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The Happiness Of Eternal Love contd......

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Humble Pranams at the divine lotus feet of our ever present beloved Bhagawan Baba,


Definition Of Pure Devotional Service

The authorized descriptions of bhakthi,or devotional service,following in the footsteps of previous acharyas,can be summerized in the following statement by Srrila Rupa Gosvami:"first-class devotional service is known by one's tendency to be fully engaged in Krsna consciousness,serving the Lord favorably."The purport is that one may also be in Krsna consciousness unfavorably,but that canot be counted as pure devotional service.Pure devotional service should be free from the desire for any material benefit or for sense gratification,as these desires are cultivated through fruitive activities and philosophical speculation.Generally,people are engaged in different activities to get some material profit,while most philosophers are engaged in proposing transcedental realization through volumes of word jugglery and speculation.Pure devotional service must always be free from such fruitive activities and philosophical speculations.One has to learn Krsna consciousness,or pure devotional service,from the authorities by spontaneous loving service.




This devotional service is a sort of cultivation.It is not simply inaction for people who like to be inactive or devote their time to silent meditation.There are many diffrent methods for people who want this,but cultivation of Krsna consciousness is different.The particular word used by Srila Rupa Gosvami in this connection is anushilana,or cultivation by following the predecesor teachers(acharyas).As soon as we say "cultivation", we must refer to activity.Without activity,consciousness alone cannot help us.All activities may be divided into two classes:one class may be for achieiving a certain goal,and the other may be for avoiding some unfavorable circumstance.In sanskrit,these activities are called Pravrtti and nivrtti - positive and negative action.there are many examples of negative action.for instance, a diseased person has to be cautious and take medicene in order to avoid making his illness worse.

To be contd....

Jai Sai Ram




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Humble pranams at the divine lotus feet of our ever present beloved Swami!


Sai Ram!

Swami always has said that just don't go by the face value of what ever has been said by our scriptures as every thing said has a great meaning beneath it and as our dear sai brother is only trying to spread the knowledge.the book has been written by Srila Prabhupada founder of ISKCON a highly realised soul. In what ever they have said its highly at the intelletual level .Swami in all his many many discourses has said that everything is with in us.This is not something contradicting anyone's point of view.For eg,when we say a Brahmin who is a brahmin? ,the one who is all the time connected with the knowledge of Brahman(The supreme Consciousness),A Kshathriya ,one who fights for the righteouness and so on.All these qualities are with in us.


I totally agree with you as there is no caste or religion in God's beautiful kingdom.


We all are one!

Sai Ram!--- On Wed, 2/4/09, gs gupta <gsgupta wrote:

gs gupta <gsgupta Re: The Happiness Of Eternal Love contd...... Date: Wednesday, February 4, 2009, 4:50 PM




Sorry to read about high class.We made invented the caste system. All human beings belong to same caste. May god bless us equally'

Sai Ram






Wednesday, February 04, 2009 8:37 AM

The Happiness Of Eternal Love contd......



Humble Pranams at the divine lotus feet of our ever present belovedBhagawan Sri sathya Sai Baba,A person is born in a "brahmana" family or in a family of lowest gradeof mankind due to his past activities.If a person is born in a family oflowest grade of mankind that means his past activities were allsinful.But even if such a person takes to the path of devotional serviceand begins to chant the holy names of the Lord-Hare -Krsna-Hare- KrsnaKrsna- Krsna -Hare -Hare,Hare-Rama- Hare-Rama -Rama -Rama -Hare -Hare.Heis at once fit to perform the ritualistic ceremonies.This means that hissinful reactions have immediately become neutralized.It is stated in the Padma Purana that there are four kinds of effectsdue to sinful activities,which are listed as follows :(1) The effectwhich is not yet frutified,(2) The effect which is lying as seed,(3)Theeffect which is already mature,(4)The effect which is

almost mature.Itis also stated that all these four effects become immediately vanquishedfor those who surrender unto the Supreme Personality ofGodhead,Vishnu, and become engaged in His devotional service in fullKrsna Consciousness.To be contd...Jai Sai Ram!

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