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12 Divine Answers by Swami

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1.Why do you waste your time and energy to explain me – can a fish measure the sky? If I had come as Narayana with four arms, they would have put me in a circus. If I had come as a man like every other man, who would listen to me? So, I had to come in this human form with more than human powers and wisdom.

2.Then you are God. Is that what you are saying? --- First you have to understand yourself; I told you that. And then you will understand me. I am not a man, I am not a woman, I am not old, I am not young - I am all of these.

3.I am always with you, even when you don't believe in me, even when you laugh at me, even when you hate me and even when I seem to be on the opposite side of the earth. I am in you; you are in me. Don't forget that. We cannot be separated

4.Haven't those with food, clothing and shelter dont face any problem? Are they happy and content? Do they have peace? No, the satisfaction derived from food, clothing, shelter, money etc. is only temporary, or limited to the physical plane. It does not solve man's basic uneasiness – there is lack of peace of mind. If you have that peace, you can live without physical pleasures. Desire and selfishness are the fundamental cause of all problems. When desires are limited, the mind becomes lighter; it attains peace. When you achieve mental and spiritual peace, physical peace will automatically follow.

5.No, religion never declines. It is always the same. But those, who follow religion, do not realize what for religion exists. It is wrong to say that this religion is good, that religion is bad and so on. All religions propagate unity and love. We should not magnify the silly differences between religions. We must hold high the significant aspects of unity. Love works wonders. It can conquer the world.

6.Praying regularly for hours, observing fast, going to the holy places, proceeding on pilgrimage - all these are not necessary. When you are engaged in household activities and family responsibilities, never become angry; never get enraged. Never do your work in a hateful or rueful mood. Do everything merrily. Be content with the thought that this is the work given to me by the Lord.

7.Fate is the result of your actions. Just as there will be reactions in future for all your present actions, there are reactions to your past actions. They affect your body and mind. Every thought, word and deed will bounce back to you. Therefore, it is not that fate controls you; conversely, you control the fate.

8.Yes, there is GOD. In the first place, treat everything as God. God is omnipresent and omnipotent. He is in this chair, in the sofa, in the table – everywhere and in everything. The true realization of the all-pervading nature of God will turn aside your egoism, because this egoism is the obstruction in the path of spiritual surrender.

9.Some people think that it is a beautiful thing for the Lord to be on the earth in human form; but, if you were in my place, you would not feel it so beautiful. I know everything that happens to everybody in the past, present and future. So, I am not so quick to give people the mercy, they beg me for. I know why a person has to suffer in this life and what will happen to him the next time he is born, because of that suffering this time. So, I cannot act, the way people want me to. They call me cold-hearted one time, softhearted the next. Why don't I do this? Why do I do that? Why don't I stop all the wars forever and get rid of all diseases and suffering? What they don't know is that I am not responsible for suffering. I don't cause suffering any more than I cause happiness and joy. People make their own palaces and their own chains and their own prisons.

10.You have lots of money. You go here and there. But, why? The pleasure is here, inside you. You do not see that wealth in you; you do not introspect. Self-control is man's primary requirement to recognize this. You talk, these days about a lot of controls, like diet control. But without self-control, nothing can be achieved. As far as man is concerned, the most important things are self-discipline and self-control. As a start to this, you must control your tongue. God has given only one mouth. All other senses are in pairs - eyes, ears, hands etc. This single mouth has two functions, viz., talking and eating. So, when you think about control, start by controlling your words. Even the few words you speak should not have any selfish motive. Eat less; that will save your health. Man today is selfish. Sometimes I used to suggest that it is better to be a fish than being selfish. The fish cleanses the water it lives in, whereas man pollutes

his environment. Such a man does not do anything for his society or others..

11.The reason is not that I do not have the desire to remove all the suffering. But how can full reward be given to partial devotion? Swami has great desire to impart happiness to all mankind. If you wish so, God's grace can change your fate. All things good or bad are the reflections of different actions of mankind. The world is not mere sand and earth. People also inhabit it. The people and the earth are inseparably related. Today, man has inculcated useless habits. He destroys the resources of the earth – water, food, sound, light and numerous others. For example, when soft words are enough, he talks loudly. He overeats and wastes food. When one bucket of water will do, he uses two bucketfuls. When a little light is sufficient, why is electricity wasted by the use of powerful lights? All the energy and resources of the earth are the light of the Supreme Spirit. When one wastes a resource, one is wasting God. Every action of man has a

reaction, resound and reflection.

12.My heart has become capable of every form; it is a pasture for gazelles and a convent for Christians, a temple for idols, the pilgrim's Kaba, the tables of Torah and the book of Quran. I follow the religion of Love: whatever way Love's camels take, that is my religion and my faith.

Om Sai Ram

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