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Sai Moves Latin America

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Sai Moves Latin America

- A Conversation With Mr. Leonardo Gutter












Previous Articles In This Series



Sai Movement in Mexico

Sai Movement in

El Salvador

Sai Movement in Guatamela



Sai Movement in Colombia

Sai Movement in Brazil

Sai Movement in Venezuela



Sai Movement in Panama

Sai Movement in Argentina

Sai Movement in Honduras and Nicaragua



Sai Movement in Dominican Republic

Sai Movement in Bolivia

Sai Movement in Uruguay









Reader, for the last one year, in every issue we have been bringing you

the story of the Sai Movement in one Latin American country. Till now

we have covered 11 nations and there are still stories to be told of

Peru, Chile, Equador and many Caribbean island-nations, which we will

be narrating in the coming issues. As a breather, this time we have the

transcript of a conversation aired on Radio Sai in January 2003 between

Prof. G Venkataraman and Sri Leonardo Gutter, one of the founding and

first Coordinating Committee members of the Sai Organisation in

Argentina, and currently a member of the Prasanthi Council, the body

which overseas the activities of Sai Organisation worldwide.


Prof. G Venkataraman (GV):

Sai Ram and welcome to our studios, Brother Gutter. I have seen you

here all the time, every time there is a festival, but many of our

listeners may not have seen you, especially since you come from a

far-off continent, Latin America, based in Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Would you mind telling us exactly when you came to Swami and how you

came to Swami, because different people are pulled by Him in different

ways? So, how did He pull you?







Sri Leonardo Gutter




Sri Leonardo Gutter (LG):

It is a very interesting story. It was about twenty-two years ago. At

that time I was already on a spiritual path in a Raja Yoga

Organization, and I heard about Swami, I don’t know how, but I

heard about His Name.

GV: Was it like Hislop and many others? They heard it from Indra Devi.


No, not like that. I personally do not know from where I heard His

name. I was on the spiritual path; I heard it in Argentina. What

happened then was that I became very interested. Soon a member of the

organization, where I was, came to India. She had an interview with

Swami and when she came back something happened. On her way to India,

she stopped in the UK and she went to the library and there a book fell

on her head; it was a book on Swami.

GV: A book fell on her head? Direct transmission of the knowledge!

Dream Darshan


Exactly. She decided to come here. She came here and got an interview

with Swami. She came back and she told us about Swami. At that time, as

I told you, I was in another organization. Then, one night I had a

dream with Swami. My first dream.

GV: You saw Swami in the dream?

LG: Yes, I saw him in the dream.

GV: Complete form, robe, physical form, everything?

LG: Yes.

GV: It is amazing how many people had this kind of experience.


It was very special for me. I was in a room, there were seven or eight

people in a room, and Swami came in and I thought (this happened in the

dream), Well, now I will know if you are an Avatar. If you are an

Avatar and when you come close to me, by where I am standing, I will

have to feel something. So then, He started to approach me and suddenly I found myself doing namaskar. And I thought, What I am doing? I am not a Sai devotee. So, I myself found it strange that I was doing that.







GV: You have heard about Him by that time. Had you seen His picture?


I just heard His name and then I had this dream. I had not seen His

picture. What happened was that when He came by my side, suddenly I

started to feel waves of energy, one after another.

GV: Very interesting, exactly the same thing was said by Mr. Jum Sai a few days ago.


LG:One wave of the energy after another. It was like all the cells of

my body were bubbling with energy. Each cell was exploding and giving

me Ananda, a state of bliss. It was so intense, one after another. One

moment I lost my equilibrium and fell to the floor. I couldn’t

move, I was completely without any strength in my limbs. It was in my

dream, I was quite conscious, and I was smiling from ear to ear. And He

was just going to leave the room and I looked at Him and thought, You are God, You Are God, You Are God. He looked at me and He came back where I was lying on the floor and hugged me and gave me a few kisses on my head and I woke up.

That was so strong that I decided to come here to India. In January

1982, I found myself in the ashram. If you would like, I can share my

first experience with him.

GV: Definitely.

“I will never disappoint My devotees.” - Baba


What happened was that I came here with the first organized group of

Argentineans. Thirty to forty days went by and we didn’t have a

single interview. One night I was alone in my room and I felt so

strongly His divinity and I wrote in a paper that I was resigning from

the other spiritual organization where I was participating, because I

found the Avatar and I want to surrender completely to Him to serve Him

in whatever way I could. Then I went to sleep. Next morning I went for

darshan and Swami came straight to me. Instead of doing His normal

darshan, He came from the mandir, directly to where I was seated. He

came directly to me and looked directly at me and said, “Yes,

this afternoon I will see you.”








I was so happy when the darshan was over, I decided to go directly to

the interview room and wait there for the afternoon. The seva dal

stopped me and told me that it was not like that. “He has to call

you again in the afternoon,” he said. And I thought that the seva

dal did not like my face. I thought he was spoiling my opportunity. I

really thought that Swami will not find me or He will forget about that

and I was really very sad. Well, afternoon came, darshan again, I got

third line. I was simply dejected. Swami came out from His room and

looked at me from the veranda, He looked at me, He

didn’t start to look for me, He just looked straight at me and

from the veranda He shouted, “You!” I was so happy. I

jumped up and ran to him. He said, “Go.” He called me for

an interview. I asked if other Argentineans can come. He said,


The interview

started. Suddenly, in the middle of the interview, He looked at me and

told me what happened since the morning, all my thoughts, my doubts. He

came close to me and said in my ears wonderful words. I will always

remember these words: “I will never disappoint My devotees.” I will always remember those words that proved to be true for the past twenty-two years.


That is a wonderful story, typical of the way Swami draws people. I

will use the opportunity to share something very interesting I heard

just a few days ago. This is from a lady, a Muslim lady, she hails from

Bangladesh and she has come here for the first time. She knew nothing

about Swami. Absolutely nothing. She is a fashion designer; she has an

outfit in Dhaka where she employs 350 destitute women. She is giving

those jobs and they are a mixed lot, Muslims, Christians, and Hindus.

Her products have been displayed in many exhibitions. They were bought

by Queen Elizabeth, Princess Diana, and so forth. And she went to

Singapore for a fashion shown to display her products. She didn’t

know a thing about Swami and had never seen His photograph.








she had a dream. Swami came walking downstairs and said to her,

“Don’t worry; I will take care of your problems. If someone

tries to do anything, that person will get an electric shock.”

She woke up and said it’s a strange dream and forgot about it.

Two days later, she went to meet her agent, a Chinese girl in Singapore

and when she entered her house she stood frozen, because she saw a

photo of Swami. She said, “Who is that?” The Chinese agent

said, “He is Sai Baba.” She kept on looking at the photo.

The Chinese girl asked, “Why are you looking like that?”

And then this lady told the story. “Where is this Sai Baba? I

want to see him.” And so she found out and she came here.


She told me a lot about her life and family and herself, how her

husband has now retired from the railways, how they always lived a very

dharmic and principled life and her husband was totally

against corruption. She said, “You know our country is number one

in corruption ratings, but we were very principled.” I told her

because you follow dharma and you are giving sustenance to

350 people, Swami has picked you from apparently nowhere. This sort of

thing seems to happen all the time and I am very interested to know

that you had this more than twenty years ago.


Latin America and my country are so far from India and our culture is

so different yet Swami is known. I had the good fortune of traveling to

almost all the countries in Latin America. In all the twenty-three

countries there is a Sai Organization; so many people have had direct

experiences. Everywhere in Latin America, there is a Sai Organization.

He appears there in different ways in different places in the interior

of Argentina. So the way people know about Him is through many

situations. His physical form materialized in those countries.







GV: This is unbelievable.


I think that having a Sai Organization everywhere, with our culture so

different, is great. Because in our culture we don’t believe in

an Avatar and the concept is completely alien to us. In spite of that,

people receive it well and are so open to it.


Incidentally, talking of this manifestation in different places, I

remember an incident that took place in Brindavan, many years ago.

Swami was with students and someone from Europe was describing how

Swami had manifested in Croatia and was doing service there. And at the

end of it all, when that person sat down, one devotee said,

“Swami, this is astounding.” Swami’s reply was, “For you, it is astounding. For Me, it is normal.”

LG: Very nice.

GV: I won’t forget it. The exact words of Swami were, “Nee ku chaala aascharyam, naa ku chala sahajam” (“For you it is astounding, for me it is common”).You

have told us of Swami’s manifestation and his wide acceptance all

over Latin America. Incidentally, I am reminded of what Hislop told me

in the early 1990s. He had come to Bangalore for a summer course. It so

happened I was sitting with him while the proceedings were going on in

the College Auditorium. He said, “You know, the Sai movement is

spreading like wildfire in Latin America.” I asked, “What

is the reason for this?” He said, “Most of Latin America is

Catholic and the Catholics have no difficulty in accepting mystical

experiences and saints. It is the Protestants who have a problem. It is

very easy for the Catholics to accept somebody like Sai Baba.”

That is exactly what he told me.

Skeptic Transformed








I just remembered a nice story. When the Sai Organization started to

appear in Brazil, there was another spiritual movement called

“Spiritism,” which is very important there. It is second to

the Catholic Church. When the Sai Organization started to grow, the

movement became a little worried and concerned. So they decided to send

here to India the number two person of their movement. His name is

Prof. Divaldo Pereira Franco, to check if Sai Baba was true or not. He

came here with a goal to prove that Swami was a fraud. That was the aim

of his trip. And he is very respected; he says he seems to have 12 siddhis or

powers, and they believed that he is going to be able to see and know.

He is so popular there, whenever he gives a lecture, 5000 people

attend. When the Professor returned from Baba’s ashram here and

went to Brazil, he said that he came here and saw the ashram surrounded

by angels. He also said, “Whenever Sai Baba comes out, spiritual

light flows from the sky for all people.” He could see all that

when Swami approaches a person, the aura of Swami that is completely

pink absorbs all the negativity of the people. He spoke so well about

Swami, himself being the person who was supposed to be speaking bad

about Him. So that is how he got transformed. And in another situation

when the first Sai Center was opened in Costa Rica, the day it opened,

there was an article in the press, sent from a correspondent in

Prasanthi Nilayam. Can you imagine that? A newspaper from Costa Rica

carrying an article from Prasanthi Nilayam?

GV: Most of us don’t even know where Costa Rica is.

LG: Thus we have very nice experiences.


Talking of angels, I am reminded of another incident narrated by

Hislop. Many years ago, Swami went to Madras and took Hislop with him.

He just drove to one house at about two o’ clock in the

afternoon. He knocked on the door. The lady opened, and said,

“Swami, You are here”? Swami: “Yes, I am here.

Aren’t you going to welcome me inside?” So she goes inside,

she doesn’t know how to receive Swami. Normally, you have all

sorts of things, fruits, flowers, etc. She said, “Swami, why

didn’t you tell me? I have nothing.” He says,

“Don’t worry,” and He looks at the car and signals.

And Hislop says, “Angels came from that car bringing silver trays

they deposited and went back to the car and disappeared.” He has

written this – you have to believe Hislop – but the story

doesn’t end here. Next time, a year later when Swami came to

Madras, He brought students with Him. He took them to that house and

then He told the lady, “Show these boys those silver plates the

angels brought.”

LG: Fantastic. That is very great.


We don’t understand what sorts of things go on. When you talked

about aura, I was reminded about what Frank Baronowski saw. He also saw

a tremendous aura. [To read the article about Swami’s Aura from

an earlier issue of H2H, click here]. Now, tell me something about the

activities that go on in Argentina and Latin America.

Seva Activities in South America


We have plenty of activities. One feature that is very important is

that the Sai center in our country became like the community center. It

is open every day of the week. In Argentina we have almost 100 centers,

between Sathya Sai Groups all over the country, from the North to the

South. In Latin America, we have over 300 Centers. Only in Argentina,

where we have most centers, there are almost 80 or 90 centers in total.

Those centers are open every day of the week, so devotees can go any

time. Mostly they are open from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. everyday and on

weekends they are open all day. They have several activities every day

– service activities, study circles, twice a week bhajans. Then

we have service activities three or four times a week. People do

Narayan Seva, for example, in Buenos Aires. About 11,000 to 15,000

plates are put out by one center every month and food served for poor

people just in one center every month. We have plenty of service

activities in each center.








Serving the poor with food ...


....with love and sincerity



GV: Apart from distribution of food, do you run medical camps?


We do medical camps, we have slums areas adopted, we have visits to the

leper’s house, visit to the children’s hospital. The

important thing is that this is done in a weekly basis, it is not

something done once a month; every week these activities are done.








medical camps for the unfortunate...


....and the needy - a regular activity



GV: How do people, the general public like it? Do they know about the Sai Organization?


They like it very much. They know and they acknowledge. For example,

just now there was a flood in one area of greater Buenos Aires and this

organization was the first to help. We made a medical camp, we give

them an integral service.

Bal Vikas and EHV

GV: What about things like Bal Vikas and EHV?


We have in Latin America now (January 2003) 13 Sathya Sai Schools: five

in Argentina, four in Brazil, one more coming in January or March in

Brazil. We have two in Ecuador, one in Venezuela, and one in Mexico.

There are 159 public schools adopted by Sai Organization, just in

Mexico with 15,000 public school students going through the EHV Program.

GV: Tell us something about what the EHV program really does and what it means.

House of Gold


I can tell you a story that is very nice. But before that, let me give

you some updates. A month ago, the Minister of Education from Argentina

met with the Director of Sathya Sai Institute of Argentina. She

approved the Sathya Sai EHV Program and requested the Director of

Institute to adopt as many schools as possible and our limit are our

own manpower resources. Now, I want to tell you the effect of EHV. It

is a wonderful story. For example, one of the service activities we

have is that we care for children who do not have houses. We have

children who do not have houses, children who live on the streets, in

Buenos Aires.








The Sai school stundents of Argentina


....always eager and active




What happened was that we were working with those children, bringing

them twice a week to the Sai center, and there we let them take a

shower, and we give them food and we helped them by teaching;

especially we gave EHV classes to them. At the beginning they came back

to the center. But then we felt that the problem was that they were

going back to the streets and they live in an environment where they

have to survive there. We were trying to fill a bucket full of holes.

It was a very difficult task. We decided to rent a house, so we are

really bringing them out of the streets; But as you know, Latin America

is not rich like Europe or United States. So with the funds we have, we

were able to rent a dilapidated house, but we decided to work there to

make it nice enough to receive the children.


So, one day, three of those children went to the house to help to

repair the house; there was a Sai devotee and this lady asked them to

go to the front of house to move some earth to put some plants to make

it a little nicer. Moments later, they came back inside with a bag that

they found, a bag inside one of the pits. What happened was

that inside the bag there was thirteen kilograms of pure gold. When

they found the gold, the first thing they thought was to run away. But

then they said they remembered what they were taught in the EHV

classes. And they felt that they had to bring back the gold to us. With

that gold – the judge declared that it belongs to us – with

that gold, we bought two houses for the homeless children. One of the

three children had a missing leg.

GV: Are people digging more in Argentina!

LG : That

child to whom we bought the leg, he told that he really wanted to meet

Swami; He wanted to come here. So we agreed to buy him a ticket with

that gold we received. He came here. Swami granted him an interview and

Swami told him that He had put the gold there. In one of the

houses we have, we have a home for nine or ten abandoned girls. The

judges sent them to us. Lots of services like this are known in other

countries in Latin America. There are water projects in El Salvador.

Latin America is a country where service activities and EHV activities

are flourishing.


We hear a lot about the economic problems of Latin America. Argentina

was very much in the news sometime ago and I even received letters from

your colleagues there. The question is, do you feel that Swami’s

message has a solution for the problems of Latin America, and if so,

are people ready to listen to it? Not just the Sai Members, the

community at large?

LG: I feel that Swami’s message is the solution for worldwide problems.







GV: I agree with you; I wanted you to say it.


I feel that people are receiving it very well. Just to give you a

couple of examples, the President of El Salvador is a Sai devotee; he

came here a long time ago. The Vice President of the Central Council of

Brazil is a Sai devotee. They have elections in Brazil and a new

President was elected. He offered this lady a position in the

Government; she refused. Thinking she wanted a better one, they offered

a new one, she refused. The third time they offered her an important

position in the government; I don’t know if she has accepted; she

didn’t want to accept in one or two years as she is very

committed to the Sai work.

In spite of

the crisis in Argentina, we just had Swami’s birthday

celebrations in Argentina in a very important theater in downtown

attended by 1200 people. People from all levels of society are

receiving Swami’s messages very well as it touches their hearts.


Now the important point here is Swami’s emphasis on morality; it

has become out of fashion in America and Europe perhaps. Are people in

Argentina realizing that morality is the only solution?


I think so because what we realize at this moment is that the problems

we are facing now are due to corruption. Argentina is a very rich

country and we have everything there. To be in the present economic

crisis is just because of corruption. I know that everybody is

realizing that. We feel that Swami’s message is very much needed

there and is well received. This is what we infer when people come to

centers and we have public meetings. When invited to a program with

magazine or newspaper, they keep asking us about Swami and His message.


From the point of view of culture and religion, both are very different

there as compared to here in India. Do the people have difficulty in

accepting Swami?


My experience is that people do not have difficulty, from twenty-one

years ago, after my first trip when I came back from India with my

heart filled with love for Swami.

GV: But then, you know, you were already in Rajayoga.

Spreading the Glory of the Lord








Sri Gutter at a public meeting.




At that time, I felt the urge to share what I have found with everybody

and I started to go around to different places wherever I was invited

and I started to travel all around Argentina and the neighboring

countries to speak about Swami. What I found was that everybody was

eager to listen. What I found was that since then I am traveling all

over Latin America and participated in many meetings.


What is the profile of the devotees? Are they middle class? Are they

lower class? Are they from industry? Professionals? Academicians?

LG: We have devotees from all the classes, from industry, academicians, and professionals and intellectuals.

GV: And they are ready to accept Swami?

LG: Yes.

GV: What about politicians?

LG: Many politicians are Sai devotees.

GV: I suppose they are not corrupt.

LG: No, They are not.


So, what you need to do is get more Sai devotees and then corruption

will be wiped out. Tell me something about Sai movement in other

countries, like Brazil, Chile, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Guatemala. We see

those people here occasionally. I like the Columbia scarf, it is very

imaginative, and Guatemala. Why don’t you tell us something more

about those countries also?


You don’t see many people here because of the economic situation

in our countries. We just had a meeting with five zonal chairmen; we

have many centers here everywhere in all countries. We have many

centers in Latin America, including Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Haiti, now

there is a devotee carrying books in French from here to Haiti and

including Cuba.

The Cuban Story







GV: Cuba ? That is very interesting.


Once I had the opportunity to speak before Swami and with His blessing,

I mentioned the experience in Cuba. In Cuba, once, some years ago a

stewardess asked me to give her a picture of Swami to carry to a Hatha

Yoga Professor, an instructor, in Cuba. So I sent the photo there. From

that photo started to appear vibhuti in Cuba. And this Professor, Hatha

Yoga Teacher gave a little vibhuti to a teenager who was going to a

heart operation the next day. The next day when they took him to the

surgery room, they found that the problem in the heart had disappeared.

There was no operation. From that day onwards; the Sai devotees started

appearing from nowhere. No one Cuban came to India; there it is

forbidden to meet in groups. But in a short time 108 groups appeared

all over Cuba. Even the members of the secret police who were sent to

the meetings became Sai devotees. One of Fidel Castro’s sons

became a Sai devotee; they reached a point where the Government became

a little worried. They closed the Sai organization.

GV: That will be a temporary closure.


I am sure. What I heard is that they are still having meetings anyway.

In three years, there were 30,000 Sai followers in Cuba. If they let

them continue, everyone will become a Sai devotee.

GV: It is amazing; it is almost like what is happening in Russia.


The reason that there was a drop “Glasshouse” as we say in

Latin America. On the day they celebrated Swami’s birthday in

Cuba, there was almost twelve to fourteen hours celebration and there

were hundreds of people going to the center to participate in the

celebration; that was it for the Government.

GV: That was the straw that broke the camel’s back.


Imagine in a country in Cuba where no one has come here, yet there are

so many Sai devotees. All of Latin America is filled with Swami’s


GV: This is a

little extraordinary; nobody has come from there and all you did was

you sent a photo to the Hatha Yogi Professor. This is just remarkable,

absolutely mind-boggling. It was really nice talking to you and you

told us many things that we didn’t know. It just shows that there

are dimensions to Swami which we are hardly aware of when He comes in

the morning and evening for darshan. We just see someone coming and

someone going. This shows how limited our vision is.

Nothing is Impossible With Sai








Sri Gutter with Swami in Brindavan




First of all I want to appreciate the opportunity to share our

experiences with all the people that are listening to us. Thank you. I

want to say that Swami is doing everything. When I came back from my

first trip to India, it was March 1982; I was traveling for three

months. I was in the ashram for forty-five days. The day I was

returning to Argentina, I felt in my heart such a pain that I am

leaving the abode of God. So I said within myself, Swami, I want to come back in September.

But at that time it was economically impossible to come back in

September. I was just starting my new business, and my partner was

going to kill me if I tell him I will go back to India in September,

after being three months out. But within my heart I asked him.


So in the ashram, I told my ashram friends, “Don’t miss me.

I will be back in September.” So I went back to Argentina. In the

middle of June or July, I received a proposal to do a theater play in

Ecuador; I was representing a film company at that time. The company

came to get the rights to do a theater play in Ecuador. Part of the

deal was I had to go with them for one month to check what they were

doing and to collect the royalties due. So, I went to Ecuador. When the

month was over and finished, I had to come back to Argentina. Suddenly,

I felt that I had to speak about Swami in Ecuador because no one knew

about Him. I went to the airline office and the company. As part of the

deal, they had given me a thirty days valid ticket. I went to the

airlines office and I tried to extend my ticket for one week to be able

to speak about Swami.

I didn’t

know how and where. I went to the airlines office and I said,

“Please, let me go back on the next flight from Ecuador to

Argentina.” There were two flights that fly from Ecuador to

Argentina in a week. And the lady there said, “No, no way, your

ticket is expiring tomorrow. You have to go on that flight.” Each

time she said, “No,” I was more determined to stay. After

forty minutes of discussion, she said, “If you want you can keep

your ticket open for one year, and you stay how long you like.” I

asked her, “How much is it?” She said, “With one

hundred dollars you can stay as long as you like.” So I told her,

“Why didn’t you start with this?” I paid one hundred

dollars, I had my ticket open. I left the airlines office and say what

am I going to do now? I cannot go to a park and speak about Swami, they

will think I am crazy. I called one friend who stayed in the capital of

Ecuador, and he said, “Come here.” He arranged for me to go

to a meeting at a hatha yoga group, presided over by a Catholic priest.

GV: A Catholic Priest accepted hatha yoga?


Yes. The Catholic Priest was running this organization. I told him that

I wanted to speak about Swami, He said, “Please, next Friday we

have a meeting, you can talk about Swami.” I went there and the

hall was crowded with people. I started to speak about Swami; I spoke

about one hour about him. When I finished, the Catholic Priest came to

me and said, “Listen we have a magazine that we publish and

distribute all over the Ecuador. If you write an article, I will

publish it in the magazine and if you have a photograph, I will put it

on the cover of the magazine.” You can imagine how happy I was.








Speaking in the divine presence...




day, Saturday, I was invited by this friend to a concert. When I left

the concert, he met with a person with whom he was preparing to work.

They went to the exit of the theater. It was cold. When they realized I

was feeling cold, this industrialist told my friend, “Listen,

your friend is suffering. Why don’t you come to have lunch in our

house tomorrow and we will discuss over business there.” And he

invited me to come over there too. When he left, I said I will not go

to a business meeting. My friend said, “If you don’t come,

I will feel bad. The custom here is you have to be polite.” So I

went. Can you imagine what my talk was during lunch? I started to speak

about Swami.


industrialist was a very important man in Ecuador. He was a former

ambassador to Israel. He had a very important industry too. He was very

attached to all the pleasures of the life. He was really not in the

spiritual path at all. After ten minutes of listening to me, he said,

“Excuse me, Sir, do you have a mind to go to India with

me?” I heard him and said, “Of course not.”

“OK,” he said, “I will meet you in this place, next

Monday; here is a travel agency, and I will buy two tickets and go to

India.” I said, “OK.” I thought it was a joke. I told

myself, today is Sunday, I have my ticket to return to Argentina to go

on Tuesday. Monday I was supposed to meet him and I said, “Let me

go and see. This may not be a joke.” So I went. This person came,

he bought two tickets. On September 2, I was in the Ashram,

Ecuador-Buenos Aires completely paid; Ecuador-India completely paid.

And I was surprised.

On the way to

India, he explained why he bought the ticket. He had a cancer in his

palate, he was not in the spiritual path at all. He had a few months to

live. He went to the United States, had surgery in Houston and they

couldn’t cure him. When he heard me speaking about Swami, he

said, “I have the money and I have nothing to lose.” He

came to India with me. The first day we were in darshan in Whitefield.

When Swami came to the door, I felt the voice within my head saying,

“You want to be here in September, well, here you are.”








man was very fat. He could not comfortably sit on the floor and he was

complaining all the time. So one day, I don’t remember, I think

it was Thursday, we had bhajans and he remained seated all day. I was

surprised; because after ten minutes, he would complain as he

couldn’t sit. In the afternoon, before Swami came, he looked at

me and his eyes were completely wet, and he told me Swami had just been

here. He put his hand in my mouth, took out something and told me,

“You are cured.”


didn’t see Swami, but he had this experience. Couple of days

later, we went back to Ecuador and he was completely cured. He went to

the hospital in Europe, the clinic in United States, and they told him,

“No more cancer.” Now it is almost twenty years since then,

he is alive, completely cured and very happy. When he went back to

Ecuador, this person was so grateful to Swami, he published his

experience in a magazine and he distributed 10,000 copies free all over

Ecuador. This is how Swami makes himself known.


Swami often says, “Things are going to happen far sooner than you

imagine”; Now I can believe all of it. If these things are

happening, what is there to stop Him? But He always says for everything

there must be a time and place and a circumstance. He writes the

timetable, He writes the schedule, and all we need to do is to watch

very carefully. I am very hopeful, after all that you have said, that

Argentina is really going to pull itself out of the current economic,

ethical, and moral crisis. And I do hope that rebirth will show a new

light to the whole world. Thank you and Sai Ram. We hope we will see

you here again in our studios. Sai Ram.

LG: Sai Ram and thank you.

- Heart2Heart Team

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