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The Glory of Shirdi Sai - Issue 05-2008 from Saidarbar.

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Sixth Year of Publication

Published as Bi-Weekly

Issue 05/ 2008



The Glory of Shirdi Sai enters Sixth year from



One World One Family

Vasudhaika Kutumbam


Om! Asatoma Sargamaya, Tamasoma Jyotirgamaya,

Mrityorma Amritamgamaya, Om Shantih, Shantih, Shantih!

(Aum! Lead from wrong path to the right path, from

ignorance to knowledge, from mortality to immortality!

Peace to All)


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Samadhi Mandir from following Link:

























Compiled by:

Sai Sevak Smt. Rajeswari Kasturi, Saidarbar -


Shirdi Sai's Philosophy in the words of Saibanisaji




In a thicket at the foot of the Himalaya Mountains

there once lived a parrot together with many other

animals and birds. One day a fire started in the

thicket from the friction of bamboos in a strong wind

and the birds and animals were in frightened

confusion. The parrot, feeling compassion for their

fright and suffering, and wishing to repay the

kindness he had received in the bamboo thicket where

he could shelter himself, tried to do all he could to

save them. He dipped himself in a pond nearby and flew

over the fire and shook off the drops of water to

extinguish the fire. He repeated this diligently with

a heart of compassion out of gratitude to the thicket.


This spirit of kindness and self-sacrifice was noticed

by a heavenly God who came down from the sky and said

to the parrot: You have a gallant mind, but what good

do you expect to accomplish by a few drops of water

against a great fire? The parrot answered: There is

nothing that can not accomplished by the spirit of

gratitude and self-sacrifice. I will try over and over

again and then over in the next life. The great God

was impressed by the parrot’s spirit and together they

extinguished the fire.


To be continued¦.




February 22, 1914: A Sadhak of Yoga (Swami Ram Baba)

visited Shirdi and seeing Baba eating Roti with onion

got suspicious and disappointed. However Baba proved

His power of Omniscience by reading his mind and the

Sadhak returned highly satisfied and blessed.







These are the dream sequences and messages as received

by SaiBaNiSaji From our beloved GURU LORD SAINATH OF

SHIRIDI. In Anticipation that this feature will help

in one's spiritual growth are hereby compiled from his

personal Diary and presented to SAIBANDHUS.


Translated and presented by RAGHU RAMAN SATULURY.






Yesterday, Sai appeared in the form of an unknown

person and said-


Dress and jewels supplement beauty and bring grace to

the physical body. Behavior, character and good

mannerism commands respect from the society. Whereas

the type of the last rites one begets do not depend

upon any of the above factors. It totally depends upon

the moral and ethical values one has followed all

through his life.


The stature of an individual in society is based on

the moral, social and ethical values practiced.




Sai appeared in the form of an unknown person and said

on the topic of Vrunanubandha:


Daughter should be married off and son should be

educated to honor one’s commitment towards the



Share the life with wife like a true husband.


Serve the parents in their old age and help them

towards a peaceful end.


Perform good deeds and in the process your commitment

towards the Guru also is fulfilled.


All the bondages should be well settled in order to

set free from them.




Yesterday, before going to bed, I asked Sai a question

that was haunting my mind for quite some time. It is

known that man is reborn and the cycle of birth and

death continues one after another. Then why should one

perform annual ceremonies in the name of those dead?


Sai in the form of an unknown person said-


Once born as a human being can at the most see three

generations passing before him. A man having seen the

three generations, though physically no more, his soul

continues to be drawn and remain attached towards the

family members he has left behind. He lives under the

belief that at least once in a year, his sons and

grandchildren would remember him by performing the

rituals. It is the tradition that dictates to observe

this practice to fulfill the longing of the departed

soul and thus receive the blessings from the elders.


Tradition demands to pay respects to the elders to

whom we owe our purpose and existence.


To be continued-------------



(By Late Sri Bharam UmamaheswaraRao)


" Shashi " : shashi_31


30. Efficacy of Prayer and Worship


Before going to bed in the nights, we must pray Baba

without letting our mind devoted to other things.

Prayer heals and brings tranquility. We must all

realize that every word preached, by Baba, on worship

had deep meaning and virtues to those who understood

and follow them.

A spiritual aspirant has to conduct himself in

day-to-day life to progress spiritually. When one

adopts the path of self-surrender, as the means to

liberation, in effect it implies that the burden of

one’s spiritual progress gets shifted to the Lord.

This does not mean that one will be absolved of the

misdeeds one commits after the performance of

Saranagathi. Though the God our of compassion condones

all the sins of the devotee, the Person should reform

himself totally.

Devotion can be practiced by all, since it is not

possible for the majority of people to follow the

paths of Karma and Jnana. Bhakti contains many

elements but the easiest of them all is chanting the

name which is capable of removing all the sins of man,

besides purifying the mind of all its latent



If a spiritual aspirant follows Baba’s teachings and

performs them without expectation of result, which in

course of time will result in Jnana. Karma which does

not result ultimately in knowledge and Jnana Yoga

which does not lead to spiritual experience are of no

avail. On the other hand, when one is devoted to God,

He undertakes the responsibility to bless the devotee

with liberation from rebirths and thus the devotee is

relieved of all concerns about his spiritual progress.

Devotion to God thus is both the means and end.


To be continued.





God is Consciousness that pervades the entire universe

of the living and the non-living.


As for those who seek the transcendental Reality,

without name, without form, contemplating the

Unmanifested, beyond the reach of thought and of

feeling, with their senses subdued and mind serene and

striving for the good of all beings, they too will

verily come unto me.


-Bhagavad Gita 12:3-4


As a person acts, so he becomes in life. Those who do

good become good; those who do harm become bad. Good

deeds make one pure; bad deeds make one impure. So we

are said to be what our desire is. As our desire is,

so is our will. As our will is, so are our acts. As we

act, so we become.


-Bihadaranyaka Upanishad




Ancient City Discovered in India




BHUBANESWAR, INDIA, February 20, 2008: Indian

archaeologists say they have found remains which point

to the existence of a city which flourished 2,500

years ago in eastern India. Discovered at Sisupalgarh,

near Bhubaneswar, capital of Orissa, the items found

during point to a highly developed urban settlement.

The population of the city could have been in the

region of 20,000 to 25,000, the archaeologists claim.


The excavations include 18 stone pillars, pottery,

terracotta ornaments and bangles, finger rings, ear

spools and pendants made of clay.


The Oldest Functional Hindu Temple In the World?




BIHAR, INDIA, January 23, 2008: The Ma Mundeshwari

Temple in Kaimur District, Bihar, has been reported as

having been built in 108 CE. Since then rituals and

worship have been taking place at the temple without a

break, possibly making it the oldest functional temple

in the world.


It is situated atop the Kaimur Hill and built in an

octagonal shape. The sanctum sanctorum of the temple

is dedicated to Devi Mundeshwari. There is also a

Chaturmukha Shivalinga there, a clear indication that

Shiva and Shakti were worshipped here. Temple

materials and murtis can be found scattered near this

very rare octagonal shaped temple.


The temple attracts devotees during festivals like

Ramnavami and Shivaratri.







Tue, February 19, 2008 1:30 pm


Jai Sai Ram


I wanted do Parayana of Shri Saisatcharitra in a week,

and with that wish in mind I started my reading on one

Thursday, after praying to lord Sai. I read the

lessons of Thursday, on Friday morning as I tried to

read, the website was not working, internet explorer

was not working, I got totally disappointed as this

was the only source for Parayana as I don't have Shri

SaiSatcharitra holy book. I don't know much about

computer, so whole day restlessly I waited.


In the evening ,when my husband came I told him the

problem, usually he set the things right, but on that

day after spending two, three hours, he said there

must be some major defect, so he can't do anything

more. He went to sleep.


It was 11pm, there was no sleep in my eyes, I

desperately wanted to read the holy book, so I went

into my temple, and prayed my SaiBaba why he is

testing me lie this, I am already in big troubles, so

at least please let me do the parayan successfully, I

cried a lot, after praying I again went to switch on

the computer and chanting Sai Sai I clicked the

internet, to my surprise, it started working, now I

cried with happiness and read the lessons of Friday,

and did my Parayan without any other interruption.

Thanks to my Guru my God Saibaba.


Om sai Shree Sai Jai Jai Sai








Smt. Madhu Gopal Ravada, Saidarbar, Hyderabad.

Hello Children! I am Madhu aunty. Do you know Baba use

to play with children and used to tell stories to

them? I felt children visiting Saidarbar should be

entertained with good stories. Now I want to tell the

stories what heard in my child hood.




Once upon a time there lived four friends in a town.

Their friendship was very deep. They always stuck

together. Of them three were great scholars. They had

read almost everything. But though they had acquired

much knowledge, they lacked practical wisdom. As

opposed to them, the fourth friend was not as learned

but was full of common sense and practical wisdom.


One day they were all talking about how to make use of

their knowledge to earn money and lead a happy life.

The first scholar suggested that they should travel to

far off lands to learn about other people's lives.

This might lead them to some king or rich man whose

favour could make them all rich. So they all agreed to


Once again the first scholar said, " We three are well

versed in knowledge and we shall certainly do well.

What about this fourth friend of ours? He knows

nothing. He will always be a burden on us. "


The second scholar agreed with this and suggested that

he should be left behind.

But the third scholar did not agree. He said, " This

will not be right. He is our child-hood friend. We can

not leave him behind " . So finally they all started on

their long journey. Traveling a long time they at last

reached a dense forest. At one place they saw the

bones of some wild animal lying scattered. One of the

scholars said, " Friends, do you see the remains of

some animal here? This is an opportunity to test our

knowledge. Come; let us make this animal alive once

again. "


" I can prepare the full skeleton of the animal from

these bones " cried the first scholar.

" I can give flesh, blood and skin to that skeleton "

said the second scholar. They both proceeded to do as

they had claimed.


Now it is the turn of the third scholar. He said, " I

can give life to this lifeless form, " and got ready to

do so.


Just then, the fourth friend cried out, " Wait, go no

further. Don't you see this is a lion? "


The third scholar was much annoyed at this. He said

with contempt, Fool, you can not stop me from proving

my knowledge. I will certainly make him alive. "


" All right, go ahead if you can not listen to common

sense. But wait for a second so that I might climb the

tree. " Saying this, the fourth friend climbed a tall

tree near by.

Just then the third scholar infused life in that

animal. It was a ferocious lion. The moment he saw the

three men standing before him, with a terrible roar,

he pounced on them and killed all three.


When the lion had devoured all the three learned

scholars, he went away into the forest. Now the fourth

friend got down from the tree. Grieving for his three

unwise scholar friends he returned to his home.


Bye children meet you in the next issue





Feb 6, 2008 10:18 AM


Spiritual Gems from Sri Sai Satcharitra - chapter 27


Sai Ram. Let us now take up Spiritual Gems from

Chapter 27 of Sri Sai Satcharitra. Sai Ram.


Shri Sai Satcharitra

Chapter XXVII




Granting Consecrated Book


The variety of imparting instructions followed by Baba

has already been noticed in the previous Chapters. In

this, we shall deal with one aspect of it. It was the

habit of some devotees to take some religious books,

of which they wanted to make a special study, to Baba

and to receive the same back from Him, after they were

touched and consecrated by Him. While reading daily

such books, they felt that Baba was with them.


SSG: Sai Ram. Any thing touched by Guru caries with

it, His vibrations and a holy book becomes holier when

touched by one's Sadguru. Also, without Guru's grace,

one cannot read Holy Books as brought out in another

chapter. Thus, if Sai blessed and returned a book, it

was a sign that the devotee can go ahead and study the

same. Sai Ram.


SSS: Once, Kaka Mahajani came to Shirdi with a copy of

Ekanathi Bhagwat. Shama took that book to read and

taking it with him went to the Dwarakamayi. There Baba

took it from him; touched it and turning some pages

here and there gave it back to Shama and asked him to

keep it with him. When Shama said that it belonged to

Kaka and had to be returned to him. " No, no " , said

Baba. " As I have given it to you, better keep it with

you for safe custody; it will be of use to you. " In

this way many books were entrusted to Shama. Kaka

Mahajani after a some days came again with another

copy of the same Bhagwat and gave it in Baba's hand.

Then Baba gave it back as Prasad and asked him to

preserve it well and assured him that it would stand

him in good stead. Kaka accepted it with a bow.

SSG: Sai Ram. It is interesting to note that Kaka

Mahajani did not take the book directly the first time

and Shama took it. Thus, it was already destined to

pass on to Shama and Sai, who knew the past, present

and the future knew that. When Kaka Mahajani presented

the book the next time, he got it back. Sai Ram.


Shama and Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam


Shama was a very intimate devotee of Baba and Baba

wanted to favour him in a particular way by giving him

a copy of Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam as Prasad. This was done

in the following way. Once a Ramadasi (follower of

Saint Ramadas) came to Shirdi and stayed for some

time. The routine he followed daily was as follows :

He got up early in the morning, washed his face,

bathed and then after wearing saffron-coloured clothes

and besmearing himself with sacred ashes, read

Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam (a book giving a thousand names in

praise of Vishnu, and held second in importance to

Bhagwad Geeta) and Adhyatma-Ramayana (Esoteric version

of Rama's story) with faith. He read these books often

and often and then after some days Baba thought of

favouring and initiating Shama with



SSG: Sai Ram. We will shortly see that Baba favored

not only Shama but also the Ramadasi by giving him

some valuable spiritual lessons. Sai Ram.


SSS: He, therefore, called the Ramadasi to Him and

said to him that, He was suffering from intense

stomach-pain, and unless He took Senna-pods

(Sona-mukhi, a mild purgative drug) the pain would not

stop; so he should please go to the bazar and bring

the drug. The Ramadasi closed his reading and went to

the bazar. Then Baba descended from His seat, came to

the Ramadasi's place of reading, took out the copy of

Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam, and coming to His seat said to

Shama- " Oh Shama, this book is very valuable and

efficacious, so I present it to you, you read it. Once

I suffered intensely and My heart began to palpitate

and My life was in danger. At that critical time, I

hugged this book to My heart and then, Shama, what a

relief it gave me! I thought that Allah Himself came

down and saved Me. So I give this to you, read it

slowly, little by little, read daily one name at least

and it will do you good. "


SSG: Sai Ram. When one's physical life or spiritual

life is in danger, one has to seek God and surrender

to Him. That is what Baba conveyed by saying that He

hugged the book to His heart. Intellectual reading is

necessary but what is read has to be absorbed into the

heart, i.e. one's whole heart and mind has to be

imbued by the divinity. Then only one reaches the true

state of spirit and is free from the chain of birth

and death and is free from the danger of falling back

into the old ways of ignorance. Sai Ram.


SSS: Shama replied that he did not want it, and that

the owner of it, the Ramadasi who was a mad, obstinate

and irritable fellow would certainly pick up a quarrel

with him, besides, being a rustic himself, he could

not read distinctly the Sanskrit (Devanagari) letters

of the book.


Shama thought that Baba wanted to set him up against

the Ramadasi by this act of His, but he had no idea of

what Baba felt for him. Baba must have thought to tie

this necklace of Vishu-Sahasra-Nam round the neck of

Shama, as he was an intimate devotee, though a rustic,

and thus save him from the miseries of the worldly

existence. The efficacy of God's Name is well-known.

It saves us from all sins and bad tendencies, frees us

from the cycle of births and deaths. There is no

easier sadhana than this. It is the best purifier of

our mind. It requires no paraphernalia and no

restrictions. It is so easy and so effective. This

sadhana, Baba wanted Shama to practice, though he did

not crave for it. So Baba forced this on him. It is

also reported that long ago, Eknath Maharaj,

similarly, forced this Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam on a poor

Brahmin neighbour, and thus saved him. The reading and

study of this Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam is a broad open way

of purifying the mind, and hence Baba thrust this on

His Shama.


The Ramadasi returned soon with the Senna-pods. Anna

Chinchanikar, who was then present and who wanted to

play the part of Narada (the Celestial Rishi who was

well-known for setting up quarrels between Gods and

demons and vice versa), informed him of what had

happened. The Ramadasi at once flared up. He came down

at once on Shama with all fury. He said that it was

Shama who set Baba to send him away under the pretext

of stomach-ache for bringing the medicine and thus got

the book. He began to scold and abuse Shama and

remarked that if the book be not returned, he would

dash his head before him.


SSG: Sai Ram. The Ramadasi was behaving exactly the

way Shama predicted but Shama could not have predicted

the next turn of the events to follow. Sai Ram.


SSS: Shama calmly remonstrated with him, but in vain.

Then Baba spoke kindly to him as follows - " Oh

Ramadasi, what is the matter with you? Why are you so

turbulent? Is not Shama our boy? Why do you scold him

unnecessarily? How is it that you are so quarrelsome?

Can you not speak soft and sweet words? You read daily

these sacred books and still your mind is impure and

your passions uncontrolled. What sort of a Ramadasi

you are! You ought to be indifferent to all things. Is

it not strange that you should covet this book so

strongly? A true Ramadasi should have no 'mamata'

(attachment) but have 'samata' (equality) towards all.

You are now quarrelling with the boy Shama for a mere

book. Go, take your seat, books can be had in plenty

for money, but not men; think well and be considerate.

What worth is your book? Shama had no concern with it.

I took it up Myself and gave it to him. You know it by

heart. I thought Shama might read it and profit

thereby, and so I gave to it him. "


How sweet were these words of Baba, soft, tender and

nectar-like! Their effect was wonderful. The Ramadasi

calmed down and said to Shama that he would take

'Panch-ratni' Geeta in return. Shama was much pleased

and said - " Why one, I shall give ten copies in

return " .


SSG: Sai Ram. Here we see the wonderful effects of

Guru's grace. Anger was quenched with love and Baba

loved the Ramadasi inspite of his quarrelsome

qualities. He gave loving spiritual instructions and

the words took root. The sadhana of the Ramadasi for

all those years bore fruit. Sai Ram.


SSS: So the matter was ultimately compromised. The

question for consideration is " Why should the Ramadasi

press for Pancha-ratni Geeta, the God in which he

never cared to know, and why should he, who daily read

religious books in the Dwarakamayi in front of Baba,

quarrel with Shama before Him? " We do not know how to

apportion the blame and whom to blame. We only say

that, had this procedure been not gone through, the

importance of the subject, the efficacy of God's name

and the study of Vishnu-Sahasra-Nam would not have

been brought home to Shama. So we see that Baba's

method, of teaching and initiating was unique. In this

case Shama did gradually study the book and mastered

its contents to such an extent, that he was able to

explain it to Professor G.G. Narke, M.A. of the

College of Engineering, Poona, the son-in-law of

Shriman Booty and a devotee of Baba.


To be continued..




Feb 17, 2008 7:41 AM




" It is my promise to redeem the one who, with faith

sings my praises, totally surrenders to me, remembers

me constantly and meditates on me. " - Shri Sai

Samartha Satcharita, Ch. 3, Ovi 15.


A poor woman was abandoned by her husband and left

with no visible means of support. When the case came

up in court, the judge asked the wife: " Madam, have

you any means of support whatever? "


" Well, your honour, " she answered, " I have three, to

tell the truth. "


" Three! "


" Yes, Sir. "


" What are they? " asked the astonished judge.


" My hands, my good health and my God, your honour, "

came back the reply.


The resourcefulness of this woman, her self-reliance,

and her dependence upon God, can be a lesson to all of

us. The old saying, " God helps those who help

themselves, " is still valid. The strength we derive

from our faith in God gives us the courage to have

confidence in ourselves.


N. Sivanandam




View the Video of Shri Saibanisa Gopala Rao Ravada

ji's discourses in English from the below link








Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 12:02 PM




Jai Sai Ram,


I have registered my e-mail address i.e.,

angel_mthr in www.saidarbar.org on 29th

January, but I am not getting any mailer from your



It is a request, please send me the mailers as soon as

possible and on every Thursday on the above mentioned

address. It’s really a humble request.


Please reply me back as soon you get this mail.


Jai Sai Nathaaye Namah!!




Response by Saidarbar Team:



Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 2:15 PM

Dear Saibandhu,

SaiRam, Thank your letter and interest shown in our

activities. Devotees like you are the back bone of

Saidarbar movement. For your information your E-mail

id was added in our mailing list on 29th January 2008

itself. We will see why you have not received our news

letters. Any how I am sending Glory 03-2008 which was

released last month i.e., 31-01-2008 and Glory o4-2008

which is being released today. Please contact us

always for Sai related matters.

With best regards,

Saisevak SrinivasaRao Kasturi.


Response for the Glory of Shirdi Sai E- Magazine in

the 3d page turning NEW FORMAT



Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 2:35 AM


I regularly read this section and I am so happy we

come to know a lot of SaiBaba thru so many devotees. I

am very happy that u r doing a wonderful work and

helping people all over the world. Jai Sai Ram

Sushila zingde



Feb 8, 2008 3:45 AM

Jai Sai Ram,

I love this site very much. It is a very beautiful

site from where we can get more knowledge of Sai Baba.

The words are clear, visible n bold, which we can read

it easily. Luvs u Baba. Baba Bless all over the world.


Sai Daughter,

Shikha Kohli



Feb 8, 2008 2:05 AM



It's very valuable reading material. We can read it on

screen in this busy life now-a-days.



Neeraj Gupta.



Feb 7, 2008 10:10 PM

SaiRam, You have done a great job when I opened it

and saw Baba’s image I become very confident and

jungle of my thoughts got cleared up with Baba’s

grace I wish to do service good works Jai Sai ram




Feb 7, 2008 8:04 PM


SaiRam, The messages that I have received has inspired

changes in my life.

Rajeev Lal.



On Feb 7, 2008 3:56 PM


I am regular reader of this article. Kindly request

you to add Sai Charitra Book Online to the readers.

Also would like to recommend a link of Devotional

songs sung in Shirdi temple not the Aarthi's but other

songs played. I have seen the songs list in the intial



Songs like: OM Sai Namo Namaha....





Sai Devotee, Pune




You can read the SaiSatcharita in various languages




Hope that helps.





Feb 7, 2008 10:55 AM


Jai Sai Ram, very good keep it up.

Rajnikant M. Raval



Feb 7, 2008 11:17 AM


Thanks to see this special edition. Can we make it

more beautiful like while opening the pages the shloka

should start like " Anant Koti Brahmand Nayak

Rajadhiraj Yogiraj Parabrahma Sri Sachchidanand

Satguru Sainath Maharaj ki ja "

Shankar bale.


Response by Saidarbar Team:




Thanks for the wonderful suggestion. I'll see if we

can get the shloka to come in MP3 format on the page.





Feb 6, 2008 1: 04 AM


Please Put one option to down load Babas Arti, Bakti

songs and photos .



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Please visit for Sai Aaratis Audio:






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Title: Viyathahu Shirdi Sai Baba

Author: C. Subramanian


5/8-C Seetharam Nagar


Kumbakonam“ 612 401



Title: Shirdi Sai Babavin Arivuraigal

Author: Shirdi Sai Trust

Trichy C-31 Eleventh Cross

Thillai Nagar

Tiruchirapalli –620 018


Title: Shirdi Srisai Sahasranamavali

Author: C. Ilango

Sri Shirdi Saibaba Seva Samithi Shirdi Sai Nagar


Pondichery - 605 014


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Things impressed me from this magazine:


There is nothing that can not accomplished by the

spirit of gratitude and self-sacrifice.


The efficacy of God's Name is well-known. It saves us

from all sins and bad tendencies, frees us from the

cycle of births and deaths. There is no easier sadhana

than this.


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their place, essays, articles and poetry on Sai to

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