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108 Salutations To Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (41-50)

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to students about His school days, Baba disclosed that, being the

monitor of the class, He was burdened with duties and clothed in

authority. 'I undertook to show the students and the monitors of other

classes how a monitor should conduct himself. I reached school a few

minutes earlier than the rest. I cleaned the black board before the

class commenced and often had to clean even the benches and desks,'

Baba explained. 'Rama sat at the feet of Vasishta and attended class

with other boys. Krishna, too, had Sandeepa as His guru, while Sudhama

and others were His classmates. When the formless, attributeless Divine

Principle takes human form and appears among men, it has to conduct

itself as an agreeable comparison and as an understandable example to

contemporaries.'"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 4)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Exemplary' God.42. SALUTATIONS TO EXPLAINING GOD :SRI SATHYA SAI BABAExplaining

why the Lord has to come in human form, Baba says, "The Lord has to

come in human form to move among men, so that He can be listened to,

contacted, loved, revered and obeyed. He has to speak the language of

men and behave like human beings do. Otherwise He will be either

neglected and negated or feared and avoided."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 157)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Explaining' God.43. SALUTATIONS TO FABULOUS GOD : SRI


thing that blew my mind was what happened," Richard Bock related to an

interviewer from the 'Movement', in September 1979, "when Indra Devi

asked Baba if she could have some more of the 'Healing Ash', because

she had given away all of her first supply to people. He said 'yes' and

as I was watching, He moved His hand in a circle and then held up both

hands, as if to receive some thing. Then an urn, about four inches

high, appeared in mid-air and plopped into His hands. I saw this and

said, "That's not sleight of hand, that's not up His sleeve, that's

something else." He took off the top and spilled all the ash onto a

piece of paper. Then He poured again, and another urnful of ash poured

out, so that in total, He had poured out double the amount of ash that

the urn could possibly hold. Next, He put half of it back in the urn

and distributed to the people nearby. What was left He put in a little

handkerchief bag and gave it to Indra Devi. He touched it and said,

'Now this will be inexhaustible supply and you won' run out of it.'

Well, she had it for ten years now and it is still flowing. And she has

given it to thousands of people. After that experience with Baba,

whether or not God exists is no longer a question in my mind!"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 96)That's Fabulous!Truly, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Fabulous' God.44. SALUTATIONS TO FAITH INFUSING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Howard

Murphet of the Theosophical Society writes, 'I was with a cynic when I

came to India. I know that I was a skeptic, but, not an incurable one.

My approach has always been the cautious scientific one. I needed to

see and touch for myself, in order to believe. Through a strange

network of circumstances, (which I can only say was due to the grace of

Baba), I met Sai Baba! Baba was kind to me. I saw and touched

miraculous incredible things; I have established to the satisfaction of

my critical self, that miracles do take place. Actions speak louder

than words. The word is powerful but, in the 'Word Made Flesh', we see

it's power dramatically. Then it becomes a strong buttress for our

tottering Faith."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part II, pg 250)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Faith Infusing' God.45. SALUTATIONS TO FASCINATING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"On

a certain tour, Baba was once returning to Jamnagar from Dwaraka. The

party accompanying Baba was deprived of Lord Krishna's Darshan at

Dwarka Temple because of some confusion and congestion. Baba was full

of sympathy for them, as they were returning and Sri Kasturi writes,

'Suddenly, He said, "Oh! The sea is here!" and the cars were stopped.

We came upon a wide patch of sandy shore. Baba walked along the watery

edge gleefully and laughed at others when they were drenched with

saline stuff. He picked shells and sat on the sands at last.""He

heaped the soft sand to the height of a cubit in front of him, putting

us all into a state of expectancy. He flattened the heap and drew on it

with His finger a three-slanted line. He drew a rough circle on top; He

added a small triangle over it. He drew a short line across the circle.""It

is ready!" He said and digging His hands deep into the pile, He drew

forth a bright golden image of Lord Krishna playing on the flute about

15 inches high, the very acme of the goldsmith's art and devoted

craftsmanship. You did not get Darshan of Krishna in the temple; have

it now, He invited us."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 203)It was really fascinating.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Encouraging' God.46. SALUTATIONS TO FEAR REMOVING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba's

primary purpose is to awaken man from the sleep of ignorance and point

out to him his real nature, the imperishable, immortal Divine self.

'You are invincible Atma, unaffected by the ups and downs of life; the

shadow which you cast while trudging along the Road falls on dirt and

dust, bush and briar, stone and sand, but, you are not worried at all,

for you walk unscratched; so, too, as the Atma substance, you have no

reason to be worried over the fate of its shadow, the body.' Baba

drives this point home by many an example and infuses unshakable

courage."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I, pg 186, 187)"Replying

to a letter written by Sri Kasturi, Baba once wrote, 'your daughter was

very upset the other night over her husband's health. His illness had

taken a turn for the worse. I was there when your daughter wrote Me a

letter about his condition. She posted it next morning to the

Puttaparthi address. It has not reached Me yet, but I knew of its

contents even while it was being written. When Swami's grace is

available in plenty, why fear?'"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 128)"Why fear when I am here?" Baba assures His Devotees.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Fear Removing' God.47. SALUTATIONS TO FACILITATING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Come

with empty hands," Baba says. "Throw away all the things that you hold

in the grasp of your hand; cast away the toys with which you have been

playing the game of gaining and losing, gathering and scattering. Baba

delights in giving. He does not relish being adored or admired because

our praise does not add anything to His glory, and criticism cannot

minus it either. Therefore, He even advises us to be indifferent to

praise and blame. He delights in filling empty hands with lasting

sweetness; empty hearts with lasting joy; empty lives with salutary

substance; the empty reeds with His melodious breath.""Each

gift prepares us afresh to receive yet another, for nothing is given

without significance - it is to facilitate us to go forward in our

search for truth."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 242, 243)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Facilitating' God.48. SALUTATIONS TO FESTIVE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba's

grace is boundless and universal. So, people from all lands and

followers of all creeds gather at His feet. Several sects and

communities who have special festivals to commemorate their regional

deities, also discard age-old boundaries and conventions and gather in

thousands wherever Baba may happen to be, feeling such celebration to

be truly meaningful in His presence."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 58) In Bhagavan's presence, everyday is a Festive Day!Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Festive' God.49. SALUTATIONS TO FORGIVING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba

was the cynosure of all eyes at Bukkapatnam. Though He seldom listened

to the teachers and rarely opened His textbooks, He was hailed as the

brightest pupil of His class. This drew upon Him the envious looks of

the others who trudged along with Him every day from Puttaparthi. They

often over powered Him physically while on the Chitravathi sands and

dragged Him along, ruffling His shirt and knickers and damaging them

out of shape. When the Chitravathi was flowing, they dowsed Him with

gusto. Baba said that He neither protested nor complained, but bore it

all as the pardonable sport of ignorant youngsters. He refused to name

any of the tormentors, nor did He bear any ill-will against them."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 3)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Forgiving' God.50. SALUTATIONS TO FRAGRANT GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"In

a letter to Sri Kasturi, the Cowans of Orange County, CA USA wrote :

'In our home, we have a small room filled with the pictures of our

great Lord Sathya Sai Baba. It is here we meditate before retiring.

Many times, people of the Sai family drop in, and pray. Each night, we

watch for vibhuti to manifest. But so far, none has appeared. It was

about a month ago, some friends who are devotees of Sathya Sai Baba,

came to meditate with us in His room. I wish to say that the fragrance

of this room has a beautiful odor, as if hundreds of flowers were

giving forth their blooms to us. This is one of the gifts the great

Swami bestows on us. Our friends were amazed at the sweetness of the

room.(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 310, 311)An out of world fragrance indicates the presence of Baba.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Fragrant' God.(From : Sai Veda, The Word of God by

Ramadas Gollapudi) Visit : Sai Messages : http://saimessages.blogspot.com/ Sai Divine Inspirations : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/ Love Is My Form : http://loveismyform.blogspot.com/ (for non-Sai members)

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