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Sai Vichaar for Thursday , March 01, 2007

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Sai Vichaar www.saibaba.org Thursday , March 01, 2007 :: Volume 9, Issue 42 (In its nineth year of publication.) Sai Vichaar is a Weekly newsletter distributed every Thursday and is devoted to the life, philosophy and teachings of Shri Sai Baba of Shirdi. Feel free

to forward this newsletter to your interested associates in its original form. IN THIS ISSUE: FEATURE OF THE WEEK CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE DEVOTEES SAY PRAYER CLUB EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES QUOTATION OF THE WEEK QUESTION OF THE WEEK SAI ACTIVITIES FROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARD FEATURE OF THE WEEK: Love Triumphs Padmapadacharya is one of the excellent disciples of Shri AdiSankaracharya. One day Padmapada

decided to do penance for the darshan of Lord Nrisimha. He went to forest for doing the tapas. In the forest he met a kirataka (hunter) and he revered padmapada as his master. Every day he used to come and greet his master with sincere love and affection. Gradually, the life of the hunter became a total surrender to the feet of the master. In his mind Guru and God became one and the same. One day he noticed that the master is doing tapas. He enquired the master and came to know that the master is doing tapas for the lion faced God (lord Nrisimha). So, he decided to fetch that God for his master. He did not understand how difficult it is to see the God. All he knows is by having the darshan of God his Guru's desire will be fulfilled. So, with all sincerity he began his search. As the time progresses, searching for the God became the only purpose of his life. He relentlessly and tirelessly continued his search. The flame of divine love completely cleaned him

of all the impurities. At last, Lord Narayana showed his grace on him and appeared as Lion faced God. He immediately took him to Padmapada. Padmapada with uncontrollable joy fell on the feet of Lord Nrisimha. Lord Nrisimha explained to Padmapada that the innocent, pure, unselfish and single minded devotional love of the hunter without a trace of ego won him over. As mentioned in Sai Satcharita,"Once you surrender at Guru's feet with single minded devotion, not only the Guru, but God himself will be moved. Such is the marvel of Guru worship, which the guru- devotees should experience themselves." The main purpose of worship of God is to enable everyone to feel the joy and bliss of divine love and to become one in that love. As this goal appears too steep for many in the world, lot of steps have been prescribed to reach the Goal. Sri Sai advised Sraddha and Saburi as the fundamental keys to open the treasure chest of divine love or knowledge.

Sraddha gives the self-confidence and Saburi allows staying at peace with day-to-day events. Some times during the times of crisis in life it becomes very difficult to hold on to these two keys. (Sraddha & Saburi). At those times, it is always good for us to remember the assurance of Sri Sai."The Sky is overcast. But, it is sure going to rain and bring forth the harvest." CONTRIBUTED ARTICLE: A Response to Sai Vichaar I continue enjoying very much the Sai Vichaar newsletter and often share much of it with friends. It offers much, especially in terms of inspiration. In this particular newsletter I would like to offer two comments related to the note by Ramaa Prasad on the question of the changing of religions. First, too commonly many people react emotionally to some religious sentiments and, because of some subtle instability that is present within that person´s

personality at that time, may often be found changing from one religion to another, from one guru to another and so on. These sorts of persons should not change religions because their motives and reasons are incorrect and not spiritually convenient. I am sure that this was often a situation present in many of the cases that Baba dealt with. There are other cases of persons with certain spiritual maturity who, in the process of their continued development may need a different context of learning and expression to continue that development as they deserve. This sometimes may justify religious changes, and has nothing necessarily to do with one religion being better than another one at all! God may be One, but there are different expressions of that One Being for the convenience and facility of every and any individual human being because God wants them "back home" as quickly as possible. That is the great love of God! Secondly, while a wise counselor - and

Baba was obviously this! - would not try to discourage the marriage of two persons if they were truly in love and attuned, even though of different religions, if there existed a harmonious relationship of respect of each for the religion of the other, it is always better if the two persons are of the same religion! Love and marriage is not just for love and marriage, as an end in itself in life. It should, directly or indirectly, affect the basic enrichment - and especially spiritual enrichment - of the two persons involved. So many fundamental things in the Hindu tradition focus in on this factor. The central key that teaches this and guides us in this is the relationship of Siva and Sakti, and its inner, spiritual meaning. Marriage is something that touches a spiritual essence even in its most external and superficial expression, but that should always inspire us to help make it grow to be something more, something deeper: Siv-sakti! This for the benefit of the two

marriage partners, for the benefit of the spirituality of the children produced through that marriage and for the benefit of all the world. Love all by itself is always wonderful; but connected to a unified spiritual "team", that is truly something great! Thank you! Namaskaram! (Contributed by Anandagiri Baba, Argentina) DEVOTEES SAY: UmaI am posting this article as I have taken vow to do this if all through my pregnancy period and delivery will go normal. And as I've faith in Baba, Baba blessed me with normal delivery and also He blessed me a cute little angel baby girl with good health. I am thankful to Baba who cares for his devotee's wells and worries. SwaminathanI am posting this to thank Baba for His blessings in curing my wife's shoulder pain. I had promised to write it in Sai Vichaar. I am convinced

that we need not worry about anything as long as we have full faith in our Saima. LakshmiThank you so much Baba for helping me out to score good marks in the exam and also you helped me to come out of my physical problem I was suffering. AkhilWords cannot express my gratitude to my beloved Sadguru for His help in granting me a job and a pass in the examination for me to qualify as a doctor. Baba I love You. Please always bless and favor us (Your bhaktas) like this! KumudI didn't want to vacate my house and I was not getting any roommate. I started packing all my things with a heavy heart. Finally two days before I was leaving the house, Baba sent a girl who also works in the same company and I extended my lease. She is having your idol Sai baba. It was as if You came and dropped her in my home. Thank you so much Saibaba for being with me always. Now

again I am facing problems with my managers and they are asking me to go back. I am not intelligent enough to talk with them. I want to stay here for sometime Baba. Please bring me out of this trouble also. Please bless me and be with me always. NandanSainatha, koti pranam to You. With your kind affection and blessings I was able to get through the hurdle of getting a job and selling my car. Baba, you do know the kind of mental pressure I was going through during these times, I am ever grateful to You. BabithaDear Sai, thank you very much for all Your blessings and invaluable gifts which You have showered on me since past couple of months after I became a sincere devotee of thee. I know and beleive it is all because of Your grace and mercy that I am living. Continue to shower Your blessings to me, my son and my husband. SnehalI am really thankful to You

Baba, for always being with me whenever I need You. I would like to quote just one of my uncountable expierences of Baba which shows that He is just besides us all the time. Six months back I and my father had been to Shirdi. After two days stay we were leaving Shirdi by morning bus and went to take "mukhdarshan"of Baba. We reached the entry gate half an hour early than it's usual time of opening. We had no time to wait and thought that we will leave without taking the darshan. Just then I closed my eyes and asked Baba to do something, and to my surprise within a minute a security man who was in the temple, came and opened the gate. I thank you once again Baba for whatever You have done for me and my family. Om Sai Ram. PRAYER CLUB: RachnaSai Baba please bless me with job at the earliest as my time of getting transfer to that place is comining near. I have full

faith on You. I am reading Sai Satcharithra twice. I truely believe You are looking for a good job for me but don't make any delay. With the trust in You and full faith I am sending my prayer to You. MeenakshiBaba, dear father, Koti Pranam to You. Please help me. Give me courage and motivation to go through the dillemma I am facing. Please fulfill my wishes and be with me so that I can cross this road of darkness. I surrender myself to You. Help me, please give me hope. Sairam. Sai devoteeBaba, koti koti pranam, Baba I don't have anybody in this world. I don't have any place of mine, please help me Baba. Please show me the right path, bless all my brothers and sisters in this world. RamaSaibaba we are in problems. Please save us Baba. My baby is 2 years old. His name is Sai. His health is not fine. Protein, calcium and aminoacids are leaking through his

urine. He is on medication. You know my baby is suffering from health problems for the past 1 year. Baba please heal my baby. Please heal all sicknesses of my baby. Forgive my sins Baba. Please give good health to my baby. Please give a good bridegroom to my sister-in-law. Please give good health and peace to my in-laws. Please forgive me baba I did a lot of sins. Please forgive me Baba. Show your blessings on my family. VaraprasadOm Saibaba ! by Your grace I and my wife got Residence Visa for New Zealand. We got it miraculously within 6 months without any problmes whatsoever- that too on a Thursday. We have decided to migrate to Auckland. Baba ! please bless me to get a decent job at this old age so that we need not depend on any one for our living. Give me the strength to build your Temple in Auckland. Also Baba please relieve me from this nagging pain of Spondilitis or stiff neck. It is becoming unberable day by day. Sai devoteeKoti Pranams Sainath. Baba my husband has to see his doctor with his medical reports, please let the Doctor say everything is fine. I am really worried about his health, Sainath you know everything about his health and the treatment he has had before. Baba please bless my husband and give him good health and let the reports show everything is fine. I leave everything to you please take care of him. He takes your Udi before he sees the Doctor. We bow before Your Lotus feet Sainath, please be with us always. PradnyaKoti koti pranam Baba. Baba my mother is very sick, now she is in very serious condition. Baba please bless her. Baba I am in very bad financial condition, please look after my mother. Jai Sai Ram. SureshSainath, the organisation in which I am presently working have forced me to submit resignation. I pray You to grant me a new job in a good

organisation at the earliest. KamleshPranam Baba, please help my son who wants to start his own trading company. It can happen only with Your blessings. Baba we want Your hand on our head all the time. Please be with us. Sai Ram. SandhyaOm Sairam. I want to thank you Sai for all that You have done for me. As You know I sat for my exam in subject that I have never done and we did not have teacher to teach us at college and by Your grace I have been learning by myself by visiting libraries on the subject. Last December I sat for the exam and by Sai's grace I have passed in both subjects. You are the greatest Baba and please help us all always. Help me to come to Shirdi to do all the things that I want to do there and shower Your grace and blessings on us all. Jai Sairam. Sai devoteeJai Sai Ram. Koti Koti Pranam. Baba I am so depressed because of my

husband's behaviour. Baba plese help me and give me strength to face this problem. Baba help my husband to get his business better. He blames me and my family for every thing. Baba, You know everything. Baba please help me to save my family. Now I have left everything to You. Baba shower Your blessings to my family. I am losing my courage now. Baba I will write my letter to Sai Vichaar and do Saptah of Sai Satcharitra when my problem solves. EXPERIENCE OF DEVOTEES: AlokSaibaba never leaves his devotee to fall into any problem. One of the instances just happened with me last week. I got a call from my wife after a long time as she was not staying with me because of my work and I could not talk to her due to the presence of some unwanted people around me and I couldn't leave that place because of my work. I prayed to Saibaba, please let me out of this place for a

while so that I can talk to her. At once I have been asked by my colleague to go out and do one fax and so surprisingly I could go out and talk to her. At the peak of His bliss, Saibaba answers my prayers at once and now I have no doubts about anything in my life. Sai says, "Don't worry I will take care of everything". So we should all surrender ourselves to Sai. A Sai devoteeThis winter i.e. 2006 December I planned a short visit to India during Christmas holidays. The idea was to, meet all my nears and dears and return back cause my spouse was alone. Man proposes one way and Sai disposes the other way. I reached India safe and after doing some family duties one day I felt some pain in my chest. I thought of getting checked in a private hospital where my brother works. One of the top doctors saw me and said that all the tests were normal except the stress test which is abnormal. I started getting anxious as to why it is so? The

doctor said it may mean nothing but since I was getting some chest pain off and on so it was decided to do more tests. I got very much shocked as it may mean that I have a heart problem and may even need surgery. Even though I was very much shocked and worried I did not leave faith in Sai Baba and went to Saibaba temples in and around my house couple of times and prayed to Baba - "Oh Deva, please keep me healthy and as before as I know I may not have taken full care of my health and may have done some bad karma also in the past or present but please take care, let there be no pain and I don't want doctors to do all their testing and surgeries on me. In the meantime with Baba grace my family took opinions from well known specialist in A.I.I.M.S. too (with Baba's grace appointment with AIIMS heart specialist came very easily as he turned out to be a med-college senior of my brother-in-law). When the doctor saw me first and all other reports he said I am 99 percent sure that

there is nothing but to remove the doubts and also since I was to fly back for 20 hours a further test would be required . That day I felt very light and I thanked Saibaba and Hanuman ji for giving me such a great relief and ray of hope. However I kept on reciting Baba's name, reading Satcharitra regularly and going to nearby temple when ever possible. continued.....As scheduled, I had to undergo the test on a particular day (Wednesday) but I continuously kept taking Baba's name before and during the test / procedure that the specialist performed. With Baba s Blessings and some amount of good karmas that I might have done in my life the specialist loudly announced during the procedure itself "there is nothing - when would you like to fly back to U.S? I was so happy to hear that tears came out of eyes and when they brought me out of that area and when I saw all my relatives waiting to hug me and be near to me I could not control

myself and I started crying. I knew that these tears are coming from my heart that are saying to Baba thanks again for taking me out this painful situation and adverse time and Baba I know You took the entire pain onto Yourself. QUOTATION OF THE WEEK: "Without love our reading, hearing and the study are of no avail. In the wake of love follow devotion, dispassion, peace and liberation with all their treasures. We do not get love for anything unless we feel earnestly about it. So where there is real yearning and feeling, God manifests Himself".-Sri Sai Satcharita QUESTION OF THE WEEK: Q. Why did Baba scold a person who changed his religion into another one? A. by Ravi S Sai Maharaj is unique in that he is very simple in His tastes

and is highly unorthodox. That, I guess, is why He appeals to so many people. In His Sai Satcharita we read of His not requiring any elaborate form of worship. He says it is enough if His devotees offer Him a flower or just remember Him in their hearts. How much simpler can it get than that for devotees of any religion? Merely chanting His name 'Sai Sai' is enough to get one peace of mind, which is what we need most in this busy world of the 21st century. Sai Maharaj responds instantly to His devotee's calls for help, and I have personally experienced His Divine Help on numerous occasions. Just keeping Sai Maharaj's photo in one's Pooja room, offering Him flowers or even a single flower, playing His mantras or bhajans, lighting a lamp and reading His Satcharita in any language are some of the ways one can be assured of Sai's response to their call for help. Thank You Sai Maharaj, for forming the words in my mind and penning these thoughts. Q. Why did Baba scold a person who changed his religion into another one? A. by A Sai devotee Baba scolded a person changing his religion and Pujya Acharya Ekkirala Bharadwaja put it elegantly in his "Sai Baba Jeevitha Charithra - Sai leelamrutham (Telugu) in the context of Baba scolding some one for changing his religion: If you believe there is one God, then there is no reason to change your religion; or If you believe each religion's God is different, then changing your religion is betrayal. Q. Why did Baba scold a person who changed his religion into another one? A. by S.Krishnasamy Because Sai must have wanted the person who changed his religion to understand that to experience God, it is not necessary to change one's religion, as all religions direct one towards the same Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent Divine Energy Form of the mother-father of this Universe, which

is also residing inside him as He. While a person who follows one religion accepts all other religions as the same means towards knowing the same Divinity, there is absolutely no necessity to change over to other religion. The one who considers one religion to be inferior and change over to the other religion considering it to be superior, or for any other monetary/other benefits whatsoever, is just getting into confusion and is drifting away from God, which Sai must have wanted to correct and hence scolded him. SAI ACTIVITIES: Sri Ramanavami celebrations in Chicago, USASri Ramanavami and Urs festival celebrations are the first major celebration of the year for Shirdi Sai devotees. The tradition started in 1910 and continues each year. Shirdi Sai temple, Chicago will be celebrating the event for three days starting from Saturday, March 24th to Monday, March 26th.

The program comprises of Aartis, Maha Abhishek, Homam, Palki procession, Satcharitra parayan, bhajans and much more. For complete details please visit http://www.saibaba.us/index.html or call 847-931-4058. Shri Saibaba Mandir, Minneapolis, MinnesotaSaibaba activities in Minneapolis were conducted at Shirdi Saibaba Prayer center since the year 2002. Now, with the grace and blessings of Baba and the support of devotees, a new Saibaba Mandir has begun to function at 1835 Polk St NE, Minneapolis from July 11th 2006. Please visit www.hamaresai.org for all details. Sri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of Dallas/Fort Worth, TexasSri Shirdi Sai Baba Temple of DFW Metroplex is located at 2109 West Parker (Parker Plaza), Suite 212, Plano, TX 75023. For temple hours and activities please call the temple office at 469-467-3388 or visit the website www.shirdisaidallas.org. Shirdi Sai

Center in Bay Area, CAShirdi Sai Center is located 897-B East Kifer Rd, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. For more information please call 408-705-7904 or 408-564-6704 or send email to saibandhu. You can also visit our website is www.Shirdisaiparivaar.org. Shirdi Saibaba temple, Los Angeles, CADevotees in Los Angeles area are informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Los Angeles area. The temple is located at - 144 South 4th Street, Montebello, CA 90640. For more information please call Krishna Samantula at 949-679-9938 or visit www.shirdisaila.org. Saibaba Temple, Columbus, OhioDevotees in Columbus and surrounding Ohio locations area are informed about Sri Shirdi Saibaba temple in Metro Columbus area. The temple is located in a leasing space at 7674 Sawmill Rd, Dublin, OH 43016. Please attend daily Aaratis and Thursday bhajans. For more information please call Panditjee at

614-799-8411 or visit www.saibaba.cc. FROM THE EDITORS KEYBOARD: In recent days many devotees are using submission forms for their writings incorrectly. Please help Sai Vichaar by sending your contribution under appropriate topics. For example use Devotee Experiences page for sending your experiences only and use Prayer Club for prayer requests only. Also, Sai Vichaar requests the contributors of article to give their name or initials so that the source or author of the article is duly identified and acknowledged. This is fundamental precept for a publication in any manner. The "Question of the week for this week is suggested by Sai devotee Suma as follows: Q. How should one conduct themselves if they are in a relationship that is unhappy and abusive? Humbly Yours,The Editor ABOUT THIS EMAIL: This newsletter is not sent unsolicited. This newsletter is e-mailed to you because of at least one of the following reasons:1. You have d through our on-line page,2. You have visited our web site and shown interest in the Sai topics and asked for information, or3. You have been gifted a subscription by a friend or a relative. To Subscribe Sai Vichaar for receipt by Email please visit the URL http://www.saibaba.org/newsletter.html and select the option from the menu. If you are subscribing the newsletter for your friend or a relative, we request that the person concerned may be notified about receiving the newsletter and the willingness to receive the newsletter be confirmed. To Un-Subscribe receipt of Sai Vichaar, please visit the URL http://www.saibaba.org/newsletter.html and select the option from the menu. If you have

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Sai Baba Sanstha - Sai Vichaar Weekly may only be redistributed in its unedited form. Written permission must be obtained to reprint or cite the information contained within this newsletter. Sai Vichaar is devoted to the philosophy and teachings of Shri Sadguru Sai Baba of Shirdi, and will take every measure to avoid topics or themes contradicting the same. Sai Vichaar team or the Shirdi Sai Baba web site is not responsible for the opinions expressed by individual contributors.

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