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Kundalini !!!!

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KUNDALINI, the mysterious power has been a subject of research for

many centuries. There are various definitions of Kundalini. It is

also said that It was Guru Matsyendra Nath (of Nath-Sect) who first

got the tantra of Kundalini from Shiva and introduced human beings

to kundalini.


Now let us see what different explanations we can have abt

kundalini :


Dr. Rele has in his book " The mysterious Kundalini " written --…

Kundalni is in fact Right Vagus Nerve because the description of

Vagus and its connections with the important plexeses of the

sympathetic runs parrallel with the description of Kundalini and her

connection with Chakras "


Mr. Avalon Arthur in his book " The serpent power " has written-

Kundalini is the Static Shakti. It is the individual bodily

representation of the great cosmic power(shakti) which creates and

sustains the universe "


Sir John W. stated " Shortly stated Energy polarises itself into two

forms namely static or Potential and dynamic and it is called

Kundalini "


Swami Vivekananada writes " The centre where all residual sensations

are, as it was stored up is called Muladhara chakra and the coiled

up energy of action is kundalini, meaning the coiled up "


Sant Gyaneshwar explained " Kundalini is like a serpent of Red-

orange color and it is having 3 and half coils and sleeps in

Muladhara by keeping its tail into mouth "


Hathhyoga Pradeepika explains " …Kandodharva kundalinishakti supta

miokkshaya yoginaam…bandhaya cha mudhanaam….etc " means those who

awaken kundalini and take it up, get Moksha and those who do not ,

are dragged into circles of life and death again and again "


Roscicruicion society also believes that Kundalini is a secret power

in us and is situated near heart.


Siva Samhita explains " treya loke yaani bhootani taani sarvana

dehata…etc means the body of man is a small reflection of the

universe and all the powers which are operative in the universe are

working the human body too.


Jyotish Sastra also accept that all the sun-sign in the universe are

situated in human body too (thus equating our body with universe).


some also think that Kundalini is not a real sleeping power but when

by Pranayama we mate the Apana prana with Samana prana a great light

and force is achieved, which is called kundalini.


Based on different explanations we can come to a general acceptable

idea about kundalini. So far we find that Kundalini is a sleeping

power in us, which when awakens removes the ignorance and gives us

siddhis and finally Moksha. This Kundalini if not awakened takes us

from one life to the other.


Kundalini is the main cause of our Ignorance (Avidya) and it can be

made cause of our Gyan and Moksha.


As Far as I know, Geeta and Vedas do not mention Kundalini directly.

Only one Upanishad (Kundal Upanishada) has clearly mentioned it

saying Kundalini is the ultimate light staying in muladhara chakra…

this is the life force.


Mme Blaivatski (spellings may be wrong)…. had written that

Kundalini's speed is more than the speed of light…. ( earlier

science thought the highest speed is that of light…but latest

discoveries have confirmed that even speed of light is not absolute.)



In the beginning the sound AUM started the creation of the universe

and further mating of energy in different proportions of 3 gunas

produced the 50 basic sounds, the sounds which have since lost to us

in time. The Kundalini vibrates on these 50 sounds (this sound is

like the sound of thousands waters, described by christian saints).


Though Kundalni sleeps in common persons…but it does releases some

energy into our system whenever a sankalpa (vow to do a work) is

made. With this energy we are able to draw prana and do the work.

The pureset and most powerful energy currents are released by

Kundalini for Sexual Act.


As we are aware, there are 3 nadis (subtle channels) in our spine

called Ida, Pingala and Sushumna, normally the energy released by

kundalini travels via Ida or Pingala because Sushumna is closed in

most of the people.


When the energy of Kundalini travels via Ida or Pingala, it is used

for wordly matters…and creates further ignorance…..but when

sushumana is opened by Sadhna the energy flowing through it, is used

in clearing the chakras and thus removing the ignorance.


The flow of this energy from kundalini can be increased by

concentrating on any thing. When ever our thoughts are powerful and

uni-directional, kundalini starts releasing current…… thus

scientists make new inventions, singer sings beautiful songs,

politician attracts public, sadhaka gets Moksha all by the power of

the Kundalini. It is a famous saying in India that the first dew

drop if falls into the mouth of oyster it becomes a pearl and if it

falls into mouth of a snake it become deadly poison. Such is the

power of Kundalini….its energy can be used for good or bad both



Hari Aum

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