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22nd november 2007 afternoon darshan

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Om sairam dearest Sai Family, Swami made His birthday eve a very special one and just have to wait and see how it will be like on His birthday… This afternoon the 26th Convocation of Sri Sathya

University was scheduled and thorough arrangements were made for the same. The hall which seemed like heaven yesterday looked more heavenly today with all the additional floral decorations. The stage was well set for the Chancellor of the University, Sri Sathya Sai Baba with a big chair in the center of the dais and two similar ones one for the Vice Chancellor and one for the Chief guest of today’s programme justice Bhagwathi former chief justice of Supreme Court of India and a very noble devotee of Swami.. About 20 other chairs were kept for Professors from various faculties. The token line devotees were let in at 1:30 and the hall understandably was

reserved and the first line was made to sit parallel to the first gate almost in the middle of the hall. The crowd, compared to last year is still less in number, and more police are seen. After the hall was full and as the clock struck 3:15pm, The band boys started their music and the Veda Chanting begun signaling the arrival of Lord of the Lords, Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba, our most compassionate Lord. The band boys came in first and then it was our turn to open our mouth in surprise, to see our Lord in His mobile Throne, and I said surprising because He was clad in His white robe, a rare scene during the Convocations. The devotees clapped in happiness and Swami had His world’s beautiful smile on His face.. Swami directly went on the dais after giving darshan in the ladies’ side. Following Swami were all the professors working in Swami’s various campuses. Swami preferred to sit in His mobile throne. Prof. Gokak, the present vice chancellor of Sri Sathya Sai University went to Swami and with His due permission, Prof.Gokak asked the Chancellor to declare the convocation open.. Swami very kindly rose from His chiar and took the traditional yellow mike and said, “I declare the convocation open” amidst loud cheers from the audience. Later Prof.Gokak gave a eye opening talk which threw light on the degrading present day education.. Universities which are supposed to be the centers of learning have lost the creativity because of politics. Teachers are brought into profession not by talent but by influence and this is hampering the over all

educational development. In the midst of all Sri Sathya Sai university stands out like an oasis. The students here are not just aspirants but also who have the knowledge of ultimate reality ..and to whom the end of education is character.. They are fortunate to have the Satguru as their chancellor who is the divine architect of this universe. U should be ideals to the whole world. Students are taught the five basic values of peace, love, non violence, truth shanthi and righteous ness. After 15 minutes of fantastic talk, Prof.Gokak ended with a hope to hear from the Chancellor which every one of us were also eagerly awaiting… Excerpts from the discourse Wasting no time, Swami, slowly rose from His throne, after adjusting the mike, amidst pin drop silence came the necatarine voice, Priyamaina Vidyartulara…. Dearest Students, Right from rising from bed and till you go back to sleep you are running after money.. Why are you wasting like that? Embodiments of Love, u are not doing what we are supposed to and we get involved in un necessary activities and are wasting your time and also this life. Time is very important and

auspicious. You are students, you are the torchbearers of the world. Every man has desires but to control the desire is the primary duty of man. YOU ARE MY EVERYTHING: Desires go and repeat one after other. U should have an end to your desires and control them. Students you should be ideal to the society. I have brought you under my fold so that you will be ideal. Out side world, its all money, money.. but our students are not charged even a penny (naya paisa). We don’t expect any profit in the field of education, water, and hospital. We give to our students. If there is any poor student, we help them in every way. If you recognize the basic fact of our university then you will be a ideal students. STUDENTS ARE MY CHILDREN. Vidya is your property. Education is not the worldly education. There are so many people living without any education. You all have

MA, MBA and so on degrees and if you behave like them then of what use is this education. TRUTH IS CHANGELESS AND FORMLESS: Sathya, Dhrama, Shanti,Prema and Ahimsa are the basic principles of life. Love is the

primordial principal. Truth is very important. The whole creation has originated from truth and will merge in Truth. This is the true and unsullied truth. In this creation right from an ant to an elephant has been created by God. Nothing will happen without His will . Even the little ants are also created by God. That is why Tyagaraja said, O Rama, you are the creator, you are in ant and also in elephant. When ant bites you u will kill it. IF Brahma comes in front of you, you salute Him. Though the forms may be different but both are one. BODY IS NOT PERMANENT: Everyone desires for self. For me.. For me.. you say this is my mind, my body but who is this MY? My body? To day and tomorrow it will be yours. Day after tomorrow where is your body. You take care of this, with all love and attachment but this body is not yours. This is a God’s gift. Everything is God’s gift. We are forgetting the fundamental principle that is why we are facing all the problems. Where is God. God is with you, in you, around you and behind you . YOU ARE GOD. You should have firm faith. God will never leave you.

God is present in all of you. There are so many forms and names but the Atma is one and the same. God is one. jewels are many but gold is one. Take every effort to know the fundamental principle. SAI IS LOVED BY EVERYONE: A man with dual mind is half blind. There fore never have dual mind. All the education is not for you it’s for your fellow beings for the living beings. You should help all and only then you will find happiness.. Even if you come across your enemy say hello. Never hate any body. Today NO ONE HAS ANY HATRED OR ILL FEELING AGAINST ME. Is there any one who don’t like Swami. I LOVE ALL. I have no hatred and I don’t harm any body. Since there is one ness in my Self, I am able to attract millions and millions of people. The WHOLE WORLD LOVES ME. You may think because of lack of trust on Swami, I may not like some people.. but its just your BRAMA

(Imagination). I HAVE NO ILL FEELING TOWARDS ANY BODY.. DEVELOP LOVE AND FAITH: My play, song, My path is all for you its all for you. the writers may be many but all the words are same. Prema and Faith are very important and only then you will full fill

your desire. Love and Faith are very essential. All the rest appear in between. Don’t bother about them. You strengthen Faith and Love. Love is God. Live in Love. Truth is God. It will never change. GOD IS IN YOU: Never consider that God is separate. God is not alone as entity. He is present every where. Only when you understand the principle of one ness you will be happy. Students you read many books. The letters in the books are same. Only 26 letters are enough to write volumes and volumes of books. For God there is nothing like BAD. You are not understanding what Good is. you consider that as Bad. Its just due to the difference of time. God is present in all. There is no place where there is no God. No one has the right to say that God doesn’t exist in so and so place . there is only one thing and that is God. Religions are many path is one. Creatures are many but the indweller is one. All these are just bodies. There is only one God among all of you. U should consider every one as divine. Give up body attachment. God is one without the second. U should install this truth. BE HAPPY, YOUR HAPPINESS IS MY FOOD: U think how is Swami always happy.. I am ALWAYS HAPPYAND IAM ALWAYS SMILING. Because I consider every one as one. Your happiness is MY FOOD. So you should have that happiness. The other day students did a play. I was very happy after seeing that. We say I and WE. Where did this WE come.. this came from I. So I is only one. U have to cut this I(EGO) and make it cross. Remain as one. You

should consider yourself as brothers and sisters. There is nothing beyond this. Even those brothers and sisters are not TWO both are one. If you investigate clearly you will know all is one. Don’t think there is plurality in this world. There is only one and that is GOD. DEVELOP LOVE TOWARDS GOD: Embodiments of love students you should be ideal. Only when you are ideal and the rest of the people will follow. Don’t have the feelings like MY, He She. All are one and be alike to every one. This you have to remind yourself. Then only you are students. Or else you can call your self just a Literate. What is Education, its Vidya, Vidya is the one that teaches the one ness. That is life. Embodiments of love, increase your love towards God and not to worldly possessions. There is only one and that is truth. All are one.

Never have differences what so ever. Share your love with others. If you want the life to be eternal understand this ONE NESS. When there is only one there is no chance for rivalry, enmity. MY MIND IS ALWAYS STEADY: At this juncture Swami sat on His

throne and continued His divine discourse There is nothing wrong with this Body.. Its perfect. Not only the body even my mind is perfect. It never gets diverted. Many ask don’t you have any sad ness. I don’t know what is sad ness. It never came near Me. You also don’t get sad ness close to you other wise it will bring more sadness. Never get sad ness in your mind because it will never get out once it gets in. Many worry unnecessarily . Students are afraid of exams. Write what you know. Why should you worry. U don’t need to fear for any thing in life. GET GOOD NAME TO YOUR PARENTS: God has no form or colour. Many say God is blue in colour. If God is to be blue in complexion, then He should be put in an exhibition. God has no form or name. U may change but the self, Atma will never change. Get a name that you are Good boys. Get a good name to your parents and to your society. Society can progress only by you. Where ever our students go, they always get good name. Every one says that they work well and very disciplined. See that you maintain the good name you have. I wont expect ANYTHING MORE THAN THIS FROM YOU. I will give what ever you want. I have given My self to you. Never fight with each other, never abuse. Be like brothers and sisters. Only when you have this equanimity you will be happy. What for is this education when we all are going to die. All of you should continue to be good boys. Make your parents to be happy. When YOU CANT MAKE YOURPARENTS HAPPY, HOW DO YOU THINK YOU CAN MAKE ME HAPPY. I will be very happy when you make them happy, when you serve them. MY STUDENTS ARE LOVED BY EVERYONE: People say students of Sathya Sai are very good. Even in Delhi, the government wants only Sathya Sai University students. No college or university is getting such a good name and respect. Our university was started long back. On the second year of its inception, one Ms.Madhuri Shah came from Delhi. She looked at the school and said this should be made an university. All started abusing her. Its only one year and how can it become an university. In those days, Bhagwantham was translating the discourse. Even he said, its impossible. I said, very loudly, Its POSSIBLE. Second year an expert committee visited and said this is the best institution. Then we got the status of university. Our children are virtuous and noble. Even in America, our College students have a good name. There are 150 students in America. The other day, they were here

with their families. They said, Swami we don’t want to go back. We don’t want to leave our Home. Swami then asked for Mr.Goldstein, he came running to the dais.. Referring him Swami continued, he has been with organization for the last 20 years. Mr.Goldstein said, the students are doing a fantastic job in many countries. They are spreading Swami’s love and His message in almost 200 countries and inspired the devotees to rise and realize the divinity. You students are very fortunate to be here in Swami’s college Rather emotionally Mr.Goldstein concluded his short talk saying” For me to live another life, if at all I had to come back again to this world, I pray to Swami to let me come and be a student in His university”. So saying Goldstein went to Swami and don’t

know if Swami said, you won’t be coming back again or if He said OK..but Mr.Goldstein seemed very happy. Later Prof.Gokak asked all the audience to join to sing the national anthem. After that Swami continued His talk referring to today’s chief guest, former chief justice of Supreme Court of India Mr.Bhagwathi.. Swami said how became the supreme court chief justice and said “He has

never forgotten Me though out his life”. Justice Bhagwathi then gave a short talk “I have no words .. Swami was so kind and affectionate and I can never forget His love in my life time... I request Swami to be with me and guide me like He had been doing all these years… I want to serve Him not only in this life but also in the lives to come… Later Arathi was given to Swami who was very beautifully clad in a white robe… Thus ended a memorable 26th Convocation of Sri Sathya Sai University…. From the Heaven on Earth; Puttaparthi R.Satish Naik.. PuttaparthiJai Sai Ramsatish NaikBrahmanapalli Thanda villageNear PuttaparthiAnantapur Andhra PradeshIndia 515134Tel:91-8555-289327 MOB:9440857872

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