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The Sai Saga in Kashmir... Part 2

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Bhagwan Baba with His ardent devotee,Mrs. Ratan Lal in Kashmir valley The bewitching Sai...The omniscient Lord always playing a divine drama During this visit, Mr. Sohanlal met General Malhotra, who was the Army Commander of that region, and also a Sai Devotee. Swami had blessed the General and his wife, Prem Malhotra, way back in 1973 when He was on a visit to Ooty; the General, then was the Commandant of the Staff College, Wellington, which is near Ooty. The Malhotras had a spacious bungalow in Srinagar known as the Temporary Abode of the Army Commander. This had enough space outside, ideal for Swami to grant darshan, while the

inside could accommodate a group of 25-30. It was, therefore, the perfect place to serve as Swami’s residence, and the Malhotras said, ‘Yes, all of this place will be available for Swami’s visit’. Jubilantly Mr. Sohanlal returned to Bangalore, where Swami was then, and submitted to Him their prayers yet again. Now, Swami agreed, and then asked, “Is it the same General Malhotra whose wife attended the Summer Course?” The Omniscient Lord was now revealing a little of His Infinite Love. Mrs. Prem Malhotra had indeed attended the last Summer Course. Trip to Heaven, in the Making for Decades The Kashmir trip now seemed to be closer to reality than ever before. Apparently, it seems, the trip was going to

materialize because of the sincere efforts of Mrs. Ratanlal and Mr. Sohanlal. But this was not even a quarter of the whole truth. Like all God’s Work, what could be seen and understood was only the tip of the iceberg; that it was, in reality, a Divine Master Plan that was unfolding was not obvious to many. The story of the Kashmir trip actually dated back to as early as 1970. “I was in my XII grade, studying in Brindavan at that time,” recalls Mr. Ramkrishna Reddy, who has been a Teacher at the Sri Sathya Sai Higher Secondary School for more than 25 years now. “The year was 1970. We were all preparing to write the all-important public examination, and often Swami used to tell us to study well. The hostel at that time had 30-40 boys in all and Swami used to interact with us a lot, and I remember one day I noted down in my dairy that Swami has already told us 30 times to study well. And then, one evening, Swami came into the hostel and said: “Boys,

study well and secure first class in the examination. "If you secure first class, I will take you to Kashmir……” We were overjoyed, but at the same time did not believe it entirely. Swami just wants to motivate us, we said to ourselves. Swami then, moved a few steps, stopped and turned. “… not only in studies, but in Discipline and Devotion too you should secure a first class”. Our dreams now crumbled completely. Securing first class in all three – Duty, Devotion and Discipline – and matching up to His expectations was no mean task. This is just a ‘divine eyewash’ to enthuse us, we were convinced.” Divine Promises Manifest in God’s Own Time "If you secure first class, I will take you to Kashmir" In fact, their conviction was apparently vindicated. Swami never talked about it for many years after that day. But suddenly one morning in 1975, ‘Kashmir’ seemed to be again on Bhagavan’s Lips. Mr. Kamal Sahwney, who was a student then, beautifully narrates that day thus: “It was

a bright Sunday morning. We had gathered near the portico for Bhagavan's Darshan. The air was filled with hushed expectancy as we eagerly awaited a flash of bright red signifying His Presence...The door opened and there stood the Lord — magnificent, radiant, majestic, and fresh as the morning dew. His Cosmic gaze surveyed His Creation. He smiled. There was a merry twinkle in His eyes. ‘When are the exams?’ He enquired. ‘Next week, Swami,’ we chorused. Silence. Only the fading notes of a bhajan from the distant filled the air. Secure First Class, Earn Boarding Pass: Baba ‘Those of you who get a first class in the forthcoming exams will be rewarded. I shall take you to Kashmir – only first class boys. Arrangements are being made already. We will go by

plane and sing bhajans all along the way.’ With these words He proceeded down the avenue lined by boys and trees alike towards the devotees gathered near the 'Sairam shed'; and as He walked along He kept reminding the boys —‘First Class - Kashmir - First class - Kashmir’. ‘Did you hear?’ I asked one of the senior students. ‘Swami has promised to take us to Kashmir if we get a First class. Great isn't it?’ ‘Aah!’ he said with a voice that echoed his imminent incumbency to a second class. ‘That promise was made four years ago in 1971 when we had gathered under the shade of a tree during the opening of the Anantapur College.’ ‘Oh!’ I said, still keeping my hopes alive, ‘perhaps you boys didn't manage a first class.’ ‘We did!’ he retorted. ‘But there were other complications. You

know how it is!’ All I could say was, ‘Anyway, wish you the best this time.’…The same evening we were again delighted to hear from Bhagavan Himself. ‘I will take those of you who get a first class to Kashmir. How many of you will come?’ We all put up our hands. ‘Sure?’ He asked. ‘Yes’ we shouted. ‘Let's see — let’s see’. A promise had been made!” And again, 1975 passed and many years after that rolled by too, Kashmir was elusive as ever, confirming the belief of the long-timers. It was only a divine ‘motivational tool’, the boys had concluded. Still, inside many, Kashmir remained a highly mental activity: a dream unrealised, a desire unfulfilled, a goal unattainable — that is, till 1980. Let us now return to Mr. Kamal Sahwney: God’s Delays are

not His Denials "We are going to Kashmir - keep it secret!" ‘Swami is calling you,’ called one of the students. It was May (1980). Swami had just returned from Bombay. I was

ushered into the Divine Presence. ‘We are going to Kashmir on the 1st of June. Get yourself prepared with some warm clothing,’ said the Lord. "Kashmir! A dead and buried concept was resurrected, revived, nay pulsating with life and the warm assurance of the Lord. He smiled the smile of Knowing All. ‘Top secret!’ I was advised not to divulge this information to anyone since the party fortunate enough to travel with Bhagavan was small (due to reasons of providing accommodation etc.,) and there were no prospects of enlarging it with people flocking the beautiful valley. Carefully protecting this treasured possession, I came out and stood most unassumingly amongst the rest. ‘When is Swami going to Kashmir? 1st of June, I hear?’ asked my neighbour. Oh, Lord! ‘Any idea?’ he further asked. 'Plenty' (I told myself)—but for the moment one would be sufficient. How is it that news

of Bhagavan's arrival and departure reaches the devotees, in a most mysterious and strange fashion. Even the most heavily guarded secret is at best only a great assumption, for somehow—through some means — devotees know the itinerary of the Lord. "Weeks rolled into days and days — with thunderous speed — into hours filled with anxiety. The visit could be canceled. The ubiquitous explanation "you know how things are" could crop up any moment. It was, as with a patient in the throes of the final end, a touch and miss chance. Finally, through the tension-packed days, through the latent gloom of a possible cancellation, through purchases and packing, the 1st of June arrived. ‘One, two, three… seventeen… plus Myself - eighteen members,’ counted the Lord on the morning of our departure. ‘18 chapters of the Bhagavad Gita. 8+1=9, Divine Number. Very good!’ I could

hardly believe it! What glories and wonders would we see? What marvels and mysteries would we witness? What leelas and mahimas would we observe? What grandeur and glory would be revealed? These were the thoughts that floated in our minds as it was announced: ‘Fasten your seat belts.’ The engines roared, the wheels rolled, the plane accelerated, and we were airborne — to Kashmir! A promise had been fulfilled.” Swami among the chosen few during the unforgettable Kashmir trip, June 1980 It was a Divine Word given not only to the students, but to a few devotees as well. For instance, Mrs. Asha Khanna of Delhi, who was extremely busy in the kitchen and in doing up His room during Bhagavan’s stay in Srinagar, says, “When Swami came to our home in Delhi in 1975, He had said, when I go to Kashmir Hum tum dono ko Kashmir leke jaata hai? (I will take both of you along). Therefore, when Mr. Sohanlal informed us about Swami’s visit and asked us to help in

preparing for Swami’s visit to Delhi and Srinagar, my husband immediately recollected Bhagavan’s promise, made five years ago. We never expected that it would really happen and moreover, in this manner.” "It was an experience beyond words...indescribable" - Mr. Ramakrishna Reddy Yes, it was quite sudden and very secretive too. In fact, some members of the chosen group like Mr. Ramakrishna Reddy did not know where they were headed until the morning of June 1! Only when Swami gave them pada namaskaram, and asked them to proceed to the airport, they were absolutely certain that it was indeed the much-promised Kashmir trip! Once the plane was air-borne, the sweet saga of Love started. “Always so concerned about His boys, Swami never fails to look after their every little need, especially when He has hand-picked and taken a few along with Him,” says Mr. Reddy. Attention to Detail - Natural to Divinity “To narrate a small instance, during those days, Swami used to take pan

(beetle leaves with nuts), and therefore, a paan box, which had cloves inside among other things, would always be with Him. A few minutes after the taking off of the plane, Swami turned behind, cast a loving glance on all, and then gave a few cloves to one boy sitting near Him with instruction to pass it on to others who have never flown earlier, and are likely to develop nausea… Swami was just like a sweet mother and we were absolutely in bliss. “His Love was not restricted to us alone, in fact, during the entire flight of two hours, the Benign Lord was busy granting pada namaskar and blessing each and every passenger (it was an Airbus and there were 250-300 people on board) as they made a beeline to Him. The crew, of course, crowded Swami and wanted to make best use of the golden opportunity. But Swami was most kind; He did not have a single moment of rest during the entire 90 minutes. Even when the plane had a brief stopover in

Hyderabad, where the Sai devotees had made excellent arrangements for our lunch, Swami had no time for Himself. He put a spoonful or two in His mouth and rushed to the area where the devotees were passionately singing and praying for His Darshan.” Humandrome Longs for Divine Glimpse Mr. Reddy narrates how every moment of Swami's flight time was spent Somebody said, “It was not an aerodrome, but a ‘humandrone’” as devotees filled every inch of the airport in Hyderabad. But it was not so in Delhi, as Mr. Kamal Sawhney, writes, “Seeing a rather thin gathering this time we were delighted with the prospects of a quiet and peaceful visit. But as we approached 16 Golf Links, the residence where Bhagavan was to stay (in Delhi, the capital of India), promises of a quiet,

peaceful visit evaporated with the terrifying heat. There were cars, and people, and still more people, and people again. It was amazing to see people waiting in the oppressing heat just to get a faint glimpse of the Lord.” Delhi’s High and Mighty at the Feet of the Almighty In fact, but for Swami, everybody else had to get down from their cars two kilometers away from the place of His residence in Delhi and walk through the crowd. “And that evening,” writes Mr. Kamal Sawhney, “Political history was re-written with a comforting touch. Members of Parliament belonging to different parties, opposing ideologies, varying principles, contrary view-points, sat together, amongst others like members of a united family — waiting to be served the meal of Love from the Mother Divine. ‘A glimpse of future India...?’ remarked somebody. It was a sight to behold! "The Lord moved amongst the 'elite' crowd that consisted of cabinet ministers, ex-ministers, politicians, lawyers, top industrialists and foreign dignitaries with His usual charm and felicity. He blessed one, instructed the second, chided the third, enquired of another and cautioned yet another. It can never escape one's attention that the Power that Bhagavan

Is, is clearly visible on such occasions. The tremendous capacity which He displays in dealing with such a wide variety of disunited human beings, in a manner that would humble the greatest diplomat, is truly amazing.” On June 2, Swami sent the boys on a sight-seeing trip to the city of Delhi, one of the oldest continually inhabited cities in the world and the epicenter of India’s political theatre, while He was busy visiting houses, meeting people and gladdening hearts. He also inspected the site acquired to construct a Sai School in Delhi at devotees’ request. When the boys returned, Swami was all theirs again. Handing out sweaters to every student, Swami lovingly said, “It will be very cold in Kashmir….we are going there tomorrow…You need to get up early in the morning.” Recalling that evening, Mr. Ramakrishna Reddy says, “More than the article, the joy He would express in giving these things used to get

imprinted in our minds.” How is it being a member of Swami's party? Mr. Reddy shares his feelings Preparations Behind the Scenes In Srinagar While Swami prepared the boys for their Srinagar visit in Delhi the previous day; the couple, Mr. Rajesh and Asha Khanna from Delhi had traveled to Srinagar three weeks earlier and were working round-the-clock along with the Malhotras to welcome Swami in Srinagar. “We worked silently, even my family members did not know about our activities. From Delhi we carried everything including the groceries, beddings, utensils, carpets and so on,” recalls Mr. Rajesh Khanna. His wife, Asha, continues, “It was the peak of summer. There were Sevadal with us – only two old ladies – who worked silently, relentlessly. "They sat on the terrace and cleaned

all the groceries, washed, dried and packed them in different packets and finally neatly labeled them. This went on for days. Not only this, I had the privilege to do the curtains, bed covers, etc. of Swami’s room. In fact, we did the whole house up with Mrs. Ratanlal’s guidance and the Malhotras’ support, making it new for Swami’s arrival.” Lovingly in Sai Ram.Chugani-------------------- Ram ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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