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From Puttaparthi... The Air Chief Marshal

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Air Chief Marshal NC Suri (Retd) (PVSM) said, "It is our lack of perception that keeps us away from understanding the reality that encompasses Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Consequently our understanding of Baba has large voids."

"Our media, who claim to be champions of ethics and morals, often publish a lot of unauthenticated material under the garb of freedom of press, particularly when it leads to boosting the sale of their magazine, newspaper, periodicals etc. without any personal knowledge on the subject."

In his article, 'GOD IS AN INDIAN', published in BLITZ of 11th Sep. '76, R.K.Karanjia (The high profile editor of BLITZ weekly, Mumbai) presented his conversation with Sathya Sai Baba. This interview contains leading questions on Bhagwan, His mission as an Avatar, His miracles, His work and all questions that create a doubt in the minds of mortals." (Paste the following link to read the interview)

http://books.google.co.in/books?id=U4ldAqBuIpwC & pg=PA26 & lpg=PA26 & dq=karanjia's+interview+with+baba & source=web & ots=I4wGnJBF2n & sig=hjOkbywusumO9_BKNEBDEQoZe48 & hl=en & sa=X & oi=book_result & resnum=1 & ct=result#PPA26,M1

"Late Mr. R K Karanjia, was respected for his journalistic abilities and notorious for seeing the negative side of people and events, never ever articulated his views without thorough investigation and personal knowledge."

"SWAMI came to me in my dream in mid-1971 and since then I have been His devotee. In the last 2 decades I have not only experienced His love & benedictions in great abundance but He has also shown me 3 of His Divine forms. I have also experienced many of His miracles on which I have written in some of my earlier articles and also lectured on both in England and in India," continued Air Chief Marshal NC Suri.

"Every Avatar and Prophet has performed miracles primarily for drawing the non-believers towards spirituality.

SWAMI's powers to protect, heal, save people and materialize objects flow from His cosmic power which is manifest only in Avatars. However, to the ignorant or the ones who lack perception, the cosmic power of Swami is taken as a magical discipline. Some have even gone to the ridiculous extent of comparing this power as being also manifest in the case of magicians!!!"

"Sai Baba has time and again told His devotees that the talisman that He materializes and gives them is in fact His calling card. More specifically, these are symbolic of His protection to those he gives them to."

"The Vibhuti that Sri Sathya Sai Baba materializes is a manifestation of His Divinity. Firstly it is symbolic as it reflects the cycle of life and death. Secondly it is cautioning those who receive it to give up all worldly desires and attachment by burning it in the fire of worship and thus attain purity of thought, word and deed."


"Take a glass chimney placed over a candle. After some time a thin layer of soot forms over the glass which results in the light becoming dim. It is only when you clean the glass that one can see the light clearly. The soot that one finds can be compared to ego that clouds ones mind. It is because of ego that one is not able to visualize the divine flame of wisdom."- SATHYA SAI BABA

PS: We've posted Puttaparthi Vibhuthi to all those who had requested, within India as well as to the US,CANADA,SOUTHAFRICA,FIJI,MAURITIUS,NEPAL,BOTSWANA,BAHRAIN,MALAYSIA,KUWAIT,LONDON, SRILANKA,NEWZEALAND & DUBAI. With SWAMI's grace, most have recd. it. In case someone hasn't recd. yet, please write to premasai.gurukulam.

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