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Whether God is present in subtleness !!!!!!!

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Dear Sadakas




The grossness we acquire in this life always take us

to innumerable miseries and hardships but the subtleness

will take us to God since the quality of the subtle

is as like God.


Our members can through in this subject and also suggest

how to keep our mind subtle always in the feeling of God.


Dear Shri Babaji, can you shed some of your thoughts on my

earlier post on How to reach the feet of the God with out

much delay.


thanks for all the members views on my earlier posts


I always enjoy writing in this group


with love and devotion



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> Our members can through in this subject and also suggest

> how to keep our mind subtle always in the feeling of God.


While walking on the road, eating, waiting for/sitting in bus, keep

doing your Mantra(any, but Om is best). This must continue non stop.

If you do it properly, after some time your subconcious will take up

the mantra, & start repeating it for you. Not only is this very good

in itself, but this will allow you(once mastered) the power to travel

astrally, wilfully.(Astral travel means traveliing to other planes,

meeting Devas, Rishis etc).



> Dear Shri Babaji, can you shed some of your thoughts on my

> earlier post on How to reach the feet of the God with out

> much delay.


Babaji seems busy, so I'll answer this. There is no fixed method to

reach God fast. It depends on your Karma, previous spiritual

devlopement etc. Even if you do non-stop Sadhna for 20 years, you

might get little or no progress, as your Karma might need to you to

live in the world. The Sadhna wont be wasted however, for in some

other life, you wil meet an advanced Guru at a very young age(like

Vivekanada), & make final jump in just 1 life.


Instead of worrying about this, however, you should just continue

meditating. Nowdays there are many good books available on Sadhna,

really dont need a full time guru(unless you want one to show-off,

which is what most people use Gurus for- its a must to have a car, a

bungalow & a famous TV Guru!).


Just take up any Sadhna you like(Raj Yoga, Dhyan, Bhakti etc, but

ideally a combination of these). The value isnt what sadhna you do,

but how sincere you are. Remember, water only boils at 100 degree- if

you bring it to 99, then leave it as you arent getting any results you

will never get boiling water. Its the same with God.

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shantnu has beautifully explained it.


The mind become subtle when its Tam-guna is removed. Thought waves,

desires, anger lust etc keep it busy and keep it gross.


Mind is made of pure Raj-guna, hence its natural activity is

movement and action. Krishna confirmed in Geeta that it is very

very difficult to tame the mind, but not impossible.


A saint gave a very good example.. he said consider a monkey who is

naughty by nature, consider he has drank lot of alcohol..how much he

will be restless, and then some scorpion bite it...and a beautiful

she monkey is signing him to come on....Now the condition of that

monkey will be horrible... that is the condition of todays humans


However with continuous sadhna Tam of mind diminishes, Raja settles

down and Sat-guna shines.. it is possible.


Kumbhak Pranayama, Vipasana, and Aum sadhna bring the mind under

contol fast.


Fast progress is a tricky word. It is only possible if an

enlghtened soul comes and puts his hand on your head... like

Paramhansa did with vivekananda... but higher souls too come to us

when we are ready


There are three main Granthhis (knots) Brama, Vishnu and

Rudra..until these knots are opened, one can not really get



Surrender is the Key.. because Kaal (time) third most important

factor after guru, and shaastra....decides our future. God has

fixed a time for our enlightenment and even if we do efforts, god

will stop it as He can see the Rin-anubandhas (karmic debts),

waiting to be fulfilled.


Who know that Great moment is next minute, next hour, next month,

next year or next birth.


Once sage Narada was going to meet Vishnu, he met a yogi who was

meditating for many years. He asked Narada to ask Vishnu when he

will get salvation.


In the way Narad met a farmer who was working in his fields and was

chanting Hari's name. He also asked Narad to ask Vishnu when he

would get enlightenment.


When Narad came back he first met the yogi and told him that he

would get enlightenment in his next birth. Hearing this, the yogi

said ok then why should I do sadhna now, let me go home, marry and



Narad then told the farmers - do you see the tree, after as much

birth as much tree leaves are there, after so many births you will

get enlightened.


Listening this, He started dancing with joy...crying and saying Aha

God is so graceful... at least this is certain that I will get

Moksha....dancing and chanting he went into samadhi and got

immediate enlightenment.


This may be just a story but has a great Truth in it...did u get it?


with love

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, beirut_ka_baba <no_reply wrote:


> shantnu has beautifully explained it.


> The mind become subtle when its Tam-guna is removed. Thought


> desires, anger lust etc keep it busy and keep it gross.



This reminded me of this ....


with respect and love binduji




Who is the Self


I am the Sitter.........

when i sit walking is dormant in me

I am the walker------

when i walk sitting is dormant in me...

when i move .......

stillness is dormant in me...


When i sit, i sit as all those who sit.. just then..

all modes of sitting reside in my sitting.


When i walk, i walk as all those walking beings.

all modes and styles of walking reside in me.


When i see, i see as all those who see.

everything seen resides in me.


When i hear, i hear all who hear ---

All hearing and every sound resides in me.


I taste as all who eat, at that moment --

i am the eater of all food, and am eaten also.


In my sitting i am awake, i do not have to think

of all those others residing in my sitting.


When walking, i walk i am present in my walking.

i do not think of the countless beings who are walking.... just then.


Sleeping, i sleep as all sleepers, i am awake to myself.

Conscious of myself, all who are awake are awake in me.


I am the Self, residing in myself --- or all unknown

I exist in all those who think they are the actors and doers.

yet am not known by them ... all in me --- I in them all.


Dormant in them, their minds asleep, they do not know me.


or a variation........


The Buddha


I am the Sitter.........

when i sit walking is dormant in me

I am the walker------

when i walk sitting is dormant in me...

when i move .......

stillness is dormant in me...


When i sit, i sit as all those who sit -- just then..

All modes of sitting reside in my sitting.


When i walk, i walk as all those walking beings.

all modes and styles of walking reside unseen in me.


When i see, i see as all those who see.

everything seen and unseen resides in me.


When i hear, i hear all who hear ---

every sound heard and unheard resides in me.


I taste as all who eat, at that moment --

I am the eater of all food, and everything eaten also.


In my sitting i am awake, i do not have to think

of all those others residing in my sitting.


When walking, i am present in my walking.

i do not think of the countless beings who are walking.... just then.


Sleeping, i sleep as all sleepers, i am awake to myself.

Conscious of myself, all who are awake are awake in me.


I am the Self, residing in myself --- or all unknown;

I exist in all those who think they are the actors and doers.

yet am not known by them ... all in me --- I in them all.


Unseen in them, their minds asleep, they do not know me.

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