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Dr. Abdul Kalam the devotee par excellence

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Sairam brothers and sistersThat the ex-President of India Dr.Abdul Kalam excells in every aspect of life and acts as a live bridge of Spirituality and Science is known to all. But very few would have known his gesture when he took over the Presidentship of this country and what he did with his salary. Any guess? . He sent it to our dear Swami with a touching note . Read more if you have not read it before ..




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Abdul Kalam devotee par excellenceDr. A.P.J.Abdul Kalam after taking over as the President of India, sent two months of his salary to Bhagvan as his contribution. The President sent his salary with a note for prayer:” Kindly accept this, Bhagvan .I am a bachelor, so I don’t need this money. I don’t want it.” That was in his letter.

Now look at your Bhagvan. He did not take it. He did not remit it to any Central Trust account. He gave instructions immediately that a gold medal be specially instituted in the name of Abdul Kalam,the President of India, and that a gold medal be given every year on the interest accured on the two lakhs deposited on the bank.

Sathya Sai University is the only university in this country that has two gold medals instituted in the name of two past Presidents of this country. We have a gold medal in the name of Dr.Shankar Dayal Sharma, the former President of this country, and we are going to have yet another gold medal, instituted in the name of Dr.Abdul Kalam, the current President of India.This is all Bhagvan’s will.

Kalam also made mention in his letter to Swami,” It is only in this place that I experienced supreme Peace”. He wrote in his letter to Swami and to the Vice Chancellor also.” When I happen to come there. do not place any seat for me. I want to squat on the ground along with other devotees. I come there un the capacity of a devotee.

You must have also noticed on the historic day of the Convocation of Sri Sathya Sai University, the 22 nd of November, that the President of India came out of the guest house here at nine ‘o clock and started going everywhere in the north blocks, the sheds, the auditorium. The security staff had a terrible time .He said to them.” You go and, let me go”. He went on moving everywhere and every one along the way could say”Sai Ram” to him.

He started responding,”Sai Ram,Sai Ram” to everybody.!. This is the only place and the only President who made himself accessible to the average Indian. " All are One, my dear son. Be alike to everyone”was translated in to reality, in to action, here at the divine lotus Feet of Bhagvan Sri Sathya Sai Baba,in this place, that is the sanctum sanctorum of the Avatar of our times.



The ex-President is still very active and visited Mumbai IIT a couple of days ago and motivated the students and the teaching staff with very inspiring talk .

Let us pray for his happy retired life . SairamChheda nagar Chandrashekar

Love All. Serve All. Help Ever.Hurt Never.

-Sri Sathya Sai Baba

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