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Swami's benign protection.

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Way back in 2000, i had a mysterious dream in which Swami told me or rather indicated that some past effects have to be gone through and he indicated His protection by a 'hug'. Shortly after, some nightmarish events took place in my family, which completely rolled me upside down. Bewildered, i had none else except Swami. I caught hold of the feet in Swami's photo and i was in a most pathetic stage, fraightened to the core unable to know the outcome of all the events. I was completely shattered by a 'fear psychosis'. My wife was almost under heavy depression and in an altered conscious stage. i was led into an hospital through an ambulance with my wife with the help of my younger brother. Another one week passed with a psychiatirst and the dosage of medicines for my wife. After 10 days my wife returned to near normal stage and i relocated by family from that horrible place with the help of a friend. But, now i surmise that it was all Baba's protective hand which has seen me through those horrible nightmarish experience for around a fortnight. Now Swami's grace alone enabled me and my family to come out of the catastrope and lead a normal life. It is Swami's warning priorhand, prepared my conscious for the onslaught of fate. How one can forget those dreadful events. Even now if i think about those circumstances, it is bewildering. May Swami protect all of us everywhere. Sairam.

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