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Swami teaches... Part 3. Human's intellect should follow the path of dharma

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Light and Love Swami teaches... Part 3. Human's Intellect Should Follow the Path of Dharma


Many saints, sages, and people of sacrifice were born in Bharath. The sacredness and renown of Bharath are unmatched. That is why Buddha chose this country as his Motherland. Buddha sacrificed everything and went around in search of Truth. He said, "Dharmam sharanam gachhami (I take refuge in Dharma).” (But, today, Dharma has declined. People think that money is everything. Just as the Earth revolves around the Sun, people go around money). By ancient scriptures the noble Dharma has followed by Agasthya (sage and author of several Vedic hymns), for example. He is called "potborn," but remember, he and Vasistha (one of the greatest sages of ancient times; priest of the solar race of kings; revealer of several Vedic hymns) were both children of Mithra-Varuna (Mithra always mentioned together with Varuna as rain gods). He put an end to the evil deeds of the ferocious giants Ilvala and Vaathaapi. He made the high-peaked Vindhya bow his head and become low; that is why he is known by the name, Agasthya. He taught humility to the proudest in the land. Agasthya is reported to have drunk off the ocean all in one sip. That is to say, he dried up the ocean of Samsara, with its waves of grief and joy, prosperity and adversity, success and failure. It is not any sidhi (perfection; yogic power), this feat; it is a parable explaining that though he was a married man with a son who recited the Vedas as soon as he saw light, he had conquered all attachments of the world. Be attached only to the ideal - that is the sign of the sage. Vyashti means individual, samashti means society. So, you should progress from vyashti to samashti, from samashti to srushti (creation), and ultimately merge in Parameshti (God). You should attain the unity of individual, society, creation, and the Creator. Only spiritual transformation can bring about social welfare. Young people are struggling hard to acquire worldly education. They are spending hours together concentrating on it. Even this education can be used for the welfare of the society. Leave selfishness and aspire for the happiness of all. Loka samastha sukhino bhavantu. (May all the people of the world be happy!). This should be our prayer and aspiration. Swami stresses that our life will be sanctified when we cultivate broad feelings. Develop broadmindedness. Never give any scope for any doubt on Divinity. All such doubts are but imaginations. Never succumb to them. Swami's famous verses declare: Follow only the Divine feelings. Follow the Master, Face the devil, Fight to the end, Finish the game. That should be the goal of life. The goal of life veils into smog, when human does not have unity of thought, word, and deed. The unity of these three constitutes humanness. The proper study of humanity is human. What does HUMAN stand for? 1. 'H' stands for gaining the vision of humbleness; 2. 'U' stands for gaining the vision of unity in diversity; 3. 'M' stands for giving up Maya (illusion); 4. 'A' stands for gaining the vision of Atma; and 5. 'N' denotes attaining Nirvana. Bliss can be attained only through control of senses. Santhi is full of spiritual feeling and wisdom that is the natural accompaniment of bliss. Genuine santhi is won by control of the senses. Then it can be call prasanthi. The experience of that stage is as a stream of peace. There is no easier path to peace and bliss other than controlling one's own senses. This is possible when the vision is properly utilized. Once the vision is controlled, other senses can also be easily controlled. There are pictorially forty lakh light rays in the human eye. Nevertheless, their radiance is destroyed on account of wrong vision. When you look at wrong things, you waste the enormous power of radiance of the eyes. There are thirty lakh taste buds on the tongue. They get destroyed because of bad talk. Therefore, the first and foremost vision and tongue should be kept under check. Otherwise human may lose humanness and ultimately ruin own life. Along with right vision and right talk, cultivate right listening. (If someone were to indulge in bad talk in your presence, leave the place at once). In order to understand this truth, one should cultivate sadgunas. Sadgunas do not denote good qualities alone. ‘Sath’ means Being, that which is permanent. So, sadgunas mean having Divine feelings. Similarly, the word sathsang means being in the company of the Divine, not merely in the company of good people. Divinity is within us. That is Sath. One has to develop friendship with Sath. That is true sathsang and true friendship. The body needs a house but the body is itself a house of Atma (Indweller) in that house too. Health of the body is the most essential pre-requisite for success in all aspects of life, for realizing the four ideals that should guide humans - namely, spiritual outlook, moral living, prosperity, fulfilling beneficial desires and liberation from grief. What is liberation (moksha)? Getting rid of moha (attachment) is liberation. Giving up body consciousness (not body itself) is liberation. Everywhere human seeks to live happily and peacefully but happiness and peace are not won from worldly activities. The body that yearns to be happy and secure, is subject to disease, decay, and death. The dweller, the Self, within the body, is however not born, nor does it die. It is the Atma, God. It is human's prime duty to keep this body-temple in good condition. It is the essential part of human's actions on the path of dharma. Health is necessary for gaining this world and the next, for earning worldly and other worldly progress, to realize the very purpose for which the Self has embodied itself in this human form, namely, to become aware of its source, the Paramatma. In order to attain this goal, the ideals of righteousness, prosperity, moral desire and release from grief have to be practiced with the help of a sound mind in a sound body. The billions of cells in the body are inter-dependent that when one is weakened or damaged, all of them suffer. There is a limit and a balance which every limb and organ has to maintain. Insufficient or improper food will endanger this balance. (An occasional cough helps tostrengthen the lungs and to clear them of extraneous matter, but fits of coughing are signs ofillness). Disease means feeling uneasy, disturbed, on account of the upsetting of one's temper or balance or equilibrium, which affects the physical as well as mental condition. It is wise to prevent disease than run after remedies after it has happened or grown beyond control. Human does not attend to precautionary measures and then the disease is aggravated by fear, uncertainty, and anxiety. /Human being today does meditation in the morning like a yogi, eats sumptuous food during the day tike a bhogi (pleasure seeker), and sleeps at night like a rogi (sick person)/. What are the main causes of ill-health? Billions of living beings grouped as species dwell on the Earth; they sustain themselves by means of food secured from Nature, as provided by Nature. It is only human that is an exception. In order to cater to his/her palate and other senses, human changes the natural composition and characteristics of the things and prepares, through the process of boiling, frying, and mixing. The vitamins and other valuable bioactive ingredients are mostly destroyed while the food is cooked. The breakfast does not serve to break any fast, for; there has been no fasting at all. It is as good as a full meal. Lunch is pressed in and consists of many dishes, chosen for the palate rather than to assuage hunger. Tea is tea only in name; it includes rather heavy fare, out of all proportion to the needs of the body. Dinner at night is the heaviest meal and includes the largest variety and so one goes to bed, weighted with unwanted stuff, to roll from side to side, in a vain effort to get a few minutes of sleep. The shortage of food grains is mainly due to bad and wasteful eating habits; it can be set right, and people can live longer and more healthily, if only they eat the minimum, rather than fill themselves with maximum. Let us consider some points on which we have to be vigilant, in order to avoid breakdowns on the road. This is good for the body as well as for the country. Do not eat a dozen plantains, half a dozen puris, drink a quart of milk, and call it a fast! Take water, so that all the dirt is washed away. Do not crave for fruit juice or other liquids. Even physical machinery is given rest; they cannot run forever, continuously. What then shall we say of this delicately organized human body.


The older generation in India used to take some quantity of rice soaked in curds, first meal in the morning. It is good sathwic food; or, they drank some raagi gruel, which is equally good. Dogs have better eating habits. If a dog has fever, it will refuse food; but human ignores even the warnings of the doctor and eats on the sly. Through dieting alone, birds and beasts set their health all right. Nevertheless, human lives on tablets and pills and injections, after venturing into forbidden realm, so far as eating and drinking are concerned. Drink large quantities of water, boiled and cooled, not during meals, but some time before and after. Eat in moderation and live long. This is the advice handed down through the ages by the seers of the past. This advice is seldom heeded. People fill themselves with such large quantities of food that they find it hard to rise from the eating plate. Ruining their digestive system by consuming heavy, rich foods, the affluent are proud when they host costly banquets. In rich countries, over-eating has become a fashion. Those who know that physical health is the greatest treasure take great care to eat only sathwic food. Coconut kernel, coconut water, sprouting pulses, uncooked or half-cooked vegetables, and greens are good for health. Uncooked food, nuts, and fruits, germinating pulses are the best. Use these at least at one meal, say, for the dinner at night. This will ensure long life. In addition, long life is to be striven for in order that the years may be utilized for serving one's fellow-beings. Evil thoughts also cause ill-health. Anxiety, fear, and tension contribute their share. All theseresult from greed, greed to have more of things, of power and of fame. Greed results in sorrow and despair. Contentment can come only from a spiritual outlook. One should not distinguish between "my work" and "work for God." All work should be worship. Whatever the reward, it is the gift of God. It is for our lasting good. If this attitude is developed, suffering and pain can toughen us and help us to progress towards Divinity. Anger is another enemy of health. It injects poison into the blood stream and brings about profound transformation, which damages it. Two women, who were neighbors turned into bitter enemies on account of a dispute over a very trivial incident. The cow belonging to one woman while going on the road dropped its dung in front of the other woman's house. The owner of the cow ran to collect the dung, while the other woman claimed that it belonged to her since it lay onher doorstep. From words, they very nearly came to blows. Just then the other woman's little baby wailed from the cradle. She rushed in to feed the baby and while the child was drawing in its food, she shouted most ferociously at her neighbor. Her anger poisoned her blood so much that the child died while drinking her milk! The cause of ill-health may be also vice and vile conduct. Many diseases are mental illness, fundamentally. Doctors have to deal with patients sweetly and softly and consider their profession as one calling for dedication to their fellowmen. It is best to preserve one's health by good thoughts and good deeds. (Try earnestly to live long, without falling into the hands of medical practitioners. When they give you one injection, they keep another ready to counteract its reactions. While trying to cure one disease, they cause a dozen more. Moreover, the drugs they recommend are mostly spurious, since manufacturers want to amass a fortune by hook or by crook).


All people are individualized Selves of Creation, expressions and experiences of the Cosmic Consciousness, The Divine Play of God. Let us follow the path of Dharma happily with Atmic vision what as illuminates our conscience, our intellect (buddhi). (Reet's compilation from, Sathya Sai Speaks. Vol. 3. "Griha or guha?" Chapter 6 and "A drama within a drama," Chapter 9; Sathya Sai Speaks. Vol. 9. "Seaworthy boat," Chapter 21; Sathya Sai Speaks. Vol. 15. "Good health and goodness," Chapter 21; Sathya Sai Speaks. Vol. 27. "Cherish the sweetness of sacrifice," Chapter 18; Sathya Sai Speaks. Vol. 32. Part 1. "Control Your Senses," Chapter 15).

Namaste - Reet



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