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The Self is Consciousness, Existence alone and in it there is no I-ness

(egoism). If we understand this one point, then this very moment we are

liberated. In this there is no delay. The delay is in that which is not there

at present and for which one has to create " nirmaan " something. For that which

is here right now, what development / creation " nirmaan " is required? Rather

only our sight needs to go towards it, we have to accept it.


Just like -


" Sankar sahaj saroopu samhaaraa laagi samaadhi akhand apaaraa (Ramcharitramanas,

Balkand 58/4)


There are two words - " I am " . In this -


* " I " is a part of Nature (Prakruti) and " Am " is a part of Paramatma

(Supreme Consciousness). "

* " I " is inert whereas " Am " is sentient.

* " I " is dependent (aadhey) whereas " Am " is the support.

* " I " is that which is illuminated, whereas " Am " is the illuminator.

* " I " is ever- changing, whereas, " Am " is changeless.

* " I " is temporary and " Am " is permanent.

* " I " undergoes changes, whereas " Am " is changeless.


When " I " and " Am " are blended together, then is becomes a knot between sentient

and insentient " Chijjadgranthi " (jada-chetan ki granthi " . This is bondage. This

itself is ignorance. To experience, " I " and " Am " as separate is liberation, it

is enlightenment. Here it is essential to have the knowledge that it is only on

blending " I " that it is called " Am " . If " I " was not blended, then it would not

be " Am " , rather only " IS " would remain. That " IS " is our true Self (swaroop).


A person said to his father that " I am the son, " then in front of his son, he

says " I am the father " before his grand-father, he says " I am a grand son " In

front of grand son, he says " I am grand father " , to his sister, he says " I am a

brother " , to his wife, he says " I am a husband " etc. The point is that the

" Am " in all of these is one only. The " I " keeps changing depending on who he is

in front of. If you ask him, " Who are you? " , than he himself does not know! If

he searches on the " I " , then he will not find that " I " rather only the existence

(IS-ness) is found. Because as such that existence is of " IS " (IS-ness), not of

" I " .


The relation / requirement of the son, is the father, and the relation of the

father, is the son. In this manner, son, father, grand-son, grand-father, wife,

husband etc. are all names of relations. That is, these are not the names of

the " Self " . The " Self " is impartial and free of all relations. That " IS " is

the knower of " I " . The " I " is not the knower, and that which is the knower, it

is not " I " . The " I " is what comes into the perception of the knower and " IS " is

the knower. " I " is the inhabitant of a particular place. The " IS " is at all

places. Whether relation is accepted with " I " or not, the " I " is non-existent.

The Existence is of only " IS " . The changes are in the " I " not in the " IS " . The

" Am " is also a part of " IS " . It is due to having affinity with " I-ness " that

became a part (ansh). If it did not catch hold of " I-ness " then it would not be

" Am " , rather it is due to having a sense of " I-ness " and " Mine-ness " (my son

etc.) that there is proprietary interest / attachment. It is only when one is

free of " I-ness " (ahamtaa) and " Mine-ness " (mamta) that one is liberated.


" Nirmamoha Nirahankaarah sa shaantimadigacchyati " (Gita 2/71)


This is " Brahmi Sthithi " (a state of Self/God realized soul). On attaining

this state (Brahmi Sthithi), in other words, on experiencing being established

in " IS, " there is no owner of this body, that is, there is no one remaining to

say " I " and " Mine " to this body.


From book in hindi - " Saadhan, Sudhaa, Sindhu " pg 144 by Swami Ramsukhdasji.




Thimmappa M S.

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Respected Members,


Sadar Pranaam,


Jai Gurudev,


Shri Thimmappa ji,


Thanks for sharing such an Enlightening fact.






--- On Sun, 18/4/10, MST <thimmappams wrote:



The Self is Consciousness, Existence alone and in it there is no I-ness

(egoism). If we understand this one point, then this very moment we are

liberated. In this there is no delay. The delay is in

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, " MST " <thimmappams wrote:



> The Self is Consciousness, Existence alone and in it there is no I-ness

(egoism). If we understand this one point, then this very


Thanks Thimmappa ji, for this wise piece of note. Will you write something more

on Chidgranthhi ?


When where and how the consciousness attaches with material world.. is it

through mind or through Asmita



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Thanks Aumji. Yes, you put it right, Consciousness alone is the reality. Chit

is sentient, jada is insentient/inert and together the creation is manifested -

chitjadagranthi. Yes, it is through asmita - sense of 'I exist', egoism, a false

identification of the seer/Self with the instrument of seeing/buddhi/intellect

or mind - the attachment takes place.








, aumji <no_reply wrote:




> , " MST " <thimmappams@> wrote:

> >

> >

> > The Self is Consciousness, Existence alone and in it there is no I-ness

(egoism). If we understand this one point, then this very


> Thanks Thimmappa ji, for this wise piece of note. Will you write something

more on Chidgranthhi ?


> When where and how the consciousness attaches with material world.. is it

through mind or through Asmita


> aum


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