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Wonderful points to think and ponder from Swami's 20th July Discourse

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Wonderful points to think ponder from Swami's 20th July Discourse :

Education is not a subject on which anybody and everybody should talk. Today, education has become more outward and worldly. Today, there are millions and millions of people who have pursued such worldly education in India. In what way the society is benefited by such people? When they speak in public they give long rhetoric about helping the poor, but when it comes to action, they are nowhere near. Peace and happiness are not to be found anywhere. All are 'poor' in one sense. Then who are the rich people? Those who put into practice what they say. It is said, "Manasyekam vachasyekam karmanyekam mahathmanam". It means that those whose thoughts, words and deeds are in perfect accord are Mahathamas" (great souls). Such people are very rare. Every devotee must cultivate love and compassion. It is said, "Thyagenaike amruthathwamanasuh" (it is only by sacrifice that one can attain immortality) . It is

only a person with the quality of sacrifice can experience bliss. Every individual in a society has his own rights, the right to live, etc. Hence, we must take care of the poor people also and provide them with certain basic necessities. For utilising their services, we must also serve them in return. A human being is expected to have the qualities of Sathya (truth), Dharma -righteousness) , Santhi (peace), Prema (love) and Ahimsa (non-violence) . Devoid of these qualities, he is not a human being at all. First and foremost one has to cultivate human qualities. No one has a right to enjoy when his fellow-human being is suffering. All are God's children only. All should remain united. Where there is unity, there shall be purity. Where there is purity, there is divinity. You all have to lead your lives keeping in view these three aspects of unity, purity and divinity. You should not remain unconcerned with others'

difficulties and suffering. Treat their suffering as your own. Show at least an iota of humanity. The real wealth of a human being is noble qualities like love, compassion, righteousness, sacrifice and truth. It is only when a person has these human qualities that he can be considered a human being. Every action (karma) has its reaction, resound and reflection. If you hurt others, surely it will have its reaction. It is only when you recognise this truth and conduct yourself accordingly that you can be called a true human being. You talk to any student of our institutions, even primary school children will explain to you the human qualities very clearly. The human values have therefore to be cultivated right from childhood. Where there is truth, there righteousness is. When truth and righteousness go together, love emerges from the heart. From love comes peace. When peace and love go hand in

hand, non-violence reigns. We have to understand the inter-relationship between the five human values, namely, Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence. A human being is God, verily. That is the reason why God is portrayed in human form. If God were to reveal His true identity, He would declare, "I am Brahman". He would not say "I am so and so". All the names of individuals are only those given to the human body by their parents. They are not God-given. God has given only one gift, that is Atma. That is, "Mamatma sarvabhuthantharatm a" (the one Divine Self permeates all beings). If somebody abuses you, you feel sad. Don't you know that he also feels in the same way when you abuse him? Praise or criticism, treat them all as part of the divine leela. When you develop such a sense of equanimity, you will come up in life. Meditation does not imply contemplating on God. Know about yourself, in the

first instance. God is in you, with you, around you, above you and below you. YOU ARE GOD. Whenever someone enquires "Who are you?", say "I am God". Don't say, "I am so and so." There should be a transformation in your heart. Then only your parayana (reading of sacred texts) will be sanctified.

If you wish to see 'reality', you have to develop an inner vision. If you open your eyes and see the outside world, you will see a number of heads. On the other hand, close your eyes and look into yourself. Then you will see none but yourself. Hence, develop an inner vision.


Truth is only one, not two. Truth is God. Righteousness is God. Peace is God. Love is God. Know this. "Love is God; live in love". If you cultivate such selfless and divine love, you can achieve everything in life.


"God is one; goal is one". If you develop firm faith in this maxim, you can understand everything. Your experiences and enjoyment in this material world are not important. Educare means bringing out the latent qualities and values from the core of our inner being. The books you read in the outside world relate to education. But, this is 'Educare'. What is needed today is 'Educare'. If people develop 'Educare', all will be united.


In about 25 to 30 years' time the entire world will become one. There will be only one caste, one religion, and one God. What is needed is such unity.

Om Sai Ram

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