Guest guest Posted August 27, 2007 Report Share Posted August 27, 2007 108 SALUTATIONS TO BHAGAVAN SRI SATHYA SAI BABA11. SALUTATIONS TO BLESSING GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"In 1951, the Raja of Venkatagiri was surprised to receive a letter from Bangalore Naga Ratnamma, a well known singer. The letter ran as follows: 'My favorite deity, Sri Thygaraja, gave me 'Darshan' in my dream and commanded me to go to Venkatagiri, in order to be blessed by God who has come to this earth and who is soon reaching Venkatagiri, in order to be blessed by God who has come to this earth and who is soon reaching Venkatagiri. My Lord told me that God has assumed the name of Sri Sathya Sai. I shall come to Venkatagiri as soon as I hear from you." It was the festival of Lord Krishna's birthday, when she met Baba in answer to this command; Baba gave her the chance to sing for a full two hours in His presence. He also blessed her with an image of "RAMA", which He materialized for her; after the receipt of that image, she was in ecstatic unconsciousness for over 24 hours!"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part I, pg 166)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Blessing' God.12. SALUTATIONS TO BLISSFUL GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba is unfathomable, unknowable. One cannot comprehend with human mind, what He is. One can only trust, believe and obey. 'Hilda Charlton writes : As I stood before Him, immersed in wonder, He said, "Everyone sees the world through glasses and their world is that which they see through them, worry glasses, hate glasses, glasses of envy, jealousy, greed. I wear only Love glasses. I cannot hate even if I want to, hate and anger are not part of Me; nor is disease possible for Me. I may hiss to warn and correct; but I never hate. I am Bliss and Bliss only. I am Wisdom, Anandam, Shanthi; that is My nature."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part II, pg 123)Truly, Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Blissful' God.13. SALUTATIONS TO CARING GOD: SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Once Baba was touring the delta area in Andra Pradesh. While driving on, Baba noticed two very old women tottering forward with the help of sticks held in their shaky hands. His Divine pity flowed towards them. He asked the car to stop near them. When the car pulled up, He inquired where they were going to. They said in quaking voices, 'To see Sai Baba.' Baba laughed and said, 'I am Sai Baba, don't you know!' They thought it was just to ridicule them and they walked forward. The others in the car got down and persuaded them to retrace the few steps they had taken, and have a good look. Baba created vibhuti for them, filled their hands with fruits, and told them to return home, how that they have seen Baba and got prasadam from Him."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 159, 160)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Caring' God.14. SALUTATIONS TO CAUTIONING GOD :SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba cautioned the students to avoid five delinquencies : 'The eye should not wander towards sights that inflame the senses, or arouse ideas conflicting with morality or the duty towards parents, elders and the culture of our country. Words that emanate from the mouth should not hurt the self-respect of others, or utter lies simply because they are pleasant; they should not smack of scandal or spite. The hand should not be raised in anger against anyone, nor should it be used to wreak vengeance, or steal another's property. The ears should not exalt in salacious stories, scandal or deleterious lilts. The mind should not be fowled by attachment to bad habits, bad impulses and plans to achieve the conspiracies of the senses.' Baba constantly warns them."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 63)"Not only the students, but the spiritual aspirants are also cautioned by Baba : 'Be careful what you ask of Me for I grant - what - you seek!' Why stand under the heavenly wish fulfilling tree and ask for the gift of a paltry petty article?"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part III, pg 236)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Cautioning' God.15. SALUTATIONS TO COMMUNICATING GOD: SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"To a query about gesticulation with His hands, Baba said : 'During bhajans, when I am seated, you find Me gesticulating with My hands or fingers. Sometimes it appears as if I am writing in the air. People are curious to know why. At such times, I am communicating with people you cannot see. I am engaged in tasks that you cannot understand. I write replies to questions asked by someone far away, and help thousands of people in every part of the world.' "(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 164)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Communicating' God.16. SALUTATIONS TO COMPASSIONATE GOD : SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Dr. Sandweiss writes of another interesting instance of Baba's compassion: 'Lila and I were discussing Sai Baba, and she became intrigued. She read a book about Him and began to consider the possibility of meeting Him herself. She was then deeply in debt and there seemed to be no feasible way for her to get the money to go to India. Her husband, Homer, an inventor, had no steady income at that time and had not been able to sell an invention in over five years. Yet, as highly unrealistic as the trip did seem, she made plans to go and obtained her vaccination certificate and passport. Then some strange things began to happen. One day, feeling particularly depressed, she had an unusual dream in which Baba appeared, his eyes twinkling with fun. Soon afterwards, Homer hit upon an invention. After a swift and improbable chain of events, some people became interested in it and his financial position suddenly and quite unexpectedly improved - the first - time in years that this had happened. Lila now had enough money for the trip just a week before take-off, and being completely prepared, she found herself jubilantly boarding the plane with us.'"(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 85)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Compassionate' God.17. SALUTATIONS TO CONSOLING GOD: SRI SATHYA SAI BABA "This is how Baba consoled a grief stricken Hindu wife : 'Mother, the news that your husband attained merger with the Divine came to you all of a sudden. It is quite natural that you were shocked at the accident which killed him, and feel miserably lonely and deserted. The daughters of Mother India revere their husbands as their all, and are ever concerned about their health, honor and peace of mind. Yet one should not forget that the body is a composite of diverse elements. It must disintegrate into those elements, however much one might guard it or lay claim over it. It is a feeble contraption, prone easily to be put out of action. A slip, a stumble, a hit, a sneeze, a little carelessness or a moment of recklessness, is enough to damage or destroy it. No one can avoid death, even if one manages to lengthen one's life by avoiding all these. Even Avathars take birth resolving to die some day. When birth occurs, death has to follow. To grieve over death, which is an inevitable consequence of birth, is not a sign of wisdom.' "(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 134, 135)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Consoling' God.18. SALUTATIONS TO CONTROLLING GOD: SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"When a greedy forest fire advanced towards 'Chuchuma Ranch' on the US - Mexico border, where stood the Sai Yoga Institute of Indra Devi, her prayer to Baba turned the fire back by a sudden twist of wind when the flames had reached within yards of the Ranch. Sri K A Raja, Lt. Governor of Arunachal Pardesh, writes that a huge bamboo cluster within yards of his official residence at Tezpur caught fire and was exploding merrily immediately adjacent to the thatched huts of some Napalese workmen. Mrs Raja hastened to the scene and called aloud to Baba to soften the fury of the flames. The letter relates, 'The fire extinguished itself in a few seconds; not even a dozen fire engines could have done that job.' Similarly, Baba has many a time prevented rain by a mere gesture or oral command, when it had threatened to drench the thousands gathered to have his Darshan and listen to His discourse."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 100)Baba has control over the elements of nature.Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Controlling' God.19. SALUTATIONS TO CONFERRING GOD: SRI SATHYA SAI BABA "WG Steve, architect from Honolulu, narrates, 'The little interview room was crowded, and Baba launched into a spiritual discourse, with specific comments directed towards some but seemingly applicable to all. Then came the individual session during which he quickly cut into the secret depths of our being - our problems of health, previous meetings when He had contacted Irene is a dream (!) and, would you believe, the details of that dream, difficulties we encountered in our individual efforts in Sadhana, the personal desires of each of us, and our own, internal turmoils. Vibhuti was also manifested. All this as quickly, naturally and spontaneously delivered and conferred with love and understanding.' "(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 165)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Conferring' God.20. SALUTATIONS TO CONVINCING GOD: SRI SATHYA SAI BABA"Baba wrote a letter to a devotee who, due to desperate financial straits, had desired to flee the country and proceed to Malaysia, but later, planned to commit suicide when his ticket and travel documents were stolen at Madras : 'Pattabhi, Dear Devotee. Swami is writing to you. See, He is blessing you. Dear child, but what madness is this? What a letter you have written and left at home! It is foolish to be hasty. Think over your affairs calmly. Slow deliberation always reveals the true and beneficial. Think of millions of people the world over who are in conditions far worse than yours. Remember always you have Me to guard you and guide you. How many of them have this fortune? Consider that. Are you the only victim of poverty and indebtedness? The step you are contemplating cannot give you rest or peace. It is not right. It is not manly to run away from the Responsibility. Listen to Me! Go back to your place. Be bold and face the world with courage, for courage will set you free. It will conquer all obstacles. Give up your foolish plan to escape.' Baba convinced him and as a result, Mr Pattabhi went back, recovered self confidence and made a success of himself."(Sathya Sai Speaks Part IV, pg 128, 129)Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba is the 'Convincing' God.(From : Sai Veda, The Word of God by Ramadas Gollapudi)Visit : Sai Messages : Sai Divine Inspirations : Love Is My Form : (for non-Sai members) Need a vacation? Get great deals to amazing places on Travel. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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