " enough to be able to work around

this...or make changes appropriate for them. it is probably a lot better if both

partners are either devotees, or not....


> it is true that some devotees are unable to be related with in a logical or

practical way, but this does not apply to all of them...and for all you know

vaishnavi only speaks in that mystico-poetical way on the Amma list, or at

retreats, or satsangs....you have no idea whether she ever spoke in this manner

to her husband, whether she even felt safe enough to speak like that....and then

when she feels like she is among her brothers and sisters, all Amma's

children...when she feels safe to write that way, she gets jumped on by

you....the original iconoclast!!! thanks a lot...but please have a bit more

respect for people's feelings and vulnerabilities...don't take advantage of them

when they're down!!


> and vaishnavi...don't let tom get under your skin....don't let him get you

down...that's just how he is.....can't resist poking in the most painful

spots...hasn't grown up enough yet to have a little compassion for his fellow

sufferers on this earth plane...but we're hopeful that one day....


> in Amma's Divine Love,

> and in Her Service,

> as ever,

> your own Self,


> visvanathan


> OM Amrtesvaryai Namah!~


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Ammachi , " bluepearllight " <bluepearllight wrote:


>>>>>>>>> Sharing truths is not being unnecessarily unkind. If I wanted to be

unkind, I'd remind her how many people pass away from illnesses, even those

close to Amma physically<<<<<<<<<<<


.......dear tom, i can understand that you are not necessarily intending to be

unkind....but only sharing with us the " truth " as you see it...believe me when i

say, that mostly i do appreciate your input as it inspires one to re-examine

more closely one's behaviours and understandings and so forth...and for that i

thank you.


i do remember that Amma (and other spiritual teachers as well) has said that we

should always speak the truth....EXCEPT when that truth will seriously hurt

someone.....and i think that we should be very sensitive to other people's pain

and their needs, and that we should attempt to help, in as much as we can...


i'm sure you understand this, and you may very well feel the same way...and it

may just be that you have differnt ideas of what " sensitive to other's pain " and

" helping them " just might mean....so i can understand that in your own way you

may be trying to help her cut through her mystico-poetical-spiritual

way of thinking and writing....you see this as unnecessary verbiage, and non

representing of reality but only serving to confuse people further....is this

right? and you are like the surgeon, excising the dead matter....removing the

excess......leaving only the pristine, nonverbal truth.


i don't think it is unkind to remind us all that just because you are " close " to

Amma (physically or otherwise), does not mean that you will not get sick and die

of some disease, or get run over by that semi trailer, or, or, or.....of course

i would think that we all KNOW this....just because we are Amma's children does

not guarantee any improvement in the objective day to day challenge of simply

staying alive....we still get chronic diseases, or the ones we had get

worse....we still could have an accident...we will all die, sooner or

later....in 100 years, none of us will be here any longer, unless reincarnated

as somebody else at the time....


the only hope that we have is NOT that Amma will take away our diseases and give

us physical immortality, but that Amma will help us through our faith in, and

our connection with Her, to have the ability to at least withstand the slings

and arrows of outrageous fortune, that fate will inevitably send our way, as the

planetary transits and vimshottari dashas will indicate for every traveller on

this world stage....


we can only hope that Mother will grant us some tranquillity, some inner peace,

some forebearance, some patience, and a certain stoicism, as well as more

importantly, some compassion and love for our poor suffering brothers and

sisters....perhaps if we can feel for others, we can take our minds OFF our own

petty (or not so petty) sufferings.......


>>>>>>>>>> What are people to think when someone posts cryptic

> messages like Vaishnavi does? Besides, pointing out one

> cause is not necessarily blame. And if it were blame,

> then at least there can be accountability instead of

> no-ones-to-blame, it-just-happens, or rhetoric-of

> I-take-responsibility-for-my-part. What-part?

> Whatever-I-did. And-thats-what? What-I-take

> responsibility-for. rinse-and-repeat.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


.............eh.....whazzat? you've just gone and fried my brain circuits

here....i could understand the first sentence, but after that, i started

wondering " is it me? am i losing my ability to read? or is this guy writing

something too dense for me????


anyways....i'm not sure what your point was above...would you please be so kind

as to translate your above paragraph into something that my poor little mind

could make some sense out of?...


In Divine Mother's Love,

and in Her Service,

as ever,

your own Self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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I would like to thank visvanathan

I did not know my " 60's " speak would offend, and I know Mother knows my heart.

I really need the support of all of the devotees, as I support them. I do what

I can. I was simply at a really terrifying place and Tom I wish you could have

had my " Back " when the Police were here the other night. I am a frightened,

verbally abused woman my husband drinks 10 hrs a day. How was Amma fousted upon

my Husband? Amma is my Guru, I gave her my alcohol, my ciggerettes, my drugs,

and I am trying to rid the vasanas. I will get off the group if I'm not

intellegent enough. I'm not always suffering and sad. Gosh this was my safe

place. Love to all vaishnavi

Oh by the way I know a great deal of Kali Ma, and for some invoking her name

causes some disharmony in some homes, Amma has said in One one the Awaken

Children books. But friends the 1st Murti I ever saw was Kali Ma. and over the

past 5 years Amma & I have had some Kali Leela. I still hold the intent, the

love and thank you everyone

Ammachi , " visvanathan s " <kasi_visvanath wrote:


> Ammachi , " bluepearllight " <bluepearllight@> wrote:

> >

> >>>>>>>>> Sharing truths is not being unnecessarily unkind. If I wanted to be

unkind, I'd remind her how many people pass away from illnesses, even those

close to Amma physically<<<<<<<<<<<


> ......dear tom, i can understand that you are not necessarily intending to be

unkind....but only sharing with us the " truth " as you see it...believe me when i

say, that mostly i do appreciate your input as it inspires one to re-examine

more closely one's behaviours and understandings and so forth...and for that i

thank you.


> i do remember that Amma (and other spiritual teachers as we has said that we

should always speak the truth....EXCEPT when that truth will seriously hurt

someone.....and i think that we should be very sensitive to other people's pain

and their needs, and that we should attempt to help, in as much as we can...


> i'm sure you understand this, and you may very well feel the same way...and it

may just be that you have differnt ideas of what " sensitive to other's pain " and

" helping them " just might mean....so i can understand that in your own way you

may be trying to help her cut through her mystico-poetical-spiritual

> way of thinking and writing....you see this as unnecessary verbiage, and non

representing of reality but only serving to confuse people further....is this

right? and you are like the surgeon, excising the dead matter....removing the

excess......leaving only the pristine, nonverbal truth.


> i don't think it is unkind to remind us all that just because you are " close "

to Amma (physically or otherwise), does not mean that you will not get sick and

die of some disease, or get run over by that semi trailer, or, or, or.....of

course i would think that we all KNOW this....just because we are Amma's

children does not guarantee any improvement in the objective day to day

challenge of simply staying alive....we still get chronic diseases, or the ones

we had get worse....we still could have an accident...we will all die, sooner or

later....in 100 years, none of us will be here any longer, unless reincarnated

as somebody else at the time....


> the only hope that we have is NOT that Amma will take away our diseases and

give us physical immortality, but that Amma will help us through our faith in,

and our connection with Her, to have the ability to at least withstand the

slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, that fate will inevitably send our way,

as the planetary transits and vimshottari dashas will indicate for every

traveller on this world stage....


> we can only hope that Mother will grant us some tranquillity, some inner

peace, some forebearance, some patience, and a certain stoicism, as well as

more importantly, some compassion and love for our poor suffering brothers and

sisters....perhaps if we can feel for others, we can take our minds OFF our own

petty (or not so petty) sufferings.......


> >>>>>>>>>> What are people to think when someone posts cryptic

> > messages like Vaishnavi does? Besides, pointing out one

> > cause is not necessarily blame. And if it were blame,

> > then at least there can be accountability instead of

> > no-ones-to-blame, it-just-happens, or rhetoric-of

> > I-take-responsibility-for-my-part. What-part?

> > Whatever-I-did. And-thats-what? What-I-take

> > responsibility-for. rinse-and-repeat.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

> >

> ............eh.....whazzat? you've just gone and fried my brain circuits

here....i could understand the first sentence, but after that, i started

wondering " is it me? am i losing my ability to read? or is this guy writing

something too dense for me????


> anyways....i'm not sure what your point was above...would you please be so

kind as to translate your above paragraph into something that my poor little

mind could make some sense out of?...


> In Divine Mother's Love,

> and in Her Service,

> as ever,

> your own Self,


> visvanathan


> Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!


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No, please don't get off the group, Vaishnavi. It has nothing to do

with intelligence. Don't let one negative voice (someone else's

vasana's) discourage you. You belong here, and we support you 100%.






>I was simply at a really terrifying place and Tom I wish you could

>have had my " Back " when the Police were here the other night. I am a

>frightened, verbally abused woman my husband drinks 10 hrs a day.

>How was Amma fousted upon my Husband? Amma is my Guru, I gave her my

>alcohol, my ciggerettes, my drugs, and I am trying to rid the

>vasanas. I will get off the group if I'm not intellegent enough. I'm

>not always suffering and sad. Gosh this was my safe place. Love to

>all vaishnavi



Max Dashu

Suppressed Histories Archives: Real women, global vision



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..place your attention on THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


fluctuation's will come and go.place your heart and mind and spirit and soul on






do that first before u respond to anyone.cry out to HER alone.u owe no one any

explanation's.human's will always let us down.our minds will as well.SHE

WONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!PRAY FOR

ALL!!!!!!!111KEEP YOUR MIND PURE......................PRAY THE BEST FOR





Sun, 20 Sep 2009 19:34:13 +0000

Re: relationship and the undkindness of strangers






















Ammachi , " bluepearllight "

<bluepearllight wrote:




>>>>>>>>> Sharing truths is not being unnecessarily unkind. If I wanted to be

unkind, I'd remind her how many people pass away from illnesses, even those

close to Amma physically<<<<<<<<<<<




.......dear tom, i can understand that you are not necessarily intending to be

unkind....but only sharing with us the " truth " as you see it...believe me when i

say, that mostly i do appreciate your input as it inspires one to re-examine

more closely one's behaviours and understandings and so forth...and for that i

thank you.




i do remember that Amma (and other spiritual teachers as well) has said that we

should always speak the truth....EXCEPT when that truth will seriously hurt

someone.....and i think that we should be very sensitive to other people's pain

and their needs, and that we should attempt to help, in as much as we can...




i'm sure you understand this, and you may very well feel the same way...and it

may just be that you have differnt ideas of what " sensitive to other's pain " and

" helping them " just might mean....so i can understand that in your own way you

may be trying to help her cut through her mystico-poetical-spiritual


way of thinking and writing....you see this as unnecessary verbiage, and non

representing of reality but only serving to confuse people further....is this

right? and you are like the surgeon, excising the dead matter....removing the

excess......leaving only the pristine, nonverbal truth.




i don't think it is unkind to remind us all that just because you are " close " to

Amma (physically or otherwise), does not mean that you will not get sick and die

of some disease, or get run over by that semi trailer, or, or, or.....of course

i would think that we all KNOW this....just because we are Amma's children does

not guarantee any improvement in the objective day to day challenge of simply

staying alive....we still get chronic diseases, or the ones we had get

worse....we still could have an accident...we will all die, sooner or

later....in 100 years, none of us will be here any longer, unless reincarnated

as somebody else at the time....




the only hope that we have is NOT that Amma will take away our diseases and give

us physical immortality, but that Amma will help us through our faith in, and

our connection with Her, to have the ability to at least withstand the slings

and arrows of outrageous fortune, that fate will inevitably send our way, as the

planetary transits and vimshottari dashas will indicate for every traveller on

this world stage....




we can only hope that Mother will grant us some tranquillity, some inner peace,

some forebearance, some patience, and a certain stoicism, as well as more

importantly, some compassion and love for our poor suffering brothers and

sisters....perhaps if we can feel for others, we can take our minds OFF our own

petty (or not so petty) sufferings.......




>>>>>>>>>> What are people to think when someone posts cryptic


> messages like Vaishnavi does? Besides, pointing out one


> cause is not necessarily blame. And if it were blame,


> then at least there can be accountability instead of


> no-ones-to-blame, it-just-happens, or rhetoric-of


> I-take-responsibility-for-my-part. What-part?


> Whatever-I-did. And-thats-what? What-I-take


> responsibility-for. rinse-and-repeat.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<




.............eh.....whazzat? you've just gone and fried my brain circuits

here....i could understand the first sentence, but after that, i started

wondering " is it me? am i losing my ability to read? or is this guy writing

something too dense for me????




anyways....i'm not sure what your point was above...would you please be so kind

as to translate your above paragraph into something that my poor little mind

could make some sense out of?...




In Divine Mother's Love,


and in Her Service,


as ever,


your own Self,








Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!
























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Thanks for sharing more details, Vaishnavi, at least

'enough' details so AVERAGE people know you're not

some Ammabot seeking attention through dramatics.

Support of someone that does that is NOT supporting

a healthy lifestyle, spiritual or not.


I've known too many people that CLAIM mental and verbal

abuse, but they actually instigate it by their own

personality flaws or are exaggerating for attention.

In their IGNORANCE and selfishness they ruin the

reputations of innocent men.


There is no 'safe' place when it comes to honesty (ie, reality).

No offense was meant, but what you had presented could

not go ignored in the fashion you presented it.



-- In Ammachi , " Vaishnavi " <vaishnavifantuzzi wrote:

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