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Swamiji was a 'nirguna upasaka'. When he started the Ashram at

Almorah, it was for the specific purpose of 'nirguna upasana'. But,

as he later humorously remarked, 'the Old Man [meaning

Sri Ramakrishna] enterd anyway!!' The disciples there brought in all

the paraphernalia of rituals, etc. He himself had no need for any of

the rituals, but for the sake of devotees who had not attained his

stature he allowed them.


His unconventional habits [eg smoking] were criticised even by

his brother disciples, but as Thakur had remarked he was like a

'drawn sword of Jnana', and nothing could affect him, as

being 'egoless' [like a burnt seed or rope] he was beyond all

'actions'. His will power was such that he could have easily

discarded this habit, but if he felt that social circumstances

required him to engage in such acts, he had no hesitation. He

certainly did not advocate the habit as a requirement for sanyasis.

[Those sanyasis/individuals who have no 'body-consciousness' but only

brahman-consciousness, are called 'ati-ashramis', and are beyond the

pale of ashrama injunctions.] One may recall Adi Shankara performing

his mother's obsequies against all traditions and Vedic injunctions!









Ramakrishna, DEVINDER AHUJA <devahuja> wrote:

> Just a few questions


> Did Swami Vivekananda have a personal deity whom he

> worshipped? Was it Mother Kali? Did he have a routine

> of formal worship (Sandhya Vandana)or was he an

> outright Vedantist....no puja etc.?


> Was smoking considered okay for a Sanyasin since I

> have read in the Gospel that he did smoke?


> These questions just came to my mind....no specific

> reason but just out of curiosity.


> Pranams


> Dev





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Dear Kendra,



This is what understanding on this.


In indian musical scale ni is highest pitch note. So we cannot sing at a

high pitch for long time because of our bodily constraints so we have to come

back to low pitch note.


in the same way Samadhi is higest state and since we are tied to our body we

cannot stay in samadhi for long time. We have to come down from higest state

samadhi state to normal state to fulfill our bodily requirements just like

coming from ni to some lower note. So when ever we bring our mental state from

samadhi to normal, the same state which was in brahman now assumes ego state.

By this we should never conclude that brahman has become ego. Until we are with

this body we can only get a glimpse of that samadhi state and only after we

leave this body we will merge with that brahman for ever and they will never

take body again.


sarvam vasudevamayam jagath



> ______________________

> ______________________


> Message: 3

> Wed, 17 Oct 2001 16:04:25 -0400

> " Kendra Crossen Burroughs " <kcburroughs

> a question


> Hello, my name is Kendra. I am a professional book editor and writer living

> in

> South Carolina. I was the managing editor at Shambhala Publications (a

> publisher

> of books on Buddhism and other Asian studies) in Boston for 11 years before I

> moved out of Massachusetts. While at Shambhala I was editor of Great Swan by

> Lex

> Hixon and of Living at the Source: Yoga Teachings of Swami Vivekananda. You

> can

> see my profile at http://profiles./kcburroughs

> I recently published a book about the Bhagavad Gita (I compiled

> annotations

> to accompany the translation by Shri Purohit Swami, using quotes from many of

> the great commentators). Now the publisher has asked me to do the same with

> the

> Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna. I am choosing selections and will write up the

> commentary meant to help those who are reading a sample of Sri Ramakrishna

> for

> the first time. I am neither an academic scholar nor a Hindu, but a good

> researcher and a lover of God. I have been reading the Gospel of RK for

> years.

> Swami Adiswarananda of the Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Center of New York is an

> advisor on the project. I am using Swami Nikhilananda's abridged version of

> the

> Gospel because that is the one the Swami wanted me to use.

> As I reread the familiar text, some questions arise. My question today

> concerns the following passage:


> " A man cannot live on the roof a long time. He comes down again. Those who

> realize Brahman in samadhi come down also and find that it is Brahman that

> has

> become the universe and its living beings. In the musical scale there are the

> notes sa, re, ga, ma, pa, dha, and ni; but one cannot keep one's voice on ni

> a

> long time. The ego does not vanish altogether. The man coming down from

> samadhi

> perceives that it is Brahman that has become the ego, the universe, and all

> its

> living beings. This is known as vijnana. "


> What I interpret from my limited knowledge of Indian music is that ni

> represents

> an incomplete state. It is a note with a sense of tension that longs for

> resolution in sa, which represents the undifferentiated oneness of Brahman

> toward which ni longs.

> Now, assuming this is correct, how is this like person in samadhi who

> comes

> down to consciousness of the world? Can someone spell out exactly what this

> musical metaphor is intended to imply?








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  • 2 years later...

Dear Milena


The 'Complete work of Swami Vivekananda' that can be accessed through our website

was set up by a person called ParthaSinha in USA. He has done this after getting

permission from the Advaita Ashram in India. I am forwarding your question to him

as well as to the Advaita Ashram so that they can respond to your question


We wish you success in the task you are undetaking in translating the work of

Swami Vivekananda in other languages.




Vivekananda Centre London



milena kiriakova


Saturday, January 24, 2004 05:01

A question


Dear Jay,

It is Milena from Bulgaria.

I am writing you to ask you a concrete question. In my country Swami Vivekananda is almost entirely unknown - there are only two translated books by him - "Raja Yoga" and "Jnana Yoga". There is not anything translated about Sri Ramakrishna.

I would like to ask you, do I (or anybody else in general) have to ask you or anybody else from Vivekananda Centre London for permission for their translating and issuing if there eventually is any Bulgarian publisher interested in their issuing?

(Because the easiest way for us to get them is through your website.)




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  • 1 year later...

go to coolgoose.com and select music,hindi. you will

find lot of music.


--- Milena Kiriakova <milena1kiriakova



> Hello all,


> Can anyone of the group tell me if I could find

> free downloads of Indian authentic music in Internet

> and where?


> Regards and thanks,

> Milena






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Dear Milena,


You could try www.raaga.com


There are many more.




Ramakrishna , Milena Kiriakova

<milena1kiriakova> wrote:


> Hello all,


> Can anyone of the group tell me if I could find free downloads

of Indian authentic music in Internet and where?


> Regards and thanks,

> Milena



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Hi my dear friend, As far as i know you can downlode from www.raaga.com Thank you parthasinha1 <parthasinha1 wrote: Dear Milena,You could try www.raaga.comThere are many more.ParthaRamakrishna , Milena Kiriakova <milena1kiriakova> wrote:>> Hello all,> > Can anyone of the group tell me if I could find free downloads of Indian authentic music in Internet and where?> > Regards and thanks,> Milena> >

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  • 2 months later...

Namaste BiswatoshThere are so many different spiritual paths out in the world right now, and we feel drawn to many of them. I myself live in America, and find myself attending not just Hindu Pujas and Vedanta services, but Buddhist, Christian, Jewish and Wiccan ceremonies as well. All paths lead to the same ocean, all finger point at the same moon.

Thakur did caution against seeking out the Siddhis for their own sake, so I would be cautious. My simple advice (and what I do myself) - before undertaking any spiritual action, take the name of Thakur and Shree Maa. They will always protect you.

Humbly yours.-- -Santo " Aum Shanti Shanti Shantih.&quot

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Dear Biswatosh,


I read your mail with great interest. In fact, I had myself undergone

through this confusion several year years back when I was in College.

I was also equally confused like you. But through Sri Thakur's

kripa I got a good insight in this dilemma.


There are two things to be considered:


Firstly, Short term (bodily related) and secondly, Ultimate (Spiritually



In the Ramakrishna philosophy things like aura healing,past life

regression,para psychology etc can only be put to use for the short term

goals like name & fame, popularity etc. etc. These can never be the means

for reaching the Ultimate goal of realising the Self. this is what Sri

Thakur said regarding occult powers:


" It is very troublesome to possess occult powers. Nangta taught me this by a

story. A man who had acquired occult powers was sitting on the seashore when

a storm arose. It caused him great discomfort; so he said, 'Let the storm

stop.' His words could not remain unfulfilled. At that moment a ship was

going full sail before the wind. When the storm ceased abruptly the ship

capsized and sank. The passengers perished and the sin of causing their

death fell to the man. And because of that sin he lost his occult powers and

went to hell.

" Once upon a time a sadhu acquired great occult powers. He was vain

about them. But he was a good man and had some austerities to his credit.

One day the Lord, disguised as a holy man, came to him and said, 'Revered

sir, I have heard that you have great occult powers.' The sadhu received the

Lord cordially and offered him a seat. Just then an elephant passed by. The

Lord, in the disguise of the holy man, said to the sadhu, 'Revered sir, can

you kill this elephant if you like?' The sadhu said, 'Yes, it is possible.'

So saying, he took a pinch of dust, muttered some mantras over it, and threw

it at the elephant. The beast struggled awhile in pain and then dropped

dead. The Lord said: 'What power you have! You have killed the elephant!'

The sadhu laughed. Again the Lord spoke: 'Now can you revive the elephant?'

'That too is possible', replied the sadhu. He threw another pinch of charmed

dust at the beast. The elephant writhed about a litle and came back to life.

Then the Lord said: 'Wonderful is your power. But may I ask you one thing?

You have killed the elephant and you have revived it. But what has that done

for you? Do you feel uplifted by it? Has it enabled you to realize God?'

Saying this the Lord vanished.

" Subtle are the ways of dharma. One cannot realize God if one has even

the least trace of desire. A thread cannot pass through the eye of a needle

if it has the smallest fibre sticking out.

" Krishna said to Arjuna, 'Friend, if you want to realize Me, you will

not succeed if you have even one of the eight occult powers.' This is the

truth. Occult power is sure to beget pride, and pride makes one forget God.


So that is in short :-) on the occult powers.


Hope it gives a better insight to you on this subject.




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  • 1 year later...

Why do scriptures and some saints like Kabir compare 'woman' to maaya?

And say things such as - " she will take you away from love and divine

knowledge " . Even if its- the word 'woman' ie symbolic reference for

maaya I cant understand why woman be adressed to denote something bad

or inferior.

Please dont be offended anyone.i ONLY WISH TO BE CLEAR ON THIS ONE.


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Actually i dont see it as Women Particularly, it is rather " Feminism "


Dear Sis, listen, did you read my post just which i put yesterday, i

wrote how i used to get attracted towards feminism.. and after getting

knowledge about divine how i was able to loose the desire.


That will give you exact idea..


See there are souls at different conditions, Aradhana.


Jivas, who has strong desire to Lord over, usually take form of Males.

But Jivas whose Desire is less to Lord over and More to Independently

Enjoy, on material nature usually take forms of Female.


So female or Feminine jivas, are more surrendered, and comparitively



Meaning , as an example, consider husband and wife participating in a

sexual session, now Husband enjoys being the " Enjoyer " but wife will

enjoy being " Enjoyed " .


She will enjoy more, is she is being Enjoyed more and more... this is

in rudimentary material terms.


So, always the manifest Maaya utilizes these " Souls taking feminine

nature " to extend its clutches of Illusion, because they can be given

this power as they are relatively more Surrendered.


This is also the reason, why the Gopis of Vraja, was able to show the

purest love to Krsna.


Means that in very simple words, The females have more power as

bestowed by lord himself, to attract and pout male into more and more

material web, and desires.


but these is a negative side also...


with this power comes the another part, that is because they are

already a bit surrendered souls, its difficult for them to control

material enjoyment. and this is also manifested in material terms too..


now tell me did i only confuse you, or was i able to convey at least

something.. loll .. .because i know i usually convolute statement,

and make them confusing..


thanks for posting, I feel a bit lonely without your replies.. you see

you are very close to my heart .


-- bro


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.






, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit



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There is no offense meant to anyone in my response; but the answer is

very simple. More often than not males tend to follow their loins,

instead of their brains. So, naturally, men are blaming what they think

is the cause of their animal behaviors, not orignally knowing the

source of their delima (i.e. males were created to spread their seed).

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, " i_free_spirit " <i_free_spirit

Hi there




I feel for want of better " comparison " they used woman to denote

sex and maya. Kabir was a married man and had a beautiful wife.

Once he wanted to give feast to sadhus and so he told his wife to

get raw materials from grocery store. She went there and asked for

the same on credit. The grocer said, not on credit but only if you

come tonight to sleep with me. She reported to kabir. Kabir told

his wife, agree to the proposal. At night it rained. Kabir carried

his wife on his shoulders and gently lowered his wife on grocery

steps. When she knocked on the door, the grocer opened the door and

called her in and when he saw her legs dry, he asked her, in this

rain how come your feet is not dirty. She told him the truth at which

he asked her, where is your husband? She replied, he is waiting out

at which the grocer felt so ashamed that he came out called kabir in

and asked his forgiveness. Later kabir initiated him into his path.

This is how great saint work. Personally i feel they dare not call

the woman " lower strata " etc., that would be insulting their own

mother. It is later on other males twisted the phrase to suit their

needs by labelling females as - visha ka pyala etc., etc.,


As i said at the start for want of better comparison they said

females as sex and maya etc., maybe they should have said - sex is

bad and not woman.


Rest assured no true master has demeaned the woman - it is the

weaker male who has done it and believe me a man who ill treats a

woman will always suffer but in man's world today woman is

unfortunately treated wrong way.


Best wishes.











> Why do scriptures and some saints like Kabir compare 'woman' to


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Dear Sudhakar. you are right, and even lord never used any of such

things, and we should follow him. The imperishable and absolute

knowledge himself.


This is not applicable to me, or my brothers and sisters , for our

master is Hari, whose mothers are many, like Yashoda, Devaki and all

vraja Cowherd Elderly ladies and many more..



We have the master, who had thousands of wife, and all of them were

great devotees, form many births, and to give them the right they

deserve, Even our Master hari, had to marry them, and give them the

status of Wife. can you see the respect Hari gives to Women .. .


just by remembering this , all inauspiciousness is warded off, and

respect flows for so called female, though when we realize there is n

o femininity or masculinity in us... still I believe that if we

service the lord best, or if we want to, than being a gopi in love wit

him seems to be the best way ..


Even i am a small baby taken care by hari, same like my sister and

same like everyone else..


-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.


, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:

> I feel for want of better " comparison " they used woman to denote

> sex and maya. Kabir was a married man and had a beautiful wife.

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Dear Dieto,Please Accept my Obiesances!

I read Your Post A day ago too,and wanted to reply,also!

I think for a man,So called Falling in love with a woman,Perpetuates Material

Life! First You become a couple,Than There is Children,Then Grandchildren,Which

are very materially enjoyable! I guess this Goes the same for a Women Also!

One thought ,I undrestand completly,is,not wanting to be alone! I feel very

fearful,my wife will die,Yet we Should be getting to the Varaprasta Stage,I

think it is the right word,But that would seem Enjoyable,Visting different

Temples,and For us Visiting India.Another Point is the condition I am in Now! My

wife is very very sick,We cannot even Sleep Together For 10Years,As she needs a

Hospitail Bed,As She cannot walk upstairs,Where we Build the Master Bedroom,so I

end Up,taking rest on the Sofa,So if she needs me in the Night I am There,

Alot of Husbands And Wifes, We know From the Liver Clinic,Has Abandoned thier

Wifesand Husbands,As Sense Gratification Stops,When the Wife is Very Sick!I love

my wife very much,But our Years After the Children Left, Are not as Nice as We

were Expecting,Yet I could never Leave her alone sick,So this Attachment Goes

On,and On,But this could be said for women Also! I could never Leave Her

Alone,being sick as she is,But I also know,if she dont get a liver Transplant

soon,She will Die,Yet I dont feel Like Id be free,I feel Like I will be

Alone,And if I didnt have my realtionship with Lord Krsna,Id Be a Mess!So lots

of Entanglement,Yet I know Krsna is doing Everything,and sometimes ,he makes it

Extra Hard,for His Devotees,Which is called Krsna's Mercy,Because He makes the

Devotee in Distress,so He can Become Detached to The Material World!

That is my Thoughts on this Subject,,Your servant Jaya Kesava dasa





Dear Sis, listen, did you read my post just which i put yesterday, i

wrote how i used to get attracted towards feminism.. and after

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Dear Brother Please accept my respects to you.


firstly, By Lords Grace, let me share what i think and what i know

about this.


> I think for a man,So called Falling in love with a woman,Perpetuates

> Material Life! First You become a couple,Than There is Children,Then

> Grandchildren,Which are very materially enjoyable! I guess this Goes

> the same for a Women Also!


Yes this is true, falling in so called material love and hankering for

companionship is Material and affect of Maya.


In this two fold manifestation, i am able to lose only my sexual

desire, but not the desire for companionship.. even today i feel i may

need someone to live with me , throughout life.. i am in the process

of understanding and really feeling that i belong to universal sole,

and there is no one else for company and I am complete with myself

when i am at My Lords Lotus Feet.


So, this is a two step web, where we fall... i am a fallen soul too,

and while waking up, i am able to wake up till a level where sex has

no meaning, but i am not able to digest that even companionship, so

called material companionship also has no meaning...


and when i understand that , i will be in " Varaprasta " Stage. So a

long way to go my dear brother.. " Varaprasta " stage of life is where ,

at end of which we can dissolve " Duality " .


once we dissolve duality, we are able to understand our true forms, as

part of universal sole, Krsna, and our true responsibility to Service

Hari. Until duality is there in our minds for material nature, it is

really not possible.


> Varaprasta Stage,I think it is the right word,But that would seem

> Enjoyable,Visting different Temples,and For us Visiting

> India.


Enjoyable, for an god loving mind, yes it is enjoyable , but in what

terms, you being so much interested in Lord, you will visit such

places where you can know lord more, and where you can get mercy ..

and you treat your wife, as just your companion, just liek acompanion

of two fallen souls trying to help each other in the process of

serving Hari.. isn't this is what we are supposed to do,m when we are

under the influence of Duality, this will ultimately lead to

dissolution of This Duality itself.


> Another Point is the condition I am in Now! My wife is very

> very sick,We cannot even Sleep Together For 10Years,As she needs a

> Hospitail Bed,As She cannot walk upstairs,Where we Build the Master

> Bedroom,so I end Up,taking rest on the Sofa,So if she needs me in

> the Night I am There, I love my wife very

> much,But our Years After the Children Left, Are not as Nice as We

> were Expecting,Yet I could never Leave her alone sick,So this

> Attachment Goes On,and On,But this could be said for women Also! I

> could never Leave Her Alone,being sick as she is,But I also know,if

> she dont get a liver Transplant soon,She will Die,Yet I dont feel

> Like Id be free,I feel Like I will be Alone,And if I didnt have my

> relationship with Lord Krsna,Id Be a Mess!So lots of Entanglement


I see , as per my analysis, You like me and many others, may have done

many sins and bad karmas, in previous lives..


By the grace of Lord, even though you were born in environment where

you were bound to commit many more sins, It seems like by his divine

mercy , Shown through your guru, you have reversed this process.


and yes is Krsna is more merciful, as he is usually to his devotees,

he will try to end the affliction and burn all there previous karmas

soon, So in this acceleration of process, which demands fast self

realization, may lead to seemingly worldly pain..


But see, you are suffering, and you Love your wife, so though you are

not able to get sense gratification, you are able to live without

that.. So , you finally get free form sense gratification int he

normal way ..


Also, your wife, in all this pain, is fastly burning her Bad Krama ..

meaning , she will know he pain in material world, and will be easy to

understand the spiritual and painless nature of Lord Hari, and our

own, in our original forms.


and she will also reach lord sooner..


So what will happen at last , you and she will die, with understanding

of Hari, So what great deal, we know that you are souls , and hence

you and your wife will leave this body, whcih Krishna made you use as

a great tool, to burn all your bad Karma, and you will reach his lotus

feet, OR you will reach a place, in higher planets where again you can

continue this Saadhnaa, of Krishna Consciousness and than reach Hari..

ever Blissful, free form all this affliction ..


> A lot of Husbands And Wifes, We know From the

> Liver Clinic,Has Abandoned their Wifes and Husbands,As Sense

> Gratification Stops,When the Wife is Very Sick!


They are not realized enough, and hence these souls without knowing

krishna and nature, they are trying to get sense gratification ,that

is the difference between great souls like you and them..



This time, for example, one husband ditched his wife, because he

cannot have sex with her, and she is diseased.. than HE will again

take birth, and he will be ditched , and he will be impotent for some

reason... so see how he is sowing the seed of future birth and death ,

and continuing cycle, by his own acts.. lol


And as far as your children are concerned,


Krishna is making you understand that neither your children are your

property neither someone else.. all are in this material world,

manifesting for there illicit desires..


and then this will lead to " Vairagya " which is essential for moksha..


Same with Women also.. as the theory of karma has no difference, based

on sex.. But the difference is only in our work we do, and how much we

can control.. and this depends on how mcuh power we have..


for women it is more difficult to control, because, They have got gift

to give birth, and hence they may have intense desire to become

someones wife, and become someones mother and so on ..


so with more power materially, the journey becomes more tough, and can

be crossed only by Gods Grace, like in case of Kunti, Meera, Radha

Maatha / Radha Rani etc..


The rules of karma is same for everyone, but it seems different for

each one fo us depending on what WE POCESS.


This is my view my dear brother, Keshava.. Even your name is name of

Hari, so even taking your name is like blessing to me..



And i want to congratulate to you form heart that you are a real

" Nobel Soul " and no doubt, krishna is merciful on you... seeing the

way of life you are leading and still seeing the heightened level of

Thinking you have.. i am sure.... and seeing you being a great devotee

and a very noble and humble soul.. i am sure... Krishna is merciful

on you.. else you would have also delved deeper int he clutches of

material nature.. if Krishna had not been merciful on you and your wife..



One thing i recommend is, To know about the manifestation and

knowledge on how life forms and how it dissolves, as this will remove

lot of fear form you my dear brother.


this will remove fear and pain of losing your dear ones in future, and

losing the companionship of your children what you were expecting etc



and when you reach Lotus feet, please pray for me, and tell krishna,

that even i love him and please show some mercy on this totally fallen

soul too...



My dear brother Keshava, i just want to say you name, as many times as

possible, as Keshava means Hari himself.


Warm Regards and Heartful Respects for A great devotee like you, who

else other than a devotee of Krsna, have so much love and humbleness.



accept me your servant, and let me know if i can do something for you ..


-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.






, " Jaya Kesava Dasa " <krsnajoe wrote:


> Dear Dieto,Please Accept my Obiesances!

> I read Your Post A day ago too,and wanted to reply,also!

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> Why do scriptures and some saints like Kabir compare 'woman' to >maaya?


Maya, or illusion is a part of the Divine Mother, Para shakti. People

who think the world is evil/mithya/void will always be against the

Mother, or women in general.


There are 2 ways of looking at sadhna- 1 is this world is a place to

implement the divine will, & to find God here while living in world.


The other is- the world is a evil place, we have to run away to



It is the 2nd philosophy that is against Nature, & by extension,

women, who are a direct form of the Devi. All world denying

philosophies are against women. Women represent creativity, beauty,

gentleness. People who see this world as evil, has no use for these




Now look at philosophies that affirm the world, that preach we have to

live & work in world while getting enlightenment. Tantra is main- it

places women at top. Some sects only allow women to become gurus.

Tantra directly worshippes the Feminine part of God in her man forms.


For a long time, Tantra was the only world affirming philsophy, till

Sri Aurobindo came along. He also says that the Godess is Supreme.

Aurobindo accepted that women were superior to men, & allowed his

disciple the Mother(this is what she was called) to take over his

ashram & his work, as he felt that women had an edge over men.


So dont reject saints that reject women, reject their world denying





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Dear All,


I just want to add that at last we will end up realizing that we are

all part of this Para Shakti, and we are all feminine in nature,

regardless of whether being born as male or female in material world..

and we are all serving the supreme Purusha..


I donno how many will agree, this is just my understanding and

belief.. though i would like to know all your views.



-- Deito


Harirnama Harirnama Harirnama Kevalam.



, shanracer <no_reply wrote:


> > Why do scriptures and some saints like Kabir compare 'woman' to


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