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MUKTASANA, Cakras Described by Srila Prabhupada

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" From the description in this verse, it appears that Maharaja Prthu had no

desire to promote himself to the higher planetary systems. He wanted to return

home immediately, back to Godhead. Although Maharaja Prthu stopped all practice

of mystic yoga after realizing Krsna consciousness, he took advantage of his

previous practice and immediately placed himself on the brahma-bhuta platform in

order to accelerate his return to Godhead. The aim of this particular system of

asana, known as the sitting posture for liberation, or muktasana, is to attain

success in kundalini-cakra and gradually raise the life from the muladhara-cakra

to the svadhisthana-cakra, then to the manipura-cakra, the anahata-cakra, the

visuddha-cakra, and finally to the ajna-cakra. When the yogi reaches the

ajna-cakra, between the two eyebrows, he is able to penetrate the

brahma-randhra, or the hole in his skull, and go to any planet he desires, up to

the spiritual kingdom of Vaikuntha, or Krsnaloka. The

conclusion is that one has to come to the brahma-bhuta stage [sB 4.30.20] for

going back to Godhead. However, those who are in Krsna consciousness, or who are

practicing bhakti-yoga (sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam pada-sevanam [sB

7.5.23]), can return to Godhead without even practicing the muktasana process.

The purpose of muktasana practice is to come to the brahma-bhuta stage, for

without being on the brahma-bhuta stage, one cannot be promoted to the spiritual

sky. "

Srimad Bhagavatam 4.23.14, Purport by Srila Prabhupada





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