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Living In The Presence of God (VolII/PtII)-Chapter 56

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CHAPTER 56 Even a speck of conceit and arrogance can make the world of the Lord appear small, inconspicuous and fearful. Arrogance is the deceitful dagger that appears to point out to his so called enemy, but little does one know, that at the end, it is the attacker that becomes the victim of his own so called form of defense. Man, in his ignorance today, has made his arrogance an expression of his honor, his dignity and recognizes humbleness and humility as a sign of mental weakness and meek behavior. He credits all his worldly successes to its evil promptings, and

fails to see in his voluntary blindness, the will power of the divine that guides him through all of life's changes. Man, hopelessly, attempts to be recognized and praised for all that he thinks he does alone. In this phobia and fear of receiving his so called "due recognition", he fails to put the true love and the sincere effort in the chosen work. Such insecurity gives rise to the inequality of his vision. He forgets in the poison of pride that in every work, there can never be only one instrument, for even the smallest work is carried out by the hard work of several hands - by the love, inspiration, guidance and sacrifice of several hearts! But, unfortunately, the poison of arrogance carries him to the illusionary peak of success from which he watches and observes all other creation to be much smaller, weaker and meeker than his so found might! Such a one,

will, one day, suddenly be confronted by the challenges of time and destiny and he, My child, being dizzy and disoriented by the illusionary visions of his success will fall from the biggest height into the pit of the reality! Pride swells within the one that has associated all his doings in life with the most inferior thoughts. The moment one looks for credit, realize that he, My child, is foolishly gambling his entire strength only to taste a moment's joy of insincere praise! Hence, My child, in whatever you do, do not perform - for only a performance looks for an applause - an act, that beholds truth, works in the silence of bliss of purity! Work hard, today - complete the chosen task with love. Rest in the bliss of no worry, and rise, tomorrow, to a bigger task - a bigger promise! A man of truth sees not the glory of his efforts but focuses, constantly, upon the goal

and purpose of his work. Do not live, My child, in trying to be another's dream. Most are worried in what another may say - or what another may think of him. Few, My sweet, can be themselves, and actually, experience the brilliant light of wisdom. A work of perfection will immediately grant you with the joy of inner contentment. Realize that, and do not look for an external source of opinion! Parents, today, brag and praise their children for the littlest they do. They, themselves, foolishly foster false pride within their tender hearts and later weep, when the child is too consumed by his own victories to even look after their smallest needs in their old age! Remember, "raise with little praise." Too many pats on the shoulder may bring about the careless fall! Realize that the best confidence is in what one receives from his own

self. Hence, recognize your own limitations and find the way to break through its boundaries!





Divine Messages


and recorded by Mrs Seema M



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