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Swami - the Divine Mirror and the individual's Self

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Light and Love



Swami - the Divine Mirror and the individual's Self

The Christian churches do a ritual associated with the taking of "bread" and "wine", pictorially representing the "body" and "blood" of Christ. Most believers see in this ritual something deeply religious, superstitious, or mystical in the practice. Our life is 'flowing' within the Great Oneness - Paramatma as individuated Atma "made" in the image of God, Absolute what is one of the highest of all Universal principles. This Universal Principle is really a sacred science, which describes the process of living within.

Everything in our life depends on not only by our conscious mind but also by our subconscious mind through our intellect, conscience connected with basic human values, skills and virtues of our imagination, thoughts, feelings, emotions, etc... Subconscious mind will proceed to use either directly, or by the intimate connection with the Cosmic Consciousness. All religious customs, methods of worship, sacred rituals, Vedic prescriptions, mantras, namasmarana, serve the single purpose: to impress a specific concept upon the subconscious mind by scientific outlook, Self, Atma by spiritual outlook. The terms are different, but the meaning is practically the same.


The true meaning the word "Lord" seems to be as metaphor for the human's subconsciouses mind, (Self, alias the Lord within, alias Swami's Cosmic Form). For them, who are devoted to Swami as a Cosmic Symbol who has appeared before humanity in the Body Form with all His blesses, graces, dilemmas, and uncertainties, as an example of the lesson for humanity through Him, through His Body and Mind and Spirit. Swami is as a mirror for humans; all worldly joys and sorrows are reflecting in Him and as through Him. Swami's personality as asks to look within and meet there the own Self and find the solution to either the painful or joyful questions, problems. What can Swami as the Avatar in the Body Form do for humans? To spread the energy of selfless Love in the form of the Divine vibrations above the planet and it is the individuals' personal problem, can they connect with this channel of the Divine Love or not. However, there is the Divine tool for the help - it is His Teaching based on the ancient scriptures and Vedas, interpreted by Him for the modern generation, and mixed with the Divine Power. His Teaching from different angles and practical projects performed by His guide, helps humanity to obtain the Cosmic (Divine) Outlook to the eternity of Atmic Reality which carriers humans, other living beings and objects are. All is the Divine Play, take life as this is and know that timeless Atma is the real Indweller within everyone us.The life does not begin from the birth and ends with the death. It is only a tiniest drop of sand in the endless process of Creation. Swami through His Teaching directs human beings to use the Divine Grace expressed through the infinite power of the Self, by spiritual awareness, knowledge, and experiences. By modern physics light beam, activated by striking a metal surface can generate plasmons, electron density waves that can carry huge amounts of data as a wonderful medium for carrying information. Swami as Avatar is the spiritual activator of humans who have faith in Him and in the own Self. However, as the essence of light beams activation in plasmons generation process is not finally known to physicists, so the whole essence of the Divine actions too remains in much mystery for humans. Without person’s faith in the own Self, Swami cannot do anything with person, as it is His Cosmic Form within this person what he/she distrusts. The Atmic essence of the Self by Swami's Teaching is the common, all pervasive in human conscious mind. However, it is difficult to detect. This may be compare with the recently detected T-rays (terahertz radiation) what is too the most common form of radiation in the Universe. (The electromagnetic spectrum runs from long-wavelength radio at one end to high-energy, short-wavelength X-rays and gamma rays on the other. Between microwaves and X-rays, lie T-rays, or terahertz radiation). The detector of these rays - hot electron bolometer -has only recently discovered, (A gold antenna attached to the detector catches terahertz radiation and sends it to the small superconducting bridge, where scientists can read the frequency of the received signal). Clothing, plastics, and wood look transparent under terahertz imaging. Materials will absorb the T-radiation at varying frequencies, depending on the type of material. Similarly, humans’ existence seems transparent through the glasses of Atmic reality. The level of transparency also varies according to the person’s spiritual awareness of Atmic Oneness. Namaste - Reet





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