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From Puttaparthi...Swami Sachidananda & Swami Sadananda...

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SWAMI SACHIDANANDA, one of the close disciples of SWAMI SIVANANDA SARASWATHI of RISHIKESH had the extreme good fortune of having stayed for full six weeks in the Divine Presence and company of Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba at Kodaikanal. Both Swami Sachidananda & Swami Sadananda were the recipients of BABA's infinite Grace and Com­passion and had enjoyed the Supreme Bliss, that the close proximity of the physical form of Divinity.


In his speech on this occasion Swami Satchida­nanda said, " From my personal experience I am convinced without doubt and also from my extreme good fortune of recent close association with Baba I am fully satisfied that Baba is Super-Consciousness itself, Omniscient, Omnipresent and Inner Resident of all beings.


It is absolute­ly essential to explain how I have come to this un­questionable faith in my heart and mind. " Then he went on to say, " Once I was sitting with Baba in His room at a bungalow at Kodaikanal. At that time Baba was reclining on His bed. All of a sudden Baba stood up with a jerk and shouted in Telugu "DO NOT SHOOT" and then fell; unconscious on His bed.


To describe correctly, it can be said that Baba had gone on an 'out of the body' journey. His body then became stiff. At that very moment of His shouting 'do not shoot' Baba was con­tinuously thumping at the door of a military officer at Bhopal!!!


This AMAZING incident sent earlier can be read under 'SAIPRASHANTHI GURUKULAM' (PART - 2) http://www.ssso.net/gurukulam/Preview.htm


It has been described in the Puranas (the ancient Hindu scriptures) that the Atma when disembodied, can enter into an existing body. This phenomenon is known as 'Parakaya-pravesam'.


However, this inci­dent is even more profound than that. It has been neither heard of, nor seen nor written about. The simultaneous appearance in 3 different forms at the same place is called 'Kaya-Srishti' Body Crea­tion). This means appearing at one's will in 3 different forms, adopting full details of their physical appearance and exhibiting identical behavior in per­forming their roles in perfect exactitude!!! This could have been accomplished, only by an Incarnation of God.

No wonder that Swami Sachidananda and Swami Sadananda wrote to their Guru, Swami Sivananda Saraswathi at Rishikesh about Baba, and His Divine Attributes. The 2 Swamis also had a glimpse of Baba's Universal Message when they saw Him 'taking' a rosary with the Holy Cross and the Figure of Jesus Christ, in order to bless a Padre.

When Baba walked along the sands of the seashore at Kanyakumari, Sphatika beads formed themselves at each step; these were collected by the devotees and kept in a sandalwood receptacle; there were 84 of them; but, Baba said there must be 108 in all; and, when they were counted again, there were 108; A rosary was made out of these miraculously formed Sphatikamanis and Baba gave it to Swami Sadananda himself.



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