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Always do Good to Society - Swami

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Do Good to society. If you do Good to Society and Help others in Society and be a Role Model for everyone then Lord's Grace will come to you without asking, Everyone's Dharma must be to do Good to Society, Whatever Good you do will always Be given back to you many many fold. In the Mahabarata during the Aranya Kanda and in the Yaksha Parva, Dharmaraja was asked many questions by the Yaksha in the form of Yama, Dharmaraja answered without a Blinking an eye lid, Questions of the World, Dharma and everything about anything were answered by Yudhistira, When Asked for a Boon he asked that all of them should spend the coming one year of Agnyatavasa without having any difficulties, What happened?, Their Forms were changed, their entire personality underwent changes, By the Grace of Yama even though Bhimasena spent the whole day in the Kitchen before the Fire cooking his Form never changed, he was never recognised, the same for everybody, why?

it was because of the Unabiding adherence to Dharma in his Whole Life by Yudhistira, Dharma to Dharmaraja meant Right Living, Doing Good to Society and Respect to Elders. These things will help you and everyone in your Life. - From Bhagawan's Divine Discourse on April'1998, Prasanthi Nilayam

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