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108 SALUTATIONS TO BHAGAVAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA (1 - 10)1. SALUTATIONS TO ABODE OF PEACE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"PRASHANTI NILAYAM, The Supreme Abode of Peace. What a fine name, for the dwelling of the Lord! What cool breezes and quiet solitude's does that name invoke! The mountains that stand in a ring round the Nilayam look like hoary sages lost in contemplation. The broad sky inspires vast boundless musings; the Rocks on top of the hills invite the spiritual aspirant for meditation.""Of course, when we dilate so enthusiastically upon the manifestations of the 'WILL', we should not fail to pay due homage to the personification of that 'WILL', Baba Himself. He is the Prashanti Nilayam, (Abode of Peace) wherever He is and wherever He is worshiped or remembered or called upon with Devotion."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I, pg 74, 92)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Abode of Peace' God2. SALUTATIONS TO ADORABLE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABAAddressing a gathering at Bombay, Baba said, "I do not want you to think that I desire this name and this form to be publicized. I have not come to set afoot a new cult. Know that this Sai form is the form of all the various names that man has used, and uses now, to identify and adore the one divine.""Well, My life is My message. You will be adhering to My messages if you so live that your lives become evidences of dispassion, courage, confidence, revealing eagerness to serve those who are in distress.""Again, how fortunate you are that you can witness all the countries of the world paying homage to Bharath; that you can hear, even while this body is existing, adoration to the name of Sathya Sai reverberating from the nooks and corners of the world, even when this form is amidst you, with you, before you."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 10 & 13)Truly, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Adorable' God.3. SALUTATIONS TO AFFECTIONATE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Once, during a visit to Brindavan (White Field) along with Dr Sandweiss, Elsie Cowan excitedly knocked at his room very early one morning saying, "I am feeling very close to Walter this morning." When Walter had cast off his mortal coil at Tustin, California, Baba had telegraphed to Elsie, 'Walter arrived here in good shape.' Elsie told Sandweiss, "I feel that Baba and Walter have paid me a special visit. I have been wide awake since six o'clock and full of energy." When both of them reached Prashanti Nilayam that evening, Baba called them in along with a few others and, in the midst of the conversation, He suddenly said to Elsie, "Walter and I paid you a visit this morning.Yes, Yes!" said Elsie, "At six o'clock. I felt so filled.No, five minutes to six!" He corrected her."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 86, 87)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Affectionate' God.4. SALUTATIONS TO AGELESS GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABATalking about an interview he had with Baba at Venkatagiri Town, Swami Satchidananda of Divine Life Society said, "I was surprised that He knew of an intimate secret experience of mine, which dated some years previous to His coming, and I made bold to put Him a question on that. He answered me with another question : "Am I born and do I die?"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I. 101)An American once questioned Baba in the interview room, "How does Baba know of events that took place seven thousand years ago? From books or through other means?" Baba smiled, "I know what happened seventy thousand years ago! I can go forward and backward in time, and learn anything I wish. Time and space can impose no limitations on Me!"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 163)It is evident from the above declaration that He is ageless.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Ageless' God.5. SALUTATIONS TO AMAZING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"One evening at Prashanti Nilayam, while talking about the kinship between man and other animals, and about the various theories of the origin of man, Baba said that the human animal is more related to the tree-dwelling ape than to the ground-dwelling varieties. He spoke of a tail-less, hair-less, tree-dwelling simian and, when the interested listener, who was a professor of anthropology could not quite grasp the type, he waved his hand, and (!) there was a tiny little model of the monkey He was referring to. The miniature, a gem of art and scientific accuracy, is now with him."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I. 135, 136)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Amazing' God.6. SALUTATIONS TO ASSURING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"A naked swami, who had lost the use of both his legs and taken a vow of silence being carried by his disciples, once visited Puttaparthi. Baba gave the unclothed sage a big towel (!) and some advice, the like of which he would not have got anywhere else. He was ready to help, to assure, to guarantee! He said, patting the cripple on the back, "I know your difficulty. You are afraid you may not get food and shelter if you retire from the company of men, isn't it? Well, I assure you, anyone taking the name of the Lord, wherever he may be, will get his food. I shall see to that. You may be in the deepest of 'Himalayas' or the thickest forest - 'Dandakaranya', I shall give you food regularly there! But, if you have not that faith and that courage, you can meditate on him here itself; then don't wander about naked, and give all this bother to these people to carry you about from place to place.""What a grand teaching that! If only people would grasp its meaning. That as the authentic voice; only an AVATAR could give that assurance!"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I, pg 55)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Assuring' God.7. SALUTATIONS TO ATTENTIVE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABADuring a short talk in the interview room, Baba once said, "Once, in this very room, Indra Devi of Tecate (Mexico) was sitting with others, listening to me. She had an American gentleman, whose wife was in the States, sitting next to her. I knew that her car had met with a serious accident while she was in it. Even while engaged in conversation with them, I saved her and gave all necessary assistance. Here, I told her husband not to worry and to go home as planned."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 163)No matter what He is doing, Baba is always attentive to His devotee's urgent needs.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Attentive' God.8. SALUTATIONS TO ATTRACTIVE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABAWhile narrating the childhood of Baba, Sri Kasturi writes :"The baby was charming beyond description, and no wonder! The child became the pet of the entire village of Puttaparthi and the villagers vied with each other in fondling it and feeding it and playing with it's lovely silken curls. It's charming smile attracted everyone."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I, pg 8, 9)Even now, Baba has the same charm and splendid smile. He is like a magnet; He attracts people wherever He is.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Attractive' God.9. SALUTATIONS TO BELOVED GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABADr John Hislop writes : "When he had his first interview with Bhagavan, this writer was seated in a small room with his wife and several others who were part of the interview group. All attention was on the slender, elegant, graceful form of Bhagavan - His deep luminous eyes, the sweet, warm smiles, and the charm. The critical and questioning mind stopped its restless activity. Anxiety about the world and it's problems faded away from the consciousness. Although Baba was speaking, one was surrounded by quietness. In that peaceful state of being, one's awareness deepened without effort. There was a perception that something alive, something unknown, was in one's heart. In a moment, the Realization came, that a current of Love was moving in this writer's dry, 'western' heart, and then it was very clear that the source of that Love was Bhagavan - nay, more - that the sweetness of Bhagavan Himself was there, with life, in the heart.""How could Sri Sathya Sai Baba, a stranger never seen before, come into the heart of a mature man and bring about a change from within, a change from which there is no turning back? Surely, God is the only stranger who can do this."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 156, 157)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Beloved' God.10. SALUTATIONS TO BENEVOLENT GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA

"Baba at one time, announced that indigent parents from the villages around Prashanti Nilayam could celebrate the weddings of their children without incurring any expense. He would be the priest, parent and providence. The call was heard by parents of all castes and one hundred and thirty-four couples were registered at Prashanti Nilayam in a few days. Baba gifted a wedding sari each to all brides, much to their surprise at receiving this costly present. The grooms were also given silk clothes. In addition to some other gifts, Baba also gave each couple plates and cups for their new home. After the wedding, they all had a feast at Prashanti Nilayam with their kinfolks, oblivious of any differences of caste or economic or educational backgrounds. It was a heartening experience for all those who have the welfare of mankind at heart.(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 51, 52)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Benevolent' God.

(From : Sai Veda, The Word of God by Ramadas Gollapudi)

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