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Sri Krishna Janmashtami Benedictions to All

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Sri Krishna Janmashtami Benedictions to All




Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya

(Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.)



The appearance day of Bhagavan Sri Krishna, Sri Krishna Janmashtami,

represents the most important holy day in all of Sanatana Dharma.

For it was over 5100 years ago that God Himself, out of mercy and

love for all humanity, deigned to come to earth in order to

reestablish the principles of Dharma, to actively punish those who

harassed His devotees, and to gift His devotees with His precious



It is only in Sanatana Dharma that the understanding is given that

the Infinite Himself has the capability to choose to manifest Himself

in seemingly finite form, while still being fully the Infinite…and

that He does so motivated by pure love for His devotees.


One-billion Hindus will celebrate this sacred event of Lord Sri

Krishna's appearance on this day as an opportunity to worship with

family and friends, and to take a well-deserved break from the

stressful conditions of life. Let us also, however, take this

opportunity to renew our relationship with God, and to deepen our

commitment to the Dharma that is God's gift to us all.


Devotion to Sri Krishna is not meant to be practiced only one day a

year, but is in actuality our soul's inner-most yearning and need.

We must aspire to show our devotion to Sri Krishna each day of the

year, each moment of every day, and with the utter-most depths of our



Devotion is not merely sentiment. Devotion is action…action in pure

love. To show our devotion to Sri Krishna, let us use this

opportunity of His appearance day to resolve now to always put Him

first in our lives, to read and study His sacred words in His

Bhagavad Gita each and every day, to follow and incorporate His

teachings in our daily lives, and to be the very best bhaktas that we

can be.


Above all, let us sincerely pray at the lotus feet of Bhagavan Sri

Krishna that He will empower each and every one of us that we may

serve Him and that we may help to revive Dharma in this world.


Let us make every day Sri Krishna Janmashtami. If we do so, Sri

Krishna will appear in our hearts not just once a year, but every

moment of our lives, to bless us and to bestow the gift of His grace

upon us. May all sentient beings enjoy a blessed and joyous Sri

Krishna Janmashtami on this sacred day.



Jaya Bhagavan Sri Krishna,


Jaya Sriman Narayana,


Sanatana Dharma Jayate,



Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya

(Dr. Frank Morales, Ph.D.)



International Sanatana Dharma Society


Resident Acharya

Hindu Temple of Nebraska, USA







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