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Can I write an email or letter to Baba

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Hi All fellow Devotees,


I am going thru a very tough time in my life and as much as i am trying to be nice and let go and sacrifice more on my part, that much people are pushing me to be bad.


Actually, here it goes... the story of my life.


My in laws family is very very big devotee of BABA... in fact all of them and BABA has blessed mostly all of them with either a ling, or a pendal or something or other... my mother in law is blessed with a Jalaram Bapa murti (the diety that she follows and has very firm faith) and BABA has given a JYOTILINGAM to my husband.


Long story short... I was advised by my in laws that i stay back in india for a year (my husband and close family is in the US) if i dont then there would be some calamity in our house and chances are that someone might die. We do get periodic guidance from BABA, but BABA didnt say anything on this issue... (or i am not aware if BABA had mentioned anything) I understood that if i stay back in india, then i would jeopardize my green card and would have to file the immigration process to go back to the USA.


I love my husband very dearly, however, in this separation of about 15 months, my husband came to me on my forth marriage anniversary and told me HE WANTS A DIVORCE. he even told me blackmailed me... that if i sign the divorce papers here in India, only then he will file for my immigration to get back to the US.


I am completely devistated. I want BABA to guide me. I came to know about BABA and HIS AVTAR though my in laws family. I dont have any way i can ask BABA a question or proabbly pass a message to him.


Can anyone suggest me a way how can i write an email to BABA or a letter to BABA?


I dont want to get separated from my husband. however, my husband has possibily tried everything that i have to stay back in india and he can very easily stay in US. all of my family by birth are in the USA ... so in this situation, if i have to stay back in india, then someone from my side has to come her to live with me. I have finished my high school and my college education in the US, i am not aware of the day to day life dealings in india. (however, i love india very much... if need be i can learn)


I sometimes cry like a baby ... i dont want to get separated from my husband, i cant stand the hatred that he has towards me. in fact i have loved him very dearly from last 10 years. we met in college... on my first day of college and we started going out from my second semister.




I dont understand that BABA has blessed my husband with Jyotilingam.... then how can he think of doing harm to someone... and that to someone that he has taken wowes to live with in thick and thins of life....


I know i have suffered a lot in the past 15 months that we were separated.... but he does not understand that and dont what to understant that... have you heard the pharase... hate someone with passion... that is how my husband is treating me.


Even with all the things that my husband is doing for me... i litterally do not mean any harm to him. At this point all i want to do is surrender my self totally to BABA, but i guess i have questions... aaisa kyoo... mere saath hi kyoo... why is this happening with me after all my sacrifice for my family and my husband.


I think of my earlier days with my husband (even when he was my boyfriend) I was (still am) madly in love with him that i could not even pass a single day without talking with him or seeing him.


BABA please help.


Can anyone of you suggest me how can i pass my message to BABA.




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Dear Mina,


SAi Ram, Please take some time out for yourself and spend it living in

Baba's proximity at Prashanthi Nilayam. Pray earnestly day and night while

you are there. Write to him daily. Let Baba's love transform you so that you

see the Love in all. Let things take their course. Let Swami take care of



Sai Ram


On Jan 28, 2008 4:27 AM, mina patel <pappuandmina wrote:


> Hi All fellow Devotees,


> I am going thru a very tough time in my life and as much as i am trying to

> be nice and let go and sacrifice more on my part, that much people are

> pushing me to be bad......

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Om Sai Ram Dear Mina,


First I would like to say that I, too, had gone through long dark days in my relationship with my husband, but my faith in Baba and my adherence to what Baba calls the "Five Human Values" of Love, Peace, Truth, Right Action and Non-violence, got me through the karmic "test" of my life. It took 4 years, but it was Baba who turned my situation around 180 degrees. Everyone who knew me and the situation I was in with my husband were totally surprised by the positive outcome (after all that I had been through). I will not go into details here, as it is way too long a story, but the point is that Baba took care of it.


Here is the address you can write to Swami at Prashanti Nilayam, His ashram in Puttaparthi:


Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Prashanti Nilayam 515 134

Puttaparthi, Anantapur District (A.P.) India


Please know that Baba knows what is in your heart, and He knows what you are going to write before your pen even touches the paper. (But it is still good to write to Him, even if just to "get it off your chest"). Know that Baba is the DOER of everything. He is Director, and we are his actors. All the situations in our lives, although they may not seem so at the time, are really exactly what we need at exactly the time we need it, to learn and grow on to go to the next step in our march towards enlightenment (merging back with Baba - God), by giving us the situations we need to humble our ego, purify our hearts with Love, to balance our karmic debts, and to learn to trust God (Baba). But Baba also tells us to always "Be happy", because everything is always for our own good (even though it

may not seem so at the time).


Here is a story Baba tells about a king who was planning to go on an expedition with his #1 man, a man who always saw the positive in everything. Before the trip, the king cut his finger badly and his #1 man said, "It's a good thing you cut your finger". This enraged the king, who had his #1 man imprisoned for saying that, and the king went on the expedition without him. During the expedition, the king encountered some tribals who captured him with the intent of sacrificing him to their gods. Just as the tribals were about to perform the sacrifice, they noticed the cut finger of the king. Since they saw that the king was not "unblemished", he was no longer considered a suitable sacrifice, so they let him go.


When the king returned home, he had his #1 man released from prison. The king apologized for having imprisoned him, for, after all, he was right - it WAS a good thing he cut his finger. The king then asked him, "You always look at the bright side - but how could you possibly be happy that I had imprisoned you?" His #1 man replied,"Well, if I had not been in prison, I would have certainly gone with you, and when they realized you had a cut finger, then they surely would have sacrificed me instead!"


One can never know why something happens, just be sure it is for the best. Here's another story:


Two angels stopped for rest at the home of mean and nasty, rich old man. Though he gave them shelther his words and demeanor were not that of a kind and gentle person, but rather a cynical, sarcastic, curmudgeon. He allowed them to sleep in his cold, damp and drafty basement, but for an exhorbitant price. During the night, one of the angels found a large crack in the wall of the basement and repaired it. The other angel said, "Why did you fix the wall of that mean old nasty man?" The angel replied, "Things are not what they seem".


The next night the two angels sought shelter at the home of a poor farmer and his wife, who bade them welcome and gave them a hot meal and gave up their comfortable beds to the angels for the night, and themselves slept on the floor. They charged the angels no rent, just asked them to return a good deed to someone else in the future.


The next morning the farmer and his wife found their one and only milk cow dead. The other angel said to the first angel, 'How could you let this happen to these kind and generous people, and you fixed the crack in the wall for that mean old nasty man yesterday?" The first angel replied, "Things are not what they seem. You see, yesterday, I found that there was a great store of gold hidden in the crack in the wall. It would have been found by that mean old man had I not sealed up the crack. As for the cow that died, I learned that the angel of death was to be coming to that farmhouse for the farmer's wife, but Iinstead I intervened so that the cow would meet death instead".


And so it is with our lives - things are not always what they seem!

I have written to Baba many times thanking Him for all He has given me and asking His help with the problems I was facing. Baba NEVER let me down!! He took care of all my problems, although maybe not as immediately as I thought or as I would have imagined , but exactly when the time was right in the absolute best way. There were situations I had to go through - like a test - to see if my faith was really in Baba and His teachings (of Love, Peace, Truth, Right Action and Non-violence), but with adherence to those principles the tests are made infinitely lighter. When you give ALL your burdens to Baba and KNOW that He will take care of them, He absolutely does.


Now, I don't know anything really about your situation, just the synopsis of what you wrote, but based on that, I would like to kindly throw out some suggestions to you that occured to me as I reflected on what you wrote. Please take them or discard them as you see fit. Please look the suggestions as a kind of "brainstorming":


From my perspective, you are Soooo blessed to be in India; the seat of spirituality of the ENTIRE EARTH (maybe even Universe...); the ONLY place God chooses to incarnate (that right there says A LOT!). My daughter (then age 13) and I went to India for the first time this past summer for a month. and stayed the entire time at Prashanti Nilayam - we wished we never had to leave!! (We live in Florida, U.S.A.). Even now, we are planning our next trip, probably summer of 2009. Another friend of mine from Florida, who is retired from the postal service, just purchased an apartment in Puttaparthi. Many of my friends, including myself and my daughter, yearn to be in India, with "The Form" (We know Baba is with us no matter where we are, but we still want to be with Him "in Form").


Perhaps Baba has work for you to do in India, and He has put the feelings in your husband's heart to free you from your strong passion and attachment to your husband, so you could really find out who You really are and what You can really do, to use Your abilites, to become a clear channel of goodness in this world. Perhaps it is Baba as Shiva destroying the old, outdated way of seeing life so that you can experience life in a totally new and wonderful, more spiritual way. Perhaps it is a karmic test to see who you would choose between God or your husband. (Hint: You CAN"T go wrong when you choose God). That was my "Test" and I believe I passed - I choose God- and God gave me everything back - and more- but not in the way I could have ever imagined! (Think of the story of Mirabai).


Baba says, "Love My Uncertainty" and "Always Be Happy". Good advice...!


With Love,

Barbara Joy


mina patel <pappuandmina ; Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 7:27:02 AM Can I write an email or letter to BABA



Hi All fellow Devotees,


I am going thru a very tough time in my life and as much as i am trying to be nice and let go and sacrifice more on my part, that much people are pushing me to be bad.


Actually, here it goes... the story of my life.


My in laws family is very very big devotee of BABA... in fact all of them and BABA has blessed mostly all of them with either a ling, or a pendal or something or other... my mother in law is blessed with a Jalaram Bapa murti (the diety that she follows and has very firm faith) and BABA has given a JYOTILINGAM to my husband.


Long story short... I was advised by my in laws that i stay back in india for a year (my husband and close family is in the US) if i dont then there would be some calamity in our house and chances are that someone might die. We do get periodic guidance from BABA, but BABA didnt say anything on this issue... (or i am not aware if BABA had mentioned anything) I understood that if i stay back in india, then i would jeopardize my green card and would have to file the immigration process to go back to the USA.


I love my husband very dearly, however, in this separation of about 15 months, my husband came to me on my forth marriage anniversary and told me HE WANTS A DIVORCE. he even told me blackmailed me... that if i sign the divorce papers here in India, only then he will file for my immigration to get back to the US.


I am completely devistated. I want BABA to guide me. I came to know about BABA and HIS AVTAR though my in laws family. I dont have any way i can ask BABA a question or proabbly pass a message to him.


Can anyone suggest me a way how can i write an email to BABA or a letter to BABA?


I dont want to get separated from my husband. however, my husband has possibily tried everything that i have to stay back in india and he can very easily stay in US. all of my family by birth are in the USA ... so in this situation, if i have to stay back in india, then someone from my side has to come her to live with me. I have finished my high school and my college education in the US, i am not aware of the day to day life dealings in india. (however, i love india very much... if need be i can learn)


I sometimes cry like a baby ... i dont want to get separated from my husband, i cant stand the hatred that he has towards me. in fact i have loved him very dearly from last 10 years. we met in college... on my first day of college and we started going out from my second semister.




I dont understand that BABA has blessed my husband with Jyotilingam. ... then how can he think of doing harm to someone... and that to someone that he has taken wowes to live with in thick and thins of life....


I know i have suffered a lot in the past 15 months that we were separated... . but he does not understand that and dont what to understant that... have you heard the pharase... hate someone with passion... that is how my husband is treating me.


Even with all the things that my husband is doing for me... i litterally do not mean any harm to him. At this point all i want to do is surrender my self totally to BABA, but i guess i have questions... aaisa kyoo... mere saath hi kyoo... why is this happening with me after all my sacrifice for my family and my husband.


I think of my earlier days with my husband (even when he was my boyfriend) I was (still am) madly in love with him that i could not even pass a single day without talking with him or seeing him.


BABA please help.


Can anyone of you suggest me how can i pass my message to BABA.





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Sai Ram Sister Mina,

Its realy sad to hear ur story. But remember

one thing...all that happens it happens for good. You dont know there

is something better for u. Regarding BABA , HE knows everything ,and HE

is always there for u. YOu just surrender urself completely at

HIS LOTUS FEET, and rest HE will take care of everything. just hv trust in


Though HE knows all, even if u want to write a letter you can send to

Puttaparthi.the adress is......




[ Distt. ] ANANTPUR



I will pray to BABA for you. withh all the best wishes





> Hi All fellow Devotees,


> I am going thru a very tough time in my life and as much as i am trying to be

nice and let go and sacrifice more on my part, that much people are pushing me

to be bad......

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Om Sai Rama Mina, Shri Sai Bhagwan is probably testing.

Whether you write or pray he is aware of all & everything

that is happening. True surrender will always bring best

reasults just keep pray with heart and return will be in your favour.

Om Sai Rama Ganpat




mina patel <pappuandmina


Monday, January 28, 2008 4:27:02 AM

Can I write an email or letter to Baba

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Sai Ram


All I can say pray that you are given strength from Baba. Also this family cannot be Sai devotees if this is the way they treat a human (yourself). It is easy for us to blame it on our Karma from the past that is not so. Baba has given prasad to the entire family so they change their way but obvious that has not happened. Be brave and strong and keep imense faith in Baba - He will 100% guide you and wipe those tears - Baba don't like people crying like babies. Maybe you are destined to live in India and maybe serve Baba (directly or indirectly). Let those whimisical peolpe live their illusioned life and lifestyle (truely they are not Sai devotee - it must be only for a show - to show the community I belong to this spritiual group). Be with Baba and he will always be with you.


with Love & Light



On Behalf Of mina patel

28 January 2008 12:27 Subject: Can I write an email or letter to Baba[scanned]

Hi All fellow Devotees,


I am going thru a very tough time in my life and as much as i am trying to be nice and let go and sacrifice more on my part, that much people are pushing me to be bad......

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Dear Mina,

Write your letter to Baba and leave it at your alter

....it will reach him .Pray that His reply will be in a

form that you will be able to understand easily.

Sai Ram.






--- mina patel <pappuandmina wrote:


> Hi All fellow Devotees,


> I am going thru a very tough time in my life and as

> much as i am trying to

> be nice and let go and sacrifice more on my part,

> that much people are

> pushing me to be bad......

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Sairam, do not feel anxious. every little bit is known to him who

is seated in all hearts. Tough times pass away like clouds. what is

needed on your part is patience. do not grieve. it is a test and you

have to come through the test. hence do not do anything. simply

remain with thougts on baba and say 'sairam sairam whenever your

thoughts force you to dwell on the past. attend some bhajan session

conducted any where near. help the poor and needy. if possible

participate in poor feeding. do everything wholeheartedly. The Lord

is already aware of your condition. no need to write or mail. if you

still feel like writing, address the letter to " Sri Sathya Sai Baba "

Prasanthi Nilayam PO, Pin 515134, Anantapur Dt. Andhra Pradesh, There

is no e mail id. Only to satisfy your perturbed mind, you may send a

letter to the above address. May Swami guard you and bless you.






, " mina patel " <pappuandmina



> Hi All fellow Devotees,


> I am going thru a very tough time in my life and as much as i am

trying to

> be nice and let go and sacrifice more on my part, that much people


> pushing me to be bad......

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Om Sai Ram Dear Mina,


First I would like to say that I, too, had gone through long dark days in my relationship with my husband, but my faith in Baba and my adherence to what Baba calls the "Five Human Values" of Love, Peace, Truth, Right Action and Non-violence, got me through the karmic "test" of my life. It took 4 years, but it was Baba who turned my situation around 180 degrees. Everyone who knew me and the situation I was in with my husband were totally surprised by the positive outcome (after all that I had been through). I will not go into details here, as it is way too long a story, but the point is that Baba took care of it.


Here is the address you can write to Swami at Prashanti Nilayam, His ashram in Puttaparthi:


Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Prashanti Nilayam 515 134

Puttaparthi, Anantapur District (A.P.) India


Please know that Baba knows what is in your heart, and He knows what you are going to write before your pen even touches the paper. (But it is still good to write to Him, even if just to "get it off your chest"). Know that Baba is the DOER of everything. He is Director, and we are his actors. All the situations in our lives, although they may not seem so at the time, are really exactly what we need at exactly the time we need it, to learn and grow on to go to the next step in our march towards enlightenment (merging back with Baba - God), by giving us the situations we need to humble our ego, purify our hearts with Love, to balance our karmic debts, and to learn to trust God (Baba). But Baba also tells us to always "Be happy", because everything is always for our own good (even though it

may not seem so at the time).


Here is a story Baba tells about a king who was planning to go on an expedition with his #1 man, a man who always saw the positive in everything. Before the trip, the king cut his finger badly and his #1 man said, "It's a good thing you cut your finger". This enraged the king, who had his #1 man imprisoned for saying that, and the king went on the expedition without him. During the expedition, the king encountered some tribals who captured him with the intent of sacrificing him to their gods. Just as the tribals were about to perform the sacrifice, they noticed the cut finger of the king. Since they saw that the king was not "unblemished" , he was no longer considered a suitable sacrifice, so they let him go.


When the king returned home, he had his #1 man released from prison. The king apologized for having imprisoned him, for, after all, he was right - it WAS a good thing he cut his finger. The king then asked him, "You always look at the bright side - but how could you possibly be happy that I had imprisoned you?" His #1 man replied,"Well, if I had not been in prison, I would have certainly gone with you, and when they realized you had a cut finger, then they surely would have sacrificed me instead!"


One can never know why something happens, just be sure it is for the best. Here's another story:


Two angels stopped for rest at the home of mean and nasty, rich old man. Though he gave them shelther his words and demeanor were not that of a kind and gentle person, but rather a cynical, sarcastic, curmudgeon. He allowed them to sleep in his cold, damp and drafty basement, but for an exhorbitant price. During the night, one of the angels found a large crack in the wall of the basement and repaired it. The other angel said, "Why did you fix the wall of that mean old nasty man?" The angel replied, "Things are not what they seem".


The next night the two angels sought shelter at the home of a poor farmer and his wife, who bade them welcome and gave them a hot meal and gave up their comfortable beds to the angels for the night, and themselves slept on the floor. They charged the angels no rent, just asked them to return a good deed to someone else in the future.


The next morning the farmer and his wife found their one and only milk cow dead. The other angel said to the first angel, 'How could you let this happen to these kind and generous people, and you fixed the crack in the wall for that mean old nasty man yesterday?" The first angel replied, "Things are not what they seem. You see, yesterday, I found that there was a great store of gold hidden in the crack in the wall. It would have been found by that mean old man had I not sealed up the crack. As for the cow that died, I learned that the angel of death was to be coming to that farmhouse for the farmer's wife, but Iinstead I intervened so that the cow would meet death instead".


And so it is with our lives - things are not always what they seem!

I have written to Baba many times thanking Him for all He has given me and asking His help with the problems I was facing. Baba NEVER let me down!! He took care of all my problems, although maybe not as immediately as I thought or as I would have imagined , but exactly when the time was right in the absolute best way. There were situations I had to go through - like a test - to see if my faith was really in Baba and His teachings (of Love, Peace, Truth, Right Action and Non-violence) , but with adherence to those principles the tests are made infinitely lighter. When you give ALL your burdens to Baba and KNOW that He will take care of them, He absolutely does.


Now, I don't know anything really about your situation, just the synopsis of what you wrote, but based on that, I would like to kindly throw out some suggestions to you that occured to me as I reflected on what you wrote. Please take them or discard them as you see fit. Please look the suggestions as a kind of "brainstorming" :


From my perspective, you are Soooo blessed to be in India; the seat of spirituality of the ENTIRE EARTH (maybe even Universe...) ; the ONLY place God chooses to incarnate (that right there says A LOT!). My daughter (then age 13) and I went to India for the first time this past summer for a month. and stayed the entire time at Prashanti Nilayam - we wished we never had to leave!! (We live in Florida, U.S.A.). Even now, we are planning our next trip, probably summer of 2009. Another friend of mine from Florida, who is retired from the postal service, just purchased an apartment in Puttaparthi. Many of my friends, including myself and my daughter, yearn to be in India, with "The Form" (We know Baba is with us no matter where we are, but we still want to be with Him "in Form").


Perhaps Baba has work for you to do in India, and He has put the feelings in your husband's heart to free you from your strong passion and attachment to your husband, so you could really find out who You really are and what You can really do, to use Your abilites, to become a clear channel of goodness in this world. Perhaps it is Baba as Shiva destroying the old, outdated way of seeing life so that you can experience life in a totally new and wonderful, more spiritual way. Perhaps it is a karmic test to see who you would choose between God or your husband. (Hint: You CAN"T go wrong when you choose God). That was my "Test" and I believe I passed - I choose God- and God gave me everything back - and more- but not in the way I could have ever imagined! (Think of the story of Mirabai).


Baba says, "Love My Uncertainty" and "Always Be Happy". Good advice...!


With Love,

Barbara Joy


mina patel <pappuandmina@ gmail.com>srisathyasaidevotee s ; Monday, January 28, 2008 7:27:02 AM[srisathyasaidevote es] Can I write an email or letter to BABA



Hi All fellow Devotees,


I am going thru a very tough time in my life and as much as i am trying to be nice and let go and sacrifice more on my part, that much people are pushing me to be bad.


Actually, here it goes... the story of my life.


My in laws family is very very big devotee of BABA... in fact all of them and BABA has blessed mostly all of them with either a ling, or a pendal or something or other... my mother in law is blessed with a Jalaram Bapa murti (the diety that she follows and has very firm faith) and BABA has given a JYOTILINGAM to my husband.


Long story short... I was advised by my in laws that i stay back in india for a year (my husband and close family is in the US) if i dont then there would be some calamity in our house and chances are that someone might die. We do get periodic guidance from BABA, but BABA didnt say anything on this issue... (or i am not aware if BABA had mentioned anything) I understood that if i stay back in india, then i would jeopardize my green card and would have to file the immigration process to go back to the USA.


I love my husband very dearly, however, in this separation of about 15 months, my husband came to me on my forth marriage anniversary and told me HE WANTS A DIVORCE. he even told me blackmailed me... that if i sign the divorce papers here in India, only then he will file for my immigration to get back to the US.


I am completely devistated. I want BABA to guide me. I came to know about BABA and HIS AVTAR though my in laws family. I dont have any way i can ask BABA a question or proabbly pass a message to him.


Can anyone suggest me a way how can i write an email to BABA or a letter to BABA?


I dont want to get separated from my husband. however, my husband has possibily tried everything that i have to stay back in india and he can very easily stay in US. all of my family by birth are in the USA ... so in this situation, if i have to stay back in india, then someone from my side has to come her to live with me. I have finished my high school and my college education in the US, i am not aware of the day to day life dealings in india. (however, i love india very much... if need be i can learn)


I sometimes cry like a baby ... i dont want to get separated from my husband, i cant stand the hatred that he has towards me. in fact i have loved him very dearly from last 10 years. we met in college... on my first day of college and we started going out from my second semister.




I dont understand that BABA has blessed my husband with Jyotilingam. ... then how can he think of doing harm to someone... and that to someone that he has taken wowes to live with in thick and thins of life....


I know i have suffered a lot in the past 15 months that we were separated... . but he does not understand that and dont what to understant that... have you heard the pharase... hate someone with passion... that is how my husband is treating me.


Even with all the things that my husband is doing for me... i litterally do not mean any harm to him. At this point all i want to do is surrender my self totally to BABA, but i guess i have questions... aaisa kyoo... mere saath hi kyoo... why is this happening with me after all my sacrifice for my family and my husband.


I think of my earlier days with my husband (even when he was my boyfriend) I was (still am) madly in love with him that i could not even pass a single day without talking with him or seeing him.


BABA please help.


Can anyone of you suggest me how can i pass my message to BABA.






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Sai Ram All,


Thank you very much for all your support and prayers. i think in the past year that i have been away from all my attachments... " MAYA " I have understood what is the most important thing in life... not the worldly materialistic objects but the way you tie your relations with people and how much you help unconditionally.


I have changed so much in the past year, understood what is actually important, and I think BABA has bestowed me strength to survive in this situation. I litterally dont have much family in India, all close family from my side is in the USA. It is not that i am that desperate to go back to the USA, but I dont want to close the doors either.


If i have to stay in India, i think the purpose would be to be a volunteer at Prashanti Nilayam to do anything... doest matter what, but to help out ... (at least that is what i have thought to do)


Again, i dont mean any harm to my husband or his family, but the only thing i dont understand is that... BABA has personally blessed all of the family (with either Jyotilingam or other diety idols), then why dont they follow BABA's five principals... That is my only question... that i dont understand...


I am already taking SaiRam's naamsmaran (Om Shri Satya Sai Krushnay Namah) and sometimes I do Gayatri mantra.


Deep down my heart, i know i have so much faith in BABA, that whatever HE will do, HE has a deeper meaning to it and a reasoning beyond my understanding. I know BABA has the knowledge of our past, present and future (not only in this life but prior and future lives as well)


Again thank you very much for your prayers. My family is Vaishnav and believes in Lord Krishna. They have not yet realised that BABA is the incarnation of GOD... and after all this, they are very very reluctant to understand the fact about BABA, because they think that BABA has caused harm to me and made my situation worst...


But I have all faith in BABA and i guess with all the things happening to me, my faith in BABA is getting firmer, because i feel that all the suffering or misery that i am going thru is because of BABA's wish and I have to bear them with a smile on my face. I feel that BABA has bestowed me strenght to servive in this situation and not break down or go thru depretion or such...


Also, how can i get BABA's vibhuti... i usually used to get vibhuti from my in laws house. now they have ordered me not to step into their house... and i know that BABA's vibhuti is the reason behind my strength.


Thanks for your support, suggestions and a shoulder (an outlet with whom i can share my story).


Sai Ram,


BABA ki mina...

On 1/29/08, sai rukmani <sathyasaidhidhi wrote:










dear sai mina , Do not be distressed . Do not worry . Baba is going to show you the ways . No need for any seperate mails to Baba . He is a ' spiritual satelite' which man cannot

invent , repair or describe about . All that you have to do is mentally tune yourself to that satelite Baba . And the network Baba handlesis too big and easier .. that you will receive your

reply mails inside your mind , thorough people who will guide and take you into the right path . The way you have asked Baba is jus right . Thats why you have mailed to this group . This group is

a very very powerful media of Baba net work sai mina . Jus as they go thru your mail ... they will be blessing and praying for you .. the news will reach Baba .. yours answerswill come ..

I am a lawyer and you could get any legal doubts clarified I can give my best guidance . But pl don send to this i d . send your queries to rukmanitrinity .

I could also put to to a good immigration lawyer .. Please let me know .. presently where in india do you reside ? and with who all ? sai rukmani --- On Mon, 28/1/08, mina patel <pappuandmina wrote:

mina patel <pappuandmina

Can I write an email or letter to BABA ,

Monday, 28 January, 2008, 5:57 PM





Hi All fellow Devotees,


I am going thru a very tough time in my life and as much as i am trying to be nice and let go and sacrifice more on my part, that much people are pushing me to be bad.


Actually, here it goes... the story of my life.


My in laws family is very very big devotee of BABA... in fact all of them and BABA has blessed mostly all of them with either a ling, or a pendal or something or other... my mother in law is blessed with a Jalaram Bapa murti (the diety that she follows and has very firm faith) and BABA has given a JYOTILINGAM to my husband.


Long story short... I was advised by my in laws that i stay back in india for a year (my husband and close family is in the US) if i dont then there would be some calamity in our house and chances are that someone might die. We do get periodic guidance from BABA, but BABA didnt say anything on this issue... (or i am not aware if BABA had mentioned anything) I understood that if i stay back in india, then i would jeopardize my green card and would have to file the immigration process to go back to the USA.


I love my husband very dearly, however, in this separation of about 15 months, my husband came to me on my forth marriage anniversary and told me HE WANTS A DIVORCE. he even told me blackmailed me... that if i sign the divorce papers here in India, only then he will file for my immigration to get back to the US.


I am completely devistated. I want BABA to guide me. I came to know about BABA and HIS AVTAR though my in laws family. I dont have any way i can ask BABA a question or proabbly pass a message to him.


Can anyone suggest me a way how can i write an email to BABA or a letter to BABA?


I dont want to get separated from my husband. however, my husband has possibily tried everything that i have to stay back in india and he can very easily stay in US. all of my family by birth are in the USA ... so in this situation, if i have to stay back in india, then someone from my side has to come her to live with me. I have finished my high school and my college education in the US, i am not aware of the day to day life dealings in india. (however, i love india very much... if need be i can learn)


I sometimes cry like a baby ... i dont want to get separated from my husband, i cant stand the hatred that he has towards me. in fact i have loved him very dearly from last 10 years. we met in college... on my first day of college and we started going out from my second semister.




I dont understand that BABA has blessed my husband with Jyotilingam. ... then how can he think of doing harm to someone... and that to someone that he has taken wowes to live with in thick and thins of life....


I know i have suffered a lot in the past 15 months that we were separated... . but he does not understand that and dont what to understant that... have you heard the pharase... hate someone with passion... that is how my husband is treating me.


Even with all the things that my husband is doing for me... i litterally do not mean any harm to him. At this point all i want to do is surrender my self totally to BABA, but i guess i have questions... aaisa kyoo... mere saath hi kyoo... why is this happening with me after all my sacrifice for my family and my husband.


I think of my earlier days with my husband (even when he was my boyfriend) I was (still am) madly in love with him that i could not even pass a single day without talking with him or seeing him.


BABA please help.


Can anyone of you suggest me how can i pass my message to BABA.





Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.

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Dear Mina


I didnt think my experiences would help anyone until now.


I have to write this to you rather boldly and has taken me a lot of

courage to do so.


My case was similar to yours except that my inlaws were not Sai

Devotees and mine was an arranged marriage and not a love marriage.


Though after marriage I loved him dearly I was also faced with a

situation where no one wanted me to join him abroad. The reason : it

so happened that he was in love with someone else and his parents

forced him to this marriage. After a lot of his protest, the whole

family realised what a blunder they had made. Nevertheless, since

the marriage was done, I worked hard at keeping it, so hard that I

got my visa and finally joined him only to face an extremely hostile

environment. 11 months later I was separated and 4 years later



But I must tell you : 6 years after my divorce, I re-married (it was

a love marriage this time) and now I have a wonderful husband and a

beautiful daughter.


During my pain I also complained to Swami and was in Puttaparthi for

a youth conference and I was one of the delegates. This was approx

Jun-Jul 1997. Baba decided to give a speech only for the delegates.

It was during the course of this speech that Baba looked at me

directly and said that " ...all difficulties are passing clouds.

Whatever it may be, it HAS to pass.... " and it really did. What

seemed like a bitter experience to me at that time, only made me

stronger and inspite of such a fierce past, I have a wonderful



With this experience, I also knew what positive thinking was and how

it affects me and the people around me.


Please do take it as an experience. And do NOT think that your

marriage will end in a divorce. Be positive and have faith in Swami.

Then whatever the outcome, you only be stronger. Its simple, the

bitter the experience, the better the future.


May BABA bless you.







, " mina patel " <pappuandmina



> Hi All fellow Devotees,


> I am going thru a very tough time in my life and as much as i am

trying to

> be nice and let go and sacrifice more on my part, that much people


> pushing me to be bad......

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Sai Ram all, I have a question... I have shared my story with this group. I am having guilty feeling whenever i think of the compensation/alimony part in my divorce. At this point, Divorce is final in my situation. My husband is threatening me that its been 16 months that we have stayed apart (he was in the US and i was with his family in india for a while like 3 months on and off and then with my family, assisting my ailing grandparents.) and he and his family were very fine and OK with my extended stay in India. now because of him and his family, i had to let go of my visas to go back to the US. At this point, what my husband is telling me is that its been 16 months that we had stayed apart, spend another 2 months apart and it will be 18 months... (official judiacial separation period in the US)

I told him, i dont mind getting divorced with him however, all i want is not to close my doors to go back to the US. If my parents file for me, its going to take me at least 5 years (a divorced daughter scenario) to got back to the US.

I think he has everything planned and waiting for the anniversary of the 18 month separation period that he will get all the necessary legality done. I have a question.... Is it wrong to think about compensation/alimony at this time... I litterally dont want any money from him, however, the pain, anxiety, the trama, the turture he has caused, i think i am entitled to every penny that i can get. Also, very cleverly, they had asked to prepare a Power of Attorney and nominate my husband to do any kind of financial transactions in my behalf (this was March last year and after that time, they have sold my car (at least that is something that i know of and probably many more things they might have sold using the POA)) so again my question is ... is it wrong to think about getting every penny that i can get from him and every penny that i am entitled to from him. I was telling BABA, it is not money that i need, i will give all of it in NARAYAN SEVA, but i want them to know that i was not blind in love, but i had complete trust in my husband and our relation.

Please advise, cuz when i think of alimony, i feel guilty to ask for money from him (again, i wud give this money in NARAYAN SAVA... at least thats what i have decided)... or am i being too nice to him and his family. forgot to mention earlier that the house is in my mother in law's name, (they did not even include my name in the deed), and my mother in law only used to earn barely half the mortgage, my husband then was a real estate agent, wasnt doing well, i used to contribute most of my paycheck for the household expenses, but the little extra cash that i had tipped off, i used to spend it all (on material things... like clothes, shoes, eating out, which i now know are immaterail in life) but because i used to spend and not save per their wish, they are taking this against me...

RIGHT NOW, even the thought of alimony is making me feel guilty (because i know that my husband will not be able to pay it) and also, his money will not be of any use if he is not giving it willingly. I have told BABA, that i want to tell my husband that it was not blind love and I did not realize what they were doing, but i had pure faith and trust in my husband - him being a BABA devotee, he would never mean any harm to anybody... especially his lifepartner or the companion he had choosen for life, promised in front of agni ke saath phere to hold in health and wealth, rain or shine, rich or poor...

please advise...BABA ki mina On Jan 31, 2008 12:47 PM, Nayanika Romanyuk <nayanika.romanyuk wrote:

Sai Ram My dearest MinaRaja a very happy thursday May the lord Sai always be with you.

Mina you are a very precious jewel in Baba's family which is the whole of what we call Mankind . HumanityKeep doing your prayers and when you light the agarbati or any dhoop camphor or anything the raakh or the residue which falls is as potent as vibhuti and is very powerful..

Take this with the name of our Bhagwan on your lips and take the ash....you will wonder at the immediate relief and the blissYou are never alone..with the Lord by yourside within you and around all of you....He is always in you as your super consciousness

This has been my strength and believe me when I tell you Mina life has been so hard for me and is even now...I sing bhajans do all the seva with a smile and they literally vanish as if they never were there...surviving in Moscow without a fluency in the language with no job and a husband who is very critical and does everything with an arrogance and a gambhirtha that he is Bhagwan, it is a hard deal everyday. I chin up and carry on and smilingly offer this whole thing to Baba as his deal...since my business is to know the difference and Surrender all..

You have done that ..Just continue to do it and know that Our Bhagwan Shri Sathya Sai Narayana, Krishna Swaroopa , Sarva Purna Avatara, will never leave your side...My family also worship and are with Lord Krishna in all His Swaroopa

I have found My Krishna in Bhagwan Sathya Sai Narayana and I know that He will never leave me and IS always present in meLike in each and every Life there isLove you Mina rajaTake the ash from all incense and all the offerings which burn and leave a residue

This is indeed verily the same and has the intense potency and effectiveness as VibhutiWherever you live, go to the sai centre and you will get the vibhutiyou know hindi therefore you can definitely get understood

Jai Sairammy love hugs and xxxxxxxxxtake careregardsNayanika RomanyukOn 30/01/2008, mina patel <pappuandmina wrote:


Sai Ram All,


Thank you very much for all your support and prayers. i think in the past year that i have been away from all my attachments... " MAYA " I have understood what is the most important thing in life... not the worldly materialistic objects but the way you tie your relations with people and how much you help unconditionally.

I have changed so much in the past year, understood what is actually important, and I think BABA has bestowed me strength to survive in this situation. I litterally dont have much family in India, all close family from my side is in the USA. It is not that i am that desperate to go back to the USA, but I dont want to close the doors either.

If i have to stay in India, i think the purpose would be to be a volunteer at Prashanti Nilayam to do anything... doest matter what, but to help out ... (at least that is what i have thought to do)


Again, i dont mean any harm to my husband or his family, but the only thing i dont understand is that... BABA has personally blessed all of the family (with either Jyotilingam or other diety idols), then why dont they follow BABA's five principals... That is my only question... that i dont understand...

I am already taking SaiRam's naamsmaran (Om Shri Satya Sai Krushnay Namah) and sometimes I do Gayatri mantra. Deep down my heart, i know i have so much faith in BABA, that whatever HE will do, HE has a deeper meaning to it and a reasoning beyond my understanding. I know BABA has the knowledge of our past, present and future (not only in this life but prior and future lives as well)

Again thank you very much for your prayers. My family is Vaishnav and believes in Lord Krishna. They have not yet realised that BABA is the incarnation of GOD... and after all this, they are very very reluctant to understand the fact about BABA, because they think that BABA has caused harm to me and made my situation worst...

But I have all faith in BABA and i guess with all the things happening to me, my faith in BABA is getting firmer, because i feel that all the suffering or misery that i am going thru is because of BABA's wish and I have to bear them with a smile on my face. I feel that BABA has bestowed me strenght to servive in this situation and not break down or go thru depretion or such...

Also, how can i get BABA's vibhuti... i usually used to get vibhuti from my in laws house. now they have ordered me not to step into their house... and i know that BABA's vibhuti is the reason behind my strength.

Thanks for your support, suggestions and a shoulder (an outlet with whom i can share my story). Sai Ram, BABA ki mina... On 1/29/08, sai rukmani <sathyasaidhidhi wrote:

dear sai mina , Do not be distressed . Do not worry . Baba is going to show you the ways .

No need for any seperate mails to Baba . He is a ' spiritual satelite' which man cannot invent , repair or describe about . All that you have to do is mentally tune yourself

to that satelite Baba . And the network Baba handlesis too big and easier .. that you will receive your reply mails inside your mind , thorough people who will guide and take you into the right path .

The way you have asked Baba is jus right . Thats why you have mailed to this group . This group is a very very powerful media of Baba net work sai mina . Jus as they go thru your mail ... they will be blessing and

praying for you .. the news will reach Baba .. yours answerswill come .. I am a lawyer and you could get any legal doubts clarified I can give my best guidance . But pl don send to this i d .

send your queries to rukmanitrinity . I could also put to to a good immigration lawyer ..

Please let me know .. presently where in india do you reside ? and with who all ? sai rukmani --- On Mon, 28/1/08, mina patel <pappuandmina wrote:

mina patel <pappuandmina

Can I write an email or letter to BABA ,

Monday, 28 January, 2008, 5:57 PMHi All fellow Devotees, I am going thru a very tough time in my life and as much as i am trying to be nice and let go and sacrifice more on my part, that much people are pushing me to be bad.

Actually, here it goes... the story of my life. My in laws family is very very big devotee of BABA... in fact all of them and BABA has blessed mostly all of them with either a ling, or a pendal or something or other... my mother in law is blessed with a Jalaram Bapa murti (the diety that she follows and has very firm faith) and BABA has given a JYOTILINGAM to my husband.

Long story short... I was advised by my in laws that i stay back in india for a year (my husband and close family is in the US) if i dont then there would be some calamity in our house and chances are that someone might die. We do get periodic guidance from BABA, but BABA didnt say anything on this issue... (or i am not aware if BABA had mentioned anything) I understood that if i stay back in india, then i would jeopardize my green card and would have to file the immigration process to go back to the USA.

I love my husband very dearly, however, in this separation of about 15 months, my husband came to me on my forth marriage anniversary and told me HE WANTS A DIVORCE. he even told me blackmailed me... that if i sign the divorce papers here in India, only then he will file for my immigration to get back to the US.

I am completely devistated. I want BABA to guide me. I came to know about BABA and HIS AVTAR though my in laws family. I dont have any way i can ask BABA a question or proabbly pass a message to him.

Can anyone suggest me a way how can i write an email to BABA or a letter to BABA? I dont want to get separated from my husband. however, my husband has possibily tried everything that i have to stay back in india and he can very easily stay in US. all of my family by birth are in the USA ... so in this situation, if i have to stay back in india, then someone from my side has to come her to live with me. I have finished my high school and my college education in the US, i am not aware of the day to day life dealings in india. (however, i love india very much... if need be i can learn)

I sometimes cry like a baby ... i dont want to get separated from my husband, i cant stand the hatred that he has towards me. in fact i have loved him very dearly from last 10 years. we met in college... on my first day of college and we started going out from my second semister.

BABA please help me.... I DONT WANT TO GET SEPARATED FROM MY HUSBAND. I dont understand that BABA has blessed my husband with Jyotilingam. ... then how can he think of doing harm to someone... and that to someone that he has taken wowes to live with in thick and thins of life....

I know i have suffered a lot in the past 15 months that we were separated... . but he does not understand that and dont what to understant that... have you heard the pharase... hate someone with passion... that is how my husband is treating me.

Even with all the things that my husband is doing for me... i litterally do not mean any harm to him. At this point all i want to do is surrender my self totally to BABA, but i guess i have questions... aaisa kyoo... mere saath hi kyoo... why is this happening with me after all my sacrifice for my family and my husband.

I think of my earlier days with my husband (even when he was my boyfriend) I was (still am) madly in love with him that i could not even pass a single day without talking with him or seeing him.

BABA please help. Can anyone of you suggest me how can i pass my message to BABA. BABA ki Mina


Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is just a click away.


-- sairamnayanika

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