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Parthi News: Update on July 23rd programs by devotees from Italy...

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July 28thNews





Update on July 23rd programs by devotees from Italy Devotees from Italy had filled up the marble block as they had been granted permission to perform in the divine presence. The whole choir was seated on the floor. There were two violins, a flute and a clarinet players on the ladies side on chairs. Mirroring them in position on the gents side were a violin, an accordion, a guitar and tambourine players. Swami arrived for darshan at about 5:20pm. And when He came, there were gasps! He had come on the special golden chair that He had used for Guru Poornima. Since it is at a nice height, all the devotees benefit from a wonderful darshan. Swami moved to the stage and asked for the programme to begin. The programme was presented as an offering of devotional songs from Italy. As Swami sat, the offerings were made to Him. A little boy took and gave Him the Italian flag. Swami blessed the conductor of the

programme and asked them to start. There was that little boy, maybe 8-9 years of age, who began the programme with Vedic chanting. As he completed it, Swami was all smiles. He called the boy and asked him as to whom had he learnt the chanting from. He blessed him and sent him back The next item also was by this boy who played a solo guitar piece. It was followed by a short piano recital and then the singing began. It started with a rapid "Om Sri Ganesha", followed by an emotional song addressing Swami as the mother. A soulful song entitled, "Oh My Sun" was next and it gave way to a high pitched and quickly changing song entitled, "Flying with God". The "Tarantella Divina" or the divine dance was ushered in next and "Longing for Sathya Sai" gave them an opportunity to pour out their feelings for Him. Swami noticed that the gentleman sitting right in front had no mike before him. He asked, "Wont he sing?" There was merriment and that devotee was

immensely touched. He needed no mike after that encouraging statement! Two more songs later, they concluded. But Swami wanted them to continue. He asked for one more song which they sang whole heartedly and full throatedly. They seemed to be in a sort of pleasurable trouble when Swami asked them to sing another. They began to repeat a song and as they concluded, like a sweet kid, Swami asked, "One more?" They continued with the encore and then finally they told Swami that they were done! He then told them to sing bhajans. They began to sing and Swami blessed chocolates to be distributed among them. The conductor put aside her stand and took a harmonium and began playing it. Today also happened to be the 13th anniversary of the Sri Sathya Sai Junior Boys Hostel. So the children had brought a model of the school hostel to be blessed by Swami. Swami, however, did not seem to notice them. He concluded the bhajans, received Aarthi and went into the

interview room. Whenever God "denies" something, it is only because He has something greater and grander to gift us. The children appeared a little downcast but a lot more determined. They sat with the model at the Lord's door awaiting His arrival. What happened next is something that will remain etched in the memories of all present for a long time to come. Swami came out of the interview room and seeing the boys, called them. They went to Him with the model and trays of chocolates and goodies. Swami was impressed with the model. But the perfectionist that He is, He asked them," Turn the model around...". He examined all the sides and, His students that they are, they had made it very well. Atleast Swami seemed to be very happy with the model being perfect on all the six sides, yes top and bottom included! Then He blessed the trays of chocolates and goodies. And in that instant, it seemed he DECIDED. He took a few "gold coins" chocolates and

began distributing them to the VIPs there. Then, He moved to the ladies side and began distributing coins one by one to the devotees. He saw the ladies sitting on wheelchairs. He moved towards them and began to give each of them "golden" coins with His own hand. He moved along the lines distributing coins. He moved back to the shutters area also where there were ladies on wheel chairs. He gave coins to all of them on priority basis. Their joy knew no bounds. They would not have imagined in their wildest dreams of this happening to them. But thats the way with God. He may not give you what you expect at times, but at other times, He gives that which we don't even dare to imagine! Some of the women raised up their babies for Swami to bless. Swami gently touched the babies on their foreheads. He went around this way distributing among the ladies till the gold coins ran out! He stretched out His hand and the tray was empty. A satisfied smile

blossomed on His face and there were thrilled faces all around He slowly came back to the center where the Italian group was seated. He called and had a set of photographs taken with the youngest member of their group who had recited Vedam and played a guitar solo, and asked the students to sing Bhajans. The bhajans began and none need to say that they were in full gusto. Swami blessed all the birthday boys and boys with trays too He threw some chocolates to the members of the Italian choir. He just sat there smiling so blissfully and there was just joy and joy everywhere. AT about 7:15pm, Swami received Aarthi for the second time and then retired to the Yajur Mandir. Written by Eswarachandra Vidyasagar

Update on 2nd Day of World Education Conference In the morning, all the delegates were seated in the Kulwant hall and all were eager as Swami's discourse had been scheduled. Swami arrived for darshan at 10:45am. Very quickly, He came to the stage and wanted the proceedings to begin. There were four speeches scheduled before His discourse. The first to speak was Dr. Tom Scovill. After a 15 minute speech, there was a very interesting talk by Dr. B.G. Pitre. He spoke on the techniques and impact of Sathya Sai Education, with illustrative anecdotes. The next was Dr. Dalton de Souza Amorim. Finally, Mr.Srirangarajan from the Sri Sathya Sai University delivered his talk which revolved around the four E's of educare - experience, example, empowerment and ennoblement. After the talks, Swami said that He would deliver His discourse in the evening. Swami thus accepted Aarthi and retired to Yajur Mandir at noon. The

delegates for the conference gathered at various venues in the Ashram for their respective post-lunch sessions and returned to the Sai Kulwant Hall for the afternoon plenary session. Swami arrived in His chair and moved to the interview room after four o'clock. At 4.30 pm, the speeches for the afternoon commenced. Mr. Victor Krishna Kanu, who arrived on stage in a wheel chair, was the first to be invited to speak. He roared like an African lion that he is, saying that it is time to move ahead into action. He powerfully impressed on all that being born in a time with the Avatar was no little thing. Swami was visibly moved with his "roars". He blessed him at the end of his short speech. Then, Mr. Jeremy Hoffer, spoke on his experiences as a teacher in the SSE programme. Mr. M. K. Kaw spoke on the functioning procedures at the Sri Sathya Sai international center at Delhi and finally, Sri Sanjay Mahalingam spoke on how the goal of educare is to gift one

with absolute silence within. Bhagawan then graciously consented to speak to the delegates. A list of questions was handed over to him and He asked for the mikes and began His discourse. ""Having studied so much, people do not give up their meanness and arguing. Why do you want to keep reading when finally you are all bound to die? Study that which which confer on you immortality. Education without action is useless inspite of all the titles and degrees you may boast of. Practise is important. The greatest ignorance is among those who have learnt much. Following them, the children too get spoilt. Here are a list of questions that have been submitted to me. 1) For students, what is the way to have a relationship with God?God is in you. Live in Love as one with God. It is only when God is considered as separate that you need a relationship. He is not separate. God is in me and is me. Have this identity firm. 2) How

to evaluate one's spiritual worth?You have to examine yourself. DO I have strong faith or is my faith for the sake of worldly gains. Faith is that which never wavers. 3)What are the signs of spiritual transformation?There are nothing like special signs. Its an experience. It may be your dreams or may come as listening to your inner voice. Finally it is you who have to feel for yourself whether you are growing in devotion or not. Rely on yourself and your own faith. 4)What should be the qualities of a Guru for Sathya Sai Education (SSE)?The teacher should be one of Love and must inculcate virtues in students by example. The students must not simply be left free to do anything as they please. Apply some brakes on their freedom. Punishment also must be there if needed. But the punishment must be as a cautionary warning and not as a means to hurt or inflict pain on the student. The teachers and student should both

move together on the same path and not move on their own ways. 5)How to ensure that students grow in discipline along the spiritual path?The students must remain students and teachers must remain teachers. All you have to do is just make the students happy in the true sense of the term, thats all. 6)How do we mould students into ideals?This is very important. If the teacher has good conduct, the students will emulate him/her. Whatever you tell them not to do, you too must refrain from doing so. Eat with them and live and eat the same type of food. Do not eat fish and meat and advise on vegetarianism. Practise what you preach. Foster the children yourself as you would do to your own children. Do not behave egoistically just because you are a teacher. An ideal student will be humble and obedient. 7)How to behave when girls are there?With boys around, its usually fine. Very good behavior is needed when

there are girls. consider them as your sisters with respect. Lead an ideal life. 8) What should be the way students and parents are taught?In front of children, parents should never discuss family problems, financial problems and worldly problems. They should keep it to themselves. Children will themselves understand the problems of the parents. Do not speak to them directly. Parents should first cultivate the virtues and take care not to be cautioned by the children. As children, do not trouble your parents. They have many hopes on you and they have sacrificed a lot and know that you have come up because of those sacrifices. even if you pain them a little, you will have lot of difficulties. Even if you go for a marraige and family, keep parents happy without troubling them. Never neglect your parents. Your main duty is to make your parents happy. It is your mad and bad company that makes you go wayward. Tell me your company and I will

tell you what you are. Correct those who neglect their parents. The maximum disturbances are due to the differences in th aspirations of the child and parent. If you choose as you wish, what about your parents then? It is the worst sin to pain parents for your selfish happiness. This is not expected of any son. Today you marry and get your in laws, but who were there with you since birth? Desire good and discharge your duties. Do not simply get involved in others affairs. Do not show your temper in front of those who desire your good. Express gratitude and never make your aged parents shed tears. Thats all are your questions?? (Swami "came to know" that the questions were filtered and He said that it was not good and proper to do so!) Parents should recognise Human Values and teach the children. Practice whatever you say. Don't say, " I have no time. I have to go to office." If you think of office, what about the children. After

education, girls go for jobs Who will look after the children and household duties then? You keep and Aaya (maid) to take care of the children. Who will maintain the family honor and prestige? Take care of your family For an extra 500, you go to work. That extra money will get spent on the maid and nanny! And also, there is so much theft in such houses. Even teacups and provisions are gone. You concentrate only on jobs and not on conveniences and happiness. After work too you go for the TV, radio and papers. You also visit clubs. There is none with copyrights on Human values. They are for all. The way police and government officials behave has a bearing on the children. Do not allow the children to sleep till 8 in the morning. Nowadays parents themselves sleep till late morning. Only retired people can sleep that way as they are responsibility free. Have a capital fund if needed. If parents come to help financially, you can accept.

Mutual co operation and help should grow. Discipline, Devotion and Duty are most important. teach Human Values Show the way to get closer to God. Do not give everything that the child asks for. Give only what is necessary. Sai System must be applicable for parents too. There should not be a mismatch between what the teacher tells in class and what the parents say at home. Parents must visit the schools and find out about their children. Check what sort of books they read. They will read novels hidden in their text books. Throw and burn all the cheap novels. In our libraries such books are burnt. In Bharat, especially in villages, children take care of their parents. It is only the officers in towns who neglect. The children keep roaming the streets. The students should not be vagabonds, dogs and stupids. What is most important is that you must not waste food, energy, money and time. Have a ceiling on desires. None have this today. In India,

people engage in saving. Seeing this people in USA and Japan feel jealous. They spend wasteful dollars on food. All the extra remaining food, serve to the hungry. If you waste money, difficulties and sure to come. We are ready to waste but do not serve. Do not talk too much. Keep all the organs under check. Time waste is life waste. Misuse of money is evil. Do not splurge unnecessarily If the rich people keep spending so much, then only will everyone demand a raise in their salaries! So when you spend, see if it is being properly used. So these were all the questions in the minds. Be careful in society. Any small blunder is seen as huge. Never commit a mistake in society. Lead life with utmost care.....Hmmmm. Now do bhajans."" The students sang Bhajans for 10 minutes after Swami's Discourse while the delegates moved out from the centre of Sai Kulwant Hall to make way for the devotees from the CIS (former USSR) who were to make a musical

presentation.Bhagawan returned to the stage after a brief visit to the interview room and the music program began with a brief introduction. Songs from Russia, Georgia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and so on kept the packed hall enthralled with their catchy tunes and lively beat. The joy and enthusiasm radiating from the faces of these devotees was very infectious. Everyone had a smile and some of them were even almost laughing aloud! It was really a very divine atmosphere and the joy radiating from the Lord and devotees combined to spread a thrill everywhere. After their half-hour programme, Swami asked them to sing one more song, so they sang the popular "Kalinka" and had the audience clapping all through. Then as all the organisers came around Swami, He spoke to them. All of a sudden, waving HIs hand, Swami materialised a huge golden Lingam. The lingam was awesome by its sheer size alone! He handed it over to Dr. Goldstein with some instructions.

He asked for a cover and wrapped the lingam in the cover. He told him to perform the Abhishekam or the holy bath for the diety. Promising further instructions later, Swami displayed the lingam for all the eager devotees to have a look at. There were gasps and shrieks.It is true that in highest happiness, man does not know how to react. The mixture of spontaneous reactions was something that must have been seen and heard to be truly experienced! Blessing all the devotees, Swami accepted Aarati and returned to His residence at 7.30 pm while prasadam was distributed. There was the next scheduled session of the conference in the morning. This morning, the Bhajans began in Sai Kulwant Hall at 9 o'clock, and Swami arrived in His chair at 9.50 am. He took a small darshan round and then came onstage. He saw that the delgates had all collected their letters into bundles and the lead gent and lady were holding them. Swami called two students and told them

to take the huge bundles of letters and place them on the stage. Then, He called out for the Thailand school boys who had played the violin concert a few days ago. Dr. Jhum Sai gathered and got some of them onstage. Swami distributed watches to them and they were thrilled and overjoyed. As Swami had promised, they asked Swami, "Swami photographs." At this time, one photographer immediately went up to Swami and handed over all the copies of the photos. They were all happy to receive them from the divine hands. Then, Swami sat onstage for a few minutes and interacted with the conference organisers. Then He moved to the interview room and called in a few lady delegates for an interview. Once He emerged from the interview, He came onstage and accepted Arati before returning to His residence at 11 o'clock. The final session of the conference got underway in the evening when Swami came onstage just before five o'clock. The three speakers for the

session were Dr. Narendra Reddy, Sri Nimish Pandya and Dr. Michael Goldstein. Once the speakers summed up the conference proceedings and outlined the course of future action, Bhagawan delivered His benedictory message. Embodiments of love, From the past 2 days you have been sitting and listening all the while Having spent a lot of money, energy and time, you have come here and it is indeed your great good fortune to be here. Your heartfelt experience is the witness for it. Many have money but only a few get this opportunity. What is to be learnt? There are lakhs of schools and colleges. understand that the true college is in your heart. Understand the five values of Sathya, Dharma, Shanti, Prema and Ahimsa. We have lawyers in the world who become liars and doctors who fight amidst themselves. There is no unity. first cultivate unity that we are all brothers and sisiters. Father is one - he is God. Have conviction that we are all the

children of the same God. Have adjustment and understanding. For the former to come, latter is most important. Today, the number of scientists are on the rise. All their actions are senseless. Science is not "dealing with the senses". They make errors and society is being hurt and harmed. Today man is full of fear to do anything. Cannot even board or alight an aircraft without fear. (At this point, a tiny mouse scuttled amidst the primary school children. Everyone started shrieking and even the ladies began to get up! Swami saw the commotion gently for a while.) If you are so scared of a small mouse what will happen. Dont fear. Fear leads to imagination. People are scared of everything, including fruits and vegetables as there are medicines on it. Everything is polluted today- the food, water and air. So its best, you make everything by yourselves.Do not go by taste. Health is the most important. Only healthy children can be eligible for

Bal Vikas. Speak the Truth always. Whatever people say, be calm and peaceful. In the olden days, people kept mounam(silence). For all spiritual practices, silence helps. When, peaceful and silent, pure love is generated. Who is your enemy? There is none. Make attempts to lead a life of love. People talk of peace, but it is often pieces. Countries are being broken in pieces. Always say, I am from India- not Puttaparthi, Anantapur Similarly, do not say that you are from California. Say you are from USA. Become broad minded. Once you become so, the children too will follow. If the children are not proper, the parents are to blame. At a certain age, the children will not listen to the parents because the parents behaviour is not fine. Even the ants move in a straight line but not man! Parents are the ones that mould children. They must not stay separate. They must speak and remain united. Teach Truth as the first step.Truth is having unity and

purity in thought, word and deed. truth is the great grandfather of all virtues. Have a heartfelt life and not an artificial one. Today, reading, meditation and chanting have all become artificial. Keep the heart alive and the mind under check. The mind of man alone is responsible for either his bondage or liberation. Have good thoughts then automatically good actions result. Direct the mind properly and it will remain silent. When the sun of wisdom rises to its zenith then, the shadow of ignorance is below our feet. And while doing it, have patience and take time. Just like the hour hand of the clock in which everyone is interested and not the second hand (which is "second-hand"!), God is more interested in the steady progress. Divert the mind on to God always. You feel that is difficult but it is the simplest. Grow in love for God and the mind is automatically controlled. Live in Love and that is not the worldly love but spiritual love. Never

think that it is your will. If its yours why are you not able to control things? Its all God's will. Both bad and good are His gifts. You run after the worldly law, but the divine law is the law of Love. Let anyone speak anything or critisize, the love within is safe , secure and divine. If anything happens, the heart comes to know of it. In the bag of the body, the mind, intellect etc. are present. Also the six vices are present that trouble you always. Offer everything to the Lord and get bliss for yourselves. Bush troubled Iraq and Iran to get out oil and petrol. But he got nothing that he wanted. It is bad to hurt others Because of the war, how many people suffered! They also destroyed huge statues. Can you make them back again? It is a blunder and a big mistake to do so. Not only is it a mistake, its also mischief! If you want anything, ask directly. Why wage a war like this and have people suffering? Has anyone invited you all

here? Love has brought you all here. All your love for Swami has brought you. Love unites. See when you add + and +, you get +. But add up + and -, you get -. Have love always. Love can achieve anything. When Hanuman went to Lanka, he saw Sita telling Ravan about the sterling qualities of Rama. Rama was a man of great character. The end of education is character. Without it, there is no use. Install goodness and character in your heart. More than anything be prepared to sacrifice. What will you do with so much money? When Alexander was dying of heart attack, he asked that he be taken in the funeral with outstretched arms. He wanted to show that the greatest emperor of all times, leaves the earth with nothing as his possessions! Be prepared to help the needy and poor. That will give you great joy. The children here will now put up their program. At the end of His Discourse, He went to the interview room briefly, and returned with Dr.

Goldstein in tow. Swami took the lingam that He had given to Dr. Goldstein last evening and displayed it to everyone. He then created vibhuti and sprinkled it on the lingam, and it was the perfect Abhishekam. He again created some more of the holy Vibhuti and asked Dr. Goldstein to immediately put all of it into his mouth. He announced that He's giving the lingam to Dr. Goldstein for him to distribute the water from washing the lingam to those who are unwell. There was thunderous claps and joyous shouts of Jaijaikars as Swami said that. He then asked for the evening's cultural programme to begin. Children from the Sri Sai Vidya Vihar, Alwaye, Kerala, presented an hour-long dance drama on Bhaktha Jayadeva. The drama began with a wonderful ballet between Krishna and Radha. Then a teacher arrives on the scene and starts narrating to the children, the story of Jayadeva. The Lord literally composes the verses for Jayadeva who is lost in His glory

alone. When the ruler of the land, Lakshmana Sena tries to harass the poet, the Lord is always present, rescuing and glorifying the devotee. There was also a scene of the great devotion of Padmavathi towards her husband Jayadeva. When the queen fools her telling that Jayadeva is dead, she immediately drops down dead in sorrow. Jayadeva's sorrowful, yet devotional hymn rushes to the very gates of heaven and drags the Lord down to shower mercy and resurrect Padmavathi. The final scene was about how the Lord comes down as a scholar to subject Jayadeva to the final test. But the all humble saint submits completely and the Lord Krishna is lost in his love. The drama concluded with a final song. Swami's face was covered in smiles watching the small children make their presentation. During the scene when the wife dies, all the ladies in the front were in tears at the nobility of the woman. The pleadings to Lord Krishna, were all directed to Sai Krishna

and Swami too reflected the same sentiments. As they concluded, He got up from the stage and walked down to take group photographs with them. He walked down the steps and all the children came towards Him to receive Him. After a while, He also sat on the chair and posed for photographs with them. He called the actor who played the role of Jayadeva and gifted her a clock embedded in a laminated photograph. He later gave one of that to each of the participants as they came up one by one, while prasadam was distributed to all the devotees. He also threw a couple of sweets to some of the drama participants. It was 8 o'clock when Swami accepted Arati, blessed everyone and returned to His residence. Written by Eswarachandra Vidyasagar

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