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Human vs Animals

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Dear learned sadhaks



It is an established fact that this is only the MIND that separates us from the

God. All the sadhanas are directed towards stabalizing the mind or minimize its

activities so that one can reach the true source call it soul, consciousness, or



It is said that human are driven by mind and animals are by instincts. In other

words it can be said that animals mind are less developed. Therefore it can be

assumed that it could be more calm than human mind. Is it so that less is

developed the mind, more calm it is? Or more is it able to cross the barriers

of hurdles created by mind?


Animals have less desire, less ego and less wisdom. Exactly what we are supposed

to attain by our sadhanas.


It is also true that in our scriptures no where it is recommended that we should

aim at becoming like animals as they are considered as inferior to human birth.

Human birth is considered to be a rare one and in this birth only we can realize

our real nature, but then question arises that we are human being with only

difference of having a developed mind.And we try to control this mind. If mind

is the only problem then who knows if animals are close to their real nature?



please enlighten me.



so hum...

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Jai Radhe-Jai Krsna! The mind can be your friend ,or enemy!We must ingage our

mind in thinking about God!His Form,what are His Pastimes,understanding the

scrptures!That is the differance in ,human life,and animal life.IHuman life is

rare,because only in the form of Human Life,can we Think about God!Animals only

think about Mating,Eating , and Defending!Bodily concepts!We can Think about God

Now,So we must ,Now!So there is nothing Lost,Only Gained!God is Love!

Your Servant,Jaya Kesava Dasa

All Glories To Srila Prabhupada




Sat, 17 Apr 2010 06:26:44 +0000

Human vs Animals






Dear learned sadhaks



It is an established fact that this is only the MIND that separates us from the

God. All the sadhanas are directed towards stabalizing the mind or minimize its

activities so that one can reach the true source call it soul, consciousness, or



It is said that human are driven by mind and animals are by instincts. In other

words it can be said that animals mind are less developed. Therefore it can be

assumed that it could be more calm than human mind. Is it so that less is

developed the mind, more calm it is? Or more is it able to cross the barriers of

hurdles created by mind?


Animals have less desire, less ego and less wisdom. Exactly what we are supposed

to attain by our sadhanas.


It is also true that in our scriptures no where it is recommended that we should

aim at becoming like animals as they are considered as inferior to human birth.

Human birth is considered to be a rare one and in this birth only we can realize

our real nature, but then question arises that we are human being with only

difference of having a developed mind.And we try to control this mind. If mind

is the only problem then who knows if animals are close to their real nature?



please enlighten me.


so hum...







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, " so hum " <jigyaasuu wrote:


> Dear learned sadhaks

> pranam.


> It is an established fact that this is only the MIND that separates us from

the God. All the sadhanas are directed towards stabalizing the mind or minimize

its activities so that one can reach the true source call it soul,

consciousness, or pramatma.


Dear Jigyasuji,This is a really very great question and it can not be just

replied in a few lines. Such questions need deep analysis by our wise sadhakas.


let me start with my two cents. In a very crude way I can give example of



The light spectrum has three major scales viz infra red and below, common light

and ultra violet and above. The frequency and wavelength of light decides where

it is on infra level, common level or ultra level.


Human eye can only detect light at normal levels. The infra spectrum is total

darkness for us and the ultra spectrum is also darkness for us. Infra light

when increases in frequency the darkness becomes visible light and with further

rise in frequency it again becomes dark for us.


So the animal mind can be said at infra level, and a yogi's mind is on ultra

level. Both are peaceful looking (dark) for us.


A begger is lying peacefully on the road and a yogi is sitting peacefully in

Himalayas. Both's mind is not peaceful at same level. One is peaceful and

undisturbed due to ifra level and the other is peaceful due to ultra level.


The Human Ego, as i wrote in one of my earlier posts is a bye-product of our

logical mind. It is different from the real EGO (aham or asmita). The real ego

can not be vanished until BrahmLoka. Even devas are not free from ego, rishis

are not free from ego. Ego is the essence of our being.


The human Ego which needs to be checked and killed, is a temporary ego

personality born out of our environments, our karmas and our sankalpas. This

ego is temporary and false and is the reason for our bondage.


Even animals have this ego, but it is very feeble. At humans level it becomes a

strong force and directs our sankalpas and karmas.


rest when other sadhaka write something on this



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> Even animals have this ego, but it is very feeble. At humans level it becomes

a strong force and directs our sankalpas and karmas.


> rest when other sadhaka write something on this





Agree with you Aumji, peace of mind is also of not same nature if we compare a

yogi in samadhi and a child completely absorbed watching a movie without any

thought. In the same time i insist that in this mysterious leela of God every

single form of organism has been blessed with a combination of different powers.

We generally group all other organisms other than us as Animals. But in animals

too there are endless genre and species and each one has a peculiar set of such

distinguished shakti or advantage, that even human cannot have. Hari pyari ji,

in this group recently stated that realization is not limited only to human



We think animals inferiors to us due to our ego?


but the question remains as if less disturbed the mind ...more close is it to

the God?




so hum...

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, aumji <no_reply wrote:


> The light spectrum has three major scales viz infra red and below, >common

light and ultra violet and above. The frequency and


Aumji, I agree.


Everyone says Im not attached to money, even beggars say that. But then give

them a million dollars, & ask them to donate it to charity, & see where their

Sanyaas goes!


Animals, though they live in the moment, are like beggars who claim they arent

attached to money. They will have to earn the money/human life, then give it up

willingly- not under disgust or fear(which is what most people do).


I was reading somewhere- we cant choose unless we have seen all paths. Ma Shakti

will make us see all paths-pain, misery, richness, comforts, before we are

allowed to choose. Anytime we get attached to one state, she will let us stay

there till we learn to rise above that state.


Thats where the law of karma comes in-if we get attached to money/power, we will

have to obey Karmas law, & do the required work to earn that money/power. Ma

Shakti will then not interfere till we grow out of our little attractions.

Note-we cant fool her. If out of digust or fear we say " I dont money, I want God

only " , we may fool ourself, but never Her, as she knows the next time we get

money, we will forget God again.


The process of Moksha is the having of all powers/wealths of the world, & then

giving it up- not because of fear of the world, or some attraction to some

Moksha/heaven, but because we realise that this is not our True Nature, & so it

does not belong to us. Each of us will have to earn this State of Shiva, we will

have to rise through the dirt of the world to find our Real Self.




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, " so hum " <jigyaasuu wrote:


> but the question remains as if less disturbed the mind ...more close >is it to

the God?


Yes Sohumji, but disturbed here is in Yogas sense, not psychological...


The quieter the mind, the less Vrittis there are rising on its surface, the more

clearly it can see the Spirit, the way you can see the surface of the sea/lake

when there are no storms.


Animals may have no vrittis, but neither do they have a Buddhi that can analyse

themselves & see where the source of conciousness is. Their mind is instinct

based- means they cant learn anything new unless their group conciousness(also

called the God for that animal) learns it. While humans, though we too have a

group conciousness, we are not bound by it.


So while the majority of humans are not advanced, individual humans can race

ahead & get Moksha while the majority lingers in mediocrity.

This sense of individuality, our ego, though it seems our biggest enemy, is also

our biggest friend.




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, shanracer <no_reply wrote:




> , " so hum " <jigyaasuu@> wrote:


> > but the question remains as if less disturbed the mind ...more close >is it

to the God?


> Yes Sohumji, but disturbed here is in Yogas sense, not psychological...



Dear shanracer,


what happens when mind is quiet without vrittis ? how and why is it different

from an animals' mind which also has no thoughts.


why thoughts should be stop... what is the bargain.. i am sure it is not making

mind a tamoguni useless piece of entity, by quietening it



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they cant learn anything new unless their group conciousness(also called the

God for that animal) learns it. While humans, though we too have a group

conciousness, we are not bound by it




Nice Shantnu ji,

but would you please elaborate it further?


so hum...

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> Nice Shantnu ji,

> but would you please elaborate it further?

> so hum...


Sohumji, all animals, plans & other life forms have a group conciousness, which

is a Deva who rules the progress of that lifeform. When the plant or animal

dies, all its memories, experiences, are collected & sent back to this God, who

then decides how to make the lifeform progress.


So Hindus believe in evolution, except its no a blind evolution, but guided by

divine forces.


Rishis used to be able to talk to plants( & some Yogis still can), to ask how to

use them to heal. In truth, they contacted the Deva of the plant, who showed

them how to use that plant for medicine. Thats how most ancient herb based

medicine systems like Ayurveda came into existence.


Similarly, humans also have a group conciouness. But in our case, this exists

not just for humanity a a whole, but all humans of asia, india, europe etc.

India has one, so does Pakistan, At times, they may decide to goto war, even

though individuals in each country are peaceful. However, these 2 conciousness

maybe overidden by group conciousness of Asia or the world.


In our case, since we are self aware, our group consiousness is also more

powerful. Thats why countries goto war, even though they know it will be harmful

to them.


Not just countries, but any group, like internet, answers, creates its own

Deva, who is the collective sub concious of all its users.


But as humans, we have the free will to reject this group conciousness, & choose

our own path. Mind that the group may protest at this & attack us, as happened

to Jesus. Or the group may help us, as Indian conciousness has been helping



However, most ordinary people, who live in hypontism, usually dont have the will

power to resist this group conciousness. Sometimes demons make take over this

conciousness for their own purposes, like they did with Hitler, & use it for

great destruction.


As Yogis, our job is to connect to the conciousness of the Universe, called Adi

Shakti, & break out of control of all these lower conciousness/devas




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> Not just countries, but any group, like internet, answers, creates its

own Deva, who is the collective sub concious of all its users.

> luv,

> shantnu



wonderful, thanks for the new information and knowledge. Does it mean that

overall deva of all such consciousness everywhere, all the times is the GOD?





so hum...

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