Guest guest Posted August 30, 2007 Report Share Posted August 30, 2007 108 SALUTATIONS TO BHAGAVAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA31. SALUTATIONS TO EASY GOING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"When Baba visits a home, however short the stay He leaves it a Heaven of peace and love. Often He goes alone into the house in order that 'the devotee may not be distracted by the need to attend to the companions!' He persuades the devotee not to indulge in pompous receptions and invest in exhibitionistic decorations, exotic garlands, expensive feasts, or quick publicity among kinsmen and friends. He comes as our nearest and dearest kinsman, arriving after a long absence, to bless, to heal, to enrich, to elevate, to alleviate, to console and correct, to confer courage and conviction and confirm the consummation of spiritual aspiration. He fondles the children, recognizes even slight gestures of homage, remembers the names of everyone in the family, relates incidents unknown or forgotten, promises relief and leaves everyone expressing gratefulness to Him."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 95) When it comes to formalities, He is always easy going.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Easy Going' God.32. SALUTATIONS TO EDUCATING GOD :SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba exhorts all to plan and establish a new educational system which will instill discipline, canalize passions, control emotions and equip youth, for mutual co-operation, compassion and comradeship, calm deliberation and constructive service. At present, education equips youth only with a begging bowl, entitling them to clamor for jobs! Baba said that He would establish a college in Bombay City if 'you prepare students worthy of entering it's portals! Teach them spiritual truths and the discipline that promotes their translation into daily life. Intellect without integrity is infructeous and injurious. Politics without principles, education without character, science without humanity and commerce without morality are positively poisonous.' "(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 200, 201)"Bhagavan's message and master projects planned for its' realization, drew many educationalists, administrators, scientists, communication experts and psychologists to the colleges He has founded.(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 67)He is educator Par Excellence!Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Educating' God.33. SALUTATIONS TO EFFULGENT GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"There are some very fortunate devotees of those days who cannot contain themselves with Joy, when they describe the miracles they were privileged to witness. He would ask them, in clear commanding voice from the top of the hill, standing by the side of the wish fulfilling tree (Kalpatharu), 'look up and see'; and lo they saw a wheel of circling light with Baba's head in the center, or a blinding set of light (jyothi) emanation from His forehead, 'from Shiva's third eye,' they say. Instances are related of a few devotees falling down in a swoon at the sight of these strange phenomena. Some have seen, looking up from the sands, a huge Shirdi Sai Baba, illuminated by a mysterious effulgence, some have seen Sathya Sai Baba's face inside the full circled moon, and miracles like a pillar of fire, etc."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I, pg 49)Truly, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Effulgent' God.34. SALUTATIONS TO ENCOMPASSING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"On the uniqueness of Bhagavan's aura, Dr Frank G Baronowski of Arizona State University said, 'I was not brought up in any belief, though I am a Christian by birth and a Roman Catholic. The scientific community in my country finds it difficult to accept God. "It is not scientific," they assert. The aura that Swami projects is not that of man. The white was more than twice the size of any man's, the blue was practically limitless and then there were gold and silver bands beyond even these, far beyond the building, right up to the horizon! I am risking my reputation when I make this statement. Two days ago, right outside this hall, I looked into His eyes. They had a glow in them. It was clear to me that I had looked into the face of Divinity. If ever I can use the phrase, I have seen 'love walking on two feet', it is here."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 57)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Encompassing' God.35. SALUTATIONS TO ENCOURAGING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba has written in 'Dharma Vahini' "No nation can be built strong and stable, except on the spiritual culture of its women. This generation is full of unrighteousness and injustice, malevolence and greed, falsehood and cruelty, because the mothers who brought it up were not vigilant enough or intelligent enough, or because they were not trusted enough by men, with the responsibility of chastening and fostering their children. What is past is past. To save at least the next generation, women have to be educated in a well-planned manner and endowed with the wisdom, fortitude and faith that can equip them for the great responsibility that rests upon them.""Women are the bulwarks of spiritual culture. But as is evident from the attitude and behavior of educated women of today, they are fast succumbing to the flimsy attractions of froth and frippery, cheap and shoddy literature, and sensual films."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 53 & 55)That's why Baba encourages women to be educated in a well planned manner.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Encouraging' God.36. SALUTATIONS TO ENDURING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"When He was hardly a fourteen year old boy, Baba went through the terrors and endured the treatment given by an exorcist. It is a belief among some villagers that any illness is usually the result of some one's black magic or some evil spirit taking hold of the patient. So, someone gave information to the worried parents of Baba that there was a 'Sakthi worshipper', before whom no evil spirit dare wag its poison tail! The parents went through some difficulties but some how managed to reach the famous expert in devil craft and handed over the case.""He was a gigantic figure, terrible to behold, with blood red eyes and untamed manners. He tried all his craft while the little Sathya was smiling at his failures. So, he attempted some desperate techniques which he dared not experiment even with strong adult patients! For example, he shaved the head of Baba and with a sharp instrument scored three 'X' marks on the scalp and with the scalp injured and bleeding, the witch doctor poured on the open wound the juice of limes, garlic and other acid fruits. He arranged to pour 108 pots of cold water every day in the morning for some days. He beat the boy on the joints with a heavy stick. Then he got furious and used his strongest weapon, a magic collyrium, a mixture of all the acidic abracadabra in the repertory of torture, applied to Sathya's eyes, which caused the head and face swollen beyond recognition.""All the same Sathya never spoke a word, there was not even a tear; He sat through the pain without wilting. Baba said later, 'I wanted to make known that I am Divine Stuff, impervious to human suffering, pain or joy.'"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I, pg 35, 36)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Enduring' God.37. SALUTATIONS TO ENERGIZING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba visited the foremost 'Saivite' Shrine of India, Varanasi (Benaras) and the foremost 'Vaishnava' Shrine, 'Badrinath' in 1961, in order to infuse spiritual power in those dynamos of grace. At Varanasi, He created a unique jewel to be placed on the idol of 'Viswesware' declaring that it has the mystic might to charge that symbol of the Lord with divine potency. At Badrinath, He drew from under the present 'Narayana' image, a 'Nethra Linga' which was the original nucleus and 'Energized' it with suitable rites and ceremonial ablutions."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part II, pg 27)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Energizing' God.38. SALUTATIONS TO EVALUATING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"In a letter addressed to Sri Kasturi, Baba once wrote, 'You were a professor and so you can understand this easily. You must have evaluated the written answers of your students. You evaluate and assign them marks only after careful scrutiny of what they have written, don't you? I, too, measure and weigh the sincerity and steadiness of the Sadhana you have imposed on yourself.'"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 128)"Baba told John Hislop, 'It is perfectly all right to ask all these questions and clear all your doubts. You are examining Swami and Swami is giving the answers. But, when all this is finished and the next time you come around, Swami will be the examiner and you will have to be ready with the right answers in your mind and heart.'"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 95)He evaluates His DevoteesBhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Evaluating' God.39. SALUTATIONS TO EVERY FORM OF GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba said, 'Since I move with you, eat like you, and talk to you, you are deluded into the belief that this is but a human phenomenon. Be warned against this mistake.'""This human form is one in which every divine entity, every divine principle, that is to say, all the names and forms ascribed by man to God, are manifest."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 11, 12)As a proof, many devotees were vouchsafed with the various forms of God by Baba on various occasions.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is 'Every Form' of God.40. SALUTATIONS TO EVERY NAME OF GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"During His discourse, Baba once said, 'You can call Me by any name, I will respond; for all names are Mine, or, rather, I have no particular name at all.'"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I, pg 84)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is 'Every Name' of God.(From : Sai Veda, The Word of God by Ramadas Gollapudi) Visit : Sai Messages : Sai Divine Inspirations : Love Is My Form : (for non-Sai members) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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