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Sai Rama

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Sai Ram Blessed embodiments of SaiThis morning Swami came out in His chair and also this evening. So glorious to see Him, in full splendor. I came late this morning and skipped token lines, but somehow ended up on a front line in the veranda spot.This evening our beautiful Baba, sat out on the veranda with us and enjoyed a performance put on by Indian Bal vikas children. He materialized a gold chain for one girl and distributed sari cloth to the performers. Beloved Bhagavan also enjoyed bhajans on the veranda with the throngs of devotees. There was one Rama bhajan that stuck in my mind, I kept singing it softly, as our Lord exited, "Sri Ragunandana~" Then as dearest Sai Avatar was turning the corner, He turned His head directly in our direction, I felt that familiargolden connection. I was in a good position too to see Him alight from His car in front of His residence. Standing with the group from my section, still singing thatsweet bhajan,

Swami again looked long and deeply at us before being whiskedaway by His attendants. It's hard to explain the feeling at that exact moment, but it was very ancient. In His last discourse our Sai Ram has advised us to chant the name of Rama continuously. Right now, I have moved into a flat I purchased, near the Ashram. It's an amazing blessing to have a home at the Lotus feet, and I am giving thanks continually.Later I will tell you the leela, surrounding this place. The hour grows late.More Bliss later.Lots of Premasonya ki

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