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The Power of Peace, the Only source for well being of Human kind

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The Power of Peace, the Only source for well being of Human kind


The Soul’s Original nature is Peace and consists of other qualities, which are

Purity, Knowledge, Love , Happiness, Bliss and Powers to face, judge,

discriminate, accommodate, packup, cooperate, withdraw and tolerate to interact

and face all types of situations including difficulties in the world.And the

source to remain full with all these qualities and Powers is just by being

Peaceful with our own self.


Except the power of Peace, all other qualities and powers can be considered as

expenses, in other words, they are used for Self and for others. And for

rejuvenating them we have to go back to Peace.


By being peaceful , we become like a Battery to recharge ourselves with Soul

qualities and powers


It is generally said that people do not like being serious or silent, they

like people who are always smiling and talkative. In reality if we want to

attract people by our Pure love, selfless smile and sweet talk, we should

accumulate the power of silence.


If we always shower Love, keep smiling, keep advicing or talking without

experiencing Silence, then it will drain our powers and also it will not create

any effect on others. It will be like using the cutter to cut the tree without

sharpening the cutter time to time. So, if we are going to spend our Power by

showing Love, care, smiling, talking, we should always see that we charge

ourselves by experiencing Peace, by becoming introvert or Silent.


Most of the time we come across people or situations which are beyond our

control making us feel powerless, fearful, distressed, worried. Those people and

situations can be easily overcome by facing those situations and people by

keeping our mind calm and peaceful. By interacting being peaceful, we do not

hurt others at the same time we do not get hurt by others (Neither give sorrow

nor take sorrow).


In our daily life, we come across people whom we cannot distinguish (their

inner mind ) whether good or bad , happy or angry, loving or criticizing by

their facial expressions, to distinguish them , we can remain peaceful and face

them, so that we will bring out the right qualities from within ourselves in a

very natural way to respond according to the other people state of mind. The

only effort we have to make is to remain Peaceful and Respond rather than

thinking of how to respond.


By being peaceful, we get the right thoughts at the right time to perform

right actions


Whatever be the situations, they can be very easily tackled or overcome if we

are able to remain or act being peaceful


The easy method to remain peaceful is to surrender everything (whenever worry,

expectations, fear appear in mind) to God and remain in the conscious of soul,

the point of light at the middle of eyebrow ( being relaxed not having the

awareness of body ), even while performing actions.


When we are peaceful , God can make use of our mind as His own instrument.


Being peaceful, not wasting our energy by means of waste thoughts, we keep

accumulating energy – physical and mental.


Scientist come out with new inventions by the power of going deep into



Creativity develops by the power of silence.


By becoming silent and remaining peaceful we can hear the silence of the room

, hear the tick tick sound of clock and we can also listen to the sound of

thoughts arise in others mind.


By remaining silent , we will live in the present and with alertness.


What is going to happen will be revealed well beforehand to our mind, by

practicing Silence or by accumulating the power of Silence – peace.


Our Peace of mind will calm the turbulence in the mind of others including the

animals and nature


Every One hour, it is recommended to remain silent for just a minute to

empower ourselves with Powers


Our effort can be only to remain peaceful at all times, you will wonder how

the actions are performed by ourselves automatically in a perfect way, feeling

energetic always.


There is difference between thoughtless state of mind and peaceful state of

mind. Peaceful mind is the mind which is concentrated on an action or thought

being in self respect, being present in the NOW


Human mind never keep silent unless there is constant attention, that is the

reason nature has made it compulsory to go to sleep – forceful silent. By

practicing peacefulness, we can even control our sleeping hours.


Just start accumulating, using the Power of Peace and share your experience



Now or Never.





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