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Prof. Anil Kumar's Satsang: Baba's Conversations with Students

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ANIL KUMAR'S SATSANG: BABA'S CONVERSATIONS WITH STUDENTS Professor Anil Kumar has presented this talk as an extra satsang. He has selected important messages Baba has imparted to the students gathered around Him during the afternoon sessions on the verandah at Prashanti Nilayam. These talks will continue. Part Eight

January 2nd, 2003 OM…OM…OM… Sai Ram! Pranams to the Lotus Feet of Bhagavan! Dear Brothers and Sisters! MONTH OF DECEMBER 2002 Three Events in December First, let me wish you a ‘Happy New Year!’ This is the first meeting of this New Year 2003. I have a few details to share with you about events that happened during the month of December. There were three major happenings that I will explain in full detail. The first, which I am sure you will be very much interested in, was Christmas and Jesus Christ. Then the second was the visit of the President of India, Abdul Kalam, to this place, the sentiments he expressed, the opinion he had, and the letter he wrote. Finally, the third is the recent achievement of the Sri Sathya Sai University. It has been declared to be the best

university in this country! These are the three important milestones that happened during the month of December, which I want to share with you. As you know, we are sharing highlights from Divine dialogues. I didn’t say Divine whispers; they are Divine dialogues. Our idea is that Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s conversations should also be made available for posterity just as Ramana Maharshi’s conversations were recorded and just as Sri Ramakrishna Paramahansa’s conversations with his disciples were recorded and made available to all of us today. We are all accountable. It is for this reason that we have started this endeavour. I am glad that it has been widely published and is well received. the Christmas Choir It so happened that the entire Prashanthi Nilayam was full of the resonance and resound of Christmas carols, particularly in the afternoons and evenings until bhajan time. It was so wonderful, I tell you. On certain afternoons while sitting with Bhagavan behind the curtain in the Poornachandra Auditorium, I also happened to hear the choir. Bhagavan was immensely happy with the intensity of the devotion of these foreigners who were coming from different places and practising the songs meticulously, scrupulously, scientifically and carefully to perfection. That was really fantastic! Swami was all appreciative for both the preparation and the presentation by these foreigners. Let me congratulate all of you who participated in this event. December

22, 2002 The discussion on Christmas and Jesus Christ On the 22nd of December, some of the conversation that went on centered around Christmas and the life of Jesus Christ. Bhagavan said that the Catholics had their own philosophy of Christianity and followed their own concepts. However, they were not accepted by a certain section of Christians, who opposed them and protested against some of their concepts. Hence, this sect became known as the ‘Protestants’. Bhagavan also said that Jesus taught that every man is God. He meant that Atma, Self or spirit is God. Swami calls this Chaitanya Shakthi, Divine power or energy, or Cosmic energy. That is Divinity. This is what Bhagavan explained then.

Swami said that Jesus faced opposition. Many people questioned him and doubted him. Like any God-man, Jesus faced all kinds of challenges. While declaring his own Divinity, Jesus spoke just as we find Bhagavan telling us today. He said that all are God, all are equal and all are Divine. When a person asks Swami, “Are you God?” He says, “I am God and you are also God.” This was also Jesus’ teaching. When Jesus said that he is God and all are equal, He meant that the entire creation is Divine. Critics Transformed Then Bhagavan also mentioned a miracle that happened during the life of Jesus Christ. It seems that a few fishermen were trying to fish,

spreading their nets. But even until the evening, they could not catch a single fish. They were all very much disappointed and frustrated. It so happened that Jesus passed by the same place. He took them to another location in the sea of Galilee and told them to try there. To their astonishment and surprise, when they spread the net there, they caught lots of fish. They came to know the glory of Jesus by this experience, which we call a miracle. Bhagavan said that a tax collector with the revenue department, a man by the name of Matthew, came there to collect tax from these fishermen. The fishermen refused to pay the tax. But Jesus said, “No, no! You just caught enough fish, so why do you speak lies? Earlier you

couldn’t get any fish. But just now, you are getting so many fish at this place that I have shown to you. Why do you say that you do not have fish? You must pay the tax!” That’s what Jesus said. Jesus is Justice. Jesus is Truth. Jesus is Righteousness. Jesus is Love. There is no question or doubt about this aspect of the Divinity of Jesus Christ. Discovering this Truth of Jesus, Mathew was totally transformed and became his devotee. He also did not collect any tax from the fisherman that day. He was simply moved and touched by the Truth of Jesus Christ. There was also another man, a great personality of Biblical times, named Paul. He questioned and doubted Jesus Christ. But as Jesus appeared to him in a dream, Paul became transformed. He was the beneficiary of the teachings of Jesus Christ. Here was a man who, at

one time, was a critic of Jesus Christ but later became Saint Paul. Even today, in the times of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, critics get themselves transformed. Most of the people who doubt Him later become staunch devotees. That’s how it happens, and that is even what happened during the times of Jesus Christ. The Three Wise Men Then Bhagavan went on to say that, when Jesus was born, three wise men happened to visit that place. One of them said, “This child is going to love God.” Another, an Arabian king, said, “No, God is going to love this child.” The third wise man said, “No, he is going to find his identity with God, and that is what he is going to be called.” Those were the prophecies, spoken in the heights of devotion, of those three wise men who visited the newborn babe in Bethlehem on Christmas day. Jesus Is Betrayed Then Bhagavan mentioned another point. Jesus was always surrounded by His disciples. So many followers wanted to hear His Divine teachings. However, there was one disciple, Judas Iscariot. Judas betrayed and cheated his guru, Jesus Christ, just for a pittance, just for some money offered to him by the soldiers. That is what led to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. By receiving a few silver coins, Judas Iscariot told those soldiers: “Whosoever’s ring I kiss, that man is Jesus. You can catch him.”

The disciples and Jesus wore the same dress in those days, so Jesus was difficult to identify. That's how Judas betrayed his guru. What happened to the other disciples? They escaped on some pretext or the other. That's what Bhagavan has said. Mary was crying, watching the situation of Jesus Christ, the only Son of God. To Mother Mary, Jesus said: “Mother Mary, why do you cry? Death is the dress of life.” Commenting on this statement, Bhagavan said that one does not have to cry or worry about death. Just as we go on changing our dress everyday, likewise we put on a new body. Do we cry about changing our dress? Certainly not! We simply wear a new dress. . Bhagavan mentioned another statement of Jesus Christ. While

there were so many people around who were helplessly looking on, there were some other people who were ready to blame and crucify Jesus, the compassionate and righteous One, the only Son of God. What did Jesus say then? “All are one, my dear son. Be alike to everyone.” What a statement it is! It was only possible for Christ to say that. Enemies and betrayers were on the one hand; disciples on the other; he himself was in pain and agony. Still with all this, the Son of God could say, “All are one, my dear son. Be alike to everyone.” I think you may remember that at one time Bhagavan said, “People may praise Me; people may blame Me. But I bless both of them because I am beyond. God transcends both blame and praise.” He is not carried away by your praise nor depressed by your blame. Mother Mary I asked Bhagavan this question: “I have seen the statue of Mother Mary, carrying the infant Christ. People worship Mary also. In convents, we find Mary’s statue, and we also find Mary holding Jesus on her lap. There is a very big church in Bangalore called ‘Infant Jesus’. What is that all about? Why do people worship Mary?” Please note what Bhagavan said: “Just as you people worship the Mother of this body for giving birth to this Avatar (referring to Easwaramma), people also worship Mary, Jesus’ mother, in reverence, adoration and gratitude for giving birth to the Son of God. It is really an act of gratitude. That’s how Mary has come to be worshipped by Christians.” That’s how Bhagavan answered. (LOVINGLY IN SAI) RAM.CHUGANI Ram ChuganiKobe, Japanrgcjp

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