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8th Saying If you look to me I look after you

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Faith and forbearance are like inseparable twin trains of mutual

love. My master did not expect anything other than these twin trades from me.

He was never indifferent to me. He always, under all circumstances looked after

my welfare as a loving mother. I always lived very closely to him. Now and

then, even if I was a little away from him for a short

while, his love and protection ever continued to be the same. By his very

looks, he showered his grace and protection. Tortoise will only gaze at the

baby tortoise; the mother tortoise will lie still on one side of the river and

the offspring will be on the other shore. By just looking at the smaller ones,

the mother takes care of them. The children, the babies, the disciples, grow on

their own. My master, like the mother tortoise protected me by his loving looks

of divine grace.


My master gave me no Upadesa. He gave me

no incantation (mantra). Therefore ma, what mantra can I give you? Therefore

remember that the master like the mother tortoise is giving us all loving

guidance. That alone gives us satisfaction, peace, progress and bliss. Don't

try to get any Upadesa or mantra from anybody. Use

your thoughts, words and deeds for your progress.


You are sure to attain the highest. Look at me with a full heart.

I shall also look at you so. I never tell a lie sitting in the holy mosque.

What I say is nothing but truth in the sacred place. No religious practices or

rituals are necessary to raise high in spirituality.


Scholarship is not necessary to become a good devotee. It is

enough if you have faith that I am your master, He does everything for you. He

paves the way for your progress. Love him and serve him with devotion. Devotees

who recognize the Guru to be the very embodiment of Hari, Hara and Brahma are

indeed blessed. May you, by the grace of God reach the peaks of perfection in

your flawless devotion. " Speaking so Baba

convinced the old lady; she in turn offered her pranams

to Baba and gave up her fasting.


What a revelation! Whoever showed steadfast devotion and absolute

faith in Baba is sure to be given an unfailing guidance. If the mind is fixed

on Baba, road will be laid by Baba and the light will be shown.


As are you looks, so are your ideas. As

is your thought, so is your faith. As is your faith, so is your devotion. As is

your devotion, so is your Baba's grace. Therefore, keep your mind fixed on



Baba is your mother in your heart. He is your

mother. You are sure to enjoy your mother's love and you will he very happy in the protection given by that enjoy the

mother's love.


(to be contd….)

(Source Eleven Holy Sayings of

Shirdi Sai Baba by Pujya Shri

Ananda Sai Swamy)


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