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In Genesis chapter one, God says that his creation is good and it was because it

was all LOVE. Then in second chapter, God says " who told you that you are

naked? " It was the mind that created words/labels with which to conceptualize

and judge, thus creating knowledge of good and evil.


Chapter one was all about LOVE and chapter two is all about LAW( Karma, the

golden rule, for every action there is an equal reaction ).

As long as we identify with the mind and allow it to be master, we are under

LAW/Karma not LOVE.


From the cosmic perspective, there is no injustice in the world no matter how

horrible something may seem to us because the golden rule is infallible ~ " what

we have done to others is what others do to us. "

So, it is the mind which creates heaven or hell for each of us and no one other

is responsible for each of our lives. Jesus, Amma, Babaji, and so many others

give us guidance how to keep our mind sattvic/positive/heavenly. It is up to

each one of us to take the advice or not.


Organizations are simply a collective of individuals and you as the individual

either add to it in a heavenly way or in a hellish way.


Furthermore, we are guided, that a sattvic mind is not the ultimate as there is

always chance of a fall if we do not know who we truly are; thus our ultimate

goal should be to " know who we are. "


" Know ye not that your body-mind was meant to be a spiritual temple in which the

Spirit-Love of God dwelleth? "


When we realize that our true identity is not body-mind but the Spirit-Love-God,

we will be Home-Free.


Above is my best understanding of studying so many teachers in chronological

order( not all are listed here ): Jesus Christ, J. Krishnamurti, Maharishi

Mahesh Yogi, Yogananda, Babaji, Krishna, Lao Tzu, Budha, Amma, Amma's Swamis,

Stuart Schwartz, Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta, Dada Bhagawan, Mooji, Burt

Harding, Amma, Amma, Amma, Amma's devotees in this group, and so many others.


One thing I have learned, in my 70 years of life, is that nothing is certain.

There are many surprises, some pleasant, some not so pleasant.


I have found it in self-interest to do my best not to blame anyone.


Whatever happens is all our karma and God's Grace. I was born in 1939 in the

midst of world war II in Ukraine at the mercy of the " evil " communists on one

side and the " evil " natzis on the other. Well, due to our karma and God's Grace

we encountered NOT the typical cruel natzis but young German soldiers away from

home who did not mistreat us. My parents gave food and offered shelter to a

teenage Jewish boy passing through; he took the food, but went on his way not

wanting to endanger a family with young children. Earlier in my mother's life

during the man made famine( when millions starved ), my mother was arrested by

communists; fortunately, the top police officer told her that he was not a real

communist, he actually was there to help people like my mother, to let her go.


Taking everything into consideration, how was it possible for my mom, dad,

grandmother, and three children to end up in the good old USA?


It's all karma and God's Grace. Let us pray:


Dear God, karmically, I may not be deserving of Your Grace, but since I have

committed myself NOT TO BLAME ANYONE, but try my best to forgive others and

myself, what choice do You have, but to forgive me and shower Your grace upon

me. Thank you God, I am sorry, please forgive me, I love You. Thank You for

Amma. You are my Amma.


Jai !

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Dear Anatol,

Thank you for this post and so many others. You are such a strong and

loving teacher as you teach from the HEART, and i understand this. Thank

you...Love, mare


On Tue, 05 Jan 2010 15:19:57 -0000 " anatol_zinc " <anatol_zinc



> In Genesis chapter one, God says that his creation is good and it

> was because it was all LOVE. Then in second chapter, God says " who

> told you that you are naked? " It was the mind that created

> words/labels with which to conceptualize and judge, thus creating

> knowledge of good and evil.


> Chapter one was all about LOVE and chapter two is all about LAW(

> Karma, the golden rule, for every action there is an equal reaction

> ).

> As long as we identify with the mind and allow it to be master, we

> are under LAW/Karma not LOVE.


> From the cosmic perspective, there is no injustice in the world no

> matter how horrible something may seem to us because the golden rule

> is infallible ~ " what we have done to others is what others do to

> us. "

> So, it is the mind which creates heaven or hell for each of us and

> no one other is responsible for each of our lives. Jesus, Amma,

> Babaji, and so many others give us guidance how to keep our mind

> sattvic/positive/heavenly. It is up to each one of us to take the

> advice or not.


> Organizations are simply a collective of individuals and you as the

> individual either add to it in a heavenly way or in a hellish way.


> Furthermore, we are guided, that a sattvic mind is not the ultimate

> as there is always chance of a fall if we do not know who we truly

> are; thus our ultimate goal should be to " know who we are. "


> " Know ye not that your body-mind was meant to be a spiritual temple

> in which the Spirit-Love of God dwelleth? "


> When we realize that our true identity is not body-mind but the

> Spirit-Love-God, we will be Home-Free.


> Above is my best understanding of studying so many teachers in

> chronological order( not all are listed here ): Jesus Christ, J.

> Krishnamurti, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Yogananda, Babaji, Krishna, Lao

> Tzu, Budha, Amma, Amma's Swamis, Stuart Schwartz, Ramana Maharshi,

> Nisargadatta, Dada Bhagawan, Mooji, Burt Harding, Amma, Amma, Amma,

> Amma's devotees in this group, and so many others.


> One thing I have learned, in my 70 years of life, is that nothing is

> certain. There are many surprises, some pleasant, some not so

> pleasant.


> I have found it in self-interest to do my best not to blame anyone.


> Whatever happens is all our karma and God's Grace. I was born in

> 1939 in the midst of world war II in Ukraine at the mercy of the

> " evil " communists on one side and the " evil " natzis on the other.

> Well, due to our karma and God's Grace we encountered NOT the

> typical cruel natzis but young German soldiers away from home who

> did not mistreat us. My parents gave food and offered shelter to a

> teenage Jewish boy passing through; he took the food, but went on

> his way not wanting to endanger a family with young children.

> Earlier in my mother's life during the man made famine( when

> millions starved ), my mother was arrested by communists;

> fortunately, the top police officer told her that he was not a real

> communist, he actually was there to help people like my mother, to

> let her go.


> Taking everything into consideration, how was it possible for my

> mom, dad, grandmother, and three children to end up in the good old

> USA?


> It's all karma and God's Grace. Let us pray:


> Dear God, karmically, I may not be deserving of Your Grace, but

> since I have committed myself NOT TO BLAME ANYONE, but try my best

> to forgive others and myself, what choice do You have, but to

> forgive me and shower Your grace upon me. Thank you God, I am sorry,

> please forgive me, I love You. Thank You for Amma. You are my Amma.


> Jai !




> ---



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Namaste _()_


Anatol _Zinc


Just wanted to say thanks for this posting. . .and your voice that has

taken a path with heart and goodness. . .


Aum Amriteswaryai Namaha

in Amma

ordinary sparrow




Ammachi , " anatol_zinc " <anatol_zinc wrote:



> In Genesis chapter one, God says that his creation is good and it was

because it was all LOVE. Then in second chapter, God says " who told you

that you are naked? " It was the mind that created words/labels with

which to conceptualize and judge, thus creating knowledge of good and



> Chapter one was all about LOVE and chapter two is all about LAW(

Karma, the golden rule, for every action there is an equal reaction ).

> As long as we identify with the mind and allow it to be master, we are

under LAW/Karma not LOVE.


> From the cosmic perspective, there is no injustice in the world no

matter how horrible something may seem to us because the golden rule is

infallible ~ " what we have done to others is what others do to us. "

> So, it is the mind which creates heaven or hell for each of us and no

one other is responsible for each of our lives. Jesus, Amma, Babaji, and

so many others give us guidance how to keep our mind

sattvic/positive/heavenly. It is up to each one of us to take the advice

or not.


> Organizations are simply a collective of individuals and you as the

individual either add to it in a heavenly way or in a hellish way.


> Furthermore, we are guided, that a sattvic mind is not the ultimate as

there is always chance of a fall if we do not know who we truly are;

thus our ultimate goal should be to " know who we are. "


> " Know ye not that your body-mind was meant to be a spiritual temple in

which the Spirit-Love of God dwelleth? "


> When we realize that our true identity is not body-mind but the

Spirit-Love-God, we will be Home-Free.


> Above is my best understanding of studying so many teachers in

chronological order( not all are listed here ): Jesus Christ, J.

Krishnamurti, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Yogananda, Babaji, Krishna, Lao

Tzu, Budha, Amma, Amma's Swamis, Stuart Schwartz, Ramana Maharshi,

Nisargadatta, Dada Bhagawan, Mooji, Burt Harding, Amma, Amma, Amma,

Amma's devotees in this group, and so many others.


> One thing I have learned, in my 70 years of life, is that nothing is

certain. There are many surprises, some pleasant, some not so pleasant.


> I have found it in self-interest to do my best not to blame anyone.


> Whatever happens is all our karma and God's Grace. I was born in 1939

in the midst of world war II in Ukraine at the mercy of the " evil "

communists on one side and the " evil " natzis on the other. Well, due to

our karma and God's Grace we encountered NOT the typical cruel natzis

but young German soldiers away from home who did not mistreat us. My

parents gave food and offered shelter to a teenage Jewish boy passing

through; he took the food, but went on his way not wanting to endanger a

family with young children. Earlier in my mother's life during the man

made famine( when millions starved ), my mother was arrested by

communists; fortunately, the top police officer told her that he was not

a real communist, he actually was there to help people like my mother,

to let her go.


> Taking everything into consideration, how was it possible for my mom,

dad, grandmother, and three children to end up in the good old USA?


> It's all karma and God's Grace. Let us pray:


> Dear God, karmically, I may not be deserving of Your Grace, but since

I have committed myself NOT TO BLAME ANYONE, but try my best to forgive

others and myself, what choice do You have, but to forgive me and shower

Your grace upon me. Thank you God, I am sorry, please forgive me, I love

You. Thank You for Amma. You are my Amma.


> Jai !






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