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Marriage - Open Query

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Yes i believe because when you have your better half with you, you two can together work and attain his blessings by fulfilling all your duties which the master has given to you and surrender your entire life at his lotus feet.....this way we can reach his lotus feet.


hope this helps.



devotee of baba--- On Wed, 25/2/09, Pisay, Sudheer Kumar (US - Hyderabad) <spisay wrote:

Pisay, Sudheer Kumar (US - Hyderabad) <spisay Marriage - Open Query Date: Wednesday, 25 February, 2009, 2:49 AM






Hello All,


Sai Ram to everyone. I have a query that’s lingering in my mind from quite a few days. I’m sure this would have come across your minds sometime in life and BABA would have clarified this. Would appreciate if anyone in the group could answer.


Now my query is this-


Having been associated with the cycle of birth and death, if we have to work ourself to lead to salvation after this birth itself, is it good if we marry, because Marriage is again one which entangles us back to this cycle of birth and death. Can we work our karma in this birth itself and reach HIS lotus feet even by getting married?


Please mail back your suggestions as said by BABA.


Thanks & Regards,

Sudheer Kumar Pisay.


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February 26, 2009


Blessings in a limitless fashion are upon all God's children at all times. When 2 are united with Divine Love greater blessings shall fall upon them and their offspring. It is vital to seek out His council prior to embarking on the vocation of marriage. This blessed union is always for His Glory as 2 become 1 flesh as a perfect display of His Love and Divinity that pulsates between the 2. As a couple your purpose is His Divine Plan for your lives. Such that you shall seek out His council when forming your marraige vows.


Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman and each couple must become humble, patient, loving, kind and generous with each other and others. Thusly their Loving Light shall flood their lifepath together. Setting the tone for how we are to function on earth, thusly wars shall cease and peace shall reign on the hearts of all mankind.


Blessings abound with Loving Light, Clare


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Sairam, brother sudhir kumar.Baba always says, "Be in the world and do not let the world be in you".You must be aware of his famous quote, "Keep heads in the forest and hands in the society".

When a person is beset by

attachment to some and hatred towards others even in the solitude of the

jungle, he will meet only evil. Even if one is leading the grihastha life in

the midst of the family, if he has achieved victory over the senses he is a real

thapasvi. Engaged in karma that is not condemned, he is entitled to become a


[source:Prashanthi Vahini, p46.]


The grihastha too attains

moksha; only he must follow strictly the dharma laid down for his ashrama.

There is no doubt that every one, to whichever ashrama he may belong, who

adheres to the dharma of that ashrama, will attain moksha.

[source:Dharma Vahini, p46.]


Being married and living

with the wife and children does not constitute grihastha ashrama as most people

think. Without giving up the duties assigned to one's caste and status, the

person has to treat all with equal consideration - kinsmen as well as others.

He must be aware of the rights of the elders and the obligations of juniors; he

has to be full of sympathy and willingness to help; he should treat with loving

kindness all those who are dependent on him; he must grow wiser with each new

experience of the world; he should acquaint himself with the sastras and be

alert to do dharma and avoid adharma; he must foster and protect his wife and

children with a sense of responsibility; he has to trample down the eight

egoisms, the conceit that develops from family, wealth, character, personal

beauty, youth, scholarship, native place and even accomplishments in austerity.

Conscious of the four goals of dharma, artha, kama and moksha, with no pride in

material possessions though he might have them in large measure; utilising a

portion of the day in the service of others; with no designs against any other

household, himself deserving the trust of his wife and having a trusted wife,

each understanding the other and having full faith in the other; such are the

ways in which the grihastha manifests.

[source:Prashanti Vahini, p10.]


If hindrances come, dedicate

them too to the Lord, take them quietly as His leela and as His plan; that is

the way to follow the grihastha discipline, the path for both men and women.

[source:Dharma Vahini, p50.]


Love your wife and children

and do your duty towards them as a husband and a father. But always hold on to

the true values. Do not lose your sense of proportion.

[source:Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol X, p216.]


If there is the will and

strength to adhere strictly to dharma, if there are no difficulties in

acquiring jnana, one can, without entering sanyaasa ashrama,

remain as a householder and

yet be liberated.

[source:Dharma Vahini, p49.]


He who earns money by lawful

means, he who honours his guests, who serves and pleases his fellowmen, attains

liberation along with those learned in the sastras and those who are well

established in the fundamental philosophy of the spirit. No one can cross the

ocean of birth and death because he is a sanyasi or brahmachari. High ancestry,

attainments in asceticism, the status of a monk, profound scholarship - nothing

will help, by itself. There must also be the faithful and steady pursuit of

swadharma, the study of the scriptures, like the Veda or the Bhagavad Gita, and

a disciplined spiritual life of japam and dhyanam.

[source:Prashanti Vahini, p44.]


Keep heads in the forest and

hands in the society


deeds that are holy and beneficial,

untarnished by ego and the greed to

benefit. Start on the sacred pilgrimage to the Divine Goal.


IV All India Seva Dhal Conference,



Head refers to the mind; hand

refers to service attitude

Forest refers to vairagya – strong will power to observe


Society refers to humanity

thanks n regardssheelasridhar From: spisayDate: Wed, 25 Feb 2009 02:49:52 -0600 Marriage - Open Query






Hello All,


Sai Ram to everyone. I have a query that’s lingering in my

mind from quite a few days. I’m sure this would have come across your

minds sometime in life and BABA would have clarified this. Would appreciate if

anyone in the group could answer.


Now my query is this-


Having been associated with the cycle of birth and death, if we

have to work ourself to lead to salvation after this birth itself, is it good

if we marry, because Marriage is again one which entangles us back to this

cycle of birth and death. Can we work our karma in this birth itself and reach

HIS lotus feet even by getting married?


Please mail back your suggestions as said by BABA.



& Regards,


Kumar Pisay.

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marriage is also part of karma.all events are pre destined.to reduce sufferings and speed up your way up,you have to do sadhana.follow Swami's words and rest will follow.With Love and pranams,sairam. hari.p--- On Wed, 25/2/09, Pisay, Sudheer Kumar (US - Hyderabad) <spisay wrote:Pisay, Sudheer Kumar (US - Hyderabad) <spisay Marriage - Open Query Date: Wednesday, 25 February, 2009, 2:19 PM





Hello All, Sai Ram to everyone. I have a query that’s lingering in my

mind from quite a few days. I’m sure this would have come across your

minds sometime in life and BABA would have clarified this. Would appreciate if

anyone in the group could answer. Now my query is this- Having been associated with the cycle of birth and death, if we

have to work ourself to lead to salvation after this birth itself, is it good

if we marry, because Marriage is again one which entangles us back to this

cycle of birth and death. Can we work our karma in this birth itself and reach

HIS lotus feet even by getting married? Please mail back your suggestions as said by BABA. Thanks

& Regards, Sudheer

Kumar Pisay.

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I have no doubt that Bhagvan Sri Sathya Sai was Lord Sri Krishna in Thretha yuga. While expounding Bhagavat Gita to Arjuna, Lord Sri.Krishna never denounced Grahsthasrama. The essence of Lord's teaching was to perform all acts without attaching ourselves to the fruits thereof. Take what comes with a brave heart and leave everything at the feet of the lord. If such a bhava is adopted in performace of every act then all actions become divine and we will never get attached to the results thereof. Bhagvan Sri Sathya Sai also had given the same explanation in his Gita Vahini. Marriage is one's wish at a particular point of time. It is not an impediement to working out one's salvation.

With regwrds,





gobindsharma2005 <gobindsharma2005 Sent: Sunday, 1 March, 2009 12:53:52 PM Re: Marriage - Open Query


Offcourse marriage is important. This does not entangle you but makes you a wiser person. This I believe is a part of Karma.Regards,Om Sai RamOm Shaadi Om, "Pisay, Sudheer Kumar (US - Hyderabad)" <spisay wrote:>> Hello All,> > Sai Ram to everyone. I have a query that's lingering in my mind from quite a few days. I'm sure this would have come across your minds sometime in life and BABA would have clarified this. Would appreciate if anyone in the group could answer.> > Now my query is this-> > Having been associated with the cycle of birth and death, if we have to work ourself to lead to salvation after this birth itself, is it good if we marry, because Marriage is again one

which entangles us back to this cycle of birth and death. Can we work our karma in this birth itself and reach HIS lotus feet even by getting married?> > Please mail back your suggestions as said by BABA.> > Thanks & Regards,> Sudheer Kumar Pisay.

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