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Om Sai Ram - For Bala Vikas Classes - 1

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Love All Serve All. Help Ever Hurt Never.




Spiritual exercises lacking in love of God are like fruit without juice.




Spirit of love is Spirituality.




It is only purity that attracts Divinity.




If the iron filings are rusted, even the most powerful magnet will not attract them.




Love is Selflessness




Think God. Love God. Realise that there is no truer friend than God. Merge your love in His love.




Life is a challenge, Meet It!




True spirituality consists in promoting human unity through harmonious living and sharing the joy with one and all.



Master the mind, be a mastermind.



All things in the world change or perish, love alone is immortal



There is only one religion - the religion of love.



Among the nine forms of devotion, the foremost is the cultivation of the sakhya (friendship) of God.



There is no more dreadful disease in the world than insatiable desire.



Divine love is all-encompassing and the whole cosmos is contained within it.



Hands That serve are holier than lips that pray.



The uniqueness of every being is one of the marvels of creation.



I give you what you want so that you may want what i want to give you.



When a man's inner self is filled with love, his life becomes full of bliss and he is always


hale and hearty.



Time is God; do not waste time. Time waste is life waste.



There can be no sacredness in service, if good thoughts and good feelings are absent.



Happiness results not when desires are fulfilled, but when they are controlled.



Everything has a price... The price to be paid for enduring happiness is Divine Love.



God does not exist in the form of Vishnu, Siva, etc. He exists in the form of love.



No benefit accrues from chanting the Mantras if they are not coupled with the feeling of love.



Bend the body, mend the senses, end the mind.



As long as a person is egoistic, no one will love him including his wife and children, though they may pretend to do so.



Without firm faith in the omnipresence of the Divine, devotion has no meaning.



Be clear and content. Be moderate and wise. Be vigilant and steady. Be earnest and sweet.



Meditation is nothing else but rising above desires.



Only he is a true human being who recognises the indwelling divinity within the shrine of his body.



Divine love is the only penance for all your troubles and miseries arising from insatiable desires and frustrated ambitions.



It is only when one engages in selfless service that love can be purified.



Love lives by giving and forgiving, self lives by getting and forgetting



Human life is a combination of morality, spirituality and righteousness.



The Cosmos is filled with Love. Love is righteousness; Love is Truth. The Universe is based on Love.



Love sees all as one Divine family.



The one with noble qualities of purity, patience and perseverance is verily God



That which eyes cannot see, but which enables the eyes to see – `That' is God.



Love is the light of the Spirit. Realise the spirit and you are filled with Love.



Morality is the life-breath of humanity.



Control of the senses and observance of the accepted code of discipline are the


hallmarks of a cultured man.



Contentment is the most precious treasure



Holding fast to Truth, you must make Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence, the guide posts for your life.



Body attachment gives rise to ego in man. Success eludes one who is egoistic. Ego-lessness is true humanness.



Love, respect, tolerance, mutual co-operation, forbearance – these must flow from the heart of each to all.



All are one. Be alike to everyone.



The heart is the seat of love. That love must express itself, to begin with, in the home.



The best way to love God is to love all, serve all.



Some scientists may deny God, but they do not realise that the powers of the electron and proton are derived from the Divine.



To serve man is to Serve God.



Take care of your character and your reputation will take care of itself.



Spirituality is an activity. It is an activity of the Divinity within.



Good character and right thinking are more valuable than scholastic achievements or intellectual abilities.



Devotion to the Divine will give you Bliss, prosperity and peace.



Faith is like our life-breath. It is impossible to live even for a minute in this world without faith



You should not love God for material benefits. Love Him for the sake of Love. Only then can you attain Him.



It is the power of love that is responsible for the earth to rotate without a pivot.



To the person who has completely surrendered, everything that he experiences (good or bad) is a gift from God.



Jealousy and hatred do more harm to those who entertain these feelings than to those towards whom these are expressed.



Real peace can be secured only by renunciation and sacrifice.



Peace should spread from the individual to the family, to society, the nation and the world and not vice-versa.



Service is the highest form of worship and the best penance.


When a man's inner self is filled with love, his life becomes full of bliss and he is always hale and hearty.



Happiness is union with God.



It is only by unsullied devotion and adherence to Truth that one can realise God.



To earn the grace of the divine, the easy way is surrendering at the Feet of the Lord.



Love is the light of the Spirit. Realise the spirit and you are filled with Love.



The end of education is character.



God judges the devotee's love by the intensity of the feeling and not by the number of ways in which worship is offered.



He who has greatest satisfaction in life is the richest man.


Character is built by constant practice of good actions.



Love is god; live in love. All the sublime human values have their origin in love.



The highest sadhana is to transform love into service. Service will lead you to devotion.


If you want to enjoy life, fill yourself with good thoughts.



Faith is the first step to the Grace of God.



There is no morality higher than truth. There is no prayer more fruitful than Seva



Prayer is for the mind what food is for the body.



There is no triumph more praiseworthy than Surrender



Be silent yourself, that will induce silence in others.



All that you are, you owe to society and you have to show your gratitude to society by rendering service



Self-realisation is the goal. Love is the means.



It is only when the body, the mind and the spirit are in harmony that peace will prevail.



Remove the roots of the weed of egoism from the field of your heart; that is enough.



A compassionate heart is the natural feature of a human being.



Removal of immorality is the only way to immortality.



Only the light of seva can illumine the spiritual aspirant.



The joy of giving makes life blissful.



Love should be free of feelings of expectation of any return or reward.



Devotion must find expression in dedicated service to the Lord.



God can not be perceived by the spiritually blind, just as a blind man cannot understand


what is meant by the whiteness of milk.



God is not to be found in the temple or in a palace. Find Him in your heart.



Through prayer and contemplation on God, you should try to control the evil qualities in you.



Love gives and forgives; self gets and forgets.



Everything becomes truth in the company of God.



Avoid hating, envying or even disliking anyone. Put love into practice through service.



A good character is the greatest wealth you can acquire.



Once you surrender yourself completely to God, you and he become one.



The man who is filled with love has peace of mind, is pure at heart and is unruffled by any adverse circumstances, failures or losses.



You will lead a blissful life only when your mind is suffused with divine love.



When your thoughts emanate from a mind purified by love, they will result in Right Action



Science is below the mind; Spirituality is beyond the mind.



Water flows from a higher level to the lower levels. God's grace too is like that. It flows down to those who are bent with humility.



Do not follow the body, do not follow the mind. Follow the conscience.



Only then can you experience the Truth.



Om Sai Ram

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