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Coming Back The science of Re-incarnation

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My humble pranams at the lotus feet Of our beolved Bhagawan,


I am a silent reader of this forum and a few days back read a book

titled " COMING BACK " The science of re-incarnation which is based on

the Teachings of His Divine Grace A.C.Bhakthivedanta Swami

Prabhupaada ,Founder of The International Society for Krishna



In our day to day lives we find so many obstacles coming our way ,we

often do think why do we have to under go these sufferrings.when can

I be free?How can I be in such a state of mind where nothing affects


so many questions cross our minds.


Our Master our Lord of Parthi has told in so many ways How to rid

ourselves from the torture of this mundane world.Only thru Love and

namasmarana can one attain moksha or Liberation.


We all have heard and have been hearing this since his advent.But how

far are we practically doing this?


This book depicts a story which I sincerely think will be of intrest

and an introspection to all of us.


This story is one among so many stories of Srimad Bhagavatham.


This is a story about King Chitraketu.


Title :- The Prince with a Million Mothers.


King Chitrakethu had many wives,and although he was capable of

producing children,he didnot receive a child from any of them,for his

beautiful wives were all barren.


One day the Mystic sage Angira came to Chitraketu's palace.The king

immediately stood up from his throne and , as was the Vedic

custom,paid his respects.


" O King Chitraketu,I can observe that your mind is disturbed.your

pale face reflects your deep anxiety.

Have you not achieved your desired goals?'.the sage inquired.


Because he was a great mystic ,Angira Knew the cause of the King's

distress,but for his own reasons he questioned Chitraketu,as if need

of knowledge.


King Chitraketu replied, " O,Angira,because of your great penances and

austerities,you have acquired complete knowledge.you can understand

everything,both extrnal and internal,about embodied souls like

myself,O great soul ,you are aware of everything,yet you ask why I am

in such anxiety.

Therefore,in response to your order,let me disclose the cause of my

suffering.A starving man can not be satisfied with a garland of

flowers.In the same way,my vast empire and immeasurable wealth mean

nothing ,for I am bereft of a man's true wealth.I do not have a

son.Can you not help me to become truly happy and arrange for me to

have a son? " .



Angira who was very merciful,agreed to help the King.He performed a

special sacrifice to the demigods and then offered the remnants of

the sacrificial food to the most perfect of Chitraketu's

queens,Krutadyuti. " O great King ,you will now have a son who will be

the cause of both jubiliation and lamentation, " Angira said.


The sage vanished,with out waiting for the King's respnose.


Chitraketu was overjoyed to learn that he would finally get a son,but

he wondered about the sage's last words.


To be continued.....................


Jai Sai Ram!

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