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108 Salutations To Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (61-70)

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has often spoken of the significance of the Vibhuthi (Holy Ash). He

says it is a constant reminder of the evanescence of the body, for

ultimately, it is reduced, by cremation, to a potful of ash!"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I, pg 119, 120)"At

Shirdi, Baba gave the Divine Panacea, the Holy Ash, contacted by His

Divine hand, from the 'Dhuni' or fire that was always lit and active in

the Masjid room where He spent His days. Now, the 'Dhuni' is in His own

hand, ever ready to yield the precious gift; He has only to will and

wave. Nor is it essential that the Holy Ash or 'Vibhuthi' as it is

called in Sanskrit, should be so created. Baba wills, but does not wave

His hand. Yet, the Holy Ash flows, as the stream of grace, where He

wills, when He wills. This is the greatest of contemporary miracles.(Sathya Sai Speaks Part II, pg 180)Baba give Vibhuthi for a variety of purposes.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Holy Ash Giving' God.62. SALUTATIONS TO HOPE GIVING GOD :SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"My

Mission is to grant you courage and joy, to drive away weakness and

fear," He has said on many occasions, "Do not condemn yourselves as

sinners; sin is a misnomer for what are really Errors. I shall pardon

all your errors, provided you repent sincerely and resolve not to

follow evil again!Pray to the Lord to give you the strength to over

come the habits which had enticed you when you were ignorant. Thus, He

kindles the flame of Hope and Health in every heart."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I, pg 187)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Hope Giving' God.63. SALUTATIONS TO HUMANITARIAN GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"While

the 52nd birthday celebrations of Bhagavan Baba were in progress, it

became known that a terrific cyclone had hit the Andhra Coast. A tidal

wave about 20 ft high had swept over the coast and spent itself about

thirty to forty miles inland. The devastation inflicted by both wind

and water, was enormous. Tens of thousands died, caught by the waves. A

large number of cattle lost their lives, and coconut groves over

several square miles were toppled. Scores of villages were washed off

the face of the earth. The few who survived were confronted by disease,

despair and decimation. Baba directed the service volunteers from

Andhra Pradesh to rush to the area, even while the festival was

progressing at the Prashanti Nilayam." A great deal of help was

rendered to the victims by Bhagavan.(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 52, 53)Baba

wrote in a letter to a member of the governing body of a college,

"There is nothing I desire for myself; I strive, I work, only for

ensuring and developing the welfare of humanity."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 232)Truly, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Humanitarian' God.64. SALUTATIONS TO HUMBLE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABAThe

news chronicle reported an incident which symbolizes the Divine Love :

"Baba's car was moving at quite a speed near India Gate, when He

suddenly asked the driver to stop. Everyone was surprised at this. Baba

got down, crossed the road, went to an old man in tattered clothes

sitting on the pavement and, bending down before him, materialized a

ring which He himself put on one of his fingers and then returned happy

to the car."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 26)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Humble' God.65. SALUTATIONS TO ILLUMINATING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba

reveals the aspect of His reality very often in His discourses, in more

or less direct declarations, like flashes of lightning, they bring to

our consciousness, suddenly and with a thrill, the splendor of His

personality. 'Do not try to measure Me, you will only fail; I am

neither man or woman, old or young, I am all these;' 'Do not praise me;

I like you to approach Me without fear, as of right. You do not extol

your father. You ask for something from him, as of right, is it not?'

'I did not come uninvited to this world; saints and sages, good men of

all creeds and climes called out and entreated; so I have come.' 'You

may be seeing Me today for the first time, but, you are all old

acquaintances for Me; I know you through and through;' 'If I were just

like anyone of you, you would not have cared at all. That is why I have

taken up this human form and I show you now and then, these miracles;'

'My task is the spiritual regeneration of humanity through truth and

love,' 'I am happiest when a person carrying a heavy load of misery

comes to Me, for , he is most in need of what I have;' 'All are Mine,

through the atmic relationship. So, those who worship Me are not nearer

to Me than others who do not.' These are some of the illuminating

flashes that Baba has vouchsafed in His discourses."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I, pg 185, 186)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Illuminating' God.66. SALUTATIONS TO INCREDIBLE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"For

Sivarathri, Bhagavan quietly motored to the Bandipur Forest on the

border of Karnataka State. Baba, and the few who were chosen by Him,

drove in a van into the forest. As Bhagavan alighted from the van, He

stood and broke a stalk of jungle grass, about an inch and half long,

and another about half it's length, and bound them in the middle with a

bit of stalk skin. It became a cross. He was about to drop it into

Hislop's open palm but desisted. 'No! I must give you another,' He

said. Holding the grass cross before His face, He blew upon it. It

became a wooden cross of the same dimensions, with a small silver icon

of Jesus on it. 'This is the wooden cross on which Jesus was crucified;

this is the correct image of Jesus on the cross,' He said, and gave it

to Hislop who was kneeling and in tears. (Later, Hislop got the wood

examined and was informed that it was at least twenty centuries old. He

had the silver icon photographed and the photographs enlarged. He was

surprised to note that there were marks of sweat on the brow and signs

of froth at the corners of the mouth. It had all the signs of pain

heroically borne.)"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 32)That's Incredible!Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Incredible' God.67. SALUTATIONS TO INDISPENSABLE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI


Baba administered a mild admonition to some devotees who had expected a

continuous flow of 'Plums and Roses'. Then He enlightened them. 'Do you

delight when I allow you to be near Me? The next moment I might cause

you the sorrow of separation. Do you feel that Sai takes delight in

your tears? Just then, I might make you laugh till your sides ache, and

continue to grant you joy, again and again. Do you feel a sense of

elevation when I praise you a little? That very moment I may prick the

bubble of your pride by means of ridicule. Do you feel secure when I

tell you not to fear? The next moment I might inflict pain and appear

indifferent when you pray for relief. I do not allow you to go back,

nor do I allow you to go forward! I madden your mind and smother your

ego. Find out how anyone can move away from this charming Sai, the

embodiment of love and light. Find out the reason why He is

indispensable, in spite of this dual role.'"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 104)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Indispensable' God.68. SALUTATIONS TO INSCRUTABLE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"One

day, at her home in Tecate, Indra Devi looked up at the picture of Baba

and prayed, 'Bhagavan, please take me to Puttaparthi for your

birthday.' Two days later, a young man who had come to the Sai Center

at Tecate, phoned, "Mataji, could you go to India tomorrow if Warner

Bros pay your trip? They want Baba's permission to make a documentary

film on His life.' She was met at the airport by someone from the

company. When she came to Prashanti Nilayam with the proposal, I felt

elated at the prospect of the film. She was very much there during the

birthday festival and she carried Baba's response to the request back

home. But when she contacted Warner Bros who had arranged and paid for

her trip, 'No one knew me there,' she writes, 'nor about the trip, nor

the film, nor Bhagavan Baba. The red faced executive told me that he

would investigate and let me know. Years have passed and I am still

waiting to hear what he has to tell me from his inquiry!'"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 92)No one knows Baba's ways.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Inscrutable' God.69. SALUTATIONS TO INSPIRING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba

insists on all-round progress of the boys, so that they may grow into

helpmates of the down-hearted and distressed. In recent years, He has

Himself written some musical plays, selected the boys for the cast,

assigned the parts, supervised the rehearsals, decided the stage

fittings and curtains and trained them to sing the many songs He

composed, and designed the costumes for every role in every scene, and

on the days when the plays were presented, Baba spent hours in the

green room directing the make-up and encouraging each little boy by a

soft pat with His loving palm when they moved out towards the

floodlit-stage, where tens of thousands greeted them with loud

applause. For about a month, the boys had the unique good fortune of

being inspired by Him."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part II, pg 44, 45)Baba

said, "I am ever engaged in some activity or other for your benefit.

There is none to question Me if I do not act; there is nothing I would

lose. Although I have no urge to be active, yet you see Me ever active!

The reason is, I must be doing something all the time in order to

inspire and instruct you or to set an example for you."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 71)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the ''Inspiring God.70. SALUTATIONS TO IRRESISTIBLE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Gandikota

V Subbarao of the U.N.O. writes, "Meeting Him is an intensely personal,

emotional and uplifting experience. The temptation to glorify Him, to

wax lyrical over the spiritual greatness and magnificence of Sathya Sai

Baba is difficult to resist."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 75)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Irrestible' God.(From : Sai Veda, The Word of God by Ramadas Gollapudi) Visit : Sai Messages : http://saimessages.blogspot.com/ Sai Divine Inspirations : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/

Love Is My Form : http://loveismyform.blogspot.com/ (for non-Sai members)

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Sai Ram sister Adeline , THank you so much for your 108 salutations to Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and Sai Veda. Both of them like holy ganges which give coolness ,strength ,solace and above all faith. Let it flow sister as each day our salutations becomes more intent. Loka Smastha Sukhino Bhavanthu Soumendra

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