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Hinduism and Poverty

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TOP STORIES 836 million Indians live on less than Rs 20 a day Enlarge Photo By IBNlive.com Wednesday August 29, 09:02 AM New Delhi: An overwhelming 836 million

people in India live on a per capita consumption of less than Rs 20 a day, according to the findings of the Arjun Sengupta report on the Conditions of Work and Promotion of Livelihood in the Unorganised Sector. The report is based on government data for the period between 1993-94 and 2004-05.While the numbers rose by a staggering 100 million, the numbers of the new rich has also grown by 93 million. "Our survey is very scientific. The other poverty estimates looked at the absolute poor only but we look at different categories of

poor,” Chairman, National Commission for Enterprises in Unorganised Sector, Arjun Sengupta said.So, who are the ones who have actually benefitted from the boom in the economic growth of the country? The middle class and the rich grew from 162 million to 253 million while the neo rich of 91 million. The middle c lass grew from 15.5 per cent to 19.3 per cent but the extreme poor have also benefited (274 to 237 million) – 43 million of them to be precise. Their per capita consumption has gone up from Rs 9 to Rs 12.“The rich tend to hide their consumption. So if you account for that, they are actually richer than the report reflects. This again reflects the fact that the gap between the rich and poor is even wider,” Sengupta explained.One is classified as absolutely poor if the per capita consumption is less than Rs 9 a day. However, if the per capita consumption is Rs 13 a day, then the individual is above the poverty line. So, the definitions of poverty

are sometimes difficult to understand.The justification for economic reforms was supposed to be the trickle down effect but for those who live in trying conditions 10 years of economic reforms seems to have made little difference. Is it any wonder that those leaders who are seen to be reformers can never win the popul ar vote? ************************************************************************************************ Hinduism is not a religion by itself it is cluster of sub religions: called : Castes Each caste is arranged in such a way, they behave independently and have to grow in their own way. This is results of our Hindu Geniuses. NO wonder each caste is focussed on their own people. Reddy's help Reddy's and Kamma's Help Kamma's and Brahimins are very strict about helping themselves anyway, as they are the inventors of this Great Bluderous Idea, who still support it. Meat eating Vedic Period:Brahmins were part of it!!! ( check below web site and go to Book IV of Rigveda and scroll down to Hymn XVIII and look for 13 stanza.) http://www.sacred- texts.com/ hin/index. htm#vedas Rigveda: Book IV: Hymn: XVIII: 13: " in deep distress I cooked a dog's Intestines. Among

the Gods I found not one to comfort Rig Veda : Book IV: Hymn: XXII: 8: " he finds in lair the buffalo and wild ox when the wise lead him on to vigorous exploit. Indra obtains these two animals either for himself as sacrificial flesh or for his worshippers, who would not object to eat the flesh of wild oxen" 18 questions(18 parvas in Geeta) we need to answer to counter those who hate Hinduism I have decide to counter those who hate our Hinduism, please go through this and reply if u can. A challenge to all Hindus. 1. EVERY PROBLEM HAS ITS PAST But let me tell u to those who are ignoring our Hindus. There is no heaven or salvation, when u ignore our past history. Every problem has Past > Any problem that any one has : first thing u ask is : what happened ? then u tell them about past events of that problem ? Ask any doctor, they will tell you how important is to know past history of a patient to diagnose and treat and plan future management. Old vedic period,

there was no Intellectual slavery and Untouchability. Any one with dedication would have become Hindu intellect as mentioned below. It is because of few bunch ill minded people who started discrimination and used 'Intellectual slavery and Untouchability' to the extreme and paralysed Hinduism. See below all great and greates Hindus were not brahmins, but reached highest levels by sheer freedom of their intellect and hardwork and dedication.Maharshi VALMIKI - Fisherman (intially a highway robber)Composer of Ramayana, Lot of Hindus from Pakistan belong to the so called backward "Balmik' caste.Maharshi VED VYAS - Son of a fisher woman Matsya Gandha Composer of Mahabharat which also contains GitaMaharshi MATANGA - A matang (harijan caste) & Guru of ShabariShabari - A Bhil (adivasi tribe), VIDUR- Son of a dasi, Devotee of Krishna, Chief Minister of Hastinapur In well recorded history following individuals have made great contribution to Indian History and Hinduism : Chandragupta

Maurya and the Maurya Dyanasty - Maurya originates from Muria, a tribe which used to collect Peacock (Mor) feathers, also goat herders. Khushru Khan - A lower caste Hindu forcibly converted to Islam, ruled Delhi for 4 months,called himself Hindu Pad- paadshah, hastened the decline of Khilji empire. Hemu - Dhansar (weighman in the market), Ruler of Delhi for 1 month. Fought with Akbar and was killed in the 2nd battle of Panipat (Nov.5, 1556)Most of the MawaLas- Kunbi, Followers of Shivaji Maharaj including Tanhaji Malusare, Yesaji Kank, Jiva MahalMalharRao

Holkar - Dhangar (goat herder) the royal Sardar of Marathas. Ahalyabai Holkar - Daugther in Law of Malhar Rao, She built Ghats on Ganga, Yamuna, Narmada, rebuilt temples including the temple complex in AyodhyaSant Tukaram- Kunbi caste (Tukaram calls himself a shudra), Sant Rohidas - Chamar(cobbler) also called Raidas, Guru of Mirabai, Sant Namdev - Shimpi or Darji (tailor), his work is included in Guru Granth SahebSant Janabai Dasi, domestic servent in Sant Namdev's home, Sant Chokha Mela - Mahar (harijan) Sant Soyarabai - Sant Chokha's wife (harijan), Sant Goroba -Kumhar (potter), Sant Savata Mali - Mali (gardener)Sant Narahari - Sunar (goldsmith), Sant

Sena - Nai (barber) 2.a) The problem is suffering of 250 million Hindus who are untouchables ? So like any problem it has 'start and end'. Past is very important to know and diagnose exactly and to come up with plan of action for solution. The better u understand our past of the problem the easier it is to solve. 2

b) Some times just making aware of the problem brings solution , as simple as that. So 'Awareness' of the problem is vital. I am very firm with Authority of my Concept but gentle and sweet when administering my authority on this Concept. Please don't use Instinct response like young Gulls(bird) open their mouths for food as soon as a beak like shape with a red spot on it appears above the, because this is how the mother gull looks. A piece of wood bearing a red spot will produce the same response. In the past people depended entirely on the trustworthiness of the source of our scriptures that is passing on the learning. 3. Majority of Hindus meet the knowledge of our Hinduism through the prejudiced eyes of the person who is handing on the learning. Understanding our Hinduism is like process of changing an unfamiliar process into familiar one so that all our Hindus will know what to do about our altered facts and real facts. This understanding of our Hinduism is a very powerful process because it is the means by which our hindus multiply their Knowledge. Some people may say 'Why Bother' . why should one bother to try and understand what happened exactly to our Hinduism MAIL System it is 'Interpretation' we were give to any incident or story. It is 'Associations' we were told to make. It is 'Meanings' we are given to accept. It is 'Links' that were established in our Epic stories and repeated ritually with firmness : that they become our Belief system and over Centuries they become, our Faith. Together they are called ‘MAIL System’where M’letter stands for, Meaning, ‘A’ letter in mail stands for Associations, ‘I’

letter stands for Interpretations, finally letter ‘L’ in word mail stands for links that we make to decorate a lie. So u can give or change "meaning" to a particular experience or incident/story/or Hindu history for that matter : for example : how Bush Linked or associated or gave interpretation to invading Iraq ??? you can give wrong interpretation to any fact and keep repeating it until it becomes a Truth???. That waht happened to ;Hinduism my friends. Wake Up . Stand up. Open Eyes. Widely. See both sides of Coin for the first time.

false statement and repeat with with strong faith and fear of punishment if not followed, will eventually leads to established Belief. Now imagine you select a nasty thing that happened and you want write and document but if u state as it is with true meaning then you lose your entire group domination and Ego and so all the facts of that story are there but it is given completely different interpretation and meaning and linked to God and associated to Heaven and Hell according to your belief and there is punishment and reward for accepting that story. So by using “mail” system they were able to change the history and its direction. It is nicely wrapped in time and protected by those people who manufactured that story. 4. Abolition of Intellectual Slavery (about 100 years ago) brought INdia into 21st Century and paving the way for goodness of our Hindus for the first time. Brahmin Tribe is the one who invented this slavery. Intellectual slavery is worst invention human being has ever

invented !Most of our hindus have surrendered their intellegencia to the higher caste people in the name of God and they were not allowed to read or write or think!!! 5. Ekalavya tribe :I was surprised to see in Zee TV recently that : ekalavya tribe still exists in India who are so scared of using their thumbs(even now !!) and they have shown people using other fingers during their archery ??. Ekalavya Syndrome is compelling evidence of Emotional Abuse and Intellectual Slavery> This century old Emotional Rapism still existing in India !! and one can imagine impact in the lives of our hindus of other Psychological Trauma and its long term consequences. 6.Our bundle of HINDUISM consists of : All our Gods, all 4 Vedas, Upanishads, Mahabharat, Ramayan, all our Traditions, All our Culture, all our Philosophy, understanding, rituals we are proud of and other things you can think of is in it.This bundle we are holding so dearly for many Centuries proudly and lovingly which makes us feel Ego bloated anytime we want has produced following results to all of us as Hindus.1. Untouchability 2. Castism 3. Intellectual Slavery

4. Illiteracy 5. one Billion People 6. Motherless children 7. disease and deaths 8. discriminations 9. dirt, filthOnly when Intellectual Slavery Abolished ------ Hindus Progressed for the last few decades after suffering centuries, most importantly "information revolution". Irrespective of our excuses we come up with above points to explain; this bundle should have taken care of. IF we say these 9 points have reasons and it is because of some people doing this and that is not sufficient. Because this Bundle of Hinduism should have taken care of and overcome those hurdles and should have shown Resilience. We only feel self satisfied by giving excuses for the past deeds and continue feed our egos with our past. The above 9 points can never be God given gifts. They are man made. No more tongue twitings verbalogy or explanations to our sufferings . Lets meditate on this points. Please be silent for a minute. NOW. 7. Parasurama ?? Lord was in my House and my son noticed his Violence depicted on the picture we are praying on him ( he killed his own mother and kept on killing Kshatriyas a kind of Genocidal Barbarism) I took Parasurma's photo from my house and as I could not explain and give the same altered and well coated meanigs sayiing" he is God's Avatar and he can do it and he has purpose to do it" these over decorated meanings are disturbing my mind. I think he was made GOD even though he Massagcred millions almost wiped out Kshatriyas. Brahmins are good at making NonBrahmins( like Lord Rama, Lord Krishna as Gods and induct them into

Brahminism by saying that they are avatars of God, infact all these Non Brahmins Gods donot belong to brahmin tribe. 8. Chandayoga : I was told that We were beef eaters and it was well established facts that chandayoga permitted the same. For centuries we were doing this pratices in Vedas, including Animal sacrifices. Meat eating stopped only when Gautam Buddha and Jainism competed with Brahmins.?? 8. Most astonishing fact: for me shocking revelation was: PurushaMedha Yagna ??(sacrifycing Humans in the name of God !!) please explain what it means and without giving any decorated meanings. I am so disappointed by this ritual and was ashamed when some one said that this practice is equal to Cannibalism.were we so bad and did we really practice. I know Ashwa Medha Yagna. people say we are very good at giving changed, altered, well decorated meanings to our history facts so that it looks and feels good to listen to and read too but also keeps our Hinduism and our dominanation as Brahmins upbeated. Before u read any further, this Please Please, donot Assume things automatically that

this is from a SFI student or Marxist Or communist or Islamic fanatic or CHristian monk or something that can make u feel better and escape from these statements or divert others by saying so. I can never be none other than a Pure Hindu and can never be converted, as I have Genetic imprint on my each and every cell of my Body !! I believe in our HIndus, live as a Hindu and Democratic and die with it !!!! 9.Mass Hypnotism: I could not answer this statement: please

shed some light : "Mass hypnotism/mass exploitations of Emotions with highly successful 'Fear factor' of Hell and Pain was extensively used and attached for not following their orders in name of GOD and thus Conditioning every Innocent non Brahmin Hindus to castism making a permanent system that continues to propel their superiority" do we have statements or evidence of facts and truth with some proof do deny this ?? Crores of Hindus now take it granted that it is their fate to be born poor or illiterate hoping may be in next birth they will born in another caste or world. 10. 100% Reservation by

Brahmins:This statement was mind bongling and dumbfounded and unable to answer to my fellow friends who confronted me with this big Concept: It says:"Brahmins enjoyed > 100% 'RESERVATION in education:You bloom where planted and the concept of reservation is planted by these people and now it is blooming their backyard. Brahmins enjoyed 100% ( more than 100%) Reservation for centuries ( Educational Monopoly).Now it is time for Kshudras and other non Brahmins to take reservation and go upto 100%. For them there is pot of gold at the end of Rainbow. So I say to these people abandon all hope , ye who enter here and in this book. Poor people entertain with heart while others indulge in Soma Juicy ( potent drug,famous juice in Vedas) drink which was used by all Aryans in Vedas for centuries as a powerful Drug. 11.Agni-hotras -- the prototype of the Brahmin Tribe as of today"Agni-Hotra" Preserver of Fire .Yagna was Orignally the Cooking Process for the Tribe. According to one hypothesis, the origin of the clergy in India goes back to the days when humans learnt to ignite fire through friction. Initially the fire must have been obtained from an already bur ning source like forest fires. In these circumstances, before the days of ignition the task of tending the fire was very crucial. Accidents happen in best regulated tribes like in any race and it was by accident only that word Brahmin was attached to 'Agni Hotra" Fire was then, as it still is, an object of worship. 12.Soma Juice: Is it true that it was mentioned in the Rig-Veda, much of the Brahman literature is embellished with instructions for the careful performance of new sacrifices, such as the rajasuya, or royal consecration, the vajapeya, a strength-drinking rejuvenation ceremony, and the Chandogya, permit the consumption of meat. 12.Pre Aryan Kshudras It is widely agreed that the Shudra caste of Indian society was largely constituted from the pre-Aryan inhabitants of India who were subjugated by the Aryans. Is this a fact or fiction and do we have proof for it. 13. Gotra - The Common Cowpen These clans which were based on ownership

of cattle came to be termed as Gotra which literally means a cowpen. In this environment rival clans strived to obtain cattle, the principal sources of wealth, by war when they could not successfully breed it. The word used to describe a war was Gavishti which literally means 'to search for cows Here qualities such as greed and accumulation of wealth in the form of cattle could thrive. 14.Origin of Brahmins: Are we really Cooks in the Vedic times( like Udipi and Woodlands hotels) :The origin of the Brahmins as cooks can be understood only in

the context of the Yagna being looked upon as a ritualization of the cooking function. The Yagna is a term we popularly understand as a fire sacrifice involving the offering of grains, clarified butter, sandalwood etc, to a fire . This fire is ignited in a special fireplace called the Kund, which literally means a "Pot". This indicates that the original yagna could have involved a pot. We have taken ignorance, and illiteracy of our fellow hindus and eliminated them from reaching anywhere near books for centuries.!!!! Never happend in any part of the world. It is worse than racism. In racism: White person hates black, but in castism hindu hates hindu, similar to white hating white or black hating black ? never happens to them right? 16. Dana and Dakshina for Brahmins and Kar, Shulka, Bali for the Kshatriyas While the Kshatriyas acquired their share of the social surplus <http://www.geocities.com/~lavlesh/landfeudal.html> through the force of arms in the form of

taxes (kar, shulka, bali, etc.), forced labour (vishti, balutam, etc.), tithes and other privileges. The Brahmin clergy enforced its claim to the social surplus through a moral deterrent which was based on strength of the tribal morality of distribution. The Brahmins who were now not only tenderers of the fireplace any longer, but had come to acquire the status of representatives of Gods on earth} secured their share in the surplus by propagating beliefs that those who looked upon their own needs without a thought of the Brahmins

were eaters of sin. This was how the practice of Da na was born. 15.Thread Ceremony: DO we agree on this historical facts told by my Professor: Upanayana - Thread Ceremony - was a tool by which the Brahmins could preserve their hold over the Kshatriyas . The Upanayana ceremony like any other religious ceremony could be performed only, by the Brahmins. After undergoing Upanayana, the Kshatriyas had to pledge to be protectors of Brahmins <http://www.geocities.com/~lavlesh/casteprotectors.html> and recognize the higher status of the Brahmins in the caste hierarchy. In doing this, the Brahmins had the support of the emotional hold they had over society as a whole by means which they could differentiate between warriors baptised as Kshatriyas and the unbaptised 'degraded' Kshatriyas. 16.Historical Crime Did we really commi t this Crime: when some say: " Historical crime has been committed by these Untouchable Brahmins.The enormity of crime

is indescribable. The very fact of this crime collapses whole Brahminism and thus Hinduism.The account of peace and happiness is credited when Untouchability and Intellectual slavery is remembered , but debited when it is forgotten. This is self victimizing religious Phenomenon. By definition they became Criminals of History and continue to commit emotional crimes with their criminal mind. This emotional crime has no objective evidence involved. It brings Spiritual blackmailing, which enhances Emotional Terrorism. 19. Self Destructive cycle of Hinduism: Untouchability----------> Illiteracy---> Intellectual Slavery --->Ignorance exploitations in the name of GOD------> Poverty-à->Emotional, physical, mental , spiritual Abuses(saying that they paying for their sins)------> 60% of Hindus are still in this Abused status currently------> pity is they donot know they were victims( Psychological Terrorism) ----->This Untouchability is more prevalent than Racism in Western Countries and it is very subliminal, These 18 questions (like 18 parvas in Gita) are daunting task and big mental and emotional hurdle we as a great hindus should face and get above it and conquer not by giving some other meaning but showing historical proof that will make these facts as myths and wrong way of looking at Hinduism. Please Enlighten me and us and to every one who will face this issue infront our Children. by Venkaraman Krishanan. Good luck with your thinking or ignoring these facts or ? do we

have anything to disapprove them ?? Greatest blunder of our Hinduism is neglecting our own Hindus by telling that it is all maya and u suffer because of your past sins and paying for it now( this is down fall of Hinduism and at the brink of extinction, if are so selfish, nature will make sure we go exticnt, be very very careful) Who Am I : I am a Hindu, can never be a Christain or Muslim in Million years, my body, mind and spirit and generation is full of Hindu Genes and My each and every cell reverbarates with Hinduism. I think Christian or Muslim or Marxism are unborn fetuses compared to mature adult of Hinduism. JAI


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