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Sri Sathya Sai Chalisa (52)

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DAILY GUIDANCE38. His light is impartial.Like the sun that rises for allHe

too is always there for all at all

timeswithout any condition nor judgment.Whatever the karmas there is no soulthat wishes to stay in the tunnelof dark ignorance forever.Even the laziest... the greediest...the selfish of selfish...the lowest of the lowslowly tread their way towardthe glimpses of lighttoward the end of the tunnel.And why not?!No one that is born is devoid of that privilegeto see the golden light of God!The only way to end this negativityis to be positively determinedthat no one has to tolerate the presentwhich is only a reflection of one's past doing.One has to bear... one has to smile...one has to have faith that the tunnel of ignorance...the cycles of karmas will end -if not now... soon.The golden light of Self knowledge awaits all,but the one that has completely destroyedhis attachment to the darkshall see that ignorance itselfwas a journey where God

Himselfdescended in the dark to actas the teacher of teachers -the Satguru that walks with His devoted onesuntil they reach the vision of the ultimate truthin which they shed the ignorance of their identity.(From : Sri Sathya Sai Chalisa by Seema M Dewan)Copyrights reserved by Sri Prashanti Publications Trust

Visit : Sai Divine Inspirations : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/

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