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Darshan News: July 12, 2008 - Sai Students

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July 12, 2008 A new Gastro-intestinal (GI) endoscopy department had been furnished and kept ready for opening with Swami's blessings today. Swami too had graciously consented to inaugurate the new department blessing the Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Medical Sciences with His divine presence! Everyone thought that Swami would go to the hospital in the morning, but that did not materialize. At about 2:45 pm, message from Swami came that He would be blessing the SSSIHMS at 3:30 pm. Everyone immediately swung into action and in a matter of minutes, everything was readied for the divine visit. Escorted by flag-bearing bike riders, Swami arrived to the south entrance of the hospital at about 3:40 pm. He had sent a delegation of 6 guests too as an advance party and they were also waiting in readiness for

Him. As soon as He descended from the car, many roses exchanged hands and Swami blessed all the heads of the various offices. The Veda chanting began and lead the procession of which Swami formed the "completion" at the end! The central corridor of the SSSIHMS had been lined by nurses, ward boys and helpers in the hospital. Swami moved through the corridor and He seemed so happy looking at all the people who were serving Him so lovingly and selflessly. What followed next were Abhayahastas galore as Swami kept glancing to His right and left blessing everyone seated reverentially there. The GI exhibition was on the way and as Swami passed by it, He displayed a lot of interest in visiting it. He entered the new GI endoscopy department and the bhajans began there. He spoke to and blessed the doctors and devotees who had been directly responsible in setting up the department. Then moving inside to the area of the main altar, He lit the lamp. Each and

every wick in the lamp received its share of attention and Swami lit up each one. Then He was taken into the upper GI endoscopy room where the doctors had thoughtfully and creatively arranged a demonstration of the capabilities of the department. A small flower bud with its stem had been placed in a long roll of white cloth to simulate a cyst/tumour in the digestive system. As Swami sat seeing the demonstration, the doctors inserted the endoscopic camera tube and showed the proceedings on the TV screen. They then literally nipped the makeshift cyst "in the bud"! Swami saw that and as the flower bud was put in a jar and presented to Him, He asked whether the tumours would be that size. The doctor replied that these outgrowths vary in size from a minute dot to the size of a ball also sometimes! Swami blessed the doctors and seemed impressed! The same thing happened in the next lower GI endoscopy room too. The equipment had been connected not only to the

TV screen but to a computer too so that the processor gave the doctors far greater diagnosis and analysis ability. This was shown to Swami and there too He asked a few practical questions. The doctors found great joy in answering them and said, "Swami, this department is a fruition of your Grace on us." Whenever Swami listens to either the doctors or students or the scientists or primary school children, it brings to mind the mother and child analogy. The mother knows everything that the child knows and in fact much more too. In spite of that, whenever the child gurgles or recites its little rhymes, the mother listens with all appreciation and wonder. That is not an indication of the mother's ignorance, but a powerful reminder of Her great love for the child! Swami was next taken to the GI-endoscopy ICU room. The various facilities there and the conveniences for the patients were shown to Swami. Swami was very happy with all that and

said that there was no need to show him all the little details and that they should proceed and make the patients comfortable and happy. He trusts His doctors. His faith and Trust in man is so much more than man's faith and Trust in either Him or himself too! And that's what makes Swami so special and divine. Blessing everyone who had gathered, Swami moved out of the department. On the way out, He passed by Veda chanting staff and He pored over each and every face that was flexing with the twirls and turns of the Vedic hymns. Outside the department, a very warm and devoted assemblage of devotees formed a reception for Swami. Swami then went to the GI exhibition that He had noticed during His entry. In the beginning, there was a small video presentation on how endoscopy actually worked. After that, Swami was given a "guided" tour of the various afflictions that tormented the human digestive tract and Swami listened with all interest. At one point

when the explaining lady spoke of some problems, Swami said, "That comes due to hurry and more importantly - worry. If worry is avoided, many problems will disappear!" A wonderful banquet had also been kept ready for Swami. When Swami was requested to have something, He said, "No! Not now. The devotees will be waiting there!" Though He was in the heart of the SSSIHMS, He had not forgotten the devotees in the Kulwant hall. He completed a full round in the exhibition. At the end of it, many of the doctors took padanamaskar. He was then requested to bless the ongoing orthopedic conference with His presence. He agreed and the conference hall was on the way itself. Swami's entrance into the conference room was in the middle of a presentation. But when the Lord arrives, everything comes to a standstill. He lit up the conference, literally and figuratively, when He went to the lamp placed in the corner and lit all the wicks. A few distinguished doctors

were to receive citations and they were indeed fortunate to receive them from the divine hands. Swami was literally surrounded by the doctors and in midst of that too, He materialised a ring for one of the doctors. At this point, the whole assembly came down to its knees in humble prayer. All the delegates came to the aisle and knelt down on either sides with a prayer that Swami traverse that path. Swami obliged happily and very soon all the discipline seemed to vanish as devotion took the driver's seat. Swami moved gently through the eager beavers and blessed them all. All were thrilled at this act of Grace. As Swami exited the hall, there was an orthopedic endoscopy device too. As Dr. Sundaresh demonstrated with a dummy bone in a cast as to how the instrument could be used, Swami looked on. But by now, the people around Swami were swarming and the mass of devotees around Him was swelling to huge proportions. Swami started moving a little quicker now.

As Swami moved out to the main corridor and back towards the side door, people took all the vantage points available to have a glimpse of Him. By now, news of the Lord's presence in the hospital had spread all around and doctors, nurses, helpers, patients and relatives alike gathered in a hurry to see their sweet Lord. Swami was all smiles and blessings as He moved out. Some of the sisters from the dietary services had books and cards blessed. They tried to invite Swami to the dietary department too. Swami very sweetly told them that He had to rush back to the mandir too as devotees were waiting there. Aarthi was taken as Swami came out and entered the car. Before leaving, Swami waved out to all who had gathered around the car and it was such a wonderful and poignant moment for everyone. Swami was then escorted back to the mandir. July 7, 2008 Men and Machines filled the central blocks of the

Kulwant hall today. The devotees from the Anantapur district had arranged for the service activity wherein they would distribute implements to the needy to provide a source of livelihood. Many devotees from the surrounding villages and from other rural areas of Anantapur had gathered for the occasion. Swami had very graciously agreed to preside over the distribution. And so stood an impressive array of tools, machines and implements. Sewing machines, carpentry kits, sowers, tillers, insecticide sprayers, wet grinders, cycles, pushcarts, embroidery machines, handlooms and irons constituted this array. Swami came a bit early and went into the interview room. Later, at about 3:55pm, He came onstage to begin the proceedings. The District President of the Sai Organisation began with an introductory talk in Telugu. Prof Anil Kumar gave a short introduction in English and Telugu, and what an introduction it was! He spoke of how Swami was an ideal to

all the leaders for He, like a magnificent tree, had stood rooted at His home village and brought the whole world to HIm rather than travel around the world. "Anantapur," he said, "stands for the meaning 'every body'. Pura is the body and Ananta means infinite." As he was speaking of Swami's shower of Grace and Love, a steady drizzle began and soon it turned into a tremendous and wonderful shower. It began to beat down so much that the rain literally 'drowned' the professor's talk in volume. The thrill of joy surging in every soul assembled was such that very soon, the sound of the rain was drowned in the thunder of the applause. The professor then started to read out the names of the recipients and the implements they were being gifted. Sewing machines, bicycles, push-carts, grinding machines, electrical kits and other such items were duly passed on to the beneficiaries from the rural areas of the district. In the beginning as the various heads came to

Swami to take padanamaskar, Swami created vibhuti for all of them and blessed them. Each recipient had been chosen and all of them were gifted items of work at which they were skilled. It was indeed a very noble endeavour. Silently an economic revolution was on! Swami, with His spontaneous and loving action had created more than 500 jobs in an hour! A little common sense and some basic awareness of secondary and tertiary beneficiaries - and anyone will understand the magnificent entrepreneurial implications of this "simple" deed. And no big fuss made about it. "Instead of giving bread, teach a man how to make bread" was seen in its full meaning as Swami lovingly blessed the recipients as they came forward and placed a flower of gratitude at His feet. In about half an hour, the whole distribution was complete. After that, Swami permitted the children of Anantapur samithis to put up a cultural programme in his presence. Four children came

up to the front with roses, bouquets, cards and dry fruits. Swami was so happy seeing them and He spontaneously materialised a gold chain with a locket for one of the girls! Then the programme began. It was in Telugu and based on the vows of Swami to protect the vedas, the wise people, those who suffer, and all the devotees. A major portion of the programme was via various colourful and rhythmic dances. The music and composition were all very good and heart-warming. Swami saw the entire programme and as it concluded with a final formation, He blessed all of them with the Abhayahastha. Swami went into the interview room, and emerged after a few minutes to come down from the stage in His chair and distribute saris to the children who participated in the programme. The children sat in disciplined rows and Swami gifted each child with a beautiful violet saree. Once that was done, He asked whether all had received the saree. Then, with a smile of

satisfaction, He looked at all the assembled children. He called them to come to Him and pose for group photographs! Again, in disciplined groups, the children came to Him and photos were taken. After Blessing the participants with group photos, the Balvikas children began bhajans. As bhajans went on, prasadam was distributed, and Swami accepted Arati at six o'clock. Click here for photos of the event.



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