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relationship and the undkindness of strangers..AGAIN !!!

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Ammachi , " bluepearllight " <bluepearllight wrote:


> >>>>>>>>>>>Thanks for sharing more details, Vaishnavi, at least

> 'enough' details so AVERAGE people know you're not

> some Ammabot seeking attention through dramatics.

> Support of someone that does that is NOT supporting

> a healthy lifestyle, spiritual or not.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


......dear Tom, if you had been paying attention earlier, over the months after

Vaishnavi joined you would have known from her writings (and those of her

daughter, Brianna (Prajna)) that she has been going thrugh some really rough

time...and that what she is saying is NOT seeking for more attention like the

" ammabots " you seem to hate so much...but merely sharing where she is...in a

very rough spot...and although i suspect she is too shy to ask it,

i think that such writings would immediately be inviting us, her brothers and

sisters to pray for her at the least...and to offer support, verbal and

otherwise as much as we can.....


and what does it matter whether " average " people know what is going on or not???

who among us is average???? the average person is NOT an Amma devotee...the

average person doesn't seem to give a damn about anyone but him/herself, and

family....the average person is not someone that i would tell anything personal

or private to....


in fact, dear Tom, the average person does NOT EXIST...except in your

imagination....average is a statistical way of reducing to a manageable

mathematical expression, living breathing flesh and blood humans, each of whom

is a unique individual with his or her own unique life story, which may share

some points with some other people....even those will be only superficially

similar, as each person has a unique life experience as a lens through which to

view one's career through this world....Average is only a word, and only valid

for incomes and house prices....not for psychologically " judging " other




>>>>>>>>>>>> I've known too many people that CLAIM mental and verbal

> abuse, but they actually instigate it by their own

> personality flaws or are exaggerating for attention.

> In their IGNORANCE and selfishness they ruin the

> reputations of innocent men.<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<


.........i think again you go too far here, and you are painting with a very

broad brush what should be covered with a tiny little detail brush.....who are

you to judge whether someone has " instigated " someone to abuse and batter

him/her?????? there is NEVER any excuse for abuse, mental or physical.....


if someone is getting to you, LEAVE!!!!there is NO EXCUSE in this world good

enough to explain why you would remain and beat someone to within an inch of

his/her life....NO EXCUSE ....you can't say that ANYONE instigates their own

abuse no matter what they say or do....the abuser ALWAYS has the choice to just

get up and leave....no matter WHAT the " victim " says or does to him/her.


what you are suggesting is definitely on the slippery slope to something very

much like radical fundamental Islamic practices, namely blaming the victim for

rape, or abuse, and then killing the victim, due to the honour of the family

being besmirched by the victim's simply surviving the rape or abuse.....this is

only a little further down that slippery slope from your stand, which indicates

that we should blame the VICTIM for the perpetrator's crimes.....that view won't

stand up in any court of law that i ever heard of, EXCEPT the Sharia



> >>>>>>>>>>>There is no 'safe' place when it comes to honesty (ie, reality).

> No offense was meant, but what you had presented could

> not go ignored in the fashion you presented it. <<<<<<<<<<<


............tom, did you read what i said earlier.....that it is all fine and

dandy to tell the truth always....UNLESS that truth will cause HARM....unless

that truth will seriously hurt someone, unless that truth may send the person

into a deep and ever deepening well of depression....do you still think it's ok

to tell someone a truth which may drive one to suicide? or which hurts their

self-confidence so much that they may become mentally unstable or even ill....is

it ok with your truth to precipitate a psychotic breakdown, or even a so-called

" nervous " breakdown, into depression and paranoia?


is it still ok to tell a person the truth when that truth may ruin their lives

as they see it????


that's NOT what AMMA or many other spiritual teachers would say...they would say

that in this case it WOULD have been better to have said absolutely NOTHING at

all.....and really what she had presented to us, her brothers and sisters, that

she trusted with her private and intimate feelings, did NOT deserve to be dealt

with as you dealt with her....and really what she said and how she said it COULD

easily have been ignored, rather than to say the hurtful things that you did

say.....blaming the victim for the crime against her....really tom how can you

even contemplate that to be true....what century do you come from? or what

planet? where truth must be had at all costs?


you could easily have ingored her posting, or have said something sympathetic

and helpful...expressing a little compassion...but no you had to put your big

foot right into the middle of it.... and let everyone know again that indeed you

are behaving badly, like the bull in the china shop....the bull may intend good

things but the reality is that every twist and turn of his body is breaking

china...wrecking the shop...


whether you " intended " to hurt her or not the facts are that you DID hurt

her....as we have all learned many years ago... " the road to Hell is PAVED with

good intentions " .....


as a student of jyotish, Tom, you MUST know that intentions count for zilch,

unless backed up by action.....and whether we intend to hurt someone or not,

still if we DO hurt them...this is an immediate download of negative karmas onto

our own " bill of lading " karma wise, and we WILL have to pay for that well

intentioned action that caused pain...karmas are nothing more than the blessings

and curses of those who we have hurt or helped....and intentions get us NOWHERE

here...only the cold hard facts of what we DO and SAY, counts in the long



if our words or deeds hurt others we are incurring negative karmas which WILL

come due one day in this or another life...so in my mind the best approach in

this life is to do everything we can to avoid creating MORE negative karmas...in

other words, treat everyone of our brothers and sisters here, on this earth

plane with as much Love and Compassiona as we can...avoiding negative comments

and cutting jokes and painful acts with all the strength that we can command....



COMPASSION..and...LOVE....those are the operative words here...if we can't

manifest a little loving compassion for our dear sisters and brothers here on

the list, what good are we? what kind of devotees or students of the Divine can

we be if we have no compassion or love? considering that the Divine is nothing

BUT love...if we manifest it's opposite, who then, are we representing

here.....certainly not Amma, nor any other spiritual teacher nor tradition that

i'm aware of...as they are ALL founded upon compassion and love for one's fellow



how does it come dear tom that you are not aware of all this?

and how can you express yourself in such an uncaring cutting, sarcastic and

cruel way, and yet call yourself a devotee? (i know you're not considering

yourself as an Amma devotee, really...but if you are a devotee of the Divine in

any form it does not compute that you can behave like that and feel like it's



we're supposed to be working on our vasanas, attempting to become more aware of

them, and reducing their influences upon our lives, rather than EXPRESSING our

vasanas and STRENGTHENING them....


that means that we should return good for evil, kindness for unkindness,

compassion for cruelty and so on....you know all this, and yet you appear not to

believe that it is true or important to learn to behave properly....Yogananda's

Guru, Sw. Sri Yukteswar told him that the first and most important task for the

young Yogananda was to " Learn to behave " ....and that's what he worked on for

years....Mother hasn't necessarily told us that in so many words...but Her every

satsang, Her every advice to us shouts out that advice to us... " LEARN TO

BEHAVE " ....and by that is meant Compassion and Loving treatment of all who are

around us in this life....


to properly practise any kind of yoga, we need to learn the yamas and niyamas.

otherwise we can not be said to be yogis...and what are these yamas and niyamas

teaching us? " LEARN TO BEHAVE " ....


if we do Learn to behave, we will naturally and with the least amount of effort,

reduce our karmic creations, both negative and positive....as both positive and

negative karmas will serve equally well to bring us back for another kick at the

can that is life....really the aim in my view is to avoid creating more karmas

of ANY kind insofar as we are able....that is the only way to reduce our karmic

debtload....the only way which offers an escape, eventually from this ever

revolving Wheel of Samsara, the wheel of birth and death and

Karmas...........that is our true goal is it not?


we cannot simply hold on to all our old vasanas good and bad, and expect that

even though we are carrying that vast weight around on our backs, we should get

liberated in this life....first things first....first clean our our emotional

and physical lives somewhat, and THEN move on into the karmaless dawn....


'nuff said.


in Amma's Divine Love,

and in Her Service,

as ever,

your own Self,




Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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My God, V, you're reminding me of certain devotees that send me 7-page emails

expecting me to read it all.


And I HAVE been paying attention: This so-called Amma forum is mostly New Age

and Non-Amma Advaita talk if YOU'VE been paying attention.


Ammachi , " visvanathan s " <kasi_visvanath wrote:


> .....dear Tom, if you had been paying attention earlier, over the months after

Vaishnavi joined you would have known from her writings (and those of her

daughter, Brianna (Prajna)) that she has been going thrugh some really rough

time...and that what she is saying is NOT seeking for more attention like the

" ammabots " you seem to hate so much...but merely sharing where she is...in a

very rough spot...and although i suspect she is too shy to ask it,

> i think that such writings would immediately be inviting us, her brothers and

sisters to pray for her at the least...and to offer support, verbal and

otherwise as much as we can.....


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Ammachi , " bluepearllight " <bluepearllight wrote:


> My God, V, you're reminding me of certain devotees that send me 7-page emails

expecting me to read it all.


> And I HAVE been paying attention: This so-called Amma forum is mostly New Age

and Non-Amma Advaita talk if YOU'VE been paying attention.


>Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!




sorry i over extended your reading limit tom...i wondered if it might have....i

do tend to go on sometimes, and then fail to edit some of it out, cause i'm too



anyways, you do have a point about the new age and advaita stuffs....and i have

noticed it.....don't read much of it.


i just ignore those mostly.....


as ever,

your own Self,



Om Amrtesvaryai Namah!

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