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Hindu or Spiritual

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Go for the simple books instead of going to high level books.

Hope you understand what I want to say.

I am comfortable with the simple books because I want to understand

them instead of just reading them.


So go for the books available from the right place. Iskcon is the

right place for the people like us to read the books based on

Hinduism and Spiritualism.


Books are mentioned in simple ways and from the person who had

himself founded ISKCON TEMPLE.


Go to www.iskcon.com website

Iskcon temples are in all the places of India and abroad.


Visit them and programmes also takes place.

Read " Bhagvadgita As It Is " from the Iskcon Temple instead of taking

from another author.

Each author has his own viewpoint. This book Bhagvadgita one should

get from ISKCON TEMPLE because it is mentioned from Shree Krishna's

point of view.


Available in all languages. There are many programmes temple is

doing like Yoga etc . Even I was confused earlier.

just visit once.



, " BHADRA RAO JANAGAM " <bjanagam



> What is best for me


> Hinduism



> Spiritualism


> I love Vedas, Geeta but can't follow them


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In reality you don't love them. And that is why you are not able to

follow. Take for example; if you were in love with a beautiful girl,

though the girl even dose't give you a look, the moment you see her,

you start following her.

In the same way, try develope real love towards Hinduism,

spiritiualism. Once you love, you will follow. Take it for sure.

With best wishes,


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> What is best for me


> Hinduism



> Spiritualism


Badriji, why are these contradictory? Vedic Dharma says there are

millions of ways to God, & all are acceptable. Karma, Bhakti, Gyan,

Yoga, Tantra, Left path.......there are so many paths that any person

of any personality can find one for him!


> I love Vedas, Geeta but can't follow them


This is good! Rather than having an intellectual understanding, its

better not to read scriptures at all. Rishis ask their student only to

read Upansihads after they have reached a minimum level in meditation.

As things like " I am that " can only be felt, not read in a book. Their

progress was noted by how many Upanishads they had experienced through



" It moves, but it doesnt move, yet without moving it moves so fast

the Gods cant keep up with it " - how do you explain this

logically(although Gurus have tried, with explanations that made me

smack my head in shock).


So dont try to read Gita/Vedas just because everyone else is. Instead

meditate, & your Buddhi will automatically reach a level that all the

things written in scriptures will become clear, even if you dont read



Yogananda gives an example is his book where big Pundits went an

illiterate Sadhu to get their questions solved- he would go into

Samadhi & give such wonderful answers which they couldnt find in any book.


Hinduism has always been a religon of practicality- where what a

living master says is more important than what a dead book says.


Hinduism or spirituality- Both!

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, " BHADRA RAO JANAGAM " <bjanagam



> What is best for me


> Hinduism



> Spiritualism


> I love Vedas, Geeta but can't follow them



Dear Badri,


Hinduism itself is a goldmine of spirituality. Geeta is perhaps

the best book to start with....and it has 100s of explanantions

written by various people, right from Dr.Radhakrishna to aurobindo,

to Osho, Sant gyaneshwar, Prabhupad and various others.


Those who suddenly become spiritual, like I was almost an athesit

and suddenly turned towards spiritualty, Osho is more digestable....

of course if you excuse some of his non-sense he writes sometimes.

Yet his readings are easily understandable.


I do not know how many books of Osho you have read...be read

some of them again. You can also take a good commentary of Geeta.

Iskcon's commentaries on gita is good and easy to understand.


And the most of this is regular Sadhna....which is very

important. Reading 100s of book can not give you that gyan, which a

1 hour sadhna daily can give you.


Direct experience is the best way...but u have to be zealous,

patient and regular.


you can put your questions here on Gita, and you may get

clarification from someone.


with love

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Thank you a lot for above explanations

now can you please tell me what is sadhana, is it something to do with

like sitting and thinking of God all the time.


Don't think other wise, but as a starter I would like to know

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Sadhna is making our whole life a search for God-while eating,

walking , sleeping, & of course meditating.


Most people turn to God imperfectly- their intellectual ego wants to

merge with God, but their emotional doesnt, or the other way round.

Usually they only turn to God when they are in trouble.


Sadhna is the making of the search for God a full time job. One

continually rejects the personal ego , & surrenders to the divine will.


Our lower Nature is rejected by the use of will power(called Tapasya,

which is wrongly confused with something as stupid as standing on 1

leg), & the Higher Nature(full of Love, bliss & awareness) accepted.


One uses a combination of Karm, bhakti , gyan & yoga to achieve higher

states of conciousness.


The sadhak not only meditates at home, but sees if he can apply the

teachings of the scriptures in real life(which is the only test for

validity of scripture).


The sadhak has to find a golden mean b/w Gyan & Bhakti, else he

becomes either a uncaring intellectual, or an idiotic fanatic.


Blindly doing your duty isnt sadhna(as many commentators on the Gita

say)- after all the problem that faced Arjun & faces us today as well-

is that there maybe more than one definition of what our duty is, &

they might contradict each other(as in Arjuns case-should he kill his

relatives, or run away?).


The sadhak has to, over a period of time, dissolve his ego, as only

then he can know what the Divine plan his, & what his role in it is.

Till then, he has to develop his Buddhi, & make wise decisions.


The Sadhak does all this while living in the world, & facing its

challenges, & not by running away.




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Some valuable quotes from Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa to spiritual

seekers on 'Sadhana':


" God is realized by following the Path of Truth.

One should always chant His Name.

Even while one is performing one's duties,

the MIND should be LEFT WITH GOD.

Suppose I have a CARBUNCLE on my back.

I perform my DUTIES, but

the THE MIND IS DRAWN to the carbuncle. "


- Sri Ramakrishna


'How are we to RECONCILE the worldly ENTANGLEMENTS

and engagements with spiritual DETACHMENT?


See how the carpenter's housewife busies herself with all and sundry.

With one hand she pushes the paddy to be ponded in the mortar;

with the other hand she embraces and suckles her baby.

At the same time she bargains with the customer for the flattened



In the midst of all thes activities her MIND is ON the HAND pushing

the paddy lest the pestle should hurt it.


Likewise do your worldly ACTIVITIES; but in the MIDST of them KEEP

the MIND FIXED on the Lord.


Deviate NOT on any account from Godly PATH. "


- Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa


'When an onion is peeled continually all skin GOES AWAY and NO

SUBSTANCE is left. Similarly on ANALYZING the EGO it is FOUND to be



- Sri Ramakrishna


, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


> Sadhna is making our whole life a search for God-while eating,

> walking , sleeping, & of course meditating.

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> Visit them and programmes also takes place.

> Read " Bhagvadgita As It Is " from the Iskcon Temple instead of taking

> from another author.

> Each author has his own viewpoint. This book Bhagvadgita one should

> get from ISKCON TEMPLE because it is mentioned from Shree Krishna's

> point of view.


Why, did the Hare Krishnas get some special permit from Krishna? Did

you get an exclusive contract & patent on Gita?! :D


Iskons version of Gita is the most biased- it is the only one I read(i

read 6-7) that attacks every other school that doesnt agree with

Prabhupad- Adwaiti Vedantis, Yogis(he shows a Yogi starving himself to

death to find God), Kali Bhaktas(who he says are all meat eating

drunks), Shiv Bhaktas(who he says are all obsessed with sex, like Shiv

himself). Can you imagine Krishna saying garbage like this??


Not even in humra Bihar!



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> Why, did the Hare Krishnas get some special permit from Krishna? Did

> you get an exclusive contract & patent on Gita?! :D


No translation of Gita is the " best " , rather we should find one that

suits us best, based on our spiritual development.




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