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Sai Leela Lord

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Sai Ram precious embodiments of Lord SaiFirst, I want to thank everyone who was so kind to send me the lyrics to the Sri Ragunandana bhajan, it has been a big help for my sadhana.Today our Lord came in His silver vehicle for both morning and afternoon Darshan. This afternoon He came me a good token # 2, after having a few distant tokens for past few Darshans.I was seated along the main aisle, His face turned in our direction, with a gentle, cool moonlight gaze. Swami circled the Mandir, and went onto the veranda. A little later He came out and sat in front of the students, blessing plates they were offering Him and throwing rice on their heads, He materialized a gold chain and pendent for one boy, I had a good view as the chain emerged from His Divine hand.Later Swami went inside for interviews and Sai business.I am getting read for my house puja tomorrow. It has been very exciting time,decorating and preparing the apartment

for puja and satsangh. I would like to share a cute little leela with you: While fixing the altar in my flat. I bought some spiritual items and also needed a chair for Swami. Since the space for the altar is somewhat limited, instead of a normal sized chair for Baba I thought a children's chair would be nice and compact, with a beautiful covering over it. I joked with the salesman that Swami is small anyway, He shouldn't mind, he agreed and said "yes He is lightweight."I also had on my altar a very tiny Baba throne, those red, wooden ones you can buy for 25 rupees, with little padukas. Today when I was cleaning up I had to move the altar items quickly, since time was runnning late, and it was nearing Darshan time. I had placed the little Baba throne on my bed, forgetting it was there, I accidentally sat on it and heard a little crack from my weight. Immediately, I felt this was Baba showing me that the little child chair I had bought for Him was too small

for Him. While sitting in Darshan I said mentally, Swami if you want me to exchange that child's chair for a normal sized chair, give me some indication, maybe look in my direction, or, the thought flashed perhaps a bhajan that I sing often, then I said well maybe that's too hard, I'll just settle for a sweet look.Right after these musings, the bhajan "Om Shivaya, Om Shivaya" resonated thru the Mandir, this was a bhajan I had sang often at the Sai centers in USA.I felt for sure now that I had to exchange the chair. But in addition to this lovely acknowledgement, after exiting the Mandir, I could see Swami alighting from His car, He looked in our direction and raised His Holy Hand in Blessing!!What joy! What wonder! our dearest Swami hears and responds to our every wish, as one devotee put it, "We are all really His children," yes and He loves us with the Love of a thousand Moms and Dads. Well, big day tomorrow, more Bliss

later.Lots of Premasonya ki

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