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Sai videos - 5 episodes

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Sai Ram. I have organized a video channel, exclusively on the clippings of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. So far I have uploaded 5 episodes and it has been well received across the globe. However, I have received messages from many devotees that they could not view the videos, since they could lay hands on the URL links of these 5 episodes. I am providing below all the five “links†with complete description of the each episode. Please save the URL link details and also communicate to your friends and other devotees who could be interested in “SAIâ€. SAI IN JHOOLA-1 http://video./video/play?vid=49418 In this video, Sri Venkatesh Iyer (my eldest son) sings a lullaby song in Tamil language. The song, in Raag “Ananda bairavi†traces out the events of Bhagavan’s advent and also emphasizes that Bhagavan Baba is the embodiment of all forms of Divinity. I am trying to insert the English sub-titles into the clippings which will eventually be broadcast soon. julene jhoole Sai Gopala..... (IN HINDI) http://video./video/play?vid=49419 In this edition of Jhoola song, Mrs.Rajalakshmi Dharma Pathni of (Sai Premi) Dr.Balakrishnan sings a Hindi Jhoola Song. The song mentions various names of Lord Krishna, who is none other than Bhagavan Baba. “Sai Gopala†swinging in the Jhoola i.e. a swing. Very short and enjoyable melodious song, with a touch of classical rendering. You will enjoy very much!!!! SAI PREMI Dr. BALAKRISHNAN SINGS THE TRADITIONAL LALI SONG. http://video./video/play?vid=49420 “Laali song means “Lulluby songâ€. While Bhagavan was still in His teenage, Swami used to sleep in the open grounds in the Old Mandir compound, and the devotees who gathered will sleep around Swami’s cot. The devotees used to sing “Lulluby†song to put Swami to sleep. Does Swami really sleep???!!!!!!!! Mostly devotees from Telugu region used to gather around Swami in those days. This is the song which they used to sing to put Swami to sleep!!!! (Pavalimbu Sai Deva…) In the night Lulluby and then awakening Swami with Suprabhatham. The tradition of Suprabhatham still continues while the Lulluby system has vanished. But my dear friend “Sai Premi†Dr. Balakrishnan, still meticulous follows this procedure. He

participates in various Bhajan’s in and around Chenai, including regular Bhajans in his Home. Always he ends each Bhajan with this “Laali Song†(Lulluby). Over the years, “Saipremi†had expanded the original Telugu “Laali†by composing a few songs in Tamil and Kannada languages too. He had also included in this album a Sanskrit song. Quite enjoyable !!!!!!!! SAI - CHRISTMASS DARSHAN http://video./video/play?vid=49421 Those were the holy and merry days during Christmas in Prashanthi Nilayam. The devotees goes around Prashanthi nilayam, (in the same route as per Nagar sankeertahan). They carry lighted candles and sing Choirs as they move on. As they gather inside the Mandir complex, the silver doors in the balcony opens up and Swami used to give wonderful darshan. Many devotees would not have the darshan of Swami’s appearance in His white robes in the balcony, on Christmas day. For everybody this clipping will bring back to memory those wonderful moments. Happy viewing !!!!!!!! SWAMI ON BOARD AN AIRCRAFT http://video./video/play?vid=49422 During the peak summer days, Swami moves to Kodaikanal. Swami, with a few selected band of Students and chosen devotees, travels by chartered aircraft. This episode shows Bhagavan on board a plane. Swami personally enquires about the comforts of the passengers, and walks again to enquire about the food provided by the airlines staff. On reaching “Ananda Nilayam†in Madurai, Swami in spite of His inability to walk, climbs up the staircase, and reaches the dining area, where his groups is being treated with tasty foods. Swami urges the devotees in the queue, to move on, and avail the food. He is very keen to know what are the items being served to the devotees and students. Another rare video clipping indeed !!!!! With Love & Regards V.Srinivasan (Bombay Srinivasan) 302, Khyati Deep, Sathya Sai Complex, Chickuwadi, Borivali west, Mumbai 400092

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