Guest guest Posted November 3, 2007 Report Share Posted November 3, 2007 Bhakta: Dear Aya why do we get trances? Aya: What do you mean? Bhakta: Yes the deities come upon the people. Aya: What happens after that? Bhakta: Hmmm...some will thereafter 'samiadran' (seeing others as the deity). It is like possession also. Aya: At the time of the possession, what comes upon them? Bhakta: They say it is tata, sangli karupan, madurai veeran etc. Aya: Who is Madurai Veeran and Sangli Karupan actually? B: Aya, you know this and yet ask me. Aya: No, no, I am not testing you. I need to know only. B: Madurai Veeran is a warrior from Madurai. He was finally betrayed by the king who got his limbs cut off. However so Veeran was faithful to the king as to rid the city of Sangli Karupan. Sangli Karupan also was like robinhood but met death at the hands of Veeran. It is Veeran's loyalty to the king which made him follow his orders even though he was betrayed by the selfsame king. Aya: So it is also like the Hang Tuah story. In it Hang Tuah will follow the orders of the king without question to kill Hang Jebat due to this loyalty also. Like Veeran Tuah also was betrayed. B: Yes, sometimes Datuk also comes in trances. Maybe its the Hang Tuah which comes. They call it keramat. Aya: Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha... B: Why are you laughing? Aya: No, it is just amusing. B: Why so, have I said anything wrong? Aya: My child. What you have said is a story of loyalty by warriors to kings. Many cultures have such epics. It can be true, it can be otherwise also. But you can find many warriors with absolute loyalty. But was not Madurai Veeran a human being? B: Yes, he was. Aya: Are you not a human being? B: I am human also. Aya: What happens after we die? B: You have said we get incarnated according to our karmam, but if attaining mukthi we will merge with Iraivan and are indistinct from it. Aya: As such Madurai Veeran is a soul only. Don't we have a soul? B: Yes we do. Aya: If we were to meet in an accident and lose a limb, thereafter let us say we die and come back again, if we acquire a fully functioning body will we act as limbless? B: No, we operate with the limb. Aya: Do we act as young or old even if we died old? B: The born baby is a baby alone. Aya: But what do the samiadis do? B: They behave as old, sometimes limbless and give arul vakku. Aya: Anybody can act like that, can this determine if really any soul has come? B: But what they say sometimes comes true. They also know of things. Aya: What are you talking about? They have only demonstrated human powers only. Has anyone talked in any language not understood? For example if a soul knows Russian and comes, even if we do not know Russian we should be able to talk in the language, but does this happen? They talk in language which the person knows only. Or if you ask a question to the one in Arul, what is the answer to 332244 x 22109932 can they give an answer? Is not god all knowing? Go and visit a person who is in trance. Ask this question. Or ask him which is your exact address? For sure he will babble only and will not know the answer. B: Unless he knows us beforehand, then he can tell the address. Aya: So take a guy whom he doesn't know. You can see that he even can't answer these questions. Yet claim to know the intricacies of your karmam and solve problems. The real thing is that things coincidentally get solved. The Iraivan pitying the people who are sincere yet naive and go to those who samiadran solves their problems. But the one having the trance wrongfully gets the praise and thinks big of himself. Finally he will get the pride and go down in Mayai alone. Moreover there is chance of coincidence. Simply throwing the dice one can predict correctly head and tails. Likewise when people come with problem, simply saying 'yes, it will be solved' will also be likewise. B: Are you then telling it is false, there is no such thing as trance? Aya: Have I told you this thing is false. What I have told you is how they falsify the trance and befool the people. The people go to 'samiadis' to solve their worldly problem. Does the samiadi teach people the way to mukthi? Do people get jnanam due to this? Is not atma jnanam the most priceless gem? Is not realizing Iraivan the purpose of life? B: Yes, but how does trance comes in? Aya: My child, trance is a period which not all sadhakas go through. It is a learning process for the sadhaka. It is to impress him that there exists a thing beyond the physical body. It comes for those who do dhyanam on the path of amai-apan. During this time the sadhaka feels automatic movement and feels as if there is someone else speaking and looking through him. He acquires gait and walk of different person. The trance is caused by the amsam called Isan alone. It makes the person to feel like an old person and walk like that also. Thereafter this trance moves and gives one the trance of dakshina matha. In this one feels like a woman. The Isan vibrates as both an old person (walking with a stick and hand on bent back) and a young person (walking like lion). One can also make the gesture of holding the udukai and hands shaking violently, holding rudraksha etc. This state after a while alternates. When leaving it blesses upon one's own head. Thereafter trances of one's valipadu gurus do come. Due to this one's avi udal matures fast. It is where one start to put automatic mudras. These mudras have meanings, but initially the sadhaka will not know it. Only if the buddhi enters OM will he know. The trance is a period of help. It is just for this only. It is not for us to 'samiadran' and give 'arul vaku' to others. This is foolishness. Without the use of buddhi, nothing can be had. Where were these samiadis when the westerners invaded India or even here? None could stand the power of the gun. As such understand the truth. It is the sadhaka who on his own imagines about this and that Aya, smokes, drinks etc. He assumes this attributes and acts thus. Then little by little the actual vibration will leave him and the acting will begin. B: How long will this last? Aya: It will pass off within a few months. Thereafter if the sadhaka holds on to it he will not grow. He has learned to pose as the god, but if you ask him the truth has he realized god? The answer is no only. Can we lie to our own self? The manasatchi is the witness. Due to this the power of tava balam which was meant to help him progress along his sadhana also gets dissipiated by 'samiadran'. So he will be stuck there alone. Is fame, presence of many disciples, having big temple etc the measure of realizing Iraivan? It is the capacity of merging into OM, getting the bliss of Iraivan, having strength to act according to conscience and burning of one's anava which are the true measures. This begets compassion, content and equinamity. B: Why is this so? Why do some beget trances and some do not? And moreover the chances of misled is there also due to this. Aya: It is the karmam which is the reason. The three udals are the three sulams (trident). Its maturing only gives poorna jnanam. Trance corresponds to avi udal only. Siddhi are powers only. Don't humans have intellectual, financial and influential powers? Don't people misuse these? It is like this also. That is why the ennam (intent) should be pure. If one wants Iraivan for one's sake, does mananam (reflection of one's true motive), then the conscience itself is the teacher. It is due to want of others seeing oneself as deivam that all these transpire. Then they will say the tata came, aya came and do much havoc. Understand that I am not telling trance is a fake experience. It is a genuine spiritual experience. It is due to us only it gets thwarted. Anywhere you go it will always be like this, they will say 'tata came, aya came, then the people will give cerut and drinks. Then the aya will say referring to kali or muniandy as 'sagotharan' or 'sagothiri' (brother and sister). What is the meaning of muniswaran, it is the muni which has merged with iswaran only. Muni means soul. What is the meaning of muniandy, it is the soul bereft of anything. As such it is said as 'andi'. The true meaning is that it is bereft of the ego only. Do you know the meaning of Idumban? B: No... Aya: It means udambil irupavan only. Who is Idumban. He carries the two poles like kavadi. It is the state of jivatma. The two poles are living according to conscience and doing sadhanai only. It is due to this one gets to scale the hill. The hill is the topmost part of the earth just like the head. It is here that the atma merges with Jagadamba. It is the state of mukthi. So it is said as the fruit (palam) and the real benefit (palan). As such the hill is Palani. On top there is Murugan. Murugan is the buddhi. It is for this he is known as arumugam. Only if the buddhi reaches the top will the atma (shivan) know the truth of atma jnana. Hence Murugan is said as tantai upadesar (teacher of one's father). The atma is the father. The manam is the mother. The mind knows the world through the five senses alone. This is the vinayagan. It is also the ganesan. It is the gana-isan. It is only if the five senses concentrate on one work we get the success, is that not so? B: Yes. Aya: If it runs hither and tither what will happen? B: We get distracted. So we can't succeed in our task. Aya: As such the unwavering senses are said to be unmoving due to singular concentration. This is symbolized as heaviness (ganam). A heavy thing wavers less. What is the largest land animal? B: It is the elephant. Aya: That is why the elephant is chosen to represent this. Can an elephant be carried by a mouse, the small animal? B: No. Aya: But this symbolization is to show that ganesan has no 'talei ganam'. That is egoistic pride. It is what which makes one sink into Maya. Hence it is the real heaviness. Absence of this regardless of our success makes us not heavy. We will not sink. We will become light and move upwards only. Hence the mouse is symbolically pulling the elephant. The singular concentration begets the ganam for one to merge with the isan. B: Oh. Aya: Yes, everyone regardless of Indian, chinese, white etc know the world through five senses only. It is only after becoming aware of a thing we can think of it. Hence man is said to have aruarivu, so this is arumugam. So Murugan is Vinayagar's brother. The sharp buddhi has no age, hence it is forever young. Merging in Iraivan, we will not enter rebirth anymore, hence we are said to become forever immortal and young. This is the meaning. The buddhi works by willing and acting on the will, these are the two wives. The beautiful peacock apart from signifying the beautiful buddhi also is made up of the word 'mayil'. If we were to add the word 'ila' to mayil it will become ilamayil which denotes the youthful Murugan. That which has become 'ila' (nil) is the selfish ego only. Hence Murugan to reach the peak is naked of the selfish ego. The selfish ego is nil. This is his naked body (thillai-ambalam). Only by becoming thillaiambalam one can know thirucitrambalam (god). Thirucitrambalam is the great jothi and expanse. It denotes god only. God contains all, nothing can clothe it, hence the synonym of ambalam - nakedness. The karanaudal which merges from heart takes the shape of the moving flickering light. This looks like the peacocks tail. It is only when the last body merges poorna jnanam becomes certain. Hence we taste the fruit of jnanam said as 'palam ni' which is palani only. Now all these knowledge is slowly becoming lost and people are becoming intent in sami-seeing alone. If we are sunk in selfish ego and the mind runs hither and tither our dyanam will not bear fruit. Without enna arivu how are we too root out the selfish ego. So understand the purpose of davam (dhyanam) and how realization is hastened. (silence) B: But sometimes there is disturbance of spirits, hence we need protection. Aya: What the heck are you talking about. We are spirits also. We are with bodies. After dying we become spirits, so why the fear? Let me ask you something. Do chicken, goat and others have spirit? B: Yes they do. Aya: But are you scared of the chicken, goat and animal spirit? We slaughter and eat these also. It is only when man dies we feel scared. But the spirit of human we fear even though its the same spirit only. Moreover the pregnant woman also carries a child with spirit, does she feel possessed with spirits or knows anything. And the baby is inside her. So understand this psychology. If one takes the name of Iraivan sincerely all spirits will leave one. Is not Iraivan all pervading? Will he listen to you via a medium only? The true evil spirit is one's selfish ego only. It is that which causes us to hurt others in pride, anger, jealosy, greed, shame, fear and disgust. It gets burnt by merging into OM proper. To merge one needs to utter the mantram of Iraivan with bhakti focussing on the sulimunai. Thereafter one will experience the anal (perspiration) and kumbhakam (retention of breathe). Atam (tremor) is also experienced. Then only will enna arivu dawn and merger accrue. Iraivan is not in the idol, book learning etc. All these point towards Iraivan. Iraivan is to be realized alone. be continued Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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