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Sai Baba of Shirdi

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The Philosophy of Sai Baba of Shirdi: A Global Perspective by Sigamoney This essay attempts to reveal the possibilities of the philosophy of Sai Baba of Shirdi for resolutions of the problems faced by mankind internationally. In attempting to do so, the essay will focus on the following (i) provide some clarity on the philosophy, (ii) identify the problems and indicate how those problems could be resolved by the philosophy of Sai Baba. PHILOSOPHY OF SAI BABA OF SHIRDI The philosophy of Sai Baba of Shirdi is universal, based on love and is dedicated to service to all people of this world. Firstly, the universal nature incorporates all religious beliefs. That includes Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and every other religion. Secondly, the main thrust of the philosophy focusses

relates to love. That love for humanity, love expressed in all relationships with one another is a central tenet of the philosophy of Sai Baba. Thirdly, service to humanity is a crucial aspect of living the above-mentioned philosophy. All these ingredients are pivotal for the future of an harmonious world, where all people are to be respected and are able to live their lives free of discrimination, poverty and exploitation. IDENTIFICATION OF PROBLEMS AND HOW THE PHILOSOPHY OF SAI BABA OF SHIRDI CAN BE A SOLUTION. An assessment of the current conflicts in the world include the following categories: (i) religious conflict as is the case in Northern Ireland and Palestine/Israel, (ii) ethnic conflict in Yugoslavia, Nigeria and Rwanda, (iii) economic exploitation of third world countries and economic exploitation of people in third world situations in first world countries (iv) racial hatred for example, hatred of

foreigners or black people in France, Germany, Britain and the United States. The philosophy of Sai Baba of Shirdi can go a long way in resolving the above-mentioned problems. The major problem associated with religious conflict is a lack of tolerance for diversity and a difficulty with embracing difference. By understanding the importance of embracing all religions allows one to respect the rights of different ways in which people understand God. The universal symbolism projected by Sai Baba of Shirdi can help people to respect and celebrate diversity. This will help to resolve major conflicts in countries and allow people to concentrate on the focussing in the right way. The benefits of this will be enormous in the development of these countries. Ethnic problems appear to be surfacing in many regions in the world. In many cases this has caused much harm, injury, death and poverty. The concept of love and the

practice of love for humanity can assist in the attempt to eradicate hatred and mistrust of people with different ethnic backgrounds. The genocide during the holocaust in Germany, the murder of large numbers of Hutus in Rwanda and the killing fields of Yoguslavia could have been avoided if the concept of love was understood and practiced in these regions. This problem is also related to racial hatred as it occurs in most parts of the globe. Racism is not something that naturally occurs but it is taught to people. In fact racism, is about the most serious problem in the United States, United Kingdom, France and Germany. The only way one could eradicate racism is through love. This love has to be nurtured no matter how difficult it is. It has been proved in South Africa that black people, if given the opportunity can do as well as anyone else. The myth of blackness being assoicated with incompetence, crime and laziness has been proved wrong. The majority of people are

socialised into thinking in these ways. Therefore, the only solution is love. Sai Baba speaks of loving all and serving all which brings me to my next point about economic exploitation. Whilst it is important for people to progress, it is important that people do not progress at the expense of someone else. In many cases cheap labour is used as a basis to justify that those employed would have not obtained work elsewhere. Sai Baba speaks regularly of serva and serving all. Therefore the first step is to ensure that no one earns below the breadline. Those people in senior positions have the capacity to employ the poor, empower the poor and assist in the upliftment of the most downtrodden human beings. What becomes quite clear from the above essay is that the philosophy of Sai Baba of Shirdi can go a long way in resolving the major problems that confronts world today. It is a matter of understanding and translating into action the philosophy. Finally, the simple rule is to love all, serve all and respect all and put that into practice in our daily living. - End Sharing with Sai Love,Ram ChuganiKobe, Japan

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Ramchand Chugani <rgcjp wrote: Fri, 28 Mar 2008 20:26:24 -0700 (PDT)Ramchand Chugani <rgcjpSAI BABA OF SHIRDI Sai Baba of Shirdi Sai Baba of Shirdi was a crown jewel among Saints. He lived his entire life out in a small and obscure village in India. The villagers of Shirdi each claimed him as a member of their own religion, Muslim or Hindu, but really he came to make peace between them and he always encouraged each to stick to his own religious path. He drew devotees from all over the country though he never traveled and never cared for fame. Over and over his devotees found he knew their innermost thoughts and details of their lives. He effected cures, conferred health, happiness, and prosperity, and made childless couples conceive. His real purpose though was to awaken in them a longing for the spiritual life. Thousands thought of him as a wonderful saint with miraculous powers but his innermost circle knew him to be in incarnation of God himself. Some said of Datta, others of Shiva, still others saw ecstatic visions of their own beloved Guru or chosen Ishta (personalized icon of God) while gazing at Him. He himself said only that he was the humble servant of God and pleased and furthered all who came in contact with him. Many books have

been written about Shirdi Sai Baba but the Shri Sai Satcharita, the story of Sai Baba's life and actions (quoted from below) was written in his own lifetime and is best known among Sai devotees. Just before leaving his body he told a disciple he would be reborn in a certain village 8 years hence and so it came to pass.) Sai Baba was first seen as a youth of sixteen sitting under a neem tree in Shirdi. None knew his origin or past. Even then he seemed to be full of the knowledge of Brahman. He had no desire for worldly objects, even in dream. He kicked out Maya (illusion) and Mukti (illumination) was serving at his feet. This young lad, fair, smart, and very handsome, was first seen under a Neem tree seated in an Asan (meditative posture). The people of the village were wonderstruck to see

such a young lad practicing hard penance, not minding heat and cold. By day he associated with none. by night he was afraid of nobody. People were wondering whence that young chap turned up. His form and features were so handsome that a mere look endeared him to all. He went to nobody's door, always sat near the Neem tree. Outwardly he looked very young; but by his action He was really a great soul. He was the embodiment of dispassion and an enigma to all. A saint name Gangagir who frequented Shirdi said of him on first setting eyes on him "Blessed is Shirdi, that it got this precious jewel". Another saint by name Anandanath said "This is a precious diamond

in reality, though he looks like an ordinary man. You will realize this in the near future." Peace or calm was his ornament and he was the repository of wisdom. He had no love for perishable things and was always engrossed in self-realization. He did not know or care for honor or dishonor. The name of Allah was always on his lips. His inside was as calm as the deep sea. Though he sat in one place, he knew all the transactions of the world. Though a Siddha (realized being), he acted like a sadhaka (disciple on the spiritual path). He was meek, humble, and pleased all. (Sharing with Shirdi Baba's Love) Ram.ChuganiRam

ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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